
5 Reviews
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Better morals than some of these reviewers - Melissa Benoist is AWESOME
12 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Great role models for young girls, Melissa Benoist is AWESOME as Kara Danvers- Family-Friendly

*First of all, if you consider letting women know that they are equally important and capable as men are and to be self-confident offensive "feminist propaganda", then you're a terrible human and should definitely NOT be raising kids of either gender*

Supergirl captures the classic DC optimism. It can be a bit cheesy at times, and the dialog is sometimes outright painful, but overall it's enjoyable, family-friendly, positive and fun. It has it's good moments and bad. Melissa Benoist as Kara Danvers is charmingly geeky in a very believable, genuine and relatable way, as opposed to a stereotype or an act - leaving you with the impression that THAT is who she really is, as opposed to a manner she's adopted as a disguise. That in itself is a refreshing spin.

*Spoiler: Yes, it's true, James Olsen is a totally chiseled, hot, adult black man. Having been a comic fan as well as a fan of the George Reeves TV series and Christopher Reeve movie franchise, a hot Jimmy Olsen was initially jarring, but you know what? It's been done THE OTHER WAY for over 75 years, so why not try something different if it can be made to work?

One sexist, clearly white male with a persecution complex has reviewed this series and asserted that this change is somehow racist against white people (I kid you not!!!) That's insane, paranoid bologna. This series, like the best, most beloved comic books have done through the decades, seeks to be inclusive and show the complex and nuanced nature of all characters - "good" and "bad" alike.

While The Flash, though also optimistic and featuring some better writing, occasionally uses language that I don't want to hear as an adult (especially in a string of episodes centered around the character Hartley Rathaway/Pied Piper), never mind would I want my children hearing/using. The fact that Supergirl keeps it clean without avoiding a range of emotions and situations definitely earns it some extra points (and an extra star from me) allowing me to take it with a grain of salt.
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Not a comedy - a tragedy that anyone should be subjected to it
13 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Not since the Blair Witch Project had I encountered a "cast" that I could care so little about that I was hoping they would all be murdered. The "story" is centered around a small group of white, privileged dolts in their early 20s who are, for some reason, searching for the fountain of youth . (Do they want to go back to being babies? Mentally, they seem to still be there)

'Director' Lev Kelman will defend this film saying "it's supposed to be bad" and that he loves "bad movies" and sought to make one. He seems to entirely miss the point that what makes "bad movies" so good is that they are earnest attempts at making good movies that for one reason or another or for a slew of them, go wrong, but are still entertaining or interesting, even if just for their oddity. But he comes across (in speaking and through his 'work') as someone who creates simply because he can, not because he should and not because he has some passionate artistic vision that needs to be realized.

The dialogue is excruciatingly painful to listen to - if it were happening on a subway car, most people would switch cars at the next stop. The 'scenes' are inter-cut with non-sequitur shots of nature with an electronic soundtrack overlaid that seems to be implying something "deep". If the film were only that, it may actually make an alright backdrop for another event, though still would be on such an amateur level that I would be surprised to see it outside of a filmmaking 101 course.

If I could give this film negative stars, I would.
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L for Leisure (2014)
L for "Life's too short to waste an hour on this garbage"
13 February 2016
While slightly less atrocious than the team's first 'film' "Blondes in the Jungle", L for Leisure is the type of vapid cesspool that fills the void when talented, thoughtful filmmakers either lack the means of making films or simply promoting/distributing them. Centered around a group of smug, completely uninteresting, privileged "grad school students" who sit around smoking drugs and flaunting their privilege, this witless bore clocks in around 74 minutes, but feels at least twice as long. What's even worse, is that it's clearly not a commentary against these people, but presented as if they were lovable, relatable "characters" worth watching because they were able to film them.

As with their first excretion (Blondes in the Jungle), the dialog is unbearable, the acting non- existent. (save, perhaps for one montage of a singe "character" out exploring the world on his own.) If it weren't for a handful (say 2-3) bad ideas, L for Leisure wouldn't contain any at all.

Nobody should encourage or pay attention to anything these two do until they actually have something to say, a story to tell, some level of commentary or just plain anything. The fact that this has been screened as widely as it has it a crime against film and art. My only advice for the "directors" would be to find a new way to spend your trust fund, preferably one that doesn't drag audiences and entire cultural art forms through the mud along with you.
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BETTER than Teen Wolf!
17 April 2011
Okay, I love Teen Wolf - it was one of my favorite movies as a kid and I still think it's pretty cool, but Full Moon High (4 years earlier), is SO MUCH BETTER!

The plot is better and more involved, and, actually in some ways, even makes more sense than Teen Wolf.

There are way more jokes (and better jokes!). The cast is awesome - both Adam and Alan Arkin, Kenneth Mars, and even a bit of a young Bob Sagget. It gets a little jumbled in the middle when a seemingly potential female love interest comes into play, but it sorts back out.

It's been a while since I've laughed out loud as much at a movie.

I don't want to give too much away, but as far as Teenage Werewolf movies go, this may be the best one ever made! An instant favorite! See it!!! (You can stream it on Netflix)
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Under One Roof (2008–2009)
Outrageous, Hilarious!
18 February 2009
I'd only ever seen a bit here and there once or twice of "Flavor of Love" which lead me to believe that the Flava Flav phenomenon was something i had no interest in. Well tonight, that has changed. I happened upon an episode of this show and LAUGHED AS I HAVE NOT IN AGES!!!

I could not believe how offbeat and zany and sometimes kind of wrong it is, but in a great and, dare I say, ingenious sort of way. It's so over the top & hilariously written and Flava Flav just lights up every scene.

I don't know what show these other reviewers have been seeing, but people are always more likely to take the time to complain about something than to praise something they enjoy.

I've only seen one and a half episodes, but I AM HOOKED! I'm not usually home on Wednesday nights, but I am going to make a point of re-arranging my weekly schedule to catch it from now on. it's THAT funny.

It's funny too, i thought this show premiered in 2006 or 2007 - I remember seeing the ads for it - seems so long ago.

I can't wait for the DVDs!

Please don't cancel this show - it must go on!
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