
3 Reviews
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Eden Lake (2008)
A truly spectacular film
14 December 2008
This film has everything a good horror/thriller should have. The main characters are built up in such a way that you feel for them as things turn ugly, but without spending too much time doing so. This movie is one of the more suspenseful films I've seen in a long time and I find it hard to believe anyone could watch it without feeling sad for certain characters and angry at others.

There is not too much gore or blood, but it is present and fits perfectly with the story, rather than seeming thrown in to make up for any shortcomings in other areas.

I found every actor believable and for a movie with a 6.9 (the current IMDb rating) I would have expected less. This movie deserves at least an 8 and I am surprised at the rating it has. Highly recommended.
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Pink Eye (2008)
Short film, obviously low-budget, wouldn't watch it again
27 November 2008
If you enjoy horror movies, this movie wasn't scary at all, so pass on it if scary moments are the main reason you like horror films. There also wasn't much gore so again, if that's why you like horror movies, pass on this one.

The film was short, and 2 characters entered briefly, one to talk about a main character's pink eye as a kid, and the other to talk about his painting (which as it turned out resembled the killer). The killer was annoying. He wasn't scary, and every line of his was quoting poetry and speaking with an accent to make him sound snooty. It didn't really make him seem more deranged and interesting. It was just annoying.

The first few minutes really had me thinking the movie was going to be worth watching, but I couldn't believe I actually finished the movie because it really just had very little to offer as far as keeping me interested. It was clearly low-budget and a good effort, but it's not a movie I would strongly recommend in any way.
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Desperation (2006 TV Movie)
Starts off seeming okay but huge letdown
23 November 2008
The movie starts off promising, but the explanation for the supernatural occurrences is never really given. Once things finally pick up, out of nowhere 25 minutes from the end of the movie some story is given about miners and it is never really connected in the film to what has happened up to that point. I'm guessing the book hopefully does a better job of linking everything together. The dialogue for the last 40 minutes is just irritating. random character: "What's our plan?" boy: "We don't need a plan. God's will is our plan."

writer: "I don't believe in god." boy: "That's okay, god gives you that choice."

Those quotes pretty much sum up the dialogue for the last 40 minutes of the movie. Don't waste your time. As the movie nears the end you will be come extremely confused at what's going on, irritated with the annoying dialogue where suddenly every sentence is about (dis)belief in god, and wondering how any of it fits together.
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