
3 Reviews
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Anachronistic music destroys bad film
29 September 2006
Amazing how bad directors think they're so cute when they use pop songs. They get all excited at the idea of playing record producer and completely ignore the dramatic demands of the film.

Marie Antoinette is a great example of the complete intellectual laziness of that approach.

Instead of making the film fresh and inspiring, the use of pop songs, especially given that this is a period piece, makes the film even more trite and boring than it already was.

Add to that that Kirsten Dunst is really not the best of actress in the first place and you have another dud from Sofia Coppolla.
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The Office (2005–2013)
Unwatchable - NBC's Shame
29 September 2006
In case you were wondering why nobody outside Hollyweird watches the Emmys nowadays, that's why.

How did this unwatchable attempt at a television show get voted as "Best Comedy"? All it induces is nausea with its utterly unprofessional camera-work.

Actually I know how it got an Emmy: NBC saw that Fox spent millions on the equally unwatchable Arrested Development and in spite of the fact that AD was canceled the next season, they thought it would be a good investment to get people to watch the "masterpiece".

Well, I've got a clue for you NBC: Stop reading and believing your own press.

Not only is The Office not funny, it is nausea inducing and completely unprofessional. The producers of the show have pulled a fast one on you and you are destroying what is left of your once powerful Thursday lineup by keeping this awful mess on the air.

The Office is NBC's shame!
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Battlestar Galactica: 33 (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
Award-winning schlock is still schlock
29 September 2006
This is the award that made me lose all respects for the Hugos.

If such a "distinguished" panel can't see or care about the obvious story-telling problems of Battlestar Galactica, then what worth is their award? The answer: not much.

Award-winning shows should be examples of creativity and excellence, neither of which are in evidence in BG, in this episode or any other that I've seen.

Shooting in drab video is not "artistic", it's just cheap. Shaking the camera is not "creative" it's vomit-inducing and lazy as can be.

All BG has shown is how corrupt most award-giving "academies" really are and how easy it is to buy awards with a lot of PR money.
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