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A show about how all adults are stupid and need children
9 December 2014
Well...at least Dora only yells at us half of the time instead of constantly like when she was younger. That's pretty much where the compliments end from me.

Talk about toothless. You add 7 years to Dora and nothing changes. You still have have silly premises. You still have 3 obstacles. And you still have that 4th wall-breaking moment where the characters address the audience and ask for help. You'd think Dora would take up loftier goals now that she's grown up a bit.

If you can't tell by now, I hate this show with a passion. I hate any show that dumbs down adults so much so that the heroes can actually have some actual relevance. But this is Dora. If you actually need Dora's help, your a creature of myth. This is why the Dora the Explorer worked (kinda...). It's a king-among-retards scenario. We're shaving some serious numbers off of ones IQ. The adults are petty, short sighted, barely functional and need Dora and her friends to tell them that banning dancing, all music that isn't Opera, or fun in general is just not right. And all through the magic of song! So while every other adult is sitting on their hands sulking, blowing spit bubbles, and feeling sorry for themselves, Dora is actually doing something about things...in the most ridiculous ways a teenager(?) can.
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Mia and Me (2012–2023)
Discount Tinkerbell/ My little Pony combined
27 September 2014
It's not horrible. Really. It's just that there are much better shows out there that do the same thing. The Tinkerbell movies do a very good job creating its own lore and characters full of whimsy and wonder. My little pony does this as well. But this simply takes elements from both shows and combines them into a semi-regularly airing show. Do you want fairies? You got it. Do you want unicorns? You got it. Do you want magic and a fantasy world? Done. This show does add something else though. Instead of just taking place in a fantasy land, a non-cg girl travels from the real world to the world of Mia and me when beckoned.

It fills the gap while better shows aren't airing.
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Battle for Terra (I) (2007)
It's not very good
16 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Even for a children's story, it's not that great and hardly believable. I have a tough time thinking that humans, even on the brink of extinction, would invade another planet without first trying to talk to the natives: Especially when THEY DID HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY TO. Even in parts of our history, which we aren't too proud of, we made a little more effort than these people to make arrangements. And it's hard to believe that it took one @sshole to pull rank to overthrow the president, the council, and all of the soldiers. Every single person in this movie thought he, on some level, was being unreasonable but, what are you gonna do? He's the general and orders are orders. And the best way to keep the aliens' history from repeating itself was to...keep it a secret? Sorry but keeping your citizens ignorant is not a preventative of violence.

So this is basically a list of what would have made the movie good:

1. Peace attempted but failed. 2. Maybe a group of high ranking human elitests are the reason things go down hill instead of just one. 3. Aliens not turning to religion when they see something new and unknown. Give them more credit than that. I mean, what is this? "The elders will decide what we should think of this." "But what if their wrong?" "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" 4. The actual solution to this movie was so simple that it was horrible. At the very least, the humans could have taken a moon or tried to. That would have been a lot better. 5. Give the humans a bit more integrity than this movie did...
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The Thing (I) (2011)
In a time of crisis, people just don't act this way
15 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen the original 'The Thing' more times than I can count and, ignoring the great story, stellar effects, and fantastic cliff hanger, one thing that makes that movie so great is its believability. This movie doesn't have that in so many different ways.

Firstly, a Norwegian team finds an alien and its ship, and the first thing that they do is get, not 1 but 4, Americans involved in some way. Well you might think, "Well maybe they needed an expert paleontologist and the best one was in America." You mean to tell me that there are no Paleontologists in Norway to dig something up? It was even made clear fairly early on that her only job was to dig it up safely. Hardly any reason for one to look outside of ones own country for something like that. Why'd her friend go? Beats me. Why were the pilots American? Again, not a clue. The movie also makes one Norwegian's actions out to not make any sense. "Let's take a sample." "...Why? It's not going anywhere." "Because! And don't contradict me again." I would have actually preferred for there to have been a stupid reason for that than no reason. But there was no reason. That sample never came into play again.

Let's talk about about human behavior. So someone comes up with a decent way to not find the monster but to at least find out who's human and you say "No. It's stupid"? If you were in this situation and you could find out who's human through an easy painless test, wouldn't you? I know I'd be all for it. Even if I didn't pass, I'd be able to spot who to watch out for and the only thing I'd worry about is being locked away with the others who didn't pass, which COULD have been a cool dynamic to the movie. It would have given a reason for characters to fight quarantine.

And if someone is adamantly trying to bring nationality into the sway ("I'm Norwegian like you! It's the Americans!" As if that really matters in this case) they'd be the one I constantly kept my gun pointed at. That behavior in general just doesn't make sense, whether you're infected or not. If you're infected, you look like an obvious idiot pulling that card. If you're not infected, it's a stupid argument to make, period.

Also (Yes, also) when it is fully established that people are being killed and copied, what's the next move? Split into two and separate. That way, while working on the blood test, if one of you turns out to be the monster, then the other can...well...And if you're out in the storm, looking for the monster and one or both of you turn out to be infected, then we can...um...Also this monster chooses the absolute WORST times to transform and can replicate clothing apparently. Oh and no one brushes in 1982 and everyone has fillings.

And as a side note for myself, I'd be more interested in the spaceship. Not the organic life. Sure it's life but LOOK AT THIS SPACESHIP. LET'S LEARN MORE. I don't even know if they ever bothered to go inside once they discovered it until the end of the movie. Speaking of which, by the end of the movie, when the alien was trying to take off and leave, I'd say GOOD RIDDANCE! By all means, let it go! If it's off earth, it's not our issue anymore.

So, in short, the movie 'might' be worth renting if you're in the mood for monsters. Other than that, save your money.
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The Mist (2007)
In this movie, the bad guys win!
10 September 2011
Warning: Spoilers
And I'm not just talking about the monsters. Human stupidity and inhumanity is the clear winner in this flick. I'll do this in order. *Spoilers ahead*. When sh*t starts going down, the cast is stranded in a grocery store. There is one woman who left her two children (an 8 yo and a toddler) home while she went to the store. After witnessing the horrific death of someone, she explains her irresponsibility to everyone and then asks for an escort home. And when no one volunteers, she has the NERVE to get mad at everyone as if they should be ashamed of themselves. Lady, please tell me, if there really is something out there killing people, what is an escort going to do? That's right, die with you (that is if she actually had died). You want someone to risk their life to keep you company because you are scared. And get this, SHE DOES LIVE! But not without passing the hero (who had made some pitiful choices not 1 minute prior) in an army SUV and looks down at him with condescension.

Then you've got people who refuse to listen to reason. Take the black man. He heard the blood curdling scream of a dying man in the parking lot and there are people BEGGING him to look at evidence of monsters right around the corner...and he won't do it. Better still, you think their insistence is little more than a ploy to make YOU look bad. Don't give yourself the credit.

Oh let's not forget the people, who go nuts and immediately turns to the crazy woman for answers. Really? I'll leave you to watch that on your own.

And finally the ending. Apparently when you've got no other options, you kill your child...to save them of course. But the thing is they HAD options. They could have sat there and waited. Who knows. Maybe someone might come by. "Oh come on that's ridiculous". Watch this movie and you tell me.

Now I'll say this. I didn't hate the movie. The action scenes were well done and I enjoyed them. It's the times in between where the actions just don't fit.
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The Walking Dead: Tell It to the Frogs (2010)
Season 1, Episode 3
I'll take laundry and coddling, thanks...
21 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This was a terrible episode. The air was thick with sexism. You might think I'm referring to the brothers, both sexist and racist, but I'm actually referring to the women. The women, of all people, are making women look bad! Why? Because they always need saving and/or protecting. In the previous episode, there is a scene where the racist brother was on Dust and kicking @ss. Well, while the men did the fighting, the women were coddling the victim and begging the racist to stop. What...?...What?! You can rub the victims forehead all you want. His nose will still be bleeding. But if you attack the source, you might prevent worse injuries. It's ONE CRAZY MAN against, like, 6 people! Even if they lost (which they did), what good is begging a crazy man to stop being crazy? The men understood this and fought back. What did the women do? What they do best apparently.

And at the very end of THIS episode, these women took a lot of cr@p from the sexist brother. But what did they do when he laid a hand on one of them? Certainly not fight back. Yelled at the top of their lungs, sure, but not one threw a punch. When someone did step in to put an end to things, it wasn't the 4 women being attacked but one lone man. Fighting for their honor I suppose. Sure, the sexist brother gets beaten up pretty badly and most would cheer at the scene (which is sad) but why is it that none of the women in this series can fight their own battle? Why is it that, in the face of immediate danger, a greater number of women can't do what one man can? Ridiculous. I will not watch this again.
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It's not that great...and here's why
8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I've never played the game so I have no idea if the movie holds true to the original Game content. I will say this: it's not that great. *SPOILER* For those of you who have seen it, think about this. Why did the uncle kill off his brother and frame his nephew? He was going back in time to do that anyway, so why do it in present time? By framing his nephew, he created conflict. No one would have went up against him prior to the kings death. He could have went about his business looking for the sands, simply asked for the dagger from his nephew in law (who didn't know about it and was unimpressed by it at first sight), and he could have gotten what he wanted. Movie would have been over in 15 minutes. There is no earthly reason why.

Another, this is a time piece (sloppy as it may be). So why is this princess willing to give up her life for a dagger but won't give up her beauty? She was traveling in the desert, (sometimes) by herself, and she was heading towards a place called the valley of the slaves. Cut throats and rapists aplenty there. Yet her hair was down (IN the desert) and she wore all white. If I were her, I'd cut my hair and make myself out to look as much like a poor boy as possible. She made herself out to be a target. Yet she'd do anything to protect the dagger and its secret.

In the end, such a piece of technology doesn't need to exist at all. Why does it exist? Why does it have people protecting it? If I knew about the dagger, I'd try to destroy it. Someone like that in the movie would have made the story a bit more digestible. It served no purpose. It was never to be used or discovered. Smash it against a rock. Save the world a whole heap of trouble. And how many main characters in this movie we actually Persian? Unless Hollywood thinks that tanning a white person and not letting them shave for a few days is suddenly Persian.

It's a pretty big disappointment honestly. From plot holes to racial inaccuracies, it's not worth the experience.
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2012 (I) (2009)
Why are kids even allowed in Thriller movies anymore?
8 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I will not lie. I enjoyed the action. Yes, it was far-fetched and unrealistic but, every now and then, I gripped my seat when I saw the world come crashing down. I think enough has been said on the topic of capitalism and racism. What I'd like to address is the dysfunctional family. I don't condone hitting kids, but never have I wanted to jump into a movie screen and slap a child so much before. These kids don't listen and they also tell adults what to do. I'm going to follow daddy up this Volcano. I'm going to help daddy unjam the gears in the boat. I'm going to tell my father-in-law off because Daddy just saved us. I'm going to go to daddy while he talks to that weirdo screaming into the wind, EVEN THOUGH I WAS TOLD NOT TO! I swear so many lives could have been saved in the movie if some stupid parent didn't stop and take ten minutes to explain to a child why they can't go with Daddy. It's ridiculous! This kind of behavior is considered 'cute' in America but it can ruin a movie for me. It ruined the latest War of the Worlds. Poseidon. It ruined The Original Jurassic Park, and it ruined this movie. Whatever happened to kids LISTENING to adults? And the adults making promises they knew they couldn't keep? Don't promise a child that everything is going to be alright when you know it might not be. Kids can handle it, just like they can handle talking back to you. "Yes sweetie. We might die. Now sit down and shut up, and if you move, I'm going to kill you myself. Got it?" Those words alone say I-love-you more than any action in this movie ever could.

*spoiler* Could have saved the Russian girls' life near the end if Daddy didn't have devote so much time trying to convince his son to stay behind while he went to go fix something. But, no, she drowned. And the kid didn't listen ANYWAY. I wish Hollywood would grow some balls and kill off kids in films.
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I loved ...
24 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the stallion because there's nothing not to love. Not only is he strong but considerate and humble. Everything he does is admirable. You know how the heros in every animated movie do things that irk you? Not this guy. He just makes you want to stand up and cheer. The whole movie brought tears to my eyes.

Now the other characters? That's a different story. I hate how the director had the idea to use a female horse to get the stallion to calm down a bit. I for one cannot stand that in any movie. Using a females charm to sway the hero into going a certain direction is just wrong. And because of this I did not care for the mare. If it was a fellow male horse, THEN it would have been better because of course sexuality would have little to do with the reason why the stallion grew to love the Indian territory. And how they used the baby was just wrong. I hated how the stallion 'has' to calm down because there is a kid on the screen and we can't hurt the kid. The movie also makes you dislike the white man because they are portrayed as people who think they own everything and everyone. But, of course, movie writers had to do SOMETHING so that the white man didn't seem so evil. And, in the end, they made the head white man in the army stop someone from shooting the stallion and the native American. I know they did this JUST so that the white man wouldn't be the enemy in the end. In reality, this wouldn't have happen, which is why this pisses me off. Of course I know this movie isn't a history lesson or anything but, still. If you're going to tell a story about how the old west was developed, make sure it's accurate. Now a man wouldn't waste all of his time chasing after a native American and a stallion only to let them go JUST because they jumped a big cliff. Why would anyone do that? It's dumb and unrealistic.

And it was almost like the camera was afraid to show the black people working the rail road tracks, and the audience KNOWS that those men hammering at the railroad were black. They should have showed them. But, of course, that would have made white people look waaaayyy too bad. And we can't have that. Not in America. It would have been nice for the movie makers to help kids grasp the fact that THIS is how it was back then. When white man came to America, they enslaved people, chained animals, and burned villages. And they killed those who refused to conform to their ways. The movie touches on that a little bit when we see the white man try and shoot the horse after he couldn't break him. But that's it. I really wish that the movie was accurate in that way, which is why I can only give this movie an 7. It was an awesome movie but it could have been a lot better if the film makers weren't so scared of making white people look like the monsters they truly use to be.
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Pretty Bad film
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
You seriously have to be into this low brow stuff to like this movie. And it's not even the content that dumbs this movie down. But both the message and the characters are stupid. I'll start with the message. The message is to be yourself and not conform to what other people think and feel. You know why I have a problem with that? It's because when you go to get a high education it's ALL about conforming. That's why you go. To understand someone ELSE'S rules and follow them so you can be successful in someone else's world. Because this is not YOUR world. Right now this is a white man's world and that's not going to change any time soon. If you don't want to conform that you don't have to. But don't try and change an entire organization that was perfectly content with the way they ran things before you came along. 6 or 7 people should not change how an organization of thousands of people operate. That's just reality. This is a dreamers movie.

I also don't care for the characters. You've got this white girl with this chip on her shoulder who can dish it out but can't take it. She feels she can make fun of someone and joke around but when someone does the same to her, she goes all "you ***hole" on us. I hate that. Girls shouldn't behave that way. If you want to talk smack them be prepared for it to come right back at you. She is part of a group of ignorant teenagers with bad style. The ring leader of this group is violent but can't do anything by himself. He's got to have his friends by his side before beating on someone, which is cowardly and stupid.

You can't hold respect for these characters. They are all shallow and idiotic. Honestly only teenagers can identify with this movie. But mature, educated people know that this type of attitude about life will land these characters exactly where they dance: the streets.
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23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Ooooohhh where do I start? First off, the bad kids already make you hate the characters. You hate the kids for acting like spoiled brats and you hate the parents for letting them. Just because your parents are divorced doesn't mean you start acting like you're in charge. The older one didn't listen and the little girl made so much noise I just wanted to punch her. And Tom Cruise acts like it's all his fault. Some of it is his fault for letting them behave this way.

Anyways, back to the movie. The aliens are great. They don't miss a beat. But here we go with the bad children CONTINUING to be bad. Dakota won't stop screaming. I know she's got a 'condition' but a few slaps in the head will fix that. And some of her whining had nothing to do with her condition. That "I WANT MOOOOOMM TAKE ME TO MOM!!!!" bit was all her and that would have gotten her a foot up her butt in MY car. I would have given her a reason to cry with THAT performance because I don't tolerate children who misbehave, even in extreme situations. And then when they get to their parents' house, they continue moaning and groaning about things and expecting Dad to fix everything. Dakota complains about being allergic to peanut butter. Hey Dakota, instead of complaining how about you say "That's okay Dad I'll get it. You relax". Even if he said no, at least she took SOME initiative to act like she cared. It hardly takes a 6 year old to see that her father was stressed out. It kills me.

Then they don't listen. Dakota wanders off to pee after her father TOLD her to stay close. Because of this, she sees the lake of dead people and almost has another fit. This is why you listen you stupid little girl! And she always asks the questions. "Why are those people dead dad? Can't you help them?" Sweetie you just SAW what happened when people took over the mini van. Helping people when they are in a state of panic is not a smart thing to do. It gets dangerous and your life is at stake. You want daddy to risk his life because you feel sorry for them? To Hades with that.

Then the son all of the sudden wants to join the fight. You know what I say to that? Go. You wanna fight? Go. I'm not going to try and stop my son from fighting aliens when we clearly see that not even missiles can penetrate their shields. And that whole speech about Dad only caring about himself? It's TRUE! Heck if I had children (and bad children at that) I'd find a place for them to stay that I think would be safe so I could look after myself as well. That boy thinks he said something. Please. That's what all people who are use to being on their own think. He ain't said nothing' but a word. If he wants to die that's fine but I will not risk my life or my daughter's life to save someone who doesn't want to be saved.

And don't even let me get started on the basement scene. Never in my life have I wanted to scream so much. Why can't people just be still? People can't go from one corner to another. They've got to knock a whole shelf of pots and pans and glass down. And of course we've got Farmer Ted who feels he can beat the entire alien species with a single shot gun. I'm glad he died. And that leg sliding with Dakota just makes me hate her character even more.

Honestly, it' very tough to get into the story when you can't connect with the characters. VERY tough. The only reason I'm giving it a 5 is because of the aliens and the killing. There were some plot holes but I won't get into that. The characters are enough to convince someone to stay away from this movie.
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Saw IV (2007)
It was okay...
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Enough to give it a 7. Some things got on my nerves. Just letting you know I am NOT racist. Now we talk about how stupid white people are in horror/suspense films. But the main character (who happened to be black) did some mighty stupid things. First off, yes, Jigsaw is right, he DOES rush into things. Rush into rooms and doors and dark hallways. You're a police man. This is what police men learn first. NEVER rush into a situation until you KNOW what's going on. And the fact that he knew it was jigsaw he was dealing with made it worse. Jigsaw was known for setting people up in crazy situations so you've got to be extra careful. He didn't care. He busted into every room. And didn't learn a thing. I guess that was the point of the movie but this lesson is one that shouldn't have to be learned. Especially by someone who's been on the force for X amount of years.

There was one scene that really made me mad. A girl was sitting in a seat and her hair was being pulled by a Mechanical do-hickey. The police man is shooting at the chair and looking for things to cut with and doing all sorts of things. Why doesn't he just shoot her hair from the side? I'm sure that would have worked. He wouldn't have had to leave her unsupervised and she wouldn't have been able to get the knife. Not that he knew that that was her plan but still. It wouldn't have even come up if he had just shot her hair. But he's an idiot. At least in the other Saw movies, the main characters did what they could and what they thought logical. They took small steps and looked around before touching anything. This guy is all impulse and emotion. And that's why he died. Too bad other people had to die at his expense. In the other movies, the people died through their own devices. In this one, people die because of the policeman's stupidity AND their own devices. Dumb.

But there were some good parts and, for that, I give it a 7.
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10,000 BC (2008)
God Awful...
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
And I mean it. You start off with this guy who's in love with this girl at age 6. And for no reason, too. It's not like they played and grew to like each other. This love just grows out of no where. That is one thing about this movie. Everything that has no purpose and isn't explained is automatically due to 'the prophecy'. Why do they love each other? Because it's in the prophesy. Why'd the girl come back to life after so many people wanted her dead? Prophesy. You will get a lot of that here.

I do get upset when I seek the main character and his 'girl friend' because they are white people painted brown. I know there are LOADS of people of color with better acting talent that would have loved to get those parts. But they go to white people with sloppy accents and terrible acting skills.

You've got this annoying 'tag-a-long' boy who insists on following our hero. He never contributes. He's just...there. The plot was typical. Girl is kidnapped and the guy sets out to rescue her. I guarantee you that if that girl had been left behind but everyone else was kidnapped, the tribe would have cut their loses and moved on. Because of this, you can't even identify with the main character. He's a coward. He lacks bravery and concern for others EXCEPT for his blue eyed prize. Idiot. Everything is pretty much laid right in front of you. You know what's going to happen. And you know how it's going to happen. And since you don't like ANY of the characters, there is really no one to root for. Oh and the tribe men are hunters and gatherers. Why do they have 6 packs? Hunters and gatherers didn't do the kind of things that gave a man a 6 pack. If you look at people today who live as hunters and gathers, you see that they are in NO way shaped in this way. So not only are these people white but also have Hollywood bodies. I guess when all you're trying to create is eye candy, historical accuracy means little. And their finger nails were very clean, too.

It's a bad movie. Don't see it. Don't buy it.
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Poseidon (2006)
Ugh. Just Ugh
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
The original was so much better. And it's all because of the characters. The characters in the original had depth and they made you almost want to root for them. In this film, I was just rooting for certain people to die, starting with the daughter. I knew it wasn't going to happen (never would Hollywood kill off the only skinny white girl in a movie) but you can always hope. She was so annoying and rude. If I were the father I'd have straightened her out a long time ago. She needs to show more respect, even if she is an adult. I guarantee she wasn't paying her own way on the cruise. Her father was. She should have at least acted civil with her father in front of others. He may have been a little over protective but he still treated her right. But she treated him like dirt and still expected him to 'understand' her. And when she busted his poker game just because she didn't get what she wanted? I would have slapped her across the face right then and there. Better yet I wouldn't have invited her at all. I'm sorry but I don't like people like that. Children should never roll their eyes or tell their parents off. I, if I were a parent, wouldn't allow it and I'm mad that this man did. If I were that father I would have embarrassed her in front of everyone just like she did him.

Elena Gonzalez, a Hispanic girl trying to see her sick brother in New York got me very angry. first of all, she's risking her boy friends job by leaving the cabin that HE snuck her into in order to see her brother JUST because she was bored? Wrong and selfish. He's doing HER a favor and she can't even appreciate it. She's still got to complain about being board. What's he going to do about it? He's working in the kitchen. You expect him to stop what he's doing to entertain you? Oh but it gets better. She's so scared to go into a vent while the water is pouring into a room from every direction. Those men were very good to help her because I would surely leave her butt behind. I don't have time for weaklings when my life is at stake. And she's selfish enough to freeze in the middle of the vent, blocking the men from getting by. Her mentality is that she's so scared that she doesn't care who else dies because of it. I would have dragged her right back to that flooding room so that she could die there. Those men coached her out of that vent, not because they wanted to. It's because they HAD to. Because SHE was blocking the way.

Then you've got this kid who wants to wander off for some crazy reason in the upside down boat with fires and floating objects and flooding. Didn't his mother teach him not to wander off? I almost wish he died but of course a child could never die on the big screen.

In the first Movie, everyone pulled their weight. Even the fat lady helped by sacrificing her life to save the rest. EVERYONE helped. not these people. There were 2 or 3 strong people who held the group together. The women were virtually useless. Even the little boy had small wrists that were used to unscrew the vent. I hate movies like this where weak people cause trouble because they are scared, or don't want to do this or that or whatever. They put the whole groups lives in danger and it's frustrating for the viewer to even sit through the movie. The daughter goes through this "No daddy I don't want you to go" routine. Well what do you expect to be done sweetie? Do you want him to say "Okay I'll stay and we'll all die together. Nothing's too good for my little angel". Suspense movies aren't made to amplify cowardice. They are made to show bravery. This movie had almost none. Don't waste your time or money.
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It was indeed a bad movie...
23 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
and it's a shame really since it had so much potential. But many things will irk you. Just a few things:

The beginning is great. Lots of action. The beginning was great but not flawless. First off, it pisses me off that a little boy is the reason for so much death. This movie almost makes you hate kids. Their choices and reasoning just makes you want to punch them in the face every time they do something stupid. But if I were to put myself in the survivors' shoes, I'd probably help him out, too. What happened in the movie was just bad luck. Whether they let the kid in or not, the zombies would have probably torn their way into the house anyway.

I hate how they project females in this movie. Okay so their are roughly 6 survivors in the house. One's infected almost instantly, which is fine. It lets the audience know how serious the virus is. She couldn't even get any words out before turning where as in the first movie, you had about 40 seconds. But anyways, back to the women. Grandma and Grandpa and the bald guy make it to the barn and are doing their escape thing. But Grandma doesn't want to leave Grandpa, who has bravely decided to stay behind and hold the do so that grandma and the bald guy have time to escape. I hate this kind of behavior because it's selfish (YES the Grandma IS selfish) and it slows EVERYONE (in the movie) down. Because now instead of using this time to escape, we've got to convince Grandma to let Grandpa go. Of course she refuses until the last second when she sees the zombies crashing in and realizes the real danger she's in. All of the sudden she needs help. HELP ME! HELP ME! Sorry old girl I'm already outside. At least 'I' would be if it were me. The bald guy does what he can but realizes that his life comes first and escapes. Then we center on a man and his wife. The man, the wife, and the boy that got them into this mess in the first place are all traveling together through the house and trying to get to an exit. Suddenly the little boy thinks he knows the house better than the people do and runs off to find his own way out. Wife follows the boy and the husband follows the wife. The Zombies are about 12 seconds away. All three make it to a bedroom where the child is hiding in the closet. The mother tries to go get him but the wise man realizes that there isn't enough time to save the boy and their own skins. The wife doesn't want to listen and goes in to get the boy. She grabs him just in time for the zombies to burst in. All of the sudden, she's ALSO crying out for her husband to help her. Sooooo let me get this straight. You want your husband to risk his own life and take on several zombies because you didn't want the little boy who got you into this mess in the first place to die. I would have done the same exact thing as the man and gotten out of there. This would have been a no brainer. But of course the husband is made out to be the bad guy when he really did the smartest thing that anyone does throughout the ENTIRE MOVIE!

Anyways, the husband is outside and running. The Zombies are right on his tail. The man runs to the creek where the bald guy is untying the boat and trying to start the engine. If he didn't waste so much time with Grandma, the boat would be untied and the engine would just now be starting. But nooooo. And because of this, the bald guy doesn't make it. Aw. The man does. Yay.

Then we jump to 28 weeks later. Why are people living there in the first place? If you found out that your country had previously been overrun with zombie-like creatures less than half a year ago, would you REALLY wanna go back? Would you? Not only that, they are moving people back in the city and STILL cleaning up hazardous material. Come on people. If your house was being sprayed for spiders would you really move back in before the house is completely aired out of poisons? I would hope not. So why don't these people apply the same logic?

It turns out the mother could hold the answer for a possible vaccine for this zombie rage virus. But wait a minute. What is there to cure? The infections gone. The people are just cleaning up now. No more infected.

Anyways, the rest of the movie is just stupid. The soldier and scientist spend the rest of their time trying to save these children who could be a possible cure. Lady. Have you learned nothing? If the quarantine works (which it most likely will since they're planning on nuking the country) there ONCE AGAIN will be no need for a cure. Also, de ja vu anyone? What if the same thing happens? You're trying to save some kids and bring them to a 'clean' country where they can potentially infect people there. JUST like their mother! What if that brat sneezes or coughs on someone? Then what? These people don't use their heads in this movie. They are either panicked or stupid.

The whole movie will upset you simply because, in reality, people just aren't this stupid. No way. I do recommend you see it just to see the messed up things I mentioned. But don't spend any money. Borrow it.
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