
2 Reviews
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Breathful (2007)
simply another funny out of his word shokof movie
12 March 2009
i was at the screening of this movie in the USA.a big group of people laughed their heart out ever after the first 15 minutes of the film was passed and only then and when it was clear that breathful was meant to be an artistic popular statement about all genres of film-making with a serious undertone of bravado piece of filmmakng contributing this almost X rated film to the freedom of women around the world and more specifically for freedom of women in Iran from under what shokof calls a most inhumane dictatorial Islamic Republic Regim ruling his country (iran) at this time. shokof once mentioned in an interview that he would salute all women in the world even if they would be making the choice to do Pornos (which he mentioned as he most innocent and free minded films at all)out of freedom and their own will. his Breathful is another genius work done by a genius mind. the film can not be taken for real as the actors are all OFF their spots. the lines are even more off as in almost all shokof films. if there would be a rating for any of shokof films i would rate them JUST original as they truly do not fit any rating standards in the world. he is free like a bird when he does a movie. his freedom of directing and writing the script gives the most coward people on earth a hero to want to take a step forward and do anything after one sees a film by shokof. this is his strongest contribution where he proves effective as a hero by daring and being just out of this world with his works. contrbuting a film with two almost half naked beautiful Iranian gals (played amazingly by Taies Farzan and Narges Rashidi)to the freedom of women in Iran where women are covered from head to toe in veils is in itself all what the film Breathful and the title means to me.Braver than the word Brave itself. just great. a 10 for all the great ideas and courage and many incredible scenes of this jewel of Modern cinema.
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the first religion coming to mankind in form a film
12 March 2009
i had read the philosophical thoughts of Yekishim,and Maximalism by Shokof before i finally saw the movie (seven servants) just recently in a festival in Germany. shokof himself was not present as always. people who stood to take questions were less impressive with the answers as the fate of this magnificent movie which has been in a hide for almost 15 years. shokof has just brought his manifest and thoughts of Yekishim in form of a most refreshing, and simply magnificent movie onto earth with this film. it is not that the acting of Quinn is not matched not just by him but by no one else in my opinion ever, and that for what he had to go through making the film throughout some extraordinary configurations in the film history, and above all not even getting an Oscar for his performance cause the film did not even get released. it is not that the directing is phenomenal by shokof (his debut) which should have gotten him nominated for the Oscar the least, and : it is not unfortunate that such a unique and doubtlessly the most original story ever told did not get that Oscar it should have and or for the one of a kind Design by shokof and.........

none of the above hurts more than the speculation that only due to the political circumstances connected to this film shokof who i believe is by far one of the most extraordinary multi-talented minds of our times did not ever get a chance to continue as one hears more and more often that all his future works have been completely ignored globally?!(this was brought up in a question at the festival,and no one was able to point out to shokof,s other brilliant works) it hurts more to see that such situations still occur in even a most free minded scenes of the world that is supposed to be that of the arts?! seven servants and daryush shokof bring about the notion that there are no limits to the boundaries of the arts no matter where one comes from. he and his works are a landslide away from all Conservative Iranian recent films and much more ahead of even the free world as each oe of his works has introduced a certain dimension of originality of thoughts to mankind for centuries to come. i salute Mr. shokof,s seven events and all his existing record as an artist. a 10 and a lot more to all his courage.
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