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Atonement (2007)
Talk about overrated
22 February 2008
With so many people raving about how incredible this film was I went to see it with high expectations. I wish I had not bothered. To call it over rated would be an understatement.

To start with why are we so obsessed with class war in this country. NOT every single person from the aristocracy was a bigoted upper class twit. We won two World War with a military led by people from those classes so they could not all have been bad. (And NO they were not all poetry writing closet homosexuals either - see most First World War offerings). Yes there were some snotty idiots but to brand everyone as such would be like labelling every working class person as a foul mouthed yob/football hooligan. This whole subject is getting so utterly boring.

From a historical perspective 'Atonement' leaves a lot to be desired. About halfway through the film we see a Lancaster fly overhead. The prototype of this aircraft did not fly until 1941, NOT the mid 1930s.

Next we move to Dunkirk, where they got the date wrong. Dunkirk was 1940. At one point during the retreat to Dunkirk James McAvoy and some fellow soldiers are seen spending the night in an abandoned building. (This is over a lit candle on a dry wooden floor covered with combustible material......nice one guys). These men are alarmed by the arrival of some French civilians bringing food as they initially thought they were Germans. If James McAvoy and friends were that worried about Germans why did they not post a sentry and blanket out the windows??? As a soldier let alone an infantryman one of the first things you are taught in training is the importance of posting sentries and basic noise and light discipline!!!

The scenes of Dunkirk beach were for me the final straw. Whoever designed the set not only tried to cram far too much in, but has clearly never served in the armed forces. Amongst the biggest howlers were the anti aircraft guns that were too close together with no attempt made to protect them or their crews. This is at a time when the Dunkirk beaches were being hammered daily by German aircraft, especially the dreaded Stuka dive bomber. Secondly the soldier siting the Vickers machine gun has not only made no attempt to conceal his position, (why not use one of the buildings) but if he had ever fired the weapon from that position he would have only hit his own men.

Finally, where on earth did the black guy come from? People may argue symbolism, (which can go quite well with accuracy) but in reality there were no British African Regiments at Dunkirk. The Kings African Rifles, the Nigeria Regiment and other African units did fight with distinction in WWII but this was later on and in Africa the Middle East and Burma NOT Dunkirk in 1940.

If there was an award for most overrated film of the year 'Atonement' would be a clear winner. If you like historically inaccurate drippy yarns about injustice and class war you will love it. If you do know something about history or have served in the military you will be biting a large hole in your lip. How this film won the BAFTA's best film of the year over other films such as 'The Lives of Others' is a mystery.
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Utterly outstanding
22 February 2008
I have just seen this film and was very impressed indeed.

Many have been very critical of this film stating the characters were hollow and the film itself was little more than another ain't war hell story. However there is a lot more to it than that.

The film, like 'Land and Freedom' gives a much needed insight into a very dirty war that has largely been forgotten.

From an accuracy perspective the equipment and weapons etc were spot on for the period. Contrast this to 'Tea with Mussolini' and 'Atonement' to name but a few. The film also shows many scenes of endlessly trudging through the mountains looking for an elusive enemy with no apparent end in sight. If you read Legionnaire by Simon Murray or Wayward Legionnaire by James William Worden you will quickly discover that that was exactly what the war in Algeria was like. Finally the film shows the FLN to be every bit as brutal as the French (which they were). This is a nice change from the usual blame it all on the white man theme.

Aside from material accuracy this film also brilliantly presents two very real dilemmas. The first was the French fighting against their former allies. (Many FLN members had fought with the French against the Germans in WW II. See 'Days of Glory'). The second is the highly relevant subject of torture. On the one hand its use is highly immoral and barbaric, but it is producing effective results.

Overall an outstanding film about a subject that needs to be told. Now how about an accurate film on the Korean War and the French war in Indo China.
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