
9 Reviews
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The Hours (2002)
27 August 2003
This film is amazing. It's somewhat of a classic in its own time. Amazing costumes, sound, and acting. With a movie that includes Streep, Kidman, and Moore, who could go wrong. Its a 10/10! I still feel as though Streep should have earned an Oscar for her role. Kidman was so different... her acting style has changed for the better over the years. Moore was outstanding. The scene where she leaves her son and is going to the hotel is breathtaking!
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Amazing story and acting
27 August 2003
Dottie West led a life that was straight from rags to riches, and back to rags again. She was born very, very poor. She was raped by her father, who later went to prison for it. She had 3 troubled marriages, 4 kids, world-wide fame, fortune, and terrible luck. After an amazing career, she found that she owed the IRS nearly $2 million dollars. She had to sell her home, and auction off everything she owned in order to pay the debt. She died an untimely death in 1991, with injuries that occured in a car accident. This film was amazing. Michele Lee did an outstanding job as Dottie. She looked like Dot, and sanf like her. The ending was a bit strange, because it never showed Dottie going to the hospital, or going through surgery. All in all, is you like biographies, watch this film. I give it a 9 out of 10.
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Over rated!
30 September 2002
I saw this movie 2 days ago. It really wasent what I expected. It was VERY long, some parts seemed never-ending and the plot was TOTALLY predictible. Whitherspoon is a great actress, the story just wasnt that great. I really was somewhat dissapointed... All in all, it was OK, just predictible and long.
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Streep, Willis and Hawn are great.
30 September 2002
This movie will keep you laughing non-stop. Meryl Streep plays a terrible actress (imagine that, shes soooooooo great) who takes everything that writer Goldie Hawn wants, including her man (Willis.) When Ernest and Mad (willis and streep) get married it all goes to Hell.

Mad is obsessed with staying young, and when she sees Helen(Hawn) after years and years, shes shocked that Helen looks so good. In the end, both take a potion that keeps them young forever, and wont allow them to die. This movie is so funny, Streep is wonderful, Willis is great, and Hawn is absolutly hillarious! Totally worth watching.
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Not very good...
30 September 2002
Well, I watched the whole movie over a 4 day period. This movie cant hold my attention. No matter how beautiful Bo Derek is, this movie DID NOT WORK... I dont even get it?? I was totally confused, the plot was terrible, as was the acting, and Quinn as Dereks husband??? I cant understand the age difference... At least in rel life, John was a decent looking guy... Quinn was not. This movie was terrible, I place it on the bottom with Myra Breckinridge... I did nothing for me (except seeing Bo dance around the beach naked talking to the clouds... that was interesting... Seeing Bo can usually capture my attention and keep me into as movie "Change of Seasons" and "10" were both good, but this once flopped...
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Streep is amazing!
30 September 2002
Once again, Meryl Streep does an amazing job. She always seems to amaze audiences and critics with her ability to master an accent. This film is based on a true story, which took place in August 1980. Its about a family whos baby is killed while out in the wilderness. However, there is no body, and all evidence points to the mother (Streep.) This movie is 2 hours long, but totally keeps you on the edge of your seat. The evidence will shock you, and keep you guessing... and the ending is amazing. I recommend that if you enjoy Streep, true stories, or drama/mysteries, check this one out at your local video store!
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30 September 2002
Warning: Spoilers
I swear, I have seen Fatal Attraction at least 15 times, and each time I watch it, I am on the edge of my seat. Glen Close does an AMAZING job as Alex, a psychopath, who becomes obsessed with a married man (Douglas.) The first time I saw this movie, I was shocked... Every second something happened that made me become more and more trapped into this movie. Theres the slitting of the wrists, the baby, the Volvo... and who could forget the bunny?? (poor bunny fu fu.) Anyway, for any one who loves thrillers, one-night stands, or thrillers... this is the KING of all others...
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10 (1979)
funny, cool, and a total 10
30 September 2002
I'll never forget seeing Bo Derek for the first time in this movie. I was shocked (hated the hair, but it made the character) This is a great movie about a man who is having a mid-life crisis. Dudley Moore, has just turned 42, and is single (dating Julie Andrews.) While driving around in his Rolls, he sees Bo Derek in a Mercedes on her way to her wedding. Hes totally wild over her, and she becomes a sort of obsession. So he finds out where they are honeymooning, and goes there. The movie is great, its funny, and keeps you laughing. This was also Bo's break-through. Shes a total 10, and even though she speaks very little, her character is a HUGE part of the film. Its great, everyone should see this film.
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Scary and Funny
30 September 2002
Well, after becoming a huge fan of Raquels beauty, I made it a point to see all of her films. I bought this on video, and was truly confused. Seeing Rex Reed have a sex change by a totally confused doctor. Seeing Raquel as the new "Myra" was strange. Then, theres Farrah Fawcett, who plays a retarted girl who can barely speak shes so dumb. Rex Reed does a TERRIBLE job, with his fast talking, snorting, and horny behavior. Then comes the scary part... Myra raping Rusty of his manhood... which caused me to grit my teeth... And seeing Mae West, with 8 pounds of makeup, as a nympho who checks the "resume" of all her clients (get what I mean??) She sings "Taste all the Fruit" and rubs her 75 year old breasts while singing "Hard to Handle." This film is truly terrible, the acting, the directing... its all bad. But, its so bad, that its funny. And whats with the girl who has a tattoo on her face????? All in all, if you want to see some campy, cult classics with he-she Mae, check it out. If not, it may be more entertaining to watch grass grow.
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