
12 Reviews
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Kick-Ass (2010)
The Perfect balance of hilarity and violence held by a more than great storyline
30 March 2010
When I heard about Kick-Ass, I thought: "Ah, just another Cheap flick from the expired taste of the Scary Movie Crew." However when I saw the crew who were behind it (SuperBad, Knocked Up) I ate my words and kept chewing until the opening night.

It was on that night when my friends and I went into view Kick Ass, expectations at a medium and pessimism at an all time high having suffered the multiple messes brought about by recent superhero movies (ala Spiderman 3 and Gi Joe). We certainly did not expect the hilarity that was to come!

Now, I'm not going to talk about any background regarding the brilliantly casted characters or the more than fun story line, however what I will tell you is that Kick Ass is worth the expensive ticket. Believe the reviews. It's just brilliant!

Combine the humour of Superbad with an irregular Superhero plot and watch in pleasure as Kick Ass is born. Lets just put it this way, there's a reason why IMDb rating reads: 8.8/10. You should not be disappointed!

Overall rating

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It got needless and ludicrously bad reviews and I just don't understand
27 July 2009
People call it cheesy, people call it unbelievable and weak. People criticize it's story line. But do these apparent "professional" reviewers know what they're watching at all? I'll be hopefully the one of many to tell them that it's Transformers for god sakes! The last thing that I would expect out of an action thriller involving robots/vehicles coinciding with humans to help the planet for the greater good is a deep meaning or moral at the climax of all the CGI special effects! People striving for Oscars strive for a good strong story, not an action/thriller! I mean at the end of the day, it's Transformers we're watching, a former kids TV show.  I would hardly expect to find a massive deep, strengthened story line after it's history of childish, cartoon programming. So what I'm getting at Is, is that this movie did what it was supposed to do. It lived up to the action category!i Drama needs solid story lines far more than anything else in the movie business, so those who judge Transformers on plot are sadly mislead. Transformers (like every movie) needs a structure. It had one. Maybe a bit of a cheesy one, but, to the fools who analyze and criticize it based on plot, remember what your watching.

I mean, dear God! I paid a couple of bucks to see what I hoped to be a thriller that performed to it's genre from start to finish, and let me tell you, it did just that (and over achieved on top of everything else). Transformers was marinaded by non stop thrills and adrenaline kicks of pure action! And the CGI was impeccable! So smooth to watch brawling robots in such crisp detail with the sound effects off the scales in terms of perfection.

It didn't need a strong story line to keep it together. Transformers 2 was the whole package and should only be judged on the category that it performed so fantastically to!

Don't over analyze it and you'll enjoy the show!

Overall rating 8/10
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Max Payne (2008)
The Slating that this movie got was unnecessary...
18 June 2009
Max Payne surprised me. I struggle to watch movies based on video games. Doom and Resident Evil are prime examples of failures and Halo doesn't look so promising. Max Payne delivered as competently as Ed Norton's version of the Incredible Hulk. It's dark gloomy theme reminded me so much of the video game that I was almost about to jump up and grab my old PS2 and hook it up to the system.

Mark Wahlberg cut the ice in his portrayal of Max Payne when I really honestly did not expect him to. He slipped out of character quite noticeably from time to time, but hey, it's never easy to play such a consistently mysterious character on a consistent basis.

I plainly do not understand how people have analyzed this movie down to the point of where they come out with the opinion that it's embarrassing to watch. In a whole, this film is most definitely not a mortifying experience. It does not set a landmark in movie making but really, nowadays, does any movie do that? Max Payne more or less fulfills the fantastic experience that I personally had with the Video Game. So what if it's a bit of a cheesy movie... wasn't the video game a bit cheesy?

Now I don't want to fly into an argumentative state of play but what does this movie not have that the video game has? Perhaps your reaching for a controller to play the movie but Mark Wahlberg isn't quite doing what you tell him? This movie will probably remain unsung due to it's negative publicity but I will applaud it and will welcome the sequel with open arms.

Overall Rating:

A solid, positive 8/10
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
A Fall back program.
7 May 2009
Now when I say that this sitcom is a "fallback program," I mean that it's the type of comedy that I'll switch to during the interval of a more higher praised show, like CSI or Dirty Sexy Money. It's more like a safety net for comedy when I come home on a dull afternoon and my Xbox has the Red Ring.

The Big Bang Theory, is worth a watch if you saw the canceled show, The Class, in advance. The Class was disappointing through my eyes and The Big Bang Theory rose my spirit and faith in sitcoms ever so slightly. I myself flick onto it from time to time and I'm never lead a stray in trying to analyze any characters which can be a treat when some days all I'm looking for is Liter hearted humor.

However, the only problem I had with this show, unlike Friends, was the trouble I had trying to find deep substance in the characters. Sure, it can be nice when you just want to watch a funny sitcom regardless of the acting but naturally we as humans look for more. They all seemed to be on the nerdy, science extreme and I personally never saw them in any other shade. In Friends, Chandlers extreme sarcasm was broken down by his love for Monica. Joey too, was seen to not be a total sex addict after falling for Rachel. Everyone was diverse in the show (Even Gunther!). But The Big Bang Theory, right now appears the same in terms of the Characters personalities.

All in all, the show lacks in character diversity but performs decidedly well to it's genre. I quite like it.

Overall score:

A very generous 7/10
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Something changed.... For the better
6 May 2009
'THE' fast and 'THE' furious was a fine movie. Very unbelievable, had a knack for being cheesy at times (mainly thanks to the acting of Vin Diesel) but it was one particular action that stood out to me. I loved the blur speed special effects and the fact that the drivers in such adrenaline pumped speed races barely had their eye on the road (more towards the hot passenger or opposing car) and also enjoyed the lack of boredom that the genre of action constantly dominated. All in all, an all time great.

Now for Fast and Furious. After a long stretch of constantly average episodes such as 2fast 2furious and Tokyo Drift, the makers managed to redeem themselves. They brought back the action of the first movie that we came to adore but on top of that, they managed to do what Batman Begins did for the other Batmans. They added a factor of realism which I personally had never seen before. Sure, the action from the get go was, fact beyond reasonable doubt, staring us in the face, but there was a certain drama that I had never noticed in any other Fast and Furious. Vin Diesel's rough, tough character was slightly cracked into something deeper. Paul Walker also, acted slightly above solidly and who could discount the females in a movie like this!

I'll let you viewers be the judge. I reckon you gotta really appreciate the Fast and The Furious (the first 1) to completely enjoy a flick like this one. Adding the drama quality to the bar chart of predominant action/thriller, you have to hand it to the makers and applaud them for adding more of a deepness than any other Fast and Furious. I think after seeing and enjoying Batman Begins, It's what we're looking for nowadays.

Overall score, A very strong:

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My Super Sweet 16 (2005– )
It makes me sick, physically sick.
26 April 2009
I wish I could slap every 16 year old in this show with a full sized trout! How could any 16 year old be such a low life bag of slime and better yet how could the parents be so mind numbingly easy going toward them! IT MAKES NO SENSE! Couple of words for Mtv. Take the show off the god damn air! Don't give those 16 year old desperate wannabe celebrities the satisfaction of getting on TV! Actually, no forget what I said. Let it stay on. I would be fine seeing these Paris Hilton clones get bad reputations and better yet, publicity in their High Schools.

I hate these god damn 16 year olds on it! They make me (as the title says) SICK! PHYSICALLY SICK! 1/10
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And I thought the supremacy of The Original GTA IV was enough!
26 April 2009
WELL! Just when I thought Grand Theft Auto 4 was superb, they went and brought out something that rises above the already extreme grand yardstick! Cruisin around Liberty City on your Harley Davidson, messing around with your sawed off shot gun, blowing people across the boundaries as well as knocking them over... But wait... You have a gang of other bikes on your side following you in formation where ever you go! Really Rockstar have outdone themselves again and I'd have confidence in them for every chapter they have to sell us.

I won't be second in line to get it this time.

GTA fans, do not hesitate in any way to buy this fantastic Expansion, especially at such a cheap price. It is well worth it, Believe Me! Overall rating: 10/10
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Scrubs (2001–2010)
What do people see int this?!
25 April 2009
I hate it. I actually hate it. There are not many shows that I can say I hate, But this shows one of em. Words can't describe how much listening to this show for 2 minutes irritates me!

I actually don't want to say anything else.

Only one last thing. I scroll down the list of sensationally positive reviews left for this horrendous show and I'm left scratching my head uttering the word, WHY?

And corporations have the obscurity to take Pushing Daisies off the air!

Without any doubt in my mind I will give this show a very very low. (and I wish I could go lower!)

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Boston Legal (2004–2008)
Balances outrageous comedy with Believable Drama.
25 April 2009
I couldn't believe that ABC took such a remarkable show off the air! How many more TV shows will it take to match up to the understated and downright superb quirky legal drama of Boston Legal. Oh well, I guess it's the corporations loss.

The show stars William Shatner (As Denny Crane) and James Spader (As Alan Shore). Together they make a formidable Republican/Democrat duo and prove that both parties can have a scotch and cigar on the same balcony (don't know where the Liberals fit in to all this.) Better yet, they dissect the partial idiocy of US policies, and they do it so impeccably. I'd advise George Bush to take a day in and view all 5 seasons (maybe prove one of his better decisions).

In 4 words, I Adore this show. I thought all William Shatner could act on was Spock from Star Trek, And I hated Star Trek, BUT, he brought out a completely different and quirky side to his acting career that I didn't think existed. He brought out the inner Mad Cow of, "DENNY CRANE."

And same thoughts went towards James Spader in my honest opinion, even though he was slightly more diverse. I didn't see anything in him. He appeared creepy and obscure in all his films. "Sex Lies and a Videotape," "Crash," The list goes on for quite some time. But my thoughts on him altered drastically after only the first episode of the Quirky Legal Drama.

One of the many great things about this show is that you can tune into it at any point in it's progress. Your comprehension of the plot will slot in instantly after your first 60 minutes of watching. And knowing the diverse cast of personalities will only make you more intrigued.

I'm not one who watches shows that slot under this category a second time, but I'd watch over and over and over! 10/10
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Grand Theft Auto IV (2008 Video Game)
Without any doubt the best Video game created to Date...
22 April 2009
OK. So usually when I rate a film or video game that I enjoy, I start off with the minor negatives through my eyes. The problem here is that I'm rating what appears to be a Film and a video game combined! It is undoubtedly the best game I have ever played in my whole life as an N64 to PC to PS2 to 360 video games fan. Never have I been so 100% optimistic about a game in my life. I mean the ratings speak for themselves especially when it's the only game in 10 years to receive a 10/10 on IGN.

In a nutshell, this game has everything you want in a game, and on top that, It has more!

My advice to any die-hard gamer, Forget the cinema, when you get this game. Because when you play it, your controlling the storyline of a movie.

As IGN quote on the back of the Gears of War 2 box, "YOU ARE GOING TO BE BLOWN AWAY!"

FACT, beyond all reasonable doubt, this game receives a 100%, Chuck Norris sized... 10/10
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Funny, But didn't live up to the Superbad or Knocked Up.
22 April 2009
I remember the very first time I saw Superbad. My faith in comedies was renewed after seeing it, especially when it was such a tiresome year for comedy films. So many comedies flogged the silver screen marinaded by mindless computer animation, but none of them properly cut the metaphorical ice like Superbad. THEN, I saw Knocked Up. It was possibly one of the best comedies I'd seen since Weekend at Bernies. It was like Juno with an extremely gross out comedy make over. Soon after that came Pineapple Express, which offered me a few droll laughs. Forgetting Sarah Marshall Then came out and easily lived up to it's name,"Forgettable." Now, when I went into see, 'I Love You Man' with a superb up and coming comedy star, Paul Rudd, I at least consoled myself that this has all the makings of a proper outrageous comedy which we had all come to love from Superbad and Knocked up. In absolute honesty, it could have been far better than what a majority of reviews had deemed so positive about it. I have to say that the dialog at numerous occasions was brilliant and the random lines and specifically nicknames uttered by Peter Klaven (Paul Rudd) were ridiculously funny. The only problem that I had with this film was how the writers neglected the outrageous hilarity that I adored in all past movies. (Pineapple Express, Superbad etc:) Even though this movie only managed to refuge ever so slightly below the yard stick of high expectations, it still did not entirely disappoint. My advice however would be to either see it at a matinée with a bunch of close and/or good friends.

Overall I believe that a film from such a movie crew deserves a good, solid, 7/10
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Watchmen (2009)
I think possibly reading the novel wouldn't make it better...
14 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Coming from the visionaries of Sin City (Masterpiece) and the not so good 300 (Plain Art on canvas), Watchmen is without a doubt, the worst and potentially the most confusing film I've seen all year. I hear around town that you've got to read the novel before contemplating even viewing this film but for God sakes I didn't read one single Lord of The Rings or Harry Potter book before I saw the movies and I could understand them close to perfectly.

I think saying that you have to read the book before watching it, just lets the Scriptwriters off easily with their baffling work of pure rubbish and lets face it, if the vast public who didn't read it were told that they simply must read it to comprehend the film, then the film wouldn't exactly be attracting to much attention in terms of viewers. But thats neither here nor there.

Through my eyes, from viewing this sinfully boring and aimless picture, the only exciting part was the action packed first 10 minutes. Then I had to be introduced to the ever so verbose and painful to listen to, Dr. Manhattan who evidently showed no fear of going commando in front of all his mid life crisis struck, superhero friends. Jeff Buckley's masterpiece, "Hallelujah" wasn't even enough to raise this ladder from the pits.

However, the good side, if you spectate very microscopically is ever so subtly there. The up side is the special effects. The CGI was mega smooth. But still it didn't have the edge in animation on it's past films such as 300 or Sin City, so on a very small scale, it barely brought the film up through my eyes.


My verdict, and hopefully useful advice would be to steer clear of this mindless waste of money. Rent it out if your still eager.
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