
3 Reviews
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25 August 2004
This movie makes no sense. At all. None what so ever. If you could measure how much sense this makes, its about the size of a speck of dust. It should be noted that there is no actual vampire vs zombie fighting. None at all. At no point does a zombie fight a vampire. A couple of zombies get hit by cars, but that's it. I mean...I can't even explain any of it because the movie makes no sense. The whole movie takes place in broad daylight! I thought Vampires could only survive at night. Must have been shot in the day because the director/screenwriter/producer must be four years old and has to be home before 6pm. If anyone suggest watching this movie because "its so bad its good", you should promptly pummel them with a chair, then report them to the FBI (or what have you) for domestic terrorism. This movie is probably being shown to POWs as a form of torture. It should be noted this has some lesbian kissing, but not even something like that could save this wretched bomb of a movie. If this movie was the equivalent of a natural disaster, I'm sad to say that Texas has been wiped off the map. Along with Mexico.
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FLCL (2000–2001)
Total Riot
21 June 2003
This is the most original anime I have ever seen in my life! It's totally insane, really fast and hysterical. Full of pop-cultural references and giant robots. Great action sequences and a top-notch soundtrack provided by JPop band The Pillows. The one thing I noticed the most is the distinct animation style, which actually changes randomly. The first and last episode feature a mind-blowing and dizzying manga sequence where pages from the manga are animated.

This is totally original, anyone who calls themselves a fan of anime should check this one out.
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The Getaway (2002 Video Game)
Mature Fun
9 June 2003
Let's get one thing straight: You can steal cars, you perpetrate crimes and you shoot people. Lots of people. But aside from those similarities, this game bears little semblance to the GTA series. While the GTA games give you a arcade feeling, The Getaway is meant to be as real as possible. There's no screen junk like maps, health bars, ammo counter or anything. You are guided by the blinking indicators on your car and your health is gauged by the way you move and the blood on your suit. The controls are acceptable, but not as tight as they could be. Controlling the cars is much more enjoyable than GTA3 or GTA:VC. Unlike in GTA:VC and preceding games, you can only target hostile opponents, which saves ammo and frustration in a fire fight. The on foot engine has stealth. Hide against walls, pop out around corners, etc. You can take hostages and use them as a shield. Opponents may not fire if the hostage is important. Cops, however, will NEVER fire at a hostage. The weapon selection is limited, you can get pistols, a shotgun, an AK47 and MP5s. Be warned, this game definitely mature. Plenty of course language, stark violence and some other mature themes. Overall, it's a great game.
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