
18 Reviews
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What's not to like?
7 January 2003
When I saw the trailer for Catch Me If You Can, I was hooked. I like movies about con-men, deception, and the line between fantasy and reality. To me, Catch Me If You Can was a positive family-friendly Talented Mr. Ripley. The movie doesn't sparkle and it really has no flash to it, for which, I'm quite grateful. It is a solid well-produced movie in the tradition of Quiz Show, that left me wondering how much of the story was true. Hanks and DiCaprio stepped aside from any normal scene-stealing and let the story capture the audience's fascination and like many others, I'd agree that Walken was on top of his game. I recommend this to anyone who wants to entertain his or her family or in-laws.
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Big Trouble (2002)
Good actors, great writer: horrible movie.
7 January 2003
I love Dave Barry's columns and own several of his books. I like Jason Lee, Tim Allen, Russo, Knoxville, and all the other stars in this movie. So why they couldn't deliver a good picture is pretty puzzling. There was so much eye-rolling going on when I watched it that I don't remember how often I actually laughed. Maybe Dave Barry's humor doesn't translate to film very well. What I did like though was the effort to have a large cast of zany and strange characters interact, so in some respects I found the latter part of the movie a goofy spin on "What's New Pussycat", but I actually have fond memories of that film, whereas Big Trouble just left a big bad taste in my mouth.
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Why oh why?
16 September 2002
I really wasn't expecting the funniest movie when we went to see

this one, but I was surprised to find that it was little better than

Master of Disguise. Yes, there were a couple more laughs, but

this movie was so tame and held back. There were moments

where a punchline or an additional joke were so obvious, but they

never materialized. Is it just me or does Jason Lee always play the

same sort of character, whether it be Kevin Smith movies or

Vanilla Sky? And even Tom Green's off-the-wall Freddy Got

Fingered was better than this. Also I have to comment on Lee's

character's girlfriend, whom I believe the audience will hate for

over 60% of the film. I wanted to cheer when Bruce from Kids in

the Hall appeared, but even his short bit failed to resuscitate this

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Panic Room (2002)
Suspense and fantasy mixed into one!
16 September 2002
I really had no expectations for this film but did watch with growing

interest as the plot developed. Halfway through the movie I was

totally hooked and then one clever scene really boosted my

impression of the film. But then...things went quickly downhill. The

director or screenwriter tosses any sort of reality or plausibility out

the window, probably to "keep things interesting" and that's when I

started to develop a hatred for what was going on in this movie. It's

really hard to comment on without revealing too much, but there

were at least a dozen times in the last quarter of the movie when I

was exclaiming "Oh yeah, right!" The lesson I learned from this

movie is that when you make a tight physical-based movie with a

compact well-textured set don't expect the audience to suspend

their disbelief. I gave it a 6.
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Amistad (1997)
Love it, love it, love it
16 September 2002
This is one of my favorite movies of all time and also, I think, one

of the best. For anyone who has ever had American History in high

school, this film touches on so much that you learn about. Wow

look, Martin Van Buren! John Quincy Adams! And John Calhoun!

You could see this and it would be just as great if it were an

invented story, but the fact that it is grounded in fact makes it all

that more awesome, horrifying, and powerful.

I really have no complaints with this movie, though I could

understand people seeing it as dry. The set, directing, acting, and

costumes were all excellent, and the story is gripping and moving.

I get goosebumps sometimes when I think of this film and it gave

a group of junior high kids nightmares. While a lot of people will

obviously object to the scenes of slavery and the barbarisms they

reveal, I think that Amistad is a must-see film for the family.
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Signs (2002)
It had me until the end
11 September 2002
Riveting is just the word for this film that had me on the edge of my seat for almost the entire movie. Almost. But the events that occur in the last fifteen minutes of the film ruined the whole thing for me. We have come to expect a surprise twist at the end of any of this director's films and this one was quite a let down. The acting and the suspense-laden plot were all very well done (though the kids always tended towards under-reaction to events) and the movie surprisingly had a number of points of comedy. But that end! Pure crap and that's why I give it a 6.
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Hart's War (2002)
Hart's War, Hart's Bore
11 September 2002
Hart's Bore, as I oh-so-wittily refer to this piece of Hollywood trash

is worth seeing exactly one time. I can't see any reason for me to

go back and watch it again. The plot tempo and the movement of

the story weren't so bad, it is just that this movie was frustrating to

watch. Colin Farrell was much better in Tigerland and I couldn't

help thinking about Tigerland and its plot while I was watching this

dud, perhaps wishing that the films would magically switch

places. And like someone else has mentioned, this movie might

find you actually rooting for the Nazis, who aren't villified very well.
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Blade II (2002)
Great action movie
11 September 2002
Tired, I fell asleep within the first thirty minutes of the original

Blade and never finished it. Now I'll have to go back and see it,

because I enjoyed Blade II so much. How much? Tired again, I

watched it a second time in a row to listen to Guillermo Del Toro's

awesome commentary. This was my first exposure to this new

director, but now I'm renting all of his other movies. I highly

reccomend this movie to all of my customers as a good action

movie. Similar to Aliens or Alien Resurrection, it has this cowboy/ hunter/commando squad feel to it. It has just the right amounts of

suspense, shock horror, and action to it and, in general, the

special effects do their part well. I particularly reccomend watching

the DVD for its special features.
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84C MoPic (1989)
A good cult war movie
11 September 2002
While it may not be the first war movie shot from a first-person

camera perspective, it's certainly the first and only one I've seen

and I like the whole Mo Pic documentary feel of the film. I don't

think this is a great movie or a great war movie, but it sure is

interesting and I like to watch it every now and then. From my

understanding of Vietnam and the military though, certain things

were highly unrealistic in terms of what characters say, but it's

easy to get past that. The plot moves right along and this movie is

NOT predictable. It's a smart low-budget (I'd assume) movie that

achieves what it sets out to achieve; a definite must-see for any

war film fans.
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The horror, the horror!
10 September 2002
Ugh. The only thing keeping me from rating this a 1 instead of a 2 is that I know just how bad movies can be. This movie ellicited a few laughs from my girlfriend and I due to some bizarre dialogue, but the more obvious humor in the movie fell flat on its face. We mostly sat through the film in nervous silence. What were Adam Sandler and Dana Carvey thinking? The fact that this "Master of Disguise" only really changed into a handful of disguises was also pretty poor. Phil Hartman could do more with his voice than they did with this film. I feel sorry for those of you who will suffer through it.
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A manic delight
10 September 2002
One of the most complained about movies at Hollywood Video

where I work, tons of people "didn't get it" or just plain thought it

was stupid. I on the other hand really got a kick out of it. There was

one part that had me gasping for air with tears in my eyes. Still

even fans of "stupid humor" hated this. One great thing though

was how could you predict (unless you've seen the original) what

was going to happen next? I also enjoyed the fact that this movie

was so humorous and enjoyable without having to rely on any

Hollywood star. In fact, HAD the movie had a few known actors in it

like Jim Carrey or even Bruce Campbell it would surely have been

better received.
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Gacked out
10 September 2002
In short this movie is a very good movie about drug use, specifically, speed. While I cannot comment on any accuracy, it approaches Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas in terms of a good drug movie. But if you don't like F&L or Trainspotting this movie might not be suited to you. The character of Pooh Bear was very interesting and produced a lot of the memorable scenes of the film. There was an undercurrent of Memento throughout the film, not stylistically or through direction, but more along the lines of story and the feeling of narration. Very cool to see Val Kilmer with tatts and punk hair.
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Zoolander (2001)
Ridiculously good laughs
10 September 2002
A movie I will continue to watch again and again, Zoolander is full of good lines worth repeating. I have heard a lot of people who didn't like it and thought it was stupid, but I don't know what they're comparing it to. I just bought it on DVD and it's worth checking out for the special features, which add so much more. The character of Hansel is an awesome Owen Wilson role. Loved it, loved it, loved it. There's not even a low point in the film for me. Great use of a soundtrack, awesome cameos from Bowie to Billy Zane to Andy Dick. If you like any of the quality SNL-star movies like Happy Gilmore or Tommy Boy you should like this one for its great quotes!
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Galaxy Quest (1999)
Triumphant comedy
10 September 2002
I gave it a 7. Why? Because it was an entertaining movie that was funny and had enough action to keep it moving along. I'm not really a fan of StarTrek, but I don't think you have to be to enjoy this. I really loved the characterization going on with Tim Allen, Weaver, and Alan Rickman. This movie always draws me in when I see it on and there's a real note of triumph to it. A good film for the whole family.
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Point Break (1991)
I always have to watch it
10 September 2002
Action movies can get little better than Point Break and whenever it is on I am drawn into it and HAVE to watch it. Reeves didn't need much acting skill to play Johnny Utah and Swazey's roll was spot on. It had just the right amount of depth without any fears of melodrama or cheesiness. The whole premise of the movie: bank robbery, FBI, and surfers is interesting and is covered believably. No real memorable lines, but so many of the scenes are unforgettable and well-etched into my memory.
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I could have been a fish detective
10 September 2002
I am glad to see that there are other people out there that love this movie as much as I do. It's a movie I still watch quite frequently and it sucked me in the first time I saw it. The lines this guy (Andrew Dice Clay) said! I didn't realize though that he was rehashing a lot of his stand-up comedy routine. I love the brash character of Ford Fairlane. Some people have said there aren't any likeable characters in the film; I am reminded of all the obnoxious friends and people I have ever known. The cameos: eh. I could care less about Motley Crue and Ton Loc, even though they were fitting. But the supporting cast all were wonderful from shark-meat eating Wayne Newton (Julie Grendel...) to Priscilla Presley and her Shetland pony to Zu Zu Petals to Robert Englund ('ello, 'ello). This is definitely a movie you'll love or hate.
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Easy to talk about!
10 September 2002
One of my favorite comedies, Who's Harry Crumb is the story of a bumbling private detective played by John Candy, who uses a number of disguises throughout the film. Jeffrey Jones is excellent as Elliot Dreisen. A relatively clean movie, the comedy revolves around Harry and his earnestness and naivete you could say. A lot of viewers will laugh at Harry, but I laugh with him as he tracks down the kidnappers - and find them he will! A number of good lines, interesting dialogue, funny disguises, and cool cameos. Plus this movie actually makes Annie Potts a believable sex object. A very easy 10 for me!
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Did I like it? No.
10 September 2002
I saw this subsequent to seeing the George Clooney version, which I enjoyed. The original is nowhere as fast-paced, entertaining, or well-conceived. Highlights do include Dean Martin and Sammy Davis Jr. singing and "authentic" Vegas casino life. It surprised me how much it differed from the remake - almost like two different movies. I gave it a 3; I don't have any desire to see it again - all the same though, I wouldn't leave the room if it were on.
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