
2 Reviews
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Stargate Universe (2009–2011)
SGU: the good, the bad, the evil
1 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the first 10 episodes of SGU and waited until now to write a review.

I was really amazed at all those who gave this show 1 or 2 stars and vented their anger at the SGU writers. Come on guys (and girls), do you really believe SGU is a 1-2 stars show? What about the final season of Atlantis, then? Let's put things in some objective perspective, shall we?

So here is my own opinion, both as a Stargate SG1 and Atlantis Fan, a Star Trek fan and a Battlestar Galactica fan.

What's not to like, first. The evil, then.

1. The BSG-style of filming imposed on the Stargate franchise. I understand that we BSG fans were having withdrawal symptoms, but we will be back with Caprica, so... I would appreciate keeping the camera shake and fast-zooming space views at a minimum.

2. The flashbacks. OK, we got most of the things we needed to learn about the characters, so please skip 'em in the second part of the season, OK?

3. The stones. Please, oh please just forget about them, OK? They're ruining the 'lost in space' thing.

What could be good but is not. The bad, then.

1. The kino cameras. Overusing them is bad. Finding them new uses is cool. 2. The lack of underlying plot. We need really bad guys, and we need them fast. We also need a bigger challenge than fighting with your own ship. It's a huge universe out there, why let the imagination stop? Otherwise, it's just a trip, and this reminds me of another show... 3. The senator's babe. Doesn't really work as a character. Please make your mind about her... or just kill her already.

What is good and why I and my wife are enjoying it

1. The fresh influx of real emotions, real reactions and real acting to Stargate. The franchise was never strong on this, now it starts to look serious. It's lack of goofiness may anger some, I find it refreshing. 2. The fact that gags and humor are still present. It's a plus over BSG and we appreciate it. 3. The story. OK, I saw Voyager, I saw BSG, but this is kinda different. Please continue to make it so. The story has lots of potential and thus far I'm impressed. 4. The lack of techno-babble. I know some crave for Sam, but I'm relieved she is not in the show, nor is she replaced by some other techno-sprouting walking blonde mouth. I miss Claudia Black, but eh... 5. The acting. I repeat that because some have issues with it. IT IS GOOD. It is really good acting and if I compare it with what was played in the last season of Atlantis, then, oh... 6. The flawed characters. You really start to connect with them (unless you're still crying over those you loved in the last decade).

There are many more things to like about Stargate Universe, but the most important is that it restarts the franchise. I know some would want to see Sam dying of old age, or Sheppard fighting with already harmless wraiths, or Goauld soldiers marching into the line of fire... but this is different.

This is XXI-Century Science Fiction, folks. Star Trek is gone. Stargate as we knew it is gone. If you want to remain stuck in these already obsolete shows, then rent/buy them and re-watch them a million times - as I do whenever I feel like it.

But it's time to move forward. Yes, SGU is BSG meeting Star Trek Voyager meeting Stargate, but it's a show on its own and it really is entertaining. It's drama, it's action, it's sci fi and it's FUN.

I'm loving it, and - prejudice aside - so should you. Perhaps not a 10/10, but at least around the 7/10. Really.
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Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
10 reasons why you shouldn't watch Battlestar Galactica
1 January 2010
1. If you want mindless techno-babble, then this show isn't for you. 2. If you don't manage to appreciate what good... no, let me rephrase that for you: exquisite acting is, then you definitely shouldn't watch it. 3. If you expect to have a crew of four, including a science doctor, an alien, a military and some random Indiana Jones guy, all of them solving new let's-save-the-Earth-before-lunch problems, then skip BSG, is not for you. 4. If you're afraid of seeing real human stories put into a SF shell, perhaps you should go back to Star Trek (and I'm a trekkie too, but...) 5. If you crave to hear 'shields up' or 'engage' or other classic one- liners, then you should rather settle for "frak". Or is it "frakk"? 6. If you're unable to follow a 4 season-long story arc with every episode adding something precious to it without having withdrawal symptoms, then you should really don't give it a try. 7. If all that you want is see people in tight suits flashing laser pistols and teleporting from harms' way, then change the channel. 8. If your interest for spiritual quests, tough sexy girls and people really dying and not returning is something like zero. Oh well, you might skip that 'dying and not returning part' :P 9. If you don't like space battles rendered so real (and with as most care for real physics as a TV SF show can take) that you feel you ARE there. 10. Finally, if you have a mind so closed that you cannot appreciate what the best SF show ever made is all about.

In my opinion, any problem that somebody would have with this show would be his/her problem, not the shows. For the rest of us, BSG raised the bar so high, we almost cannot enjoy other SF shows anymore.

But then... we can always re-watch it, and hope others will learn from it, too.
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