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My Teacher (2017)
Sick films like these that glorify pedo-relationships is the core of sexual abuse problems in east Asia
6 January 2022
As soon as I saw the poster, I had a pretty good idea what kind of film this was, but I was hoping I could be wrong, especially since this film was fairly new. But nope, it was what I thought it was, another sick and unrealistic film that romanticizes teacher-student relationships.

But before I delve into that taboo, I want to point out just how hypocritical this film really is. The main female lead is supposed to be this "shy, obedient" type, but somehow wears skirts that are even shorter than her slutty friend's and isn't uncomfortable wearing shorts that are barely visible? Her look also suggests she wears make up all the time, possibly with the help of special contact lens. That's not what shy Asians do, especially in high school.

And her parents acting the way they did when they heard about the scandal?! I'm sorry, but the whole east Asia did not just turn into liberal America overnight.

And now the serious stuff. Even though east Asians are more liberal these days, I don't think we'll ever reach the western standards. That's why we usually look WAY younger than our western peers, and we also rarely get educated about sex at home, which is why Asian girls are more vulnerable to sexual abuse in high school, especially from their superiors.

We're brought up being told teachers are people we should look up to and trust, so when a teacher sexually harasses you, you would chalk it up to it being an "accident". If something even more serious happens, some might be too afraid to report it for fear of not being believed or retribution through bad grades.

Look no further than the "Lin Yi-han incident" in 2017 and read her novel. I shutter to think how many girls suffered the same fate as her.

Yes, these days, people with age differences as big as 30 years can fall in love and even marry, but you don't try this out on underage children. Anyone who doubts that underage people aren't capable of making serious decisions should read a psychology book. Teenagers may look like an adult, but mentally they just aren't.

And if someone can't even hold their pants 2~3 years for someone, is that really true love? Also, what happens when the next young thing shows up? What makes you think he won't fall for her too?

All in all, this film was so unrealistic it must be adapted from a manga. The female lead's fake shyness also seems straight out of a porn, I wonder if that's the producing company's way to draw audience?
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The Shining (1980)
Greatest Horror Film ever? Total disappointment.
15 August 2021
How did this film receive that honor? Probably because this was the first horror film for many people born around the 50s, and you know how people are with their first times. Or else this film failed miserably as a horror film, because I wasn't even scared once during the whole thing. Hell, my heartbeat didn't even once elevate.

I don't usually watch horror films, because I don't like scaring myself. But I was intrigued by the scenes referenced in "Ready Player One", plus I was bored one day, so I gave this film a try. Who would have thought the scenes in "Ready Player One" are actually scarier than the real movie?

Do the people responsible for this film know anything about human fear? It's the anticipation of danger, due to our survival instincts, and there are certain elements that achieve that: creepy/suspenseful music, dim lighting, gore, certain way of presenting scenes (like the mirror in the bathroom trick) and this movie lacked all of these. That's why it failed as a horror movie, and all things considered, it isn't even a good movie (very thin plot and poor execution, didn't even make the effort to make ghosts look/ feel like ghosts).

Stephen King also had the foresight to know that Jack Nicholson was a terrible choice for the main role, because by know I think everyone can agree that "going crazy" seems to be his method of acting. So him going all Joker midway through the film added nothing, and rather than scaring anyone, actually made the film funny.

I wish people would have more respect for future generations when they use phrases such as "the greatest of all time". Greatest in your time doesn't guarantee greatest in mine, maybe let us young people have a say in it too? For generations who grew up playing Resident Evil/ Silent Hill games and watching Saw movies, this film certainly is an embarrassment to the genre.

If you're looking for a horror movie without gore, "The Sixth Sense" is a much better choice, even though it's actually billed as a thriller. Scared me plenty and also has a great plot+plot twist.
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