
30 Reviews
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Biriyaani (2019)
Surprised beyond belief!!
13 June 2024
It takes courage to talk about such important topics these days because they are termed "controversial", "propaganda" and the movies are banned hence it is a big risk . But not this one.

The plight of a downtrodden Muslim woman and her family is quite aptly shown here. There is lot that goes on in their lives and empathy for them only elicits once we know more about it. In media different "guests" speak from their biased point of view & ulterior motives of which none is close to the ground reality. So in a way this movie becomes important.

The main character has been well portrayed by the lead actress and showcases the struggles and desires she goes through. Rest of the characters have small roles but they also have played their part well.

In the end this movie might be an starting point and social commentary for many who are not well versed with Malayalam culture. And this decent introduction will make them explore more about the local industry.
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Take care of yourself!!
19 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a tale about a person who is a writer & teacher getting killed and investigation happening on his wife for his death.

The struggles of being a writer are shown. And when something unfortunate as accident happens with your child, that puts in a lot of pressure on you. So the parents go through a turmoil.

Talking about the wife, character is also not hundred percent clean. She is self-centred, also a writer but successful one and wants to work on this on her book. Her support is somewhere missing so it feels like a broken marriage. I did not understand why they even stayed together, but they did not separate? Maybe because of the child.

The child has played an excellent role and I want to do that at such young age requires a lot of appreciation. The supporting actors, the lawyers everyone has played and added the drama but always on the both sides. I think I'll say the side of all the wife is always has more weight, and as audience you can predict that she's going to win the case.

What I like about the movie was not too much emotions shown. They haven't tried to overdo it. The balance has been maintained, but it feels good to see how much in-depth investigation happens, arguments raised and details are picked up to come to the final decision.

In conclusion it's a good movie, not very intense, but yeah it keeps you engaged and and you feel happy for for the wife in the end, but always have this in the back of the mind that maybe she could have done more for her husband, but that's how life i. Everyone is, supporting each other and we are on our own as well, so take care of yourself.
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The Holdovers (2023)
An assortment of human emotions
2 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Alexander Payne been has been one of my favorite movie directors. So when the trailer of this movie was released, I was very excited. I have seen Sideways three times and I have loved it always. It is one of my favorite movies.

The Holdovers starts with the setting in a school which reminded me of a lot of different movies combined. I have seen so many movies so that movies inter-mingle with each other. I could see Rushmore, Breakfast club, and many other movies. But as the movie progressed, there was something very different about this movie.

There are three main characters in the movie. The protagonist Paul Hunham who is a passionate history teacher, but he is one of the most disliked teachers. Second the student named Angus Tully, who is left behind during Christmas is someone who is not that bad a student but somehow is not doing bright. Third is the head cook & mess administrator Mary, who has lost her son.

All three characters are going through pain in their own way. The history teacher's life has not been what he wanted to be. The student is is struggling with relationship his family. And the Cook is suffering most from the loss of her son in the army.

This movie is about pain and suffering in your life but still rising to the occasion of life and living with all your heart. Everyone has deep trauma, but somehow they move through it and this will connect with most of the people as everyone is going through some issues. They'll see the characters and then maybe they'll connect.

For me personally, it felt very similar to Sideways. There a lot of parallels with Sideways where there is a trip where two people go and a lot of events happen which reveal about both of those characters and after the trip on the transform . Very similar happens in this movie as well, only thing is the characters here are from different age groups, one is old character and one is just starting his life.

I really like the part played by the Cook, she seemed very authentic and she played her role without getting sappy emotions but very subtle kind of emotion. The grief she was through some of those snippets are really to be cherished and I think she might win the Oscar for it.

In the end, I would say this is a take on human emotions which Payne is so much expert at as shown in descendants. But yeah he really comes up with these characters who are very deep and sorrowful but at the same time make you feel good.

These days movies are becoming very commercial and it's very tough to see this type of very human emotional movies. Alexander Payne & his team should continue creating such movies and I will be looking forward to seeing his next masterpiece.
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Might be the best movie I have ever seen !
18 January 2024
Daniel Plainview (Daniel-day Lewis) is a shrewd business man who's searching for Oil! So he can become rich . He works very hard and finally gets a tip to get what he wants. But he is singly focused on the pursuit of the riches that he forgets everything else in the process. Finally he does achieve what he sets out to do but at what cost? And does this really fulfill him ?

There are so many sequences in this film that are moving and unexpected and impactful . I have rarely seen so many moving sequences in one film. It becomes almost too much to bear at one point.

The performances by supporting characters is also exceptional. Specially Paul Dano (who plays a church father) and H. W(child of Daniel Plainview). Paul Dano gives strong performances and there are certain similarities in the self-interest between his character and protagonists. But somehow he appears to come out a hypocrite.

Technically there is no issue in the film. The background music and long shots all add to the realism.

Overall DDL has given best performance of his life. This movie shouldn't be missed by anyone. IT is that Good!
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Good performances, undercooked plot
28 December 2023
Social media, tinder, influencer-culture have become ubiquitous. This movies attempts to showcase their detrimental effects and it's appreciable.

The plot seems to be written in a hurry to complete the script. Enough research hasn't been done in really understand what goes on today's world. This could have been much more in-depth analysis. Also lot of sub-plots seem inconsequential and hard to believe,example a pretty girl Ananya pandey chasing an ordinary guy.

The camaraderie between 3 friends is also lagging and falls short of making a mark for audience to accept that we are seeing story of 3 friends from school . There are hardly any moving sequences in the movie.

Performances wise all 3 actors have done very well . Specially, Adarsh Gourav is impressive.

In total this is a decent attempt but a lot more could have been done. It's exciting to see movies being made on relevant topics.
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Tabbar (2021– )
Great start but fizzes towards the end
22 April 2023
Series starts at a strong note and builds solidly towards the middle. The tension is high , the backdrop and dialogues seem authentic.

The plot seems well thought through untill about 70% of the show. Many subplots are inconsequential and make the narrative unnecessarily complex. There are many loopholes which take away the attention and it feels like a made-up series.

Acting is superb from everyone, specially the lead actors Pawan Malhotra, and Supriya Pathak. The characters look real , fragile and believable.

Though I liked that a new topic is being explored in all sincerety but somehow felt the creators stopped putting effort after a point

Background music, locations , pace of the show are all great. You remain engaged in the show. I binged watched it in one go.

Overall good attempt, laid with a decent enough plot and superb acting. I would like to see more such shows but please add little more realism .
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Withnail & I (1987)
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
4 June 2022
I watched this film in 2009 but have watched it multiple times since. And every next watch is better than the last. The reality of the movie grows on you, and the appropriateness of the dialogues seems very carefully crafted.

The struggle of the actors go through is very real and can be connected to your life if you have gone through it. And maybe that is why this film resonates with me at a personal level. There is no overdoing of the drama and things are kept as realistic as possible.

All the actors have played their parts beautifully and the narrative is carried forward with ease. There is no big conflict as such but small events do keep the things interesting. I like the monologues of the protagonist , specially the line "Even a stopped clock is right twice a day."

Is there too much romanticism of the poverty or with struggle or something else which the viewers admire ? But one thing is sure that the film stays with you. I think the honesty and the realism are the ingredients that make this happen.

The sneak peak into the life of ordinary people with extra ordinary dreams is interesting. And more interesting is what you feel for these characters and the hardships they have to go through . The cinema's aim of showing us the human side of people is embodied by this film and I am sure it will remain an epitome of that.
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Sideways (2004)
A wonderful film
10 October 2020
Now, I have seen this film 3 times. The test for a truly great film is, that you don't feel bored watching it again and again. The protagonist Miles is an authentic character who's going through crisis in his personal and professional life. I guess we all go through them sometimes, but even when we don't we still feel for such hurting characters . Is it sympathy or empathy or reality? I can't pinpoint but it does make us love them.

The supporting cast is excellent with Maya and Jack both have been true to their character. Maya also comes as an interesting and honest character , with a painful past but somehow trying to create a better future for herself. Jack on the other hand is a carefree , philanderer who still is authentic and loveable as rotten as he is . He really loves the main character Miles and that brotherhood makes us realise that whatever we do, and even if we don't find 'success' , there will be people who still love us with all their heart.

The story spans a week is paced nicely and is full of events . Viewer doesn't get bored even for a minute and the screenplay is engaging . You get hooked from the first minute. Is this because we are missing action in our lives is what attracts us to this narrative ?

In the end I would say this is a very human film made up of beautiful honest people and the chase of their wonderful dreams makes us follow them and feel for them. I want to watch more such films.
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Life Is Sweet (1990)
How I fell in love with Movies
28 July 2020
Stories of the common people are special if told in all honesty. The joys, sorrows and struggles they go through can be worth a watch. The human element comes out in such movies the most . This is a movie about common people. Everyday life is shown here with nothing extra ordinary is going on. If we see the life a lens of sweetness it does feel worth living and making a movie about. One accomplished film maker said Art imitates life, and life imitates art. Here life is a piece of art. The characters depicted in the film are very real and have lot of depth. Their interesting conversation is what holds the attention of the viewers. The acceptance of these characters comes naturally and connects us with the narrative. Very rarely we see movies where we can just focus on the characters rather than the plot. The performances as seen in most Mike Leigh's movies are how natural acting can get. Mike Leigh writes for these same set of limited actors thus is able to use it to his advantage. For me Nicola and her mother Wendy stand out as they more get screentime and go through different subplots. When the movies are about us or people like us can we feel connected to them and fall in love with them. Can our lives be like a long movie going on with it's plots and sub-plots? Won't such life be sweet?
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Columbus (I) (2017)
A Silent Treasure
26 July 2020
The sound of this movie is piercing and comforting at the same time. Piercing because we aren't used to it anymore, given the ample noise introduced in our lives. Comforting because it let's us see the beauty all around us. This movie is about the silence.

Two main characters have lot of similarities, primary being the difficult relationships with their parents. Other being the ability to appreciate beauty of architecture(design). Though one is upfront about the love for architecture other one is bit subdued about it.

The performance by all the main characters is spot on. They play their part to utmost perfection and honesty. Like they were made for this movie. Haley Richardson being so young still rises to the occasion to give one of the best performance I have seen by a young actor in a long time.

The different monuments and structure shown in the movie create a breath-taking view and radiate the beauty of everyday things. Every city has such monuments and buildings but it feels like we have lost the ability to appreciate them amidst the rampant noise around us.

There is lot more which is unsaid in the film than what is said. So this will need more views later to fully comprehend the meaning. For now I would say that watch this move if you want to know how to cut the noise from your life , move towards beauty.
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A movie which melts you <3
20 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The beginning of the movie is one of the best I have ever seen. The mood is set and the feeling is palpable. The context setting is perfect and the characters seem genuine and loveable.

The history which is displayed does not seem "preachy" but honest in showing forgettable past (or maybe present) black people have experienced.

Main theme of the movie is love amidst the discrimination against black people. The story doesn't go too much in the political scene but the feelings of the people in it. The amazing sensitivity which is used to show the delicate love is unparalleled. I can't remember any other movie that has portrayed love with such care, maybe the English patient .

The performances are real as it can get. All actors have done a marvellous job which leads you to soaking in the film and enjoying without judging. You love these people.

Only reason why I didn't give it a 10 is due to it's ending which is very abrupt and doesn't leave you satisfied. There's so much buildup then the end doesn't somehow fit well.

All in all its a movie you can keep close to your heart and watch with your romantic partner.
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The Office (2019– )
It's actually GOOD.. Don't listen to the crap US/UK office fans are saying
13 July 2019
I haven't seen US/UK version of office so can't empathise much with people who have seen it but judging this series as a standalone act, I can surely say this is a good attempt. Of course one does get stuck on the same version of the story one has already heard , you know those people keep lamenting that Book is better than the movie etc, same is happening with this show. But the characters in the show are very realistic and deep. Except for Jagdeep Chaddha who is bit delusional and immature all other characters are right on the spot. Some relationship one does seem to form with them overtime, specially the romantic buzz b/w Pammi and Amit. So far I have seen around 6 episodes I can sense breathe of fresh air in each episode. The writing is right on the track and the humour isn't forced. This comes from the Office writers so is well taken care of. Some jokes are bit of the place in Indian conservative context, seem to be lifted off directly from the US/UK version of office, that could have been avoided. Said that one can clearly see an attempt of 'Indianising' the series and has well succeeded in doing it. Hope such more comedy shows are produced as there is dearth of such quality content in India. For now best of luck to JC and his team.
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Tabu and Ajay are superstars
22 May 2019
Nothing much new in the script but the sheer weight and charisma of these two superstars, make this movie worth watching. Being in the industry for so long is visible in all of their scenes. Their natural acting makes us like even the otherwise ordinary characters. Rakul preet has tried hard, and is seeming "hot" as she repeatedly calls herself. But.. still falls bit short of exact ingredient which was required for this role. In short we don't fall in love with her, which for me is important for conflict. Side characters are okay, but daughter of Ajay and Tabu is annoying af. Which doesn't seem natural for two mature parents. Overall okay drama, acted by two of the best actors of our generation, makes it watchable. Otherwise this would have been a nightmare.
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The Favourite (2018)
Old tale told again
24 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Numerous times the story of a Queen or a lady president or a minister who is emotionally and romantically involved with her mistress is told. And always this relationship leads to the demise of the queen. This time it's no different. Queen is vulnerable, gullible, needy and depressed, and her mistress knows this and uses it to her advantage. But damned she knows that she will soon be getting the taste of her own medicine. Mistress' maid will be even more shrewd than her, and it won't take much time for the maid to start playing her game. This is what happens. Though the movie is 2 hours long and never makes you feel bored at any point, but now recalling hardly any surprising twist happens. The strong performances by all three ladies keeps us on the edge of our seats, and constantly tickle our funny bone. The strong background score is what moves the movie forward and lends it a grave sense of realism. The ending of the movie is quite realistic and sad at the same time. The queen tries to show that she still the queen, but we all know that she has already lost the position and her clock is ticking.
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Eighth Grade (2018)
Heart-warming Beyond Measure
2 October 2018
Being a big fan of "coming-of-age" movies I am always looking forward to watch movies of this genre. When I saw the trailer of the movie, I had a feeling that this would be very similar to the ones I have already watched, but boy how wrong I was!

The feel of the movie is very quiet, real, nervous and familiar to what we all have gone thru. I personally felt very close to the character depicted in the movie who is self-conscious, confused, introvert and creative.

As we grow many new things we encounter which teach us a lot and lend a new meaning to our lives. We have so many wishes, dreams and when harsh reality hits you in the face, we learn the biggest lesson, but that's not a bad thing.

Fact that this movie has been directed by a 28 year old Director is both surprising and understandable for he was able to bring out the soul of a quintessential teenager. The different type of people we meet along out journey towards adulthood are shown without making them too stereotypical. Realism of the movie is what stands it apart from other similar movies.

Protagonist has done an outstanding job, it feels she is playing herself in the movie as the natural flow is easily visible. The nuances and subtleties of the character are played with utmost perfection.

Her Dad is also marvellous. Overprotective, easy going, loveable character with certain past baggage but unconditional love for her daughter is exuding everywhere. Wish more Dads were like him.

Movie focuses only one year and it doesn't try to show a lot but go in depth of the main character and her feelings, hopes and desires. And in that one year a lot happens, and that makes her wiser and "grown" up.

Must watch, if you want travel back to your childhood.
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Ida (2013)
Now I 'm ready, my Lord!
2 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I have seen this movie 3 times and every time it hits me hard. The simplicity of the story and authenticity of the characters is what draws you towards it. The cinematography is par excellence and every scene can be a melancholic painting.

It's a story about discovering your difficult past, fighting it out and then trying to be at peace with it. Ida & Wanda both central characters handle their uncomfortable pasts differently.

Wanda tries to overcome the terrible past by cigarettes, alcohol and sex but isn't able to, and eventually gives up.

Ida being more religious(raised as a nun) tries the religious path to overcome these difficulties. But, somehow she gets swayed towards the same path as Wanda and tries it. But just after a day or two realises that , that path isn't for her. Her path had already been decided when she inadvertently started her life in a convent. Normal family life isn't for her, as she has already chosen god or god has chosen her.

Last scene of the movie portrays strong determination in her face, and makes us believe that Ida has understood who she is, and will lead a happy life in the Convent. I sincerely hope she does.
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Newton (2017)
Makes a mark, but falls short of expectations
24 September 2017
Expectations are always high when go to watch a movie that's being sent for Oscars. Though there were moments of uncanny realism, lot of jokes, grounded performances but still in the end it felt underwhelming.

Let's talk briefly about few of the main characters.

An ideal man is hard to find and it's hard to remain ideal for anyone for long. Newton, protagonist played by Rajkumar is one such persisting ideal man. Sometimes he's so ideal that it's irritating and foolish. But let's believe such people exist. Though he demands applause for choosing an offbeat and difficult role but he comes out very caricature like, and lacks any depth. Hardly anyone moved because of him. His emotions seemed dull and forced.

Second character is the army, represented by an army Major(played by Pankaj Tripathi) and numerous other army-men. They are proud, they are corrupt, and they are always playing card games while on duty. Basically they don't give a damn about their duty, and are the Villains. Pankaj Tripathi is the high point of the movie and rightly so.

Third is a pretty local female officer, played brilliantly by Anjali Patil . She's represents the side of the Villagers. She's been through all of it from childhood and knows the ground realities inside out. Her character is most realistic and acted out very well.

Rest small characters also appear but most are inconsequential and don't add much value.

Villagers are themselves also not shown much in details which shows that Filmmaker just wanted us to see the side which we already know, and thus confirm to our bias. Or maybe it's just laziness on part of the writers for not getting into depth of things.

About the script. Nothing much happens, which is okay. Focus is more on depth than scope. Actually this made me happy that nothing sensational was shown which would have again made it a typical Bollywood drama. Of course except for few parts, which again made it lose little credibility and bordered on stamping it as an attempt to please audience and cheat them.

All said and done. Lot is to be appreciated for trying out such a difficult topic. It takes courage to try new things and this is a most welcome step. Indian cinema seems on the right track but of course still a lot more work is needed before India can dream of getting the Oscar. Good thing is that the dream now doesn't look far.
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Good performances but very weak plot
4 September 2017
OK. So a "new" topic has been discussed by this movie. Appreciate it. But that doesn't mean it's enough to make it worth a watch. It falls way short of making an impact and comes out an underwhelming ordinary tale, that you should rather skip.

The performances by lead actors are very good. Specially Bhumi has come out to be very mature and impressive. Ayushman too shows why he is still regarded as one of the most talented actors in Bollywood. The dialogue deliveries, facial expressionless, timing etc are on the mark. The small side jokes are funny enough to make audience laugh, that is fine. Also it feels heart warming to see actors from "YouTube" on big screen. Much to be applauded about this movie.

But... this movie suffers from missing(or weak)a central theme. There is severe absence of a solid "core" around which a movie should be made. Yes the protagonist suffers from a small dysfunction, but it doesn't cause a big conflict in the relationship he is about to have with her future wife. In fact his future wife is shown to be very supportive. The problem main actor suffers from isn't that serious that it justifies a big feature film on it. A short film would have the best the treatment for such topic. Basically filmmakers have tried to make a trivial idea interesting, added some funny jokes but have clearly fallen short by a long stretch. We as an audience need something more concrete.

Again Bollywood portrays lack of depth in it's products. Till the time this improves it will be very hard for me to look forward to Hindi movies every Friday. I will rather download World cinema from torrents.
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You are not a loser, You are Little Miss Sunshine
4 August 2017
If you want to laugh this is for you. If you want to cry this is for you. If you want to feel good this is the movie for you.

Narrative has plethora of different characters revolving around one central character(Little miss). All the different characters are coming from various perspectives and are at different stages of life. For some life turned out to be difficult, treacherous, for some it was a string of missed opportunities, some believe they lost at it because they didn't play hard and well just some don't give a f***. Our protagonist is presented with all different point of views and in the end it's these people who are in for a surprise.

The message of the movie is about accepting who are and be happy about it. The beauty contests that have world has created for various reasons don't make any sense. Nobody is in competition with anyone else. As everyone's story is different and all are going in different directions. So it's useless to compare.

Just do whatever you want to do and give your best shot. Don't get bogged down by societal pressure or try to fit in any definition of beautiful or successful someone else has created for you.

For even if you lose, you are not a loser, You are Little miss Sunshine. Dance.
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In love with the Handmaiden
26 March 2017
It's expected that your mind will be blown when you are watching a Park Chan Wook. But boy did this movie blew me away. Am I still in awe of it. With lots of twists sometimes movies become boring and feels that the writer is trying too hard but no not this one. Everything falls in it's place perfectly. The style of story telling with non-linear narrative lends it a fitting way to convey the story. All the actors are stupendous, couldn't have played their part any better. Specially the Handmaiden, for me it was love at the first sight. Her innocence, beauty and smile took my heart away. Similarly the Lady Hideko played her part with utmost perfection . The Villains also come out and deliver a perfect performance. Talking about cinematography ; it is picture perfect, the color combination sometimes remind one of Wes Anderson . The Music too is crafted in a suitable manner and makes it more emotionally charged and gives it a strong feel. I usually don't just praise a movie but point out what I thought was missing but sorry this time there is nothing I think about. If you want to see a sensual, dramatic, unpredictable movie this is perfect treat for you. They don't make it like this anymore.
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Watched it again, loved it again
24 February 2017
Wow, it's been 4 years since I viewed it for the first time. But I can't get over the feel-good factor this movie has, the silver lining it has. It's one of the most positive movies to come out in recent years. Maybe bit too unrealistic to be true at moments but who wouldn't wish that.

Bradley Cooper comes in a total new avatar giving a strong and matter-of-fact performance. The authenticity he shows makes him really likable as his character is honest to the point of being rude. About Jennifer Lawrence well I wasn't sure earlier if she should have won Oscar but after this re-watch on a Saturday morning I have become sure as hell. Her performance is magical and funny and honest. Guess humans really like people who are trying to fight to recover from a personal predicament. They give us motivation that each one of us needs daily. Jennifer has played one such character in this movie.

Side characters played by Robert Deniro and Jackie Weaver blend naturally to the canvas of the movie and lends it a family feel. They make you feel a part of the family and show that by being together family being together people can overcome any obstacles.

To me this remains one of the most uplifting movies of all time. Though of course it's bit too sappy and unrealistic at some moments but I think that is required from time to time in our real and dreary lives. As his motto is 'Excelsior' which means 'Ever Upward' we all need to follow it and give a determined fight to whatever obstacle we face.
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Seems forced and dull
18 February 2017
I am a big fan of coming-of-age stories, have seen almost all of them. So was naturally inclined to see this one. But this one falls way short of making an actual impact such story can make.

First of all the protagonist 'Nadine', comes out to be not so real and one who lacks depth. I found it very hard to build a connection with her and was never able to even sympathize. She's so pretty why wouldn't the boys want to hang out with her? Maybe it was a case poor casting ?

Other supporting characters also let down with caricature mom and similar brother. Her best friend is also depicted as a boring cardboard character. Humans even adolescents are much are complex and nuanced than that. Also there isn't much action going on in the film and most of them seem out of place. Nothing much exciting or unpredictable happens in the film.

It feels like forced entertainment, which is produced only because such movies mostly go down well with the audience. But sorry not this one. I should go back to watch Rushmore or 400 blows or Breakfast Club.
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Emotional Power House
25 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A melancholic yet uplifting movie was due a long time from Mr Lonergan. Since I had watched 'You can count on me', I was in awe of the movie and the director. It has been one of the reasons why I started loving movies so much. MBTS is YCCOM 2.0.

Casey Affleck has played the role of his life, without using any boisterous dialogues he has conveyed a lot through body language and suppressed emotions. Real sadness is emanating from his character throughout the movie. Michelle Williams comes for not more than 3-4 scenes still gives a riveting performance which is totally worthy of an Oscar. She is one of the best actors alive and she has proved it again.

The role played by the young Lucas Hedges is befitting and lends the narrative a modern and fresh look which could have been easily overdone and rendered tacky by another actor. The bonding or lack of bonding between the nephew and uncle is very different kind from what is expected still gives it an authentic feel. Kyle Chandler delivers a powerful performance and delineates the role of a strong, loving brother.

It's a movie about how the meaning of the family is different for different people; for some it's superficial and shown off loudly and for other it's silent and sacrificial. Relationships can be formed and broken due to sudden tragic events but the true family members not only say but show that they got each others' back. Always.
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Pink (III) (2016)
A fresh attempt towards important cinema
17 September 2016
The trailer of the movie got me interested. The way they jumbled up the events, really puzzled me and made me see this movie. Movie itself was rather straightforward.

The plot involves an ordeal of 3 independent modern age, working girls getting accused in a case of assault with wealthy, influential and thus egoistic boys. Crowd gives it judgement based on their age-old mentality and girls are shamed. Finally Mr. AB(a retired lawyer) takes the job of saving his and the girls' honor in his hands.

Amitabh Bacchan gives a solid performance in the role of a slowly degenerating lawyer. His dialogue delivery is strong with small bits of intelligence(though that is expected out of a lawyer). He single-handedly keeps the audience feel that something important is being shown and they should pay attention.

The premise of the movie for me is lacking in strength. Also how the courtroom case unfolds rarely gives it a tense feeling of case being the balance and makes us think about the next move of lawyers. The arguments by both (girls' and boys') sides are very flat and very predictable. The sharp edge is clearly missing. The courtroom movies have always been very engaging and thought provoking, but not this one.

I must admit the role of the protagonist girl was a very challenging one, and very important at the same time. It couldn't have been overlooked cause the whole movie stands on it. There clearly the movie lacks depth. Taapsee Paanu comes flat with rare moments of poignancy. This role could have easily given to someone more artistic for the lack of a better word.

Other two girls show signs of talent but again appear like caricatures. I liked the work of Kirti Kulhari , she has given a lot of energy to it. But again disappointed by lack of depth and soul shown by her.

Still I think this movie has a lot of positives, specially the message it wants to convey. There are lot of men out there who treat women badly and label them just by what they wear and what they do. The movie tries to break those stereotypes by stereo- typing men which is an easy way-out. I think given the current wave of feminism(and pseudo-feminism) this movie will open lot of discussions and also encourage the movie-makers to start making cinema for the here and the now. It's a brave attempt and many more movies like this are about to come .
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Gloria (II) (2013)
Gloria is Glorious.
25 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
She's lonely, she has a few regrets, she's dumb, she's looking for love, she's gullible, she's emotional, she's pure, she's charming, she is free, she is GLORIOUS.

She's the most amazing character I have ever witnessed. Full of imperfections, so full of live. She has committed few mistakes in her life but spent her life her own way. She is desperately trying to people give love to and seek love from. But in the end she knows that is on her own like everyone of us and she has no choice but to dance to the rhythm of life.

For me its the BEST movie of the year. It's honest, lovable, deep and tells so much about human nature.
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