
13 Reviews
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Red Mist (2008)
31 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is such a pointless film. You find out who the killer is, you know why hes doing it and you know who hes going to kill. Thus all you are watching is a boring killing spree. Don't get me wrong, the special effects are solid and the kills are occasionally interesting. The concept of taking over peoples bodies is also interesting but this film offers nothing in terms of story. No scares, no shock, no point. Just avoid it, unless u want some admittedly well done killing with no scares or interesting storyline.

4/10 as the deaths are well done and the acting isn't terrible but with no twists, turns, excitement or depth, its hard to call this a good film.
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The Ruins (2008)
28 August 2009
I don't understand the people that are handing this film 9/10 and 10/10. Or even 6/10.

This film was totally pointless. It wasn't badly made, or badly acted, or with bad special effects, its just that the "monster" was ridiculous and you cannot be scared by it (you will see why if you watch it), and there is no explanation as to why or how it exists. Also what happens to the characters, seems pointless because it doesn't happen for a reason, and the "cliff hanger", was predictable.

Not at "bad" film as i say, just a bit disappointing and totally pointless. Watch it if u will, but there's nothing to be excited about.

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The Mist (2007)
Simply Fantastic
26 August 2009
When watching this film i was expecting a zombie based film. This is not how it pans. I was initially disappointed by the creatures but purely because of my expectations. But by God did this film capture me. It is not a film about creatures and survival. It is actually focusing on what we do under pressure and constraints with the strongest shall survive attitude.

This film has it all. Characters you love. Characters you hate. Action. Intensity. A hint of black comedy. Gore but not overdone. And a fantastic ending.

Fans of horror should buy this, particularly if your not just interested in gore. 8/10
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A straight verdict
4 August 2009
Lets get one thing straight. This film does not deserve the scrutiny that it has undergone from many people.

I feel the main problem is the name, Green Street 2. If this film were not a 2nd Green Street i feel the reviews would be more positive. The storyline is not bad and i actually quite approve of it. The characters are very approachable and although it is a bit disappointing that only one Green Street original is in it, you find your self feeling pity on some and hating the guts of others. The violence is in abundance but i don't actually feel it is too much. Yes it makes you cringe but film such as SAW contain much more gore than this film.

In summary its not a great film, lets clear that up, but it is equally not as bad as people suggest. An acceptable film that offers nothing special but is not at all badly made. 6/10
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Dead Snow (2009)
28 July 2009
This film was fantastic. I was looking around the internet for a good zombie film and all of the recommendations were your typical "night of the living dead" "dawn of the dead" "Braindead". Al great films, but i read a review of this and i have to say that once i watched it i was so impressed.

A comedy horror of a group of medical students being attacked by Nazi Zombies. What a great idea! Oodles of gore, albeit a touch ridiculous at times, a bunch of laughs which are kept in tone with the film and a group of characters that are easy to relate to and to side with (or not for one of them in my case). Either way you will be rooting for some and not for others and at the end of the film you will be wanted number 2 to be out instantaneously.

If you are a fan of Shaun of the dead and comedy horror's then this is for you. Ignore the fact it is in Norwegian, it doesn't damper the movie in the slightest. Utterly enjoyable.
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WWE: Extreme Rules (2009 TV Special)
8 June 2009
As we know the WWE has strayed a little more towards the entertainment side of wrestling as opposed to the wrestling side of wrestling. This meant that not much hope was held up for extreme rules as the matches weren't going to be that extreme. While this was the case for some matches it didn't prevent them from being entertaining.

The highlights for me were the NO HOLDS BARRED MATCH between CHRIS JERICHO and REY MYSTERIO. A great match between 2 fantastic experienced wrestlers and it was probably the second best match of the night in my eyes. Chris Jericho in the weeks leading up to the match vowed to remove Rey's mask and reveal him for who he truly was. Was he going to succeed or was the 619 being dialed up for mysterio retaining the title?

Another highlight was the TRIPLE THREAT HARDCORE RULES MATCH for the ECW title in which if TOMMY DREAMER lost then he would leave wrestling. Was the ECW original going to capture the title which meant so much to him? Was JACK SWAGGER going to ruin things and become a 2 time ECW champion or was captain charisma Christian going to somehow retain his title? This match was true to its name as a HARDCORE RULES match as almost from the get-go weapons were introduced and used much to the viewing pleasure.

The HOG PEN match deserves a mention as it was just damned hilarious. SANTINA MARELLA and VICKY GUERRERO rolling around in mud and slop. Lovely.

The match of the night however was the LADDER match for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. EDGE and JEFF HARDY put on a treat for the audiences with a variety of eye catching moves and high risk in a match that really lived up to its hype. Was JEFF HARDY able to prove that his first title reign wasn't a fluke or would the ultimate opportunist regain his title yet again. A great match with a (small) shock ending.

The only disappointment for me was the CAGE match for the WWE title between BATISTA and RANDY ORTON. I just felt that with the amount of hype that there was going into this match what with the storyline with RIC FLAIR, this match should have provided more and frankly it was disappointing and far far to short.

Other matches included a FATAL FOR WAY match between WILLIAM REGAL, MATT HARDY, MVP and KOFI KINGSTON for the UNITED STATES championship. A SAMOAN STRAP MATCH between UMAGA and CM PUNK and a SUBMISSION match between JOHN CENA and THE BIG SHOW which was actually very boring as most CENA/SHOW matches tend to be because its the same old thing. End the feud and start something new.

All in all i was impressed with the matches and the performances put it. Nearly every match lived up to expectation in what was a solid display by the WWE. Roll on to THE BASH
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WWE Backlash (2009 TV Special)
Another Bog Standard PPV
29 May 2009
This PPV gave me mixed emotions.

On the bad side however was ANOTHER Hardy vs Hardy match. They had a fantastic extreme rules match at Wrestlemania XXV which should have ended the feud. This "I quit" match was just plain weak. effectively a wrestling match with barely any use of anything extreme and a weak ending. A poor way to end the feud.

The other down point was yet another time filler match between Kane and CM Punk. Weak story, if any, and a weak match.

However there was yet another fantastic display (age considering) for Ricky the Dragon Steamboat in his match against Jericho (who was also very good) The 3 Championship matches were actually highly entertaining. ECW match was good apart from Jack Swagger making a ring post incident look a bit shoddy by chickening out a touch. The WWE championship was actually entertaining with a good return for Batista and the ending of the World Heavyweight championship match was a very good end to a quality match. The Santina vs Beth match/incident was a good laugh too.

All in all it was clear that not enough effort went into the whole card but some solid matches made for an overall bog standard WWE PPV.
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Enjoyable - But is it really that good?
17 May 2009
As a huge fan of any horror films i felt i had to see this, and with Vinnie Jones in it i was happy to acknowledge a fellow Englishman.

It is indeed a highly enjoyable film, containing some nice suspense, close group of characters and, everyones favourite, a heck load of gore.

My problem comes in the same way it does with every modern horror film and thats the story. I got into the characters, thought i was into the story but there are twists which to their credit improve the film, but nothing is explained. I was left feeling yet again, if i take the gore out of this film, its no good.

Perhaps someone should contemplate making a gory horror but making it a touch deeper than most. Nonetheless if your just watching it on a Saturday night with mates, then its highly recommended. 6/10
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WrestleMania XXIV (2008 TV Special)
A very entertaining Wrestlemania
8 March 2009
I was just getting back into the wwe just before the No Way Out PPV a month before wrestlemania so i was able to follow the stories leading into it and was quite impressed with the quality of the event.

Obviously the hype going into this Wrestlemania was (to the outside world) Mayweather vs Big show. However within Wrestling the show was all about Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels, where if Flair lost then his career would be over. So for all wrestling fans its a must have as it is 2 of the all time greats up against each other on the grandest stage of them all.

Match 1 Belfast Brawl JBL vs Finlay 7/10 Not a bad match by any means. Hard hitting as you would expect from 2 men like Finlay and Bradshaw with a few entertaining spots. An enjoyable and worthy opener for Wrestlemania, just overshadowed by matches later on the card.

Match 2 Money In The Bank Ladder Match. 7.5/10 Always enjoyable to watch. MitB was a great concept for wrestlemanias and this one didn't disappoint. Slight criticism would be that you could see a few wrestlers being a touch lethargic when preventing someone from grabbing the briefcase which meant they had to be REALLI slow in reaching for it. However there were quite a few high spots in this match involving Jericho, Shelton Benjamin and John Morrison.

Match 3 Umaga vs Batista 7/10 This match could have been better. Again it wasn't bad but it seemed very run-of-the-mill and average for a match at Wrestlemania between 2 big men. Although there were a few good displays of power from Batista and agility from Umaga and the crowd did get into it which keeps this match on 7/10 Match 4 ECW Championship Match. Chavo Guerrero vs The Battle Royale Winner 1/10 I don think there is a single person who liked this. ECW gets one match per PPV. This is the biggest PPV of the year and they were given an 8 second match. I sincerely hope the writers change this for Wrestlemania 25. VERY disappointing Match 5 Career threatening match. Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels 10/10 10/10 because these 2 wrestlers did do nothing wrong in this match. they excelled themselves and you even see Flair successfully perform a top rope move!!! lol. This match had so much emotion and had a perfectly fitting ending. Considering Michaels is early 40's and Flair is late 50's it was an incredible display of athleticism and a fantastic match.

Match 6 Playboy Bunnymania Lumberjill Match Maria and Ashley vs Beth Pheonix and Melina. 5/10 Its very difficult to give womens matches high ratings as they simply don't captivate the audience enough. This match was also stupidly placed on the card. After Flair vs Michaels and before the WWE championship match. Nothing wrong with this match but just nothing special. Apart from snoop dogg and the slight beating santino gets.

Match 7 WWE Championship Match Randy Orton vs HHH vs John Cena 6.5/10 Disappointed a bit here because these are 3 great wrestlers. The match didn't seem gripping enough for me. After being caught up in Wrestlemania so far this was a let down with an ending that could have been much better. Nonetheless worth a watch, but for something that was no DQ and no Countout there was barely any hardcore intervention, which would have been fine had the wrestling been more entertaining.

Match 8 The Biggest vs The Best Floyd Mayweather vs Big Show 8/10 What can i say? Very entertaining considering the size difference. Both Mayweather and Big Show fought very well and both took a substantial amounts of beatings. I was impressed with Mayweathers ability to put up a good fight. Surprisingly good Match 9 World Heavyweight Championship Match. Undertaker vs Edge 10/10 A slight bias here as these are 2 of my top 3 favourite wrestlers, but this was an awesome and deserving main event. Both men brought their best to this match and it went back and forth keeping the crowd on their feet. Sensational main event of good length, that topped off what was an entertaining 'Mania.

Hall Of Fame Ceremony. 10/10 Now its a bit strange 'rating' the hall of fame ceremony, but it comes with the DVD and it is definitely worth watching. JBL was very funny inducting the Brisco's, there was a very long part with none other that THE ROCK who was incredibly entertaining as always and he gave a good light hearted roasting to many including Santino, John Cena, Jericho, Foley and others. But aside from being funny, this was a tear jerker at many points but mainly in the Ric Flair induction. Not tear jerking to the extent of the 2006 ceremony with Eddie Guerrero but it was highly emotional nonetheless and needs to be watching by wrestling fans.

On the whole a very solid Mania and definitely one of the better ones. Though the event card equates to just over 7/10 it was also the way the event was put together along with the attendance (in excess of 70.000) and the atmosphere that kept the rating high. The WWE really did put on a classy show. Not as good as 17 or 21 but still very good.
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Summerslam (2000 TV Special)
Absolutely brilliant
7 August 2008
In a time when the WWF was excelling themselves, Summerslam 2000 proved to be one of the best PPV's of all time.

Opening with a great face vs heel match which really broke the crowd into the event, the show snowballed and was topped off with a fantastic main event between The Rock, Kurt Angle and HHH. This main event was superb, full of action, near falls twists and a superb story line which carries throughout the match.

Other memorable matches involved the Thong Stinky Face Match (come on who DOESN'T wanna c The Kat and Terri wearing very little and trying to push their perky little behinds into each others faces!?), the brawl between Kane and the Undertaker and of course the infamous TLC match between The Hardy's, Edge And Christian and The Dudleys.

Overall this was a perfect PPV and is the best Summerslam of all time, well worth a watch and a must for any WWF(E) fan.
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Boo (2005)
Thoroughly enjoyable!
18 May 2008
I personally thought that for a film that did not go onto big screen, that this was awesome.

It's your typical teen horror film but its genuinely freaky. It makes you jump, the special effects are very good for a B movie (as seen with many of the "dripping" people).

Though it isn't incredibly original, the story line is enjoyable and the film was entertaining throughout.

On the whole,from a person who loves horror films, this was a great film. It was eerie, spooky and one of my personal favourites, after all its a horror film in set in a disused hospital and mental asylum. If that isn't attractive to a horror fan then what is!?
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Halloween (1978)
12 March 2008
This is a perfect horror film. Everything about the film was perfect and it shows that guts and gore (despite being amazing) is not what makes a masterpiece horror. I am a huge fan of horror films and have been a huge fan of the Halloween series ever since watching this one. the suspense is exquisite. Where is he? Was that him? Questions that arose more and more as you being to feel Michael's character.

the film builds to a brilliant climax and constantly leaves you wanting more and more. I admittedly love Michael Myers as a character and he is by far the best movie serial killer.

If you are a horror fan and can appreciate horror for what it is then this is a must watch. If you watch horror for blood guts and gore then watch this to learn otherwise.
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Bionic Woman (2007)
Not all that bad at all
26 February 2008
Due to the latest craze of many TV series's i decided to try out Bionic Woman.

After reading a review that deemed the show fairly poor i wasn't sure what to expect but it proved to be fairly entertaining. A fair amount of action, interesting characters and its easy to follow.

Fair enough, when comparing the show to lost, prison break or heroes, it doesn't quite have the same impact, but if your a fan of these then it may be worth checking out Bionic Woman because it is not as bad as people have made it out to be.

A fair 7 out of 10 so far in comparison to the big hit series's at the moment.
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