
1 Review
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Promising start, disappointing middle and awful ending.
21 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I went to see this film last night not knowing much about the actual plot of it. The start was promising, with some great fight scenes and on the whole, it was well filmed with some great cinematography. Washington played his role well, as did Oldman as Carnegie, however Mila Kunis who anyone who watches 'Family Guy' could tell was the voice of Meg Griffin wasn't good at all. The fact she is the voice of Meg also made me unable to take her seriously, but thats probably just me. I enjoyed the film at the start up until it becomes apparent that 'the book' is in fact the Bible. The fact that the whole film was based around this alienated a lot of people who may be atheist or even if they were Christian, as it was completely hypocritical that Eli killed maybe 100s of people in order to keep the book. Is this in-keeping with Christianity? Well, now the ending. It just about had it for me when we found out that Eli was blind. This put the great fighting scenes that i mentioned earlier in a poorer light for me, as we realised he was supposed to be fighting several people single handedly whilst blind?? Completely ridiculous. as was the fact that he was shot in the stomach, and then 5 minutes later back on the road with some duck tape over the wound. On the whole, its maybe worth seeing if you don't mind contradictory and frankly ridiculous plot twists, hearing Meg Griffin's voice throughout a supposedly tense and serious film and of course, if you don't mind killing 100s of people for the possession of a Bible written in braille.
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