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Family Guy (1999– )
Simpsons-esque but still great
20 November 2004
Family Guy is, to be completely honest, a very funny show. It has a lot a lot of laughs. That said, it is, to a certain extend, a rip-off of The Simpsons. I mean, looking at the families, Peter is Homer except even fatter and stupider, Lois is Marge except more whiny, Chris is Bart except, again, fatter and stupider, and Meg is Lisa except more unpopular and more of a nerd. Both families even have a dog and a baby (admittedly the Family Guy baby and dog are more entertaining than The Simpsons'). It's safe to say that without The Simpsons, there would have been no Family Guy. This is not to say that Family Guy should be dismissed. As I say, it is very very funny. It's potentially even funnier than the Simpsons. I think it probably is. One main difference, though, is that Family Guy, with characters which are really caricatures of themselves, lacks the depth of The Simpsons. The characters are really just there to deliver jokes, to a much greater extent than The Simpsons. So, my feeling is this: Family Guy is a terrificly hilarious show, and that is all there is to it.
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Happy Days (1980)
Very well done
2 June 2004
This play is obviously not the most diverting out there, considering that essentially nothing happens throughout it. As to the play itself, it is (to me at least) very worthy of discussion. So many things could be meant by it. It is extremely ambiguous. Obviously, that was the intent, and whether or not you like the play, the acting is fantastic. Irene Worth, playing Minnie, is actually hilarious and the staging is very well done. It's directed well and the scenery is good. I'd definitely recommend it for any fan of Samuel Beckett and even to someone who's not, as even fairly un-theater-y people can stand it. I quite enjoyed this play, though, in fairness, I would not want to see it again. It's difficult to sit through but, again, that is the intent of the play.
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Atlantis High (2001– )
Wait, what?
15 January 2004
This is probably the weirdest show I have ever seen. It might just possibly be worth watching. It's certainly worth knowing about and talking to people about. It is funny in a juvenille sort of way. It's bizarrely appealing. I have no idea what the plot is or what is going on in any way at all. But I still watched it. Would I recommend it? Yes... kind of.
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Wait, what?
3 August 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoilers herein) First of all, this movie had nice effects. I WILL give it that. And the acting was, um, adequate I suppose. However, there were a few questions that I didn't feel were answered.

Who were the people in the wedding? Why was there an avalanche? Did Lara really have to do those fancy sommersaults to get to the orb? How didn't they realize the people were in the cave? How did she hold her breath that long under water? Why didn't the shark bite her? Why didn't more sharks come? How did she know the shark would go towards the surface? How did she know it was Pandora's Box? Why did the government believe Lara so quickly? Why is Anjelina Jolie so hot?

That's only about a half hour into the movie. I had a bunch of other questions too but they'd take up too much space. So basically, Tombraider 2 is a good movie for effects, but for plot it, well, sucks.
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Bats (1999)
28 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*May contain spoilers* The greatest thing about this film was its budget. That must have been big. Other than that it was incredibly predictable and sad. So there are these people who work with bats. One is the "sexy" smart, save-the-day woman and the other is the comic-relief black guy. They are asked to go to the town of Gallop, Texas to help with the bat problem. They meet a tough cowboy guy, and the scientist who created the evil bats. The scientist looks scary and drops "subtle" hints. Bats attack, they barricade a school (why a school? I don't know). They play opera music, the black guy doesn't like it, hilarity ensues. Then they get attacked by the evil bats. Shockingly, the chicken-wire doesn't hold them off. Equally shockingly, the generator doesn't work, so they can't electrocute the bats. And, most shockingly of all, the scientist guy tells us that he created the evil bats... ON PURPOSE. Then the bats kill him, the rest go to the bat cave and kill all the bats and they all live happily ever after. Bad, bad movie.
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Parents (1989)
Too weird
20 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
(May contain spoilers) This movie is the epitome of weirdness. I rented it hoping for a film so bad it would be funny. However, I still honestly can't decide if this film was intended to be scary or humorous. It combines the emotions in a rather disturbing way. Apparently this is trying to be clever but in actual fact it isn't. For instance, when the knife comes out and tries to kill the teacher, it starts playing happy music. When we go to Toxico, we have up-beat, quasi-Mr. Roger's Neighborhood music. However, when the little kid's dreaming of falling in "blood" and when he finds the leg, these are clearly intended to be tense. So, watch this film, and decide for yourself. It is too weird to be described in words and for that I say, kudos.

"Nose-dive... WOW!"
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After Death (1989)
You gotta love it
20 June 2003
This film is very, very funny. Granted, that is not its function, but it certainly is. It is MST-worthy if nothing else. I was simply in awe of the idiocy of this movie and that is what made it so much fun to watch. Don't rent this movie looking for something scary... it's not. It's predictable and the ending is terrible. From the fairly friendly zombies to the idiotic people, this film is a delight. One more thing: Don't watch it alone... Not because it's scary, but because with other people you can make fun of it more.
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It's not Bowfinger
29 March 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*May contain spoilers... you have been warned.* I like Steve Martin. I like Eugene Levy. I don't even mind Queen Latifah. Yet this movie just doesn't do it. It definitely has it's funny moments and Steve Martin is always fun to watch. But for such a great cast, it's really rather sub-par. It's a predictable plot, average acting, and certainly some unfunny jokes. Also, a lot of it seemed unneccesary; for instance, the cat-fight scene. Why was that even in there? Despite this though, I would recommend it. The Steve Martin ghetto scene is quite humorous and Eugene Levy is a delight. So all in all, it's worth a watch if you're a big Steve Martin fan but if you're not then you may want to avoid it.
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Rat Race (2001)
Seems okay at first...
30 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
This movie seems at best passable. Over all, it's not very good but there are some great moments. That's what I thought. However, after careful consideration I have noticed that actually almost all of the funniest parts have been "borrowed" from other places.

(May contain spoilers. You have been warned.) 1) What I think is the funniest part, when Jon Lovitz looks like Hitler, is almost exactly the same as a scene with Mr. Pitt in Seinfeld 2) In the "Barbie museum" scene when the Nazi is talking about the person the museum is built for, this is so incredibly similar to The Producers that it's not even funny 3) "Now I know what you are thinking. Enrique is a girl's name. No pun intended" "What pun?" This is also similar to the Roger Debris scene in The Producers: "Masters Bialystock and Bloom I presume. Forgive the pun." "What pun?" 4) Seth Green: "I'm not gonna let that happen. And neither are you. And neither am I." or something like that. Dumb and Dumber, methinks.

And even apart from that, they have such an amazing cast that it's really a shame that the movie was so bad. The acting was great but the writing was terrible. I feel like I could have written better.
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The Goonies (1985)
I love and hate this movie
14 September 2002
This is quite possibly the most peculiar movie ever. I always say I hate it, and I haven't checked it out again from the video store after the first time. However, whenever it's on TV, I can't change the channel. It is so stupid and juvenile, and yet it is also very touching and funny. I don't know what else I can say. In short, this is a terrible movie that I would highly recommend!
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Quite possibly the worst movie ever made
13 September 2002
This movie is so horrible, it's amazing that it was ever made. When, in the middle of a scene, a character just teleports into the middle of the screen for no reason, your jaw hangs open in astonishment that you're watching such a terrible film. The only time this movie is worth watching is when featured on MST3K, and then it's hilarious. Other than that, avoid this movie at all costs, and you'll be a lot better for it.
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Great, great movie
7 September 2002
When I was a kid, I absolutely loved this movie. I watched it essentially every week. Now, of course, I watch it a lot less, but it's still a great movie. With some awesome voices (Phil Hartman, Jon Lovitz etc.) and some good humor for adults, it's excellent family fun. A movie that kids love, and then adults can stand to watch with little pain. If you have kids, then I really suggest this movie.
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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
Love/Hate Relationship
27 August 2002
Ah SNL. It's been around for an incredibly long time. It's had some amazingly funny people in it. However, it's not that funny. There are some absolutely hilarious moments, no doubt about it. It used to be the funniest show on television. The original cast and then later Bill Murray and later Eddie Murphy were hysterical. Later, the Mike Myers, Phil Hartman, Dana Carvey era was quite funny too. There have been bleak periods of SNL in which it has been completely unfunny for years at a time. However, it does bounce back. Current SNL is actually fairly funny. Will Ferrel (who sadly just recently left), Darrel Hammond, Chris Kattan etc. all make a good, if not great cast. In short, Saturday Night Live is worth watching. Even if it's not always funny, it's an important part of our culture and it's worth watching!
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Good, not great
14 August 2002
First of all, the effects: The editting is very well done, and occasionally it's hard to tell what parts were in the original and which parts were added on. The special effects were quite well done, also. Now, as to the comedy of it. Several of the jokes are (ahem) borrowed from other movies, and of course the whole thing is very similar to Woody Allen's "What's New Tigerlily?". There are certainly some uneffective jokes. However, the majority are quite funny and original. Over all, it's not a great movie, but there are some laugh-out-loud parts that make it a worth-while watch.
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Zaat (1971)
Ack! Need I say more...
7 August 2002
This is an absolutely horrific movie that has only one redeeming feature. Namely, that it was featured on Mystery Science Theater 3000. Then, and then alone, was it worth watching. Otherwise it is awful! There are gaping plot holes and the plot is totally bogus! If you are a person of normal intelligence, I would STRONGLY advice against this movie!
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