
11 Reviews
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Vacancy (2007)
good start, Great middle, but loses steam at the end
17 May 2007
Vacancy is a good and suspenseful thriller where the good guys, David and Amy Fox (Wilson and Beckinsale), have as much control over what is happening to them as the audience. Wilson and Beckinsale carry the film well, and the homicidal bad guys are pretty damn creepy, but there really is no character development at all. So if you're not a fan of Kate Beckinsale or Luke Wilson in general, then you probably won't care so much for them. Luckily, though, the film is not a thorough character study or an in depth look at a crumbling marriage - it's just a game of cat and mouse (that makes a stab at the idea of snuff films). And, as an avid horror film fan, I can say that this game starts out great. The first twenty to thirty minutes is very intense and unsettling. You feel as uncomfortable and uncertain as the Fox's. Unfortunately, towards the end, the films begins to putter out and becomes a bit predictable. But the hour and a half I spent watching it was a fun, adrenalin packed hour. If that's all you're looking for, this film is for you. After you step out of the theatre, you won't be looking over your shoulder as you walk to your car, want to whip out your night light when you get home, and you won't need to check the closet or under the bed before you go to sleep. Maybe you'll think twice about staying over at a shady motel, though.
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Gory, some thrills, but so, so, sooo predictable
29 October 2006
I knew nothing of this movie when I went to see it, and I'd recommend that to everyone. Especially if you're a fan of the 1974 film, which I'll be much harder to be disappointed.

Anyway, this movie is entertaining and if you plan to watch it, your viewing has to be in a theatre with good sound. Otherwise, the effect will be lost. The Texas Chainsaw: The Beginning's "scare factor" relies heavily on how insanely gory it is. There's not a lot of intense suspense, and the movie is very predictable. If you're a horror movie fan, then there will be little's pretty much like last summer's Wolfcreek meets High Tension, which came out in American about two years ago.

Another issue with this film was how one dimensional the characters were. I felt nothing for any of them and didn't care when there was a unfortunate, very painful death. The acting isn't that bad or that cheesy, there's just nothing there for the actors.

All that said, in the end, the film isn't that bad. It isn't that good either, but if you want something that'll make you cringe, this is definitely the movie for you.
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King Kong (2005)
The 9th wonder of the world
3 January 2006
King Kong really is the 9th wonder. Peter Jackson faithfully and beautifully remakes this film. The only difference is the relationship between Ann and Kong, which personally, I think is so much better. Ann Darrow is no longer just a blonde damsel in distress. She's a beauty and Kong's a beast. Also, Naomi Watts, in her portrayal of the character Fay Wray made so iconic, is brilliant. Though she doesn't have millions of spoken lines in the film, her eyes say it all. Naomi is so convincing that not once did I find myself thinking that Kong was CGI, or really, it's just Andy Serkis (who is genius as both Kong and Lumpy, the cook). Watts sells it all.

The rest of the cast is good. Jack Black is great as Carl Denham. You hate him and you love him. Thomas Kretschmann is the perfect guy for a really mysterious captain. Evan Clarke and Jamie Bell play off each other very well and their relationship is sweet. Adrien Brody is nice to look at and acts well with what he's been given by Walsh, Jackson, and Boyens. His character is a bit underdeveloped as well as most of the characters save Ann and Kong. But King Kong is, obviously, a movie about beauty and the beast--Ann Darrow and King Kong.
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This film is worthy of ten stars. It's one hell of a masterpiece!
31 January 2005
Mr. Eastwood has proved, yet again, what a master craftsman he is in front and behind the camera. From a great actor to a great director, as well as a great jazz composer, this man is a genius who deserves every award they can bestow on him! The Aviator pales next to this marvelous film, truly. Sorry, Marty, but you may have to wait a bit longer for that Oscar on your mantelpiece. Morgan Freeman narrates and as usual acts up a storm, as does the magnificent Hilary Swank, in a film so deeply moving and unforgettable, you will wind up going to see it again. Clint, you have been, and remain a true master of the art form we call cinema. Bravo, sir, bravo!
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Heaven (I) (2002)
2 August 2004
This film was brilliant. Upon finishing it, I felt like I was in a trance that I still haven't "woken" up from. The pictures, the music, and the acting were so great, and the theme that Heaven deals with, the relationship between coincidence and fate, is so interesting and so well done here. The last scene is beautiful, and I remember praying to God to not allow this movie to ever end. Also, what I love about this film is that even though the protagonists aren't the typical definition of "good", "pure", or "morally correct", I still found myself rooting for them to escape the police and for their love to blossom even more.

This movie is full of magic and even after a year of viewing Heaven, it hasn't lost any of it. It will stay with me forever and ever.

Ten out of five stars.
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So much telling, no showing
19 June 2004
Even though at times I was laughing, overall this film only tells and never shows. For example, we are TOLD that Broderick and Kidman's marriage is deteriorating, yet there are no scenes filmed to give us such evidence. A very rushed film with barely any chemistry between Kidman and Broderick. It appears as if Frank Oz was a little lazy. Rent it for 3.00 rather than seeing it in.

Kidman should continue to do deep, dramatic films.

She has no talent for comedy.

Broderick is a putz and a tool.

I was lucky to not have seen him in anything for so long.

What was SJP thinking?

Bette Midler was great though, along with her gay friend.
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Troy (2004)
Superb technically and contentwise...
6 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
As I walked into the movie cinema, I had my cautions about this film. I'd heard that there were some really lousy lines and that the acting was cheesy and that Brad Pitt was the film. I was told only to see it if I wanted to see Brad Pitt's iron hard abs and pecks and then a cheek or two of his.

I would just like to say that they were wrong. I was completely enthralled by this film. It moves at a rapid pace and I never wanted it to end. Whoever said that the writing was bad is on crack because the screenwriter did a marvelous job. You, or at least I felt for each character.


When Erica Bana's genius Hector died I cried. I loved him so much and I don't think I've ever been as mad as I was at the time at Brad Pitt. I guess it's just the power or vengeance.


Even from the first opening scene where we are introduced to Brian Cox's character, Aganemnon, the film was visually stunning. The camera work was brilliant and so was the direction, dialogue, and editing.

Before I see a movie I like to buy a large soda, specifically Coka Cola. I like staying until the credits finishes rolling, but sometimes my blatter doens't permit me. I don't think I've ever had to relieve myself as badly as I did when Troy concluded. However, I was so engrossed by the piece of art I'd just witnessed that I stayed in my seat depsite the burning sensation in my bladder. That's how amazing this film is. That's how much this film effected me. That's how great this film is. I hope to see it go down as a classic movie. Wolfgang Peterson does it again. He stuns us.


Some early Oscar nods: Best Picture Best Cinematography Best Director Best Edtiting Best Visual Effects Best Costume Design Best Sound Editing Best Sound Mixing Best Art Design Best Original Score Best Makeup Best Actor (Eric Bana as Hector)

Yep, basically all of them.

This response is brought to you by Vilestyle.

P.S. I would like to apologize for perhaps my too detailed of a comment.
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The Impostors (1998)
The Definition of Slapstick
6 June 2004
I don't know what I would have done if I'd never stumbled across this film. I must have been in the sixth grade when I was appearing in funny play. On the morning of the opening performance, I'd come down with a case of laryngitis

so I stayed home that day hoping to recover some of my voice. Having a two minute walk between me and the local video store encouraged me to rent some great comedies for inspiration for that night's performance. The spine of the The Impostors VHS case jumped out at me (it must have been it's funny lettering) and I read the back. Interesting I thought and rented it. I was thoroughly entertained throughout the whole film and it became an instant favorite. However, this comment is not about the story of my life and passion, it's about this fantabulous film, so I'll shut up and discuss how great this movie is.

I'd like to state that this is the definition of slapstick comedy. Stanley Tucci and Oliver Platt team up in this brilliantly funny film. They have so much chemistry on screen together. They need to collaborate more!

First off, Stanley Tucci's writing and direction are genius. What a comedian in front of the camera, behind the camera, and in front of a computer writing a script like this one. Each character you start to love no matter who they are. The character development is also superb. After watching this incredibly intelligent and comic film, I now have a new respect for Tucci. I loved him in Big Trouble, but The Impostors is simply his best ever.

Oliver Platt and Lili Taylor are also the shining jewels of this film. For the past couple of years it seems as if Oliver Platt has sort of disappeared from the silver screen and as much as I hate to admit this, I sort of forgot above my fondness of him. When I decided to take a trip down memory lane and rent Impostors my love for this talented comedian resurfaced. He's an amazing man. Such a clown. Such a hilarious cuddly bear. I've never been too familiar with Lili Taylor. I'd always find myself mixing her name up with another one of my favorite actors, Jennifer Tily. Now I feel that I can tell the difference. I've found a new respect for her. She's the cute, normal, down to earth girl who may not win the heart of the popular sex good, but the heart of an intellectual guy who cares about her and also will save the day. She's so amazing and clever, and I seem to be unable to articulate my new love. Ahh..the power of love.

This comment could go on forever. I'd love to explain each character and why I've become to attached and fond of them. Not only are the characters brilliant but the actors who play them are more so. The Oscars should invent a nomination for the Casting Director because this films casting director (sorry I can't remember their name) cast every role correctly. In conclusion, I feel that this film will always remain an unearthed gem. It's so clever, comic, quircky, and entertaining. It is the king of slapstick comedy. Each time I watch this film (I now own the VHS and DVD) and I watch it twice. It will never get old for me. It's become a classic in my life and has a special place on my DVD/VHS shelf. I swear to everyone reading this comment that when I become a famous director, I'll remake this. Unfortunately, I'm afraid I'll never be able to top Tucci and everyone who worked on this project's genius.
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Hitman 2: Silent Assassin (2002 Video Game)
More people need to play this game...
5 November 2003
If only there were more missions... This game was so great. The grafics are top notch and the guns are pretty darn realistic. Each level has so much detail and there are a billion different ways to complete each level. This game really shows you the life of a hitman. The quick thinking, stealth, smarts, the gun skills, and the take out missions. Unlike many games, the AI is very intelligant even on the easy level setting (I play on professional, and wow, it's difficult). Also, this game is pretty creepy mostly due to the music. Like the last level when I first played this game the music made my palms sweaty and my heart was pounding out of my chest. Anyway, if your up for a challenge play this game NOW. More need to play this AMAZING game.
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Cowboy Bebop (1998–1999)
Cowboy Bebop rocks it!
2 October 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Cowboy Bebop rocks it. Especially the last episode. After seeing


Spike fall and the credits roll, not only was I sad that the good guys suffered, but that it was over. Believe me, by the first few episodes I was hooked. I've read all the books and god, this is anime at it's best. The soundtrack is also one of the best I've ever heard.
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Missing (1982)
Still has the power.....
2 August 2003
A terrific and brutal political thriller. It's supposed to shake you up and it really succeeds. It's a shame that they don't make films like this anymore. Costa-Gavras's "Missing" is emotionally riveting and thought provoking. For it's time, it still has the power to change the views of todays movie viewers. A must see. 5/5.
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