
4 Reviews
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I was DUPED into thinking this movie was a good 80's horror flick & I'm not usually critical of these kinds of films BUT this one is PURE BALLS!
21 August 2010
Let me start by saying I was only 2 when this movie came out but I loooove a good low budget 80's horror flick especially early & mid 80's(cheesy or not!)...a few good ones that I can think of off the bat are "Demons"..."Demons 2"..."Happy Birthday To Me"..."April Fools Day"..."Slumber Party Massacre"..."Witchboard"..."Chopping Mall"..."The Evil Dead" etc. BUT this movie is TOTAL garbage the special effects are crap (even for a low budget film),the storyline is whack & does'nt hold your interest...the acting is bad & not in a "so bad it's good" way...the killings are lame & ridiculous...& the finale was really poor! I kept waiting for it to get better but sadly the movie never lifts off,I can't believe people said this scared them when they 1st saw it cause this movie IS NOT scary! I watched this with my girlfriend on Friday (she also loves 80's horror) & when it was over we just watched each other & rolled our eyes then she buried her face in the pillow shaking her head & laughing in disbelief. Anyway enough of me slandering this doo doo pile of a "movie"...I actually feel awkward as I'm blasting this movie so much cause I'm not really a negative guy & I always try to find something good about movies I watch but I had to make an exception here because this film is that terrible! Those people that gave this movie a good rating & said it scared them must've been on acid when they watched it!
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DO NOT listen to people that say the twist in this movie "makes no sense"...cause it makes PERFECT SENSE..this is a top notch thriller that WILL have you going!
2 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I recently obtained this DVD a couple days ago & I have already watched it I know what I'm talking about. When I 1st viewed it on Sunday with my gf although I throughly enjoyed the movie..I was like "but this twist does not make any sense". Then on viewing it a 2nd time I got it!..not that it was that hard to get in the 1st place BUT in can be easy for someone in the heat of the moment to miss the logic! It is a given that "Cliff & Cydney" were planning on killing Nicko & Gina & stealing their identities..& if you focus on the flashbacks properly you can clearly see that all the conversations they had that "sounded" as if they were trying to figure out if Nicko & Gina were the killers was really about...

1)Them assessing the amount of difficulty they would have to go through in killing this unexpectedly resourceful & street/survival smart couple...

2)Them contemplating not going through with it because of the fear of failing & possibly getting killed themselves cause they "barked up the wrong tree"...remember the 2 parts in the movie when Nicko gives them stories of him surviving some impossible situations & his loving gf Gina playfully says that "he's hard to kill"? Look at the way "Cliff" & "Cyndey" look at each other...upon seeing those 2 scenes at 1st the viewer tends to think that look they give each other means "OH NO they might be the killers!"...when it really in fact means "DAMN IT! this guy for real?? I think we may have bitten off a little more than we can chew this time!"


3)Them not getting figured out by Nicko & when "Cliff" shows "Cydney" the picture on his phone that the authorities have of them departing their latest crime scene & she says to him "that could be anybody" while nervously glancing in Nicko & Gina's direction.

The twist is pretty brilliant actually & it's not that the filmmakers were trying to "lie to the audience" like some not too bright people that left all these negative comments suggested. At the end of the day this film is great...the filming locations were beautiful,the acting was quite good (especially Timothy Olyphant's character!)& the twist was excellent. All the people that have these silly negative comments about the twist should just give up on watching good movies! My opinion on this extremely entertaining thriller is that it was a top notch effort! 10 out of 10 stars!
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Severely UNDERRATED!!...6.3?? HA!..This film was EXCELLENT!
17 July 2009
I'm gonna keep this short & simple,this film is grrrrreat FUN..from start to finish it has just the right mix of action,adventure,horror,suspense,some comedy,great gore etc. It was riveting & fast paced with ZERO boring moments & it's DEFINITELY going to keep you glued to the screen.The cast was perfect & every single person played their part well.I heard the budget wasn't a big one but you won't notice cause the special effects are pretty decent.The 6.3 rating on here doesn't do this kick @ss film justice at all! Buy it, rent it whatever but SEE it,it's an hour & a half well spent! 10 out of 10 stars!
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Do Not Believe The CRAP "uppity" People Say About This Movie...IT IS AWESOOOOME!!
6 July 2009
I'm sure this movie wasn't done with "we're gonna win an academy award with this one!" intentions it doesn't take itself too seriously & was done to entertain & it did just that! Trust me all the negative criticism & unnecessary flack this movie got was totally unwarranted & was done by people who have NO taste for GREAT entertainment! That being said this movie is one of my favourite comedy/action is FUNNNNNNNNNY & the ACTION is steadily paced & EXPLOSIVE there isn't a dull moment in this one guys.Jada Pinkett was too cute not to mention hilarious in this movie & her personality amped this film up nicely.The guy who played Louise was very funny & of course the oldest Wayans brother Keenan (the star)delivered too.Lol the guy who played Wayman was a riot as well. In my head I'm trying to pick out a favourite moment from this movie & I can't!..the whole movie was a BLAST & if you haven't seen it yet you're wasting time..seriously! It's one of the best films in the comedy/action genre & fans of both individual genres WON'T be disappointed if you haven't seen it yet do yourself a favour & check it out you won't regret it! 10 out of 10 stars!
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