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Tsunami (2005 TV Movie)
I really liked it!
29 August 2008
"Tsunami" is more than you normally can expect from a TV-Movie, with a small TV-Budget. Its 90 minutes fun, a very straight mainstream-plot and really good CGI. I found it better than many other TV-Disaster-Movies.

But what's more interesting: after the terrible Tsunami catastrophe in the Indian Ocean it was – of course - just a matter of time for a tsunami-movie dealing with this topic. But the film company had already finished the movie shortly before (for Pro7-Channel). After the real tsunami, the release of movie was held back from the channel for six months. Then released, in turned out to an incredible success concerning the TV-quotas – and deservedly so. In the web you can read, that "Tsunami", was realized by a young crew, just coming from the film academy. And the movie absolutely fulfilled my expectations of the genre. Its surprising, that the CGI-effects in some shots even look better than in "Perfect Storm" – although the CGI-Specialists had to get along with the daylight-setting, which is always a problem for realistic CGI.

I also loved, to see Dan van Husen again (a film-veteran from the "italo western") and my all time favorite bad guy. To sum up, "Tsunami" is absolutely well done for a TV-Project. Its great produced and internationally the most sold German TV-movie of all times.
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