
14 Reviews
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Rzhev (2019)
Simply the best WWII film from the Russian perspective
8 February 2022
I don't want to spoil anything. This was the most realistic film about the Eastern front that I've ever seen and I've seen a ton as I love this subject. Absolutely a must watch for any WWII film buff.

The low rating is due to Russian trolls who grew up on propaganda fairy tales about the war. If you read truthful memoirs by those who actually survived this hell, this is exactly how it was.
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Terrible, stupid propaganda
4 December 2020
Not much to add really. It's like someone in the Russian government was told to make a movie to scare Russians from immigrating to the US, but that someone is stuck in the idealistic nostalgia for the old USSR. The movie is full of every stereotype of American that you see on Russia's Channel One.
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War Machine (2017)
What the f@#k is the point of modern counterinsurgency warfare?
31 July 2017
Brad Pitt's Netflix movie (loosely based on General McChrystal's Afghanistan experience) is a deadpan comedy about how stupid modern American wars are. Absolutely no one knows what the f@#k they're doing or why they're doing it, the goal of winning a counterinsurgency war is delusional and impossible to achieve. The locals hate us and wonder why the f@#k we came to their country. The soldiers don't have any answers either. Except for some really thick ones who get a hard on from wearing the uniform, drink the Koolaid & believe they're doing something important. F@#k the politicians that think they have good reasons to start these idiotic wars. Never support one. None of them have anything to do with "keeping America safe".
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Mumblecore. For Pretentious W*nkers by Pretentious W*nkers.
13 April 2013
Not exactly sure how this made it into the top 10 of my Netflix queue, but my guess is that I read an article about it getting 9 awards from various film festivals.

Two things I have concluded from this experience.

One. When any movie's plot has the slightest possibility of belonging to the "mumblecore" genre make sure to read a few critical reviews PRIOR to watching it. If the term "mumblecore" is used in any of them stay the hell away!

Two. I need to give up on movies easier. Being a huge film buff I tend to stick with a movie even when it's quite obvious in the first 15 minutes that it's absolute garbage. Somehow I keep hoping that it's going to get better. The first and last rule of "mumblecore" is that it never does.

The premise of the movie is that a twenty-something super dorky looking male who was diagnosed with a potentially fatal disease meets a beautiful twenty-something woman, they fall in love and spend a day together. Sounds like it could be interesting, but what the premise doesn't include is that these two are incredibly boring people who have absolutely nothing of consequence to say to each other. They don't talk about movies, politics, college, traveling, music, families or anything else of any value. Their whole interaction consists of completely inane subjects and they seem to be too cool to even pronounce words in a comprehensible way. At one point I tried turning on the subtitles to make out what the hell they were saying, but Netflix did not have them available for this excuse of a movie (which all hearing impaired people should be thankful for).

After watching it I found out that the main character was also one of the writers and producers. Now it made sense why the film was so unrealistic. It was his and every dorky man's fantasy. Just by showing up and existing he somehow got a very attractive girl to be so interested in him that she did all the work pursuing him. There isn't any point in the movie where he does ANYTHING to gain her interest (possibly with an exception of showing up at her art show). He mumbles about nothing and acts pathetic the entire time and we all know that this is the way to win the heart of a gorgeous young woman, don't we?

Neither one of them displays much emotion until the end and overall the film, which was shooting for sympathy, made me want his fatal decease to be infectious because neither one of these two, (or the people they hung out with, for that matter) were gonna contribute anything to the world. The only reason I can think of why this film is rated highly on Netfix is because other hipsters (read excruciatingly boring, entirely useless people who at the same time think they're better than everyone) can identify with these characters.

The pretentiousness of the film is what got me the most. The makers clearly think it's about something deep when it's about nothing at all. The whole script could've fit on a napkin ("let's have two twenty-somethings schlep around and mumble utter nonsense for a day").

I could've made a more interesting film by following a homeless guy with a camcorder.
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Crazies will enjoy it
8 September 2012
Ah, the right wing cooks still trying to brainwash even more of the easily brainwashed & gullible into thinking that a man who is clearly a slightly left of center, rational pragmatic is some kind of a secret Muslim / communist devil hellbent on destroying the America that exists only in their delusional fantasies in the first place. Give it a rest already. You've gotten enough people to believe this cockamamie nonsense. The rest of us actually have a brain & an ability to think critically & rationally. You're not getting any more converts. The part I find most amusing is that Obama is a mishmash of mutually exclusive "-isms". But hey, the ignoramuses this schlock is intended for don't know any better so it works.
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Yet another example of why Hollywood before 1960's was terrible.
8 August 2012
I'm a huge movie fan and am very picky about the movies I watch. Not to sound like a snob, but I more and more find myself staying away from the big budget blockbusters that Hollywood produces at the rate of a Chinese factory because they're getting more and more vapid. I'm no film hipster and can enjoy an occasional blockbuster, but suspending my disbelief is getting harder and harder.

The same thing can be said just about any Hollywood movie I've seen that's been made before 1960's. Once in a while I give a chance to some cult classic made in the 1950's just to see it for myself and I end up incredibly disappointed every single time. The style in which the movies were made back then just absolutely crushes my soul. It's as if they were made for 10-year olds by 12-year olds who were trying to teach them some wisdom that they thought they had.

The plot of this film is ridiculous, the conflicts are unimportant, trivial things blown out completely out of proportion, the directing is horrible, the acting is terrible (seems to be straight from an acting class at your local adult education program). The whole movie is incredibly naive in every single way and entirely not believable. Everything is overplayed, people don't act anywhere close to how people act in real life and the dialogue is plain stupid. The lines are pompous, simplistic and aimed to squeeze cheap emotion out of the audience who the authors clearly think are stuck at the 3rd grade level.

I understand that some of the themes this film brings up were revolutionary for 1955, but everything about the way it was made is amateurish at best. It's like watching some of your not particularly bright friends try to shoot something important with their camcorder. I've seen better acting, directing and writing in many modern film school shorts. This might really be the last time I'll give a film of that era a chance. I watched this on the plane so had time to waste and even then I hesitated. The curiosity of having heard so much about it and its top billed star, James Dean got the better of me, but I will never know how I managed to finish watching it. Almost turned it off on numerous occasions. I also have a very hard time seeing how anyone watching it today can pretend that this is a great movie. I may have enjoyed it back then or now... if I were 12.
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Officially one of the 3 worst movies I've ever seen
24 November 2008
Unfortunately I had the displeasure of watching this schlock last night. My girl and I like indy movies, so after reading a blurb describing it we decided to order it on demand. It said that this "movie" got rave reviews at Cannes. After this I will never trust Cannes critics again as they must write their reviews between crack cocaine parties.

The other bad reviews written here perfectly describe what this movie is. In the first 5 minutes I got a very bad feeling and told my girl, "This better get a whole lot better soon". It never did. The film has no plot whatsoever and is completely pointless "mumblecore". "Mumblecore" is a perfect term for it and I wasn't aware of such a term until reading reviews of it last night (unfortunately, after I spent $6.99 and killed 70 minute of my life on it). Apparently, mumblecore is a trendy term used to justify supposed artistic value of totally pointless, talentless garbage.

This movie has moved into #2 spot in the worst movie I've ever seen list. The only one worse was a movie called "Black Dahlia" by a German scam artist who shoots crap on video, tags it with a title of a well known Hollywood film, hires a graphic designer to make a nice cover for it and somehow gets it into Blockbuster so that people rent it by mistake.

"Freddy Got Fingered", an atrociously gross, completely unfunny "comedy" by Tom Green has been downgraded to the #3 worst movie I've ever seen, as this one has taken over the #2 spot. That is some achievement.

Is this what passes for movie making among the artsy fartsy teens these days? I hope that the director who also "starred" in it at least got laid with the main character. I'm pretty sure that was the main goal of making this.

I feel robbed of $6.99 it cost me to order this waste of film on demand, but like the victims of petty theft in the movie I didn't experience any pleasure of being robbed. The only good thing about this film is that it's only 70 minutes long. The bad part is that you can show everything that takes place in it in a 10-minute short.

I can make a more entertaining film by walking around NYC with my camcorder for a couple of days.

Unless you're on crack like the guy who wrote the positive review of it on here (possibly the director himself or one of his buddies) save yourself 70 minutes of your life. If you spend the same 70 minutes popping bubble wrap bubbles you'll get more entertainment out of your time.
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Redacted (2007)
If you haven't seen it you can't "review" it!
23 November 2007
Can conservatives stop posting "reviews" of this film, please? By definition, you need to see something first in order to REVIEW it. Otherwise it is not a review, but an ignorant opinion, which in this case is based on another ignorant opinion, that of O'Reilly - another person who hasn't seen it.

For example, when "Passion of the Christ" came out I went to see it even though I can't stand religion. I felt that this was the only way I could have an opinion about it.

P.S. Yes, I am aware that I'm doing the same thing. I just wanted it to be seen among these so called "reviews".
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Black Dahlia (2006 Video)
Worst movie I have ever seen! Beware, this is not the genuine article.
1 January 2007
I feel violated! This is THE WORST film I've ever seen! It's a con. I don't understand how this got made, released and why is Blockbuster carrying it? This is nothing but a con. Someone made an amateurish garbage of a film with the same name as the Hollywood version. This is shot on someone's camcorder, has no plot, the acting is terrible, the dialogue is terrible, it has stupid annoying effects and cuts made on someone's PC or Mac. This is unbelievable! I've never seen anything like it. 5 minutes into this film my girlfriend and I already started to wonder what the hell was going on. I was like is this a joke? Good thing I didn't pay anything to rent it, but I'm seriously gonna talk to the people at Blockbuster. This should have never been put on a shelf! The main character who's supposed to be a police officer looks like some kid they pulled out of his dorm room. He's wearing baggy pants, a hoodie sweatshirt and snickers throughout. C'mon! At least try to pretend that you're making a real movie!!! What was the budget for this I'd like to know? Couple of hundred bucks? I could make a better movie with my friends in a week. If you're looking for the real Hollywood version of Black Dahlia beware. If you see Ulli Lommel's name on the box put it back on the shelf.

Lions Gate Entertainment should be ashamed of releasing this and no one should carry it. It's that bad.
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Citizen Cohn (1992 TV Movie)
Good movie to see in 2003
3 November 2003
Saw it last night on HBO. While it's true that Cohn was gay that was a minor part of what the movie was about. I would say the film shows what happens when radical right wing idiots get too much power and start a crusade against everyone who disagrees with them.

Woods is excellent in this film playing a total a-hole so convincingly that as a viewer you want him to get run over by a bus about 10 minutes into the movie. When an actor can make you intensely emotional, whether positively or negatively, towards a character he portrays that is great acting.

It's a good movie to watch in these times of extreme right wing conservatives dominating the American government, the airwaves and book sales. The rhetoric and the despicable way of going about achieving their misguided goals reminds me very much of what I see today. They harass people, don't let them talk when they try to defend themselves, use intimidation tactics, etc. These are truly disgusting, disturbed, completely misguided people with absolutely no sense of what's right and wrong.

A great favorite of many conservatives, Ann Coulter, not only defended McCarthy in her latest book, but with her views could be a proud member of his staff. People need to see this film to realize how dangerous people like Coulter are. I also wonder what's up hers? I'm sure she has an interesting past and upbringing. Maybe it's time someone looked into it.

There are many conservative pundits who are simply stupid, ignorant and misinformed people. Coulter is not dumb and she knows exactly what she's doing just like Cohn. These are the ones we have to watch out for.

This film shows why.
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Omega Doom (1996)
Someone invested in this?
11 March 2003
I have just wasted an hour and twenty minutes of my time watching this absolute crap on the Action Channel. Besides the fact that the film has no plot at all, is going nowhere, complemented by idiotic characters and bad acting it does not even have any action. It also tries to pretend to have some kind of deep meaning with its long pauses. I'm absolutely in awe that something this bad could be produced and spent money on. This has just surpassed "Freddy Got Fingered" (as in going down) as the worst movie that I can remember seeing.
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The Ring (2002)
How many times will you jump?
28 October 2002
Movies usually don't scare me. Even the ones that are supposed to. This one did. Yes, you have to get past the plot line full of holes and suspend your disbelief, but how many horror movies actually make sense? This film is stylish with great cinematography and images that will haunt you for a while. It is quiet unbelievable that it is only rated PG-13 because it would scare the bejesus out of any more or less impressionable child (more on that later). It scared the bejesus out of an impressionable adult - me. I am pretty sure that this film made me jump and say "sh@t" more then any that I have seen in a while. I would highly recommend not going to see it by yourself and have someone to sleep with after. In my case that would be my girlfriend. We sat in the theater grabbing onto each other and were sure glad we didn't have to come home alone. The characters are not deeply developed and like I have said the story is ludicrous when you actually think about it. But if you forget all that for a moment and remember why you came (to get scared) this movie is one of the best horror films to come out in a few years. It simply works. Yes, it might not be incredibly original in what devices it uses to make your skin crawl, but the skin crawling effect definitely happens. It never lets go and keeps your senses tuned in. The story ties itself more or less well at the end, perhaps leaving more then a possibility for a sequel. I have no qualms recommending it. Definitely not a waste of your money and one to see at the theater as it would lose a lot of its luster on video. One more thing. Someone at our viewing took what looked like a five or six years old girl to it. Please check your head and do not create more psychos that are already floating around in this world! That poor little girl will have nightmares for the next 10 years and someday many of her phobias and weird behavior could be traced back to her moronic older sister taking her to see a film like this. Adults need to remember that children are hundreds of times more impressionable and have no reference points or experience to control their fears. This movie is very scary for a well balanced adult. I can't even imagine what impact the elaborately created, incredibly creepy visions that stick in one's mind would have on a little child.
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Croupier (1998)
The inner workings of the casino business
28 October 2002
Everything you ever wanted to know about the casino business and the people involved in it. And how it can bend and in some ways break an idealistic person like Jack Manfredi who just wants to be a writer. This film has a cool feel to it with Clive Owen's portraying Jack Manfredi as highly intelligent, not easily rattled, observant, but at the same time detached and emotionally cold man. Living with a girlfriend that admires him and supports him in his pursuit of becoming a writer Jack gets a job at a casino through his dad, an even more emotionally detached and cold man than himself. Having had prior experience working as a croupier in South Africa Jack quickly establishes himself as a valued member of the team. Originally looking at the job as something temporary to help support himself and appease his dad Jack finds himself having to make many ethical choices while being sucked in deeper and deeper into the shadowy world of casinos. The story is very believable and ties in nicely at the end while springing a few surprises along the way. It is one of those films that will leave you thinking about it for a little bit after putting the puzzle of events together in your head after finding out who, where, what and why. And like I said the film just has a cool feel to it noticeable in so many British films. I have really enjoyed watching it and would recommend it.
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No.2 from the bottom
16 October 2002
The critical reviews were a lot more entertaining to read then watching this horrible waste of tape. To my great relief it got absolutely destroyed by the critics, most in very imaginative ways. They got to use their vocabulary to full extent. How me and my girlfriend managed to finish watching it is beyond me. We kept hoping that there were going to be some redeeming moments that would produce a laugh or two and it was going to get better, but all in vain. I should've turned it off when I felt the first urge to do so... which was 5 minutes into it. How a character like Tom Green remains at large is beyond me. How he became a Hollywood star I am not even going to attempt to explain. All this malarkey said here by people who somehow managed to like this disaster of a film that you need to just be really open minded and have a good sense of humor, not take yourself too seriously and you will like it is just that - malarkey. I am very open minded and have a very good sense of humor (and so does my girlfriend - we're some of the most easy going people you will ever find), but this movie is just plain unfunny, idiotic and disgusting. When one watches is it one gets a distinct feeling of disbelief that someone in Hollywood actually spent a lot of money on making something like this. That is even taking in consideration the fact that more then half the movies that are coming out of Hollywood are total crap. That is inevitable with the amount of films being produced, but this one is so shockingly bad that I just do not understand how anyone would provide funding for it. I guess it was justified because they figured that there would be enough people who would go and watch it. It is at least nice to hear that most left the theater before it was over. That is the good news. The other piece of good news that can possibly be found here is that if a talentless wackjob like Tom Green could become a star and get 20th Century Fox to pony up cash for a "project" like this anyone can become a star. So for all the brainless buffoons out there - there is hope for you people. If watching the most gruesome scenes ever conceived in absolutely horrible taste is your idea of funny than you will enjoy it. To each his own as they say and I'm not here to judge you. Yeah, right. To me you have to be a total tool to find anything good in this movie. Everything in this flick just made us cringe rather then laugh. Some here said that this was one of the funniest movies they have ever seen. Perhaps this flick could be useful in weeding out complete wackos. I think it is pretty safe to take whoever laughs "until their stomach hurts" at this one, load them up on trucks and take them far, far away. We will all thank Tom Green for a service he has provided this way. Someone said that it should be commended for the strong reaction it produced. I love it how people try to reach to justify just about anything sometimes. To you I say this. When you step into a pile of feces while walking on the street it also produces quite a strong reaction, doesn't it? This one is right up there... or should i say right down there with "Scary Movie 2". The only reason I would put it above that masterpiece is because as shoddy as it is "Freddy" actually has a plot with a beginning and an end.
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