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a huge disappointment.
3 November 2022
When I read the complete stories of HP Lovecraft, there was only one that was able to give me nightmares, and it was precisely this one: The Dreams in the Witch's House. Being this , an absolutely terrifying story, I expected an adaptation that would do it justice, and even more so considering that Del Toro has openly declared himself to be a fan of Lovecraft on more than one occasion. However, the story was painfully adapted, nothing faithful to the original story, and although the special effects are quite good, the development of the characters and the story in general is lousy and poorly achieved. A real pity, a missed opportunity, if we take into account, apart from everything I've already said, the fact that the first 4 episodes were wonderfully made.
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Black Adam (2022)
A hit!
21 October 2022
This could have been another generic superhero movie, or The Rock movie for that matter, full of over-the-top special effects, inhumane situations, and finally a boring and tedious movie, but somehow the script, the director and the actors manage to give us an entertaining story, to some extent fresh and above all with an important background message: what is justice? What is revenge? What is the difference between both? Can a hero become a villain? Can a villain become a hero? What is the motivation behind the actions you do? Really a great movie that puts DC / Warner on the map again with great force. I can only hope that it does well at the box office. All of you who haven't seen it yet, don't listen to the critics on Rotten Tomatoes or other similar sites. Those guys don't know shit!
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22 September 2022
This movie is boring, stupid without head or tail, and with no other meaning than to continue disseminating the woke agenda that apparently is an urgent priority for Disney and its "bosses". Not even the presence of an actor of the caliber of Christian Bale saves her from being an absolute and total waste of time. The only consolation I have left is that I don't spend money out of my pocket to see this mess, I earn some free tickets, but still spend money on parking, gas and food. Terrible, never in my life I think to see this movie again. The MCU feels more and more like a ship adrift, or worse, like a ship sinking.
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Andor (2022– )
22 September 2022
As a 45-year Star Wars fan, I've seen it all, I've seen brilliance and clumsiness, I've seen exciting Star Wars and I've seen it boring, vain and even silly. Having said that, it must be added that the last Disney trilogy was a joke. But to be fair, Disney has not done everything wrong, series like The Mandalorian, or The Bad Batch gave hope; and of course the 2016 Rogue One movie, which is, without a doubt, the best Star Wars movie made by Disney. And now we get this fabulous dark series from one of the unnamed leaders of the rebellion. I think it's great, it's not just "good guys" against "bad guys" there are already shades of gray (like life itself), exciting and intense first 3 episodes. And I want more!
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Surprisingly good
2 September 2022
A pleasant surprise, the cinematography is impeccable, the characters quite well done, the plot looks like a link between the stories of the First Age, the Silmarillion and the stories of the Lord of the Rings of the Third Age, the rhythm of narration is pleasant albeit a bit slow. If the outcome of the series will be to narrate how Sauron forged the Rings of Power, it will definitely be something to watch. Until this moment, I think that in general terms, at least the first chapter delivers. I think enough to be cautiously optimistic about what the next 7 episodes might turn out to be. I must add, again that I am pleasantly surprised.
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The Sandman: The Doll's House (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
What the....
28 August 2022
The series until now was remarkable, coherent, well structured, each chapter left a good taste in the mouth, (relatively) But when I saw this episode the only question I was able to ask myself was, what the hell? I really felt that I was watching a different series, incoherent and unnecessary scenes, dialogues without meaning, poorly interconnected with the main plot, really an absolutely disappointing episode. Well I can think of another adjective with which you can qualify this episode: this is undoubtedly the most woke episode of the entire series (so far) this episode was not a dream, it was a total nightmare.
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Star Trek: Picard: Mercy (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
And you call this Star Trek?
24 April 2022
Boring, mediocre and pointless, overacted, especially by Jeri Ryan and Michelle Hurd, this season began in a fast-paced way, but little by little it has been diluted into mediocrity. It's a shame.
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boring and pointless.
24 April 2022
This movie is a boring succession of absurd and incoherent stories, everything happens without being connected, surrounded by scientific pseudodrama, with a diluted and at best absurd premise (an undiscovered moon orbiting Jupiter????) definitely the Science fiction is not for Mr. Clooney. Why doesn't he try to be Batman again? He maybe will fare better this time.
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Moonfall (2022)
The most anti-scientific movie in the history of cinema.
11 February 2022
I believe that there are at least three levels of movies that we could consider "fictional plots." 1. Fantasy movies, you don't take them very seriously because you already know in advance that what you are seeing is not even remotely based on reality, and yet you enjoy watching it, for example superhero movies, Star Trek and Star Wars also fall into this category.

2. True science fiction movies are based on proven scientific fact, or projected on a reasonably speculative basis. They are rare in themselves and highly appreciated, examples: Interstellar (2014), Planet of the Apes (1968), Contact (1997) 3. Frankly anti-scientific movies: not only are they not based on real or verifiable facts but they openly challenge our concepts, scientific ideas to the point of being in direct opposition to rationalism, examples, 1,000,000 BC (1966), dinosaurs and humans coexisting 10,000 BC (2008, giant carnivorous birds and humans coexisting and the undisputed queen of anti-scientific movies, "Moonfall" from 2022.
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Injustice (2021)
brutal and bloody
25 January 2022
The world is full of mediocre and resentful people, and l, who live spitting bitterness to try to make some sense of their pathetic life. No, it is not the synopsis of any movie, but that of most people who comment on IMDB. Don't listen to the haters, this is a great movie, not perfect, but great.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
what a piece of crap.
23 January 2022
The 5 stars are going because Margot Robbie's beauty, but otherwise it is a obnoxius movie in every single way. I barely stand watching it for 15 minutes.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
not perfect but worth watch it
21 January 2022
Bobba Fett is cruel and brutal, but he has grown up, he has decided that he is not worth being an employee of anyone, he has decided that he has to have his own kingdom of crime, he spares the lives of his enemies because he knows it is smart to have allies, he kills No mercy to the bikers who annihilated his Tusken friends, so he knows when to be tough and ruthless. The show is good and doesn't deserve so many negative reviews. Do not get carried away by them, it is worth seeing.
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Star Trek: Lower Decks: I, Excretus (2021)
Season 2, Episode 8
Not funny
20 January 2022
I don't know why whenever I watch this series I get the impression that they are not laughing within the Star Trek universe, in fact they are making fun of the Star Trek universe.
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The Wasteland (2021)
Aburrida, insipida y sin sentido.
10 January 2022
Vives con tu esposa y tu hijo en un paramo tan desolado que cada vez que tienes que ir a cagar a la letrina tienes que salir armado con una escopeta, te peleas con tu esposa, tu esposa se pelea contigo, peleas con tu hijo y tu hijo pelea contigo y tu mujer. En ese estado de cosas un extraño mal herido a quien ayudas a curar sus heridas como muestra de gratitud intenta matar a tu familia y tu lo matas, y encima de todo, decides dejar a tu familia sola para intentar entregar el cadaver del desconocido a su familia. Insensata y torpe premisa, lo unico por lo que vale la pena ver esta peli es por la espectacular belleza de Inma Cuesta, madre mía tremenda cuarentona!
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i like it!
11 December 2021
Great tribute to the action films of the 70's, starting with Roger Moore's James Bond films, to the martial arts films of which Bruce Lee was the undisputed representative, with a nod to another fantastic seventies series such as Kung Fu. It's witty, it's entertaining, it's nostalgic and definitely a great addition to the Batman mythology, I give it an 8!
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Harlin's movie was amazing compared to this....
19 November 2021
Bad plot, no real scary moment, no real climax, terrible CGI I completely agree with the executives who prevented this lousy movie from reaching the cinema. Renny Harlin's version is a thousand times better than this one.
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Airwolf: Blackjack (1987)
Season 1, Episode 1
An insult to all Airwolf fans that persists through the years.
8 November 2021
Although this episode was initially broadcast more than 34 years ago, the mediocrity surrounding its performance, its script, its special effects and virtually every aspect of its production should be a paradigm for all those who are dedicated to the entertainment industry. If you don't have the money or the will, or both, to make a quality product, don't do it.
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Kate (I) (2021)
John Wick meets La femme Nikita
22 October 2021
So maybe it is true, that there are no new and innovative arguments, that we finally exhausted all the stories (real or fictitious) that could be told, and that we are condemned to see the same stories over and over again, recycled over and over. And again until the end of time.
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You have the right to remain dead.
2 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw the movie yesterday, acceptable until you reach the end. I have to admit that it left me in such a shock that until now, almost 24 hours later, I feel calm enough to write this review. If you value James Bond, don't watch this movie, watch an old movie like Goldfinger or From Russia With Love, even the movies from the Timothy Dalton era are a masterpiece compared to this. James Bond is dead, and if you ask me, he must stay dead. Of course I will never go to see a "Bond" movie at the cinema again, although from now on it should be called "living dead James"
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7 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
For Netflix, and its team of directors and producers, if I wanted to see about tragedies, unsolved crimes and anonymous serial killers, I would put the news on. Stop being such a#$%&/les and don't waste my time.
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How stupid a movie can be?
25 May 2021
When it comes to zombie movies you don't really expect a very elaborate plot, just a bunch of guys fighting to survive, lots of gore, blood, guts and explosions. It's not really rocket science, but Snyder in this case completely underestimates the intelligence of his audience.
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Don't watch this crap.
20 March 2021
Boring, predictable, badly acted, a meaningless denouement, and a story that is mediocrely lost in the dreams of a sexually frustrated woman (i mean the writer and director)
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Belzebuth (2017)
Excelente producción de terror mexicana
13 February 2021
Debo reconocer que a pesar de ser de origen latinoamericano tengo un prejuicio muy marcado contra el cine mexicano, tal vez porque cuando pienso en cine hecho en México inmediatamente pienso en el cine chusco y con picardía de los años 80's. Después de mucho pensarlo decidí darle una oportunidad a esta película sin realmente tener muchas expectativas y me lleve una muy grata sorpresa. Esta tal vez es la mejor película de terror que he visto en los últimos 10 años y fácilmente sobrepasa en calidad al 90% de las producciones de los Estados Unidos en el genero. Poderosas actuaciones, muy bien logrados efectos especiales, un argumento que te atrapa desde el principio y nunca pierde ritmo, etc. En lo que vale mis respetos a todos los que tuvieron que ver en la filmación de Belzebuth, una verdadera joya del cine de terror.
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The Meg (2018)
Boring and predictable.
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Any movie where people die horribly and a ridiculous rat-like dog survives has to be bad, lousy in fact, and this one meets that definition 100%.
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WandaVision (2021)
17 January 2021
People who rate this series with less than 8 stars have a huge problem using their imagination. And besides, they don't know how to enjoy a good sitcom when they see one.
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