
42 Reviews
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A good idea but wasted opportunity made worse due to slow and boring screenplay
12 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The main turnoff is that the movie is very slow. So much of time is wasted on unnecessary dialogs which are notrquired for the story. It starts getting interesting only in the second half. The lead character is impressive, though there doesn't seem any particular reason to make that person from Afro-American descent. The dracula's character is also very weak. Neither it has much screen time, nor does it helps to build the creepy vibe of anticipation of a doom. It feels very vague characte.

The picture rather gives a vibe of some social movie on rasicm. Unnecessary references about discrimination which are not relevant with the theme of the movie. The endign again is very weak and keeps people hanging. So overall its a poor effort and quite disaappointing movie.
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Good movie in the franchise.
16 July 2023
The movie was a pleasent watch. The movie is quiet predictable and you know the story and its ending. However, its much better than other parts. Except the first one which wasa new and a unique concept, others felt bit like drag and forced stories.

The screenplay is pretty good and tight. We feel good connection with the characters and gives a feeling of community feel with the small town.

Other parts were starting to get boring and cliche. However, once you pass first 10 minutes you get sucked in the storyline. The movie is fast paced and interesting. Acting is generally more like an overacting with such type of movies. However, here everyone has played their part well.
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Good movie dragged down down by poor climax
4 July 2023
The movie style is inspired by Sherlock Holmes. The crime scenes create good tense situations. And we start hoping for a good investigation style movie. But keeps getting confused betweenn whether its a action triller movie or suspense crime genre? The lead actor keeps screaming for trivial reasons.

But the movie starts going downhall in second half. The movie becomes slow and uninteresting starts feeling like a drag. The movie could have given much better impact if they would have avoided the climax action scenes. They look childish and forced, and it feels as if director is clueless as how to wrap up the well built story.
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Innovative movie inspite of weak screenplay
15 June 2023
The movie does not have any well-known actors. Thus, the acting and performanceof the characters is pretty average. The strength of movie is its unique storyline. And ending has surprising twists and turns.

However the drawback is lack of solid script to keep the story flowingand viewers engaged. Also weak screnplay and lack of character development makes the story give a B grade or TV serial feel. The murders could have unfolded slowly, creating a tense atmosphere. And thus making the movie more engaging. The ending feels really rushed. The many important events are just shown as a summary. Still its a good one time watch.
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Distortion of history for Bollywood's commercial advantage
31 December 2022
From the begining the movie becomes unwatchable due to distortion of history. These are epic tales from Maratha hisotry. It cannot be modified the way they showed. They made it very filmy to fit in the bollywood theme. All the kids grow up learning this history. Every detail about this episode is clearly written in the history and there was no need for distortion under excuse of creative liberty. It is like changing Ramayana and showing own ideas under that title.

The VFX and other effects are extremely mediocre and childish. The dialogs feel like one from bolllywood instead of one from history. The movie just becomes unwatchable as it progresses.
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Kantara (2022)
A mixed bag with fantastic end.
6 December 2022
Is movie unique? Answwer would be definitely yes. The acting and cinematography is great.

However, the whole essense of the movie is in its last fifteen minutes. And rest of the movie just feels more like a drag or a filler. The movie just keeps building on the theme. And at some point I even started getting bored as the main story was just not taking off. It just felt like they kept showing the village life. Amd it felt like social dram than a thriller.

The movie could have been condensed and thus it would have given it much faster pace. The female actresses character could have been developed further.
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Interesting watch
17 July 2022
The movie is quiet good. One can even fast forward first 30 minutes. But once the boy is kidnapped, it keeps youglued to the seat. It is good to watch a movie with something new in it.
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Zombivli (2022)
Good attempt for a Marathi cinema
24 May 2022
The movie is good and watchable. Tha pace is fast. The acting of supportign actors is very good. Especially the female lead role has justified her character very well. The movie is great if you see it from a Marathi horror perscpective. As theere arent many in this genre. However, if you compare to hollywood standard it feels very low budget and with limited storyline.

I feel Amay Wagh's acting looks bit limited and needs to work more on acting skills for big screen. His character looks confused not very prepared and gives a feel of stage actor.
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X (II) (2022)
Starts well and then ends badly
22 April 2022
The movie starts well with giving seventies vibe. The concept seems innovative and interesting. Though its bit slow in begining it builds creepy feel. However, in second half it just feels like the director wants to get rid of the characters. The death of characters is stupid and incoherent. It feels as if the director just wanted to finish off the movie and go home. So a good concept but poorly executed.
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Overhyped lack of substance
13 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the movie after hearing the big hype. I was quite disappointed. The movie just drags in the begining and there is too much of the background story which could have been trimmed. The movie is veyr slow to take off. First half is jsut the hero workshipping and unnecessary and illogical stunts. The story actually begins after the hero's entry in the goldmine. If the move was trimmed and the choppy sequences and unnecessary narrations removed it would be less than a one hour movie.

There is an overload of characters whose purpose is not clear. Lot of them look alike. There is unnecessary mother-son emotions thrust at various points, which becomes unbearable. Copard to this the movie Pushpa has very smooth flow and keeps you curious and forces you to keep watching. With KGF I felt like switching off the movie. I hope the part 2 is better and storyline is much tighter.
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A Thursday (2022)
Could have been better
6 March 2022
I quite agree with the above review. The movie starts really well but then it starts to drag a bit in middle as nothing really happens tehn. As the movie progresses it becomes very predictable. Many things are left unanswered.

1)What was the role of the heavily pregnant Neha Dhupia in that hostage situation? Why was she still on the duty and that too for such a critical mission? Aren't there any other capable police officers in whole Mumbai Police force exept her? And then on top of that, she hardly does anything in the whole movie.

2)She is shown Christian and Atul kulkarni as muslim and both were married at some time and now a divorced couple. It does not make much sense. Probably, the Bollywood wants to force pseudo secularism.

3)The main subtle thing most of the people have missed is why prime minister character is shown like Sonia Gandhi? She was never PM of India and now never will be due her age and health.
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Forensic (2020)
A promising movie suffered by poor screenplay
28 January 2022
The movie has quiet interesting plot and keeps the audience engaged till the first half. It could have been much better movie with better screenplay and acting. Later the movie starts to jump randomly and screenplay becomes choppy. Scenes look forced and illogical. The investigation leaves lot of loop holes and the movie drags and ends in a uninteresting way.
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Pathetic low budget cheap horror movie
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The movie seems like made by college students. The movie sets and the story line has a cheap feel. The background story of the horror villa just goes in thin air. The acting is mediocre and amateurish.

In the end there are so many loose threads and unanswered questions. What happens to the hauted villa? How did the pandit die? Why one of the friend died earlier than others? Why there wasa bi statue of Jesus when none of them were chritians? Whats the significance and why was the main actor able ot get out and still die?
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An average predictable storyline
30 December 2021
The movie has nothing significant and might be suitable for kids. The acting by the characters is quiet good which is the only savign grace for the movie. The movie is slow paced and does not build any interest.
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Sooryavanshi (2021)
Good potential being wasted
5 December 2021
The movie starts well makes you think that it will have some good action scenes intense terrorist plots. But no it just doesn't take off from the ground. It keeps dragging along. So many situations arrive when story could have interesting scenes and build into a storyline. But the director refuses to do anything worthwhile. It feels like Ferrari is being driven on first gear. The story never takes off. However, during last 1/3 of the movie, it feels like the director just gave up and found it too stressful. He just told his crew members that he is going home and bored with this movie stuff and pack off. Movie suddenly goes into comedy mode with the entry of Ranvir Singh and Ajay Devgan. It makes the movie totally laughable and unbearable. It keeps you wondering what's the point of this whole movie? Katrina Kaif pathetic acting and Ranvir's overacting drags it down further.
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A mix bag and bit dragged
28 November 2021
The movie starts well with a naïve country girl coming to the city. Her struggles to fit in are shown well. However, the pace remains really slow for a horror- thriller genre.

In the middle the movie I found it was just not taking off the ground and just meandered. Using the 60s swag and style as crutches.

Though, it doesn't have many jump scares or other cliche tactics, it still starts to loose the grip.

Finally the ending plot twist sort of saves the movie from going complete downhill. A smarter storyline and bit of editing could have made it much more enjoyable.
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From scary to pathetic, movie better avoided.
16 November 2021
The movie bgins well and then just keeps going down. More than 80% of deaths look so stupid. People with loaded guns fire everywhere withotu hittign a single bullet to the vilan. But get killed by their own gun in a single shot. The movie just gets meaningless as it progresses. There is no logic to it.

It feels as if the director got a lagre bunch of actors and want to get rid of them as soon as possible. After couple of deaths he hasn't even bothered to make them look meaninglful. They just die in a stupidest way. People just seems to be on suicide mision. And walk into his attacking range withotu causing im any harm. Just a waste of time, movie better avoided.
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Pari (I) (2018)
A potatial beign wasted
4 May 2021
The movie starts in an interesting way and then just drags on very slowly. The movie refuses to pick up from the ground and gets very boring. After one and half hour the movie starts to pick up. It just meanders aroud and sotory never gets a foot hold. And it ends with a crash landing and leaves lot of questions unanswered.

The movie is produced by Anushka Sharma, so its all about her. She seems to be goign on footsteps of Vidya Balan.

The pace of movie is really slow and boring. The actors have doen a decent job but screenplay could have been much better,
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Pacthetic story line with poor acting.
25 December 2020
The movie gives a feel of cheap B or C grade movie. The story line is meaningless and struggles to decide what it wants to really show? The main lead actor's acting is really pathetic. He just keeps screraming at people for no apparent reason.Movie really drags at slow pace and eventually crashng down.
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Raatchasan (2018)
Good thriller movie
14 November 2020
The movie is quite gripping and has good thrilling sequences. The acting of lead actors is quiet good. The story has few unexpected twists. They have avoided unnecessary violene or display of gore for such type of movies.

However, It could have been made better. The pace bit slow and sequences look repetative. Which can happen when you take a 1.5 hr holllywood movie and make it into a 2.5hr movie. The movie seems to be reaching a climax in middle of the show time and then again starts streching.
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Starts well and then goes downhill
22 October 2020
The movie begins well and story looks quite interesting. The CGI is quite good. And actors are decent too. The concept of rich playboy harvesting and using Gabaroids as sports hunting is interesting. However, the director fails to develop the story. There is lack of good screenplay. The movie proceeds in jerky way. And it starts looking like director just wants to get rid of the characters as he has got too many of them and has no idea how to get them killed. So the sequences look very forced and silly. Still movie is quiet fast paced and watchable and provides good sequel for Tremors fans.
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A potential wasted
3 May 2020
I was keen to watch this movie but was really disappointed by lack of any story line and development of characters. The movie could have been rather named as 'Tragedy of Balgandharva'. The only scene which leaves impact is guest appearance of Rahul Deshpande and his song. Subodh Bhave's acting is quiet good but feels has unnecessary saitnt like appearence of old movies like Saint Tukaram.

His big stardom is never portrayed in the movie and his character is portrayed as a loser. He is always portrayed as a struggling artist, who is trying to make two ends meet.

The movie feels very superficial and has lot of factual errors. For example Maharaja Sayaji rao Gaikwad is shown giving him some money just before his death. Balgandharva died in 1967 where as Mh. Sayajirao had died long before in 1939. The poor story line the movie just drifts away without ever taking off. It gives a feel of car doing its whole journey on first gear and never picking up the speed.
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A Master piece by Mahesh Manjrekar
11 April 2020
It is a delight to watch this masterpiece. It has comedy, tragedy, fun sorrow, anger and all the feelings are used in right way. Beauty of the movie is Pu La's life is portrayed not just a ideal person but as ordinary person who did extraordinary things. His career spanned from Pt. Nehru to Bal Thackery.

Some people have severely criticized this movie for being a shallow and not portraying Pu La's life accurately. However, it comes from peoples high expectations rather than shortcomings from the movie. As his life had such a dynamic spectrum that its hard to portray in a movie. The movie is excellent effort and must watch for Pu La's fans. However, there could be some improvements like character of Rao Saheb could have been better developed. He just comes and goes without really making any impact. People who have not read read or listened to story of Rao Saheb would easily miss that part. Also, Pu La as a writer is not portrayed as strongly. His character looks more of a happy go lucky person than a key figure in Marathi literature. His devotion to the music and social cause is portrayed pretty well. The music is one the strong points of he movie. The movie ends with the amazing Mehfil portraying the music maestro Pt. Pandit Bhimsen Joshi, Kumar Gandharva, and Dr. Vasantrao Deshpande in a very casual unplanned gathering. It transfers people to that era and leaves everyone with a goose bumps.
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702 Dixits (2016)
A mediocre movie but watchable
27 July 2019
The movie starts with a murder of a house maid. The man of the employing family is arrested on the suspected murder. And story unfolds slowly. Movie really shows amateurish direction and acting. The male actor's acting is very poor. Though the two lead actresses has carried the movie well and give only good and strong point of the movie. Few places there seems to be unnecessary effort to create tangled relationships and add extra marital affairs without much hel to the story. Acting by other actors is average or poor. The movie goes into twists and turns and then ends u with a thump. It gives a feel that the makers wanted to create a comlex mystery thriller but lacked the skills to create that and then resolve Though its watchable for thriller suspense movie fans.
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Sandook (2015)
Good potential with lack of proper storyline
1 February 2019
A movie is set in the pre-independent Indian era. It has good appeal and feel about the era. There are lot of humorous punch lines. However, it keeps viewer guessing about the main story which never really starts and keeps people waiting for something to happen. The acting is average, the characters are never developed properly and people seem to come at random. The pace of movie is extremely slow and drags along and sometimes even becomes unwatchable.
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