
3 Reviews
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12 May 2008
so altogether i found this documentary to be strange and really pointless. i know it got awards and things, but i personally did not enjoy it too much. there was no humor or drama in it to keep you interested, just a bunch of wierdos and their jobs. some of the people in are rather different which isn't a bad thing, it just didn't leave a good impression on me. i was thoroughly bored by this movie, no offense to my creative writing teacher. the circus theme throughout the whole movie was kinda cool but i didn't get it, and robotics and lion taming is definitely not my thing. the green animals thing was neat, i really liked the garden lots of colorful flowers, but how did these four jobs connect? it just didn't make much sense to me why someone would make a movie about that. But if you are into stuff like this you might enjoy it. who am i to stand in your way. I am just forewarning you about possible suffering.
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hallowed are the orei...NOT!
12 March 2008
overall i found the movie to be very good, the cinematography was great! unfortunately there wasn't much character development, Carter barely even says two words! and whats going on with her and the general?? like that kinda just vanished away. it almost seems like they're trying to set her up with with the new colonel, very alarming! Teal'c is so hardcore in this movie which was great! it was captivating and kept me interested but it did feel like just a two-episode special thing, that left you hanging again. other than that, it wasn't a disappointment, the only bad thing is now we have to wait till July for the new movie! so if you haven't watched it yet i recommend getting right on that!
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August Rush (2007)
excellent movie!
12 March 2008
August rush was a really great and entertaining movie, full of emotion! it is captivating and keeps you interested throughout the entire thing. the music is extremely good too! definitely a second time watch. i bought it the first day it was released. you will not be disappointed! unless you are expecting something completely different, but do not hesitate to watch it. the actors develop their characters so well, and they are very memorable. especially the young boy who plays August Rush; they just suit the characters they play perfectly. unfortunately, robin Williams character is a little eccentric and creepy but it does add some more drama to the movie.
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