
13 Reviews
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Maniac (2018)
The Best Of The Best
28 July 2020
This show, for reasons I can't explain, is one of the best things I've ever seen. Deep and mysterious, enticing and titillating- maniac is a true masterpiece. Maybe it helps that I relate to the themes regarding depression and feelings of inadequacy, this show just hits all the right spots. It's truly beautiful and Jonah Hill's best work. I will likely rewatch this show many many times. I just finished my second viewing and it's just as entertaining and heartwarming as the first time. Jonah Hill, I applaud and respect your work in this film.
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I'm so confused
23 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is extremely confusing and will leave it up to you to decide what you think this movie is about. Why the main character seems to represent three different people at the end, I'll never know. I wouldn't recommend this to people unless they enjoy trying to figure movies out. If you ask me, this movie was all over the place and really made no sense at all.
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Midsommar (2019)
Beautiful, disturbing, and traumatic
17 December 2019
This movie messed me up bad. I'm a huge fan of hereditary and it's undoubtedly one of the best movies I've ever seen including all genres. Given my adoration for hereditary I went and purchased this movie, midsommer, without having seen it before. This movie struck a chord with me in a very different way than hereditary did. This movie physically, emotionally, and spiritually messed me up. The final 20-30 minutes had me feeling disturbed to the point of feeling sick and light headed. I was very confused and disturbed by this movie. There were scenes that were difficult to watch because they made me so uncomfortable. Friends of mine wanted to skip scenes because they made us feel so weird. I've never experienced a movie like this before, so watch with caution. This is not a typical horror movie at all, it's far less horrory and more disturbing. Themes involving dark magic, drugging people, raping people, cannibalism, deliberate inbreeding for the purpose of creating genetically deranged people, human sacrifice, and extremely culty behavior are the key ingredients for this movie. I left the movie extremely disturbed and bothered. This movie is not for everyone. That being said I cannot wait to see what Ari aster comes out with next. This movie was a physical and emotional trip, not for the light hearted. I've been a huge fan of all kinds of horror my whole life and never seen something like this. I felt dirty after watching it, like I'd watched something influential that I shouldn't have seen. Still, i got what i was looking for. But I wonder at what cost. Good luck, viewers.
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Cam (2018)
This movie is bad.
19 November 2018
Let me begin by saying this movie is NOT a horror in any way, shape, or form. Next, let me tell you that this movie never explains what's going on. It's all just unknown and honestly very stupid. I regret watching this movie and you likely will too. Then the ending was so stupid I had to immediately write this review. If you want a thoughtless, pointless, stupid movie with a lot of boobs in it, watch this movie. Believe me though, as a movie this sucks completely. That's an hour and a half I'll never get back.
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Annie (2014)
A Disgrace
13 November 2018
This movie is a complete disgrace. Who approved of this trash? Don't see this terrible film. Watch the original.
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Must watch this 10/10
6 November 2018
I have been a horror fan for the past 14 years and this truly is a gem. This show is truly spectacular, few things have made me this invested in the characters before. I literally teared up several times, jumped outta my skin several times, and truly loved it the entire show. We need more horror like this. This is QUALITY. 10/10 IN ALL CATEGORIES
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Suburbicon (2017)
What the what?
29 October 2018
I do not understand why this movie was made. I don't get the point. First off, this is not a comedy, so don't expect a comedy. Second off, there's so many unexplained plot points, so many unresolved conflicts, and such a lack of sustenance. You will be left with an unsatisfied feeling of disappointment, confusion, and... Well, disappointment and confusion! This movie should not have been made and should not be viewed by anyone who doesn't want to waste their own time. Side note, a huge (but ultimately irrelevant) plot point of this movie involves racial discrimination toward a new colored family in the neighborhood that absolutely never gets explained or resolved. Stay away from this movie, it's got names like George Clooney and Matt Damon to lure you in, but trust me- this movie is not worth watching one bit. I'm very disappointed, dissatisfied, and confused.
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Venom (2018)
Great movie, but read this warning
18 October 2018
I don't have much to say about the movie itself other than it was great. My entire group of 8 people thoroughly loved the movie, some even spouting that it was the best movie they'd seen in a few years. Now, here's the warning: you know how Marvel movies always have a clip after the credits?? Do NOT stay to watch the clip after credits. It is an ADVERTISEMENT for that terrible cartoon Spiderman that you'll likely see in the trailers. My group sat through 10+ minutes of credits to see what was after them, and we were lividly disappointed. It has nothing to do with Venom and it left us all genuinely angry. Please don't sit through the whole long list of credits only to disappoint yourselves. We all left the theater angry and ranting about it.
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Black Panther (2018)
23 September 2018
Just like most recent Marvel movies, there's just nothing special about this movie. My biggest complaint is just how unrealistic the fight scenes look. It looks more like a choreographed dance than a real fight.
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Just a quick warning
19 September 2018
Let me begin by saying I did not finish this movie. Therefore, I cannot give an accurate review of this film. I just wanted to warn new viewers that within five to ten minutes of this movie's beginning, there was very disturbing nudity. And by disturbing, I mean a very old naked lady on screen and a scene with (out of focus) naked male baby genitilia. My friend and I are horror fanatics, the gnarlier and more extreme the better. However, neither of us could get past the disturbing nudity. I was extremely uncomfortable and afraid to continue out of fear of more old-lady or child nudity. Just be warned.
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American Vandal (2017–2018)
Here's why you've gotta watch this show
17 September 2018
I rarely ever write reviews here. In the last decade of membership here I've written a mere three reviews including this one. This show at a first glance is nothing but a crude satirical mockumentary made for laughs. But there's a message that everyone under 30 really should hear. The end of season 2 was so encouraging and enlightening that I nearly cried. I won't say anything about anything for spoilers sake, but just let me tell you that I am genuinely shocked and amazed that a show like this left it's viewers with such an important message. Give this show a watch, particularly season 2. It's been a while since I've seen season one, and I imagine they did have a moral/message, but season 2 hit me like a brick. My mouth was gaping open catching flies for nearly the entire 40 minute final episode of season 2. I watched the entire season in a night and one day, and I have gotta say props to the makers. They say what I've never heard said before on media, and I am so thankful they addressed what they did. Give this show a watch, it just might help remind you that you're not alone in your sorrows. 10/10 and respect.
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The Last Star-Wars I'll Ever Watch
28 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was insultingly bad. This movie spits in the face of all Star-Wars fans that have ever existed. If you'd like to partake in the desecration of a great saga, watch this movie. I will never watch another Star Wars movie after this release, not even for free. I am so utterly disgusted by this movie that I will truly never watch another one. Repeatedly throughout the film the audience is mislead into thinking something bad might happen or has happened, only to have it revealed that miraculously everything is okay. Every time it seemed a character might die, they somehow survived with heroic trumpets playing. The main villain died in the most predictable and anticlimactic way I've ever seen. The terrible "Rose" character was so out of place and horrific that I was cringing the entire movie. The movie is not real Star Wars and is CLEARLY FOR CHILDREN. I am beyond insulted by this movie and hate that it was made. I could rant for days about how many specific things were wrong with this movie, but the point is that this is the worst movie I've ever seen. I mean that, for over a decade I told everyone the worst movie I'd ever seen was "Where the Wild Things Are", but FINALLY a worse movie has topped it. PLEASE don't ruin your own representation of Star Wars by watching this filth. I wish I had my money back. On my life, I'll never watch another Star Wars after this.
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Keep Watching (2017)
Extremely disappointing; another "girl power" movie
28 April 2018
If you want to watch a "female-empowerment" take on a horror movie, then watch this. Or if you want a PG-13 horror movie disguised as an R-rated movie, watch this. Everything about this movie was disappointing. The only upside to this film was the unique camera angles seen throughout the movie (mostly the beginning). And even then, the unique angles had bad visual quality. This movie is all about some girl who decides to be a hero and stands up to the attacker. It was heavy-handed and very bad. Overall, this is a bad movie that should have been PG-13. No blood or actual terror or anything. NOT A HORROR MOVIE.
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