
5 Reviews
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Benediction (2021)
A truly missed opportunity
13 August 2022
A few years ago I read the authoritative and excellent biography of Siegfried Sassoon by Jean Moorcroft Wilson. It is quite clear to me having watched this film that the writer and cast have probably never been further than a Wikipedia entry in understanding the man. I get it that Sassoon was a homosexual, indeed Moorcroft Wilson explores this in her biography but it is far from the most defining aspect of his life. I get it, that this film is worship at the altar of LBGTQ+ history but this is at the expense of learning some interesting, almost incredible, facts about Siegfried Sassoon.

For example, what of his life as a 'fox hunting' man? What of the extraordinary coincidence of both Sassoon and Robert Graves (who barely gets a mention) serving together in the Welsh Fusiliers at the Somme and of their important friendship (Sassoon supported Graves financially several times after the war)? Or his equally important friendship with T E Lawrence (a truly remarkable man who is delegated in the film to a bit part of Sassoon's wedding)? Yes, we see some of his relationship with Wilfred Owen but we do not learn that Graves, Owen and Sassoon were all at Craiglockhart at the same time - Graves despatched there to try and persuade his friend Sassoon to drop his opposition to the war.

We do not learn that Sassoon was known as 'Mad Jack' to his contemporaries on the Western Front and his bravura included leading trench raids despite confessing to being terrified at doing so.

We do not even learn the origins of his extraordinary name, or why in the casting his mother doesn't share his last name.

My greatest sadness is that there is a definite need for a truly authoritative biopic (if I can use that word) of Sassoon and this not it. Yes, if you want to wallow in the calumny of how gay men were treated until recently, this is it. Burn with indignation, if you must. Clearly the writer and director had only one thesis in this film and all 2+ hours of it are imbued with it.

But what a waste of a non-gay actor (think about the hypocrisy of the casting) like Jack Lowden, camping it up in order to project the makers opinions rather than the historical fact.

Add to this, that the film moves as slowly as syrup dripping down the side of a can and frankly, you should spend your time and money on any of the good biographies about the man because you will learn very little of the real Siegfried Sassoon by viewing this film.
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....and the real star of the film
23 February 2013
I watched this film for only the first time since seeing it in the cinema on TV the other day and had to say I roared with laughter at various points. It is a very clever comedy although it may be a tad too clever for some. Really great to see Nick Nolte (a much underrated actor) on the screen in an ideal part. Shame that Steve Coogan could not have been used longer or better. But for the real star of the film has to be Tom Cruise. Cruise is such a good actor, not that you'd guess that from the parts he has played recently. I really think he should have got a best supporting actor nomination for his portrayal of a cut-throat Hollywood mogul. Worth hunting out the short scene available on YouTube where he deals with "Yellow Dawn". If you don't hurt yourself laughing you haven't got a sense of humour. Highly recommended even if you have to rent for an evening.
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Skyfall (2012)
Instantly forgettable
23 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it last night and by this morning had pretty much forgotten all about it. Says it all really. Wanton destruction of the DB5 most "un"cool. Had the feeling I had sat through 3 distinct films before the last 30 minutes which had some redeeming qualities. Daniel Craig looks too old and worn out - I felt knackered just watching him. Actually, he made Judi Dench look positively youthful. I keep on saying never say never again and not see the next movie but I have low will-power. I think this one may have finally pushed me over the edge. Part of the problem may be that Sam Mendez tried to make a 'real' James Bond 'drama' but because it straddled the need to titillate though gratuitous sex and violence and at the same time stimulate intellectually it was neither one nor the other. I wouldn't necessarily avoid but if you don't bother watching this until you can see it for free on TV you will not have wasted your time waiting.
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The Sweeney (2012)
Truly the worst franchise film in history
21 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Did you enjoy watching the Sweeney as a kid? Good. Because basically this film is the Sweeney in name alone. I have never submitted a review to IMDb before but I compelled to do so by the travesty that this film has enacted upon the original series. The original Sweeney was a breakthrough series in terms of subject, writing and characters. Things did not always work out and Regan and Carter did not always succeed. They were human and they were consummate professional police officers, who played hard and may even have stretched the line.

The modern film equivalent are a bunch of oafs with foul manners and typically for Ray ("I can only act as long as each line contains "F*&k")Winstone, foul mouths. They don't stretch the line, they stamp, swear, kick, punch and shoot all over it for no particular reason I can fathom.

The most ludicrous part of this film is the love plot. Winstone is in real life 25 years older than his love interest and given the fact that he has hardly preserved himself in anything close to a youthful form he looks old enough to actually be his lover's grandfather.

The director must have been totally bonkers to think that cinema audiences would want to see Ray Winstone's enormous, white Y-fronted backside humping away in a love scene. It is enough to give the viewer PTSD.

Fair do's, there is a lot of gratuitous violence of the type that might be somewhat entertaining.

Plot, acting, direction, believability are all very thin in this dreadful offering which has absolutely nothing to do with the original. If you thought the remake of "Tinker, Taylor, Soldier, Spy" was bad this film makes that film look like a masterpiece.

Definitely the worst film I have seen for a long time, possibly the worst I have ever seen.
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When the Boat Comes In (1976–1981)
The best TV drama series ever?
12 October 2008
Thanks to DVD I am now watching this entire series, all the way through for the second time in 3 years. It is difficult to explain to younger people these days, what with CGI and Dolby Sound how much more believable the string and sealing wax era of TV drama was but each time I watch these programs I am more authentically taken back the 1920s Gallowshields than anything I watch nowadays. The writing, the acting, the direction - they are all first class and although James Bolam steals the show, his supporting cast are all fine actors. Personally, I find it hard to think of a better example of acting than Bolam's transformation in the final series from a man down on his luck to a successful businessman. The second episode of that series is probably one of my favourite episodes of them all and a fine example of understated but compelling acting. Until this program I doubt anyone had ever really understood the immense impact that the first world war had on individuals because we are a generation who has been so influenced by the second one. As I reach the end of the fourth series I am always saddened to think that there will be no more. Still, thanks to DVD I'll still be able to watch it all again at some point in the future.
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