
2 Reviews
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7 August 2008
What a cheap movie. I can't believe Meg Ryan's performance and Banderas' too. Meg Ryan's face became a female joker (Jack Nicholson's joker). She said she went to Tibet i read Kuran etc. and said she understood reason of life is a fun. What a stupid and cheap philosophy. This movie and movies like this movie say to people 'You are stupid and we have money from that'. Can I explain? . Morals are so bad too. Comedy is bad, drama is bad, performances are bad, story is too bad, disgusting director. This movie just spent my time and makes me angry. I wanna say too much things but my English is not good. greetings from turkey.
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Are you kidding me?
25 July 2008
The Dark Knight is excellent. The Dark Knight is amazing. The Dark Knight is superb. But this movie is not best one. Maybe best one of Batman movies. I'm big fan of batman but i must say honestly there are not so interesting things without Heath Ledger's performance. And again Nolans' story is not match with real Batman story. For example: How is Harvey Dent become Two Face? I think this movie exaggerated. And i can say that you can wait this movie on DVD. maybe you feel penitence. i was feel a little disappointment(so little). I say again The Joker is surprising.

Anyway respect to Nolans.
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