
8 Reviews
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The first step in destroying Star Wars
3 January 2020
While Disney were off to an OK start with Episode 7, which while uninspired, was not horrible, this movie takes a sharp turn immediately. The first scene has Mark Hamill act out a bizarre parody of his Luke Skywalker, to such a degree that he even spoke publicly after the film's release about how he didn't agree with it.

The movie follows a meandering plot that relies on introducing new technological barriers, such as fuel, gravity and distance, are introduced to the SW universe. These feel weird because the series has been almost completely free of technobabble - rather, its technology was just there and was used in a self-explanatory way.

Halfway through the movie a 30 minute detour that has no real reason to exist, other than perhaps as a means to sell more toys, or to break up the monotony of the dreary space-faring with constant talk about fuel and despair.

There were a few character developments that could've been interesting, but mostly it's all thrown away in either an attempt to keep the movie suitable for a 7 year old audience, to sell to the Chinese market or to sell more toys.

I actually think that the movie that is in here could've been a fun sci-fi romp if it wasn't a Star Wars movie.
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Rushed damage control
3 January 2020
This film feels extremely rushed. Editing is so fast and constant that it's hard to keep up with what's going on. This seems done to make sure you don't, because any amount of scrutiny makes the whole thing fall apart.

The effects are generally really well done. There's some good acting here and there. The movie looks beautiful.

But over all, this feels like some sort of bizarre fan service that no one asked for. Like they want to erase everything that happened in Last Jedi. However, at least in Last Jedi there was some sort of character development. In this one there's almost none and mostly the main characters seem like they're not interested in being there.

Not recommended. Other than as an example of how a mega corporation completely messed up a multi-billion dollar franchise by not planning anything.
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Lighthearted but fun.
28 August 2011
I went to see Conan the Barbarian in 2D (naturally) after a few beers at the end of a long day. I had seen a couple of reviews, heard a few opinions, and it was apparently the worst garbage to come out of Hollywood since forever. So, I was very pleasantly surprised when this movie turned out to be quite a lot more fun and probably pretty cool for a handful of kids in their early teens. But we had good fun, despite being rather a lot older than our early teens.

At the end of the day, you don't get much more than you could've expected to get from a movie that's basically only about a guy growing up to kill the guy who killed his father. The plot starts out flat and remains flat. In between the start and the end we see a bunch of cool locations, a lot of fighting, a couple of fun moments, a random sex scene, and it sticks pretty true to Conan lore.

I wonder if it's at all feasible to make this movie. You have a character that is basically only from a couple of handfuls of pulp short stories from the 30's. A teenage boy's hero, exciting adventures. It's not for the mainstream cinema, at all. It's something for kids in their room, playing Dungeons & Dragons or Descent: Journeys in the Dark, or a sword & sorcery video games.

To adults, it's either horrible, or something fun to remind us of a time where we were more easily impressed by the world and its sights. But then, as a person who very much enjoys movies that are so bad they're good, a movie in that category that's also nicely made in general, is a rarity. For those points, I'll give it a 7/10. If you're the nerdy type and dip into a couple of beers, you'll probably enjoy this. Your 13-15 year old son and his mates will also love it no doubt.
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I seriously considered suicide
20 August 2007
The only thing worse than acting was, the fightscenes. And of course the plot was a laughing matter. Poor choreography, poor dialogue, poor acting, a 6 year old that defeats adults with his martial arts skills and in general so many laughable clichés (the mafia guy has an Indian chief (who's the most non-native-American looking guy in the world) and so many poorly executed scenes make this movie a complete farce... 1½ hours of time wasted and a good evening ended because the poor quality of this movie hypnotised everyone to sleep.

The only redeeming quality I can think of was the healthy amounts of blood when the evildoer is finally brought down by our courageous hero. Of course not until after the evil boss guy has defeated him time and time again almost casually. Several times fooling him with the help of mechanical dolls of himself that somehow materialise out of thin air when needed the most.

I've watched I don't know how many kung-fu, samurai and ninja movies and I can honestly say that none of them has been as poor as this one.
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Funny, yet flawed.
18 February 2007
I saw this movie with out having ever heard of the guy it's based on or hearing anything at all about it in any media. All I did before seeing it was check the score here on IMDb and mutter a little over the current 5.9 it had scored.

However, the movie is far better than what people have been spamming about here. The acting is very well done on most parts and the actors manage to be quite convincing in their rather insane roles.

There's some completely crazy dialogue here and the movie maintains a pretty light-hearted feel throughout the first 4/5ths, which are the best parts of the movie, but turns too serious towards the end and falls a little flat.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes movies that are a bit "off" and out of the ordinary. It has some great scenes with some great use of a soundtrack, that just manages to maintain a level above corny and overused for it's purpose, and the bizarre humor with which it is all made makes it worth watching. If you like movies that don't follow the standard "Oscar-formula".

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Van Helsing (2004)
Fun, fast, furious, full of holes...
8 May 2004
Yes, this movie has tons of plotholes. Yes this movie has all sorts of small flaws. Do those things matter to this movie? No, they do not. And why don't they matter? Because this is a James bond meets medieval fantasy. I had fun watching this movie. The people that went to see this movie and claims here that they would've "stormed the box office and demanded the money back for the entire audience" and request that the director should apologize in public for this movie, are idiots. This is a movie you watch if you like gung-ho action, to be suspended in disbelief by something so outré that no way in hell could this ever be real. And none of it can of course. But that's the beauty of it. This movie takes something so far out, so outrageous as this is, and turns it believable.

This is a great new action-movie. Action movies were best in the 80's and since then the genre has degenerated into horrible movies featuring The Rock or clever things with cool gimics, like The Matrix and Boondock Saints. This is more true to the action legacy of movies like Indiana Jones and James Bond than even the new James Bond movies.

Fun movie, but not a great movie. And there's a difference there. You can hammer this movie all you want, but that won't change that fact that it's still fun and you can enjoy yourself with this piece of excellent escapism. Just don't for one second think that it will contain a hidden message that will cause every person in the world to realise the errors of their ways and love each other.

8/10, judged like an actionmovie, not as a poetical masterpiece.
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Horribly boring...
11 February 2004
Bought part 2 of the video yesterday in a "used videos and stuff" shop for about 1.5$... I was lured by the action packed cover to spend time and money on this piece of incredibly boring garbage... maybe as a tv-series in 10000 episodes this could work, but as a 120 min film, 240 if you bought part 1, and dread the existence of part 3, then it falls through... all the way to the bottom.
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Equilibrium (2002)
Ultimate coolness without the sobbing cliché packed story that is the matrix.
16 May 2003
an extremely cool action flick with a nice story, that for some may be as cliché filled as the matrix, but succeeds in using the legacy from the matrix to create a unique look and feel. while it is completely impossible to see guys in long coats dualwield pistols and not think of the matrix, this movie has so much of its own to give, that it shines brighter than all the other new action movies using fancy computergraphics to give the illusion of blinding speed.

the story is also rather different from that of the matrix, with all its horrid clichés, some people, especially readers of george orwell's 1984, will find many things that will make you quirk a smile.

but all in all this is a great movie that, in my oppinion, matrix2 will be hard pushed to match.
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