
25 Reviews
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Masters of Sex (2013–2016)
Too Many Unnecessary Distractions
17 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Masters of Sex was one of rare TV shows that had a refreshing approach towards human sexuality. I can even argue that it was somewhat educational even if we assume that it merely pushed people to read the books of Masters & Johnson. It did more than that but gradually the refreshing approach was bogged down by so many irrelevant, uninteresting, outright abysmal side characters and their awful story arcs.

First two seasons were great. But then something happened and they shifted the focus from study to the relationships. I'm not talking about Bill and Virginia because they were already intertwined with the study obviously. Honestly I couldn't care less about Barton's ex-wife's open relationship or Virginia's annoying daughter and her weird rapey relationship with her disgusting boyfriend. I understand they wanted to show many "deviant" sexual orientations and relationships but they failed at that big time. Only exception that comes to mind is Betty's story which was excellent from start to finish, but they didn't even bother to give her a closure. This is unbelievably stupid. They wasted so many time with Barton in 3rd season and Libby in 4th season (all those hippy sequences, all those "romance" with that womanizer guy, ugh), but they couldn't give a minute to Betty of all characters in the last episode.

Sad thing is, the patients of Bill and Virgina were more interesting than almost all characters except Bill and Virgina: The shoe guy, the husband lost it in the session because his wife wanted some rough stuff, the woman who wanted to be treated solo for sexual dysfunction and so on. What I mean is they were already into many sexual orientations. They were about to get into infamous homosexual conversion therapy too before it eventually got canceled. I am kind of sad that it ended abruptly but I'm not surprised. For example, the gridlock scene (which again doesn't contribute to anything and is painfully dull) must have cost a lot, I'm definitely not an expert on these things but it's not so hard to guess.

Episodes should have been shorter, main focus should have been on the study, all time. They did good cutting almost all of the kids in the fourth season, but still it wasn't enough.
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The Good Wife: Shoot (2016)
Season 7, Episode 17
A truly bizarre episode
23 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't planning to watch season 7 but well, I couldn't help myself honestly. Departure of very important characters made The Good Wife weaker, but it is still somewhat funny, if more inconsistent than ever.

But what about this episode? Was this supposed to be an emotional roller-coaster? Starting with a young girl shot in the neck, and that extremely unnecessary and irrelevant ending? Don't get me wrong, I kinda like the lustful chemistry between Alicia and Jason. And I don't see anything wrong or immoral about that scene. Even I as a heterosexual guy can't help admiring Jeffrey Dean Morgan. But you cannot go both ways, either you should make the episode mostly dramatic or cheerful. It cannot be both. And she wasted last 20 years? What's that supposed to mean? We didn't see any background of wasting her life. She was portrayed as a happy woman until the scandal.

Also, even though I generally agree to the points given about gun control, it was demonstrated in a very cheesy and over-the-top way. This lecture given by Abernathy towards gun shop owner was mind-numbingly cringe-worthy. A father who has recently lost his daughter wouldn't act like this even if he won the case. Again, we come to the same point: Write it dramatically or cheerfully. A season can include mixtures of both, an episode cannot. It rarely happens in TV shows like this.

7th season is disappointing but everyone was expecting it to be like this. It had some funny episodes. Eli Gold is still in the mix, thankfully. But 17th episode did really bother me, even though my expectations are at the minimum.
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The Good Wife (2009–2016)
Don't feel like watching 7th season anymore.
11 September 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Until the 6th season finale, I loved The Good Wife. Characters are consistent, acting is excellent, casting is the best of all (with the addition of David Hyde Pierce, they reached the perfection in casting.) So why do I not feel like watching it anymore? Because of that stupid meaningless feud which all of you know about. I will get to that later.

From first season to the fourth, show was slowly yet gradually "getting there". Writers didn't rush it, ratings helped to that I suppose. I have to particularly commend Archie Panjabi and Alan Cumming. Other actors are also excellent but these two are almost flawless and since their characters became cornerstones, we saw their acting capabilities.

The Good Wife is not my favorite show, though it is near the top. But if I am to categorize "my favorites" list season by season, 5th season of GW is at the top, by far. From first episode to the last, it was heck of a roller-coaster ride. It was funny, tragic, suspenseful, shocking. For those 22 episodes, I loved every minute of it. Like everyone I was extremely saddened by Will's death, but they went through it without dramatizing or romanticizing it. He wasn't the best guy around, but it felt like watching death of a family member. I might seem exaggerating a bit, but honestly, I am not. Alicia and Will were seemingly about to get together again. I was thinking that fight ignited something in them. They still loved each other, actually that's the main reason it was so devastating. They missed that chance forever. Damn.

Let's get to that stupid feud. Kalinda is gone for good because of that meaningless BS. Will's shadow was cast on the show on that particular episode forever, they managed his death as good as they can, but no matter what you do you cannot replace him. Kalinda was more beloved than Will and more important actually, there are good reasons for that too. She is unique, mysterious, somewhat cunning, extremely resourceful yet actually an emotional woman, and Arcihe Panjabi carried and maybe adopted her character so good, no wonder she won the first Emmy of GW.

Honestly I wasn't even aware of a feud until the season finale. I was waiting like an idiot that they would reveal her mysterious past someday. I don't give a crap about who is right or wrong. I read all about the rumors and still not giving crap. There are producers, writers, actors who form a TV show from the scratch. But if it comes to the point which GW arrives, audience forms it too in its own way. I don't mean that they should go along with our every whim to write the plot. But you cannot write it to neutralize a stupid fight either. I don't care how they may hate each other. They had to act like a professional, not for the sake of it. Because they owed it to the audience. I cannot believe such a good show run by those people who didn't know what professionalism means.

They will not succeed about replacing Will and Kalinda. Simply because, there is no time. People loved them in time even if they loved them at all. I personally loved Frank Prady who was there only for eight episodes, because of David Hyde Pierce whom I literally adore. But there aren't many actors like him out there. Unfortunately, The Good Wife won't be that good anymore.
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The best "season" of 24
11 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have mixed feelings for 24. There are seasons I love (1, 3, 5) and there are seasons I hate. There are moments of it I will never ever forget, and there are some characters (not minor ones) whose names I don't even remember.

There were some characteristics of previous seasons. Femme females were abundant; due to the 24 episodes format plots are stretched and stretched a bit more to the point of absurdity. Don't even need to mention "God Bless America" stuff. Plot twists and twist of twists. Overly idealistic narrow minded and narrowly written villains.

Here comes the thing that makes 24 LAD that good: None of the above exists in this spectacular season or standalone TV series. Back then, even while watching those good seasons I could easily find things that I really dislike. But for those 12 episodes, it was almost perfect. Brilliantly executed, written, directed and acted. And this comes from a guy who doesn't even like the show. I can't say that I really liked 24. I watched the show mostly because I really liked characters (Jack, Chloe, Saunders, Logan and some more) and the suspense. Obviously that "real-time" thing was good too, even though it was misused from time to time.

And it was so emotional. Particularly the finale was devastating. The way Heller talks about his condition and his daughter especially tore me apart. It was incredible because I didn't even care for those characters or situations until 24 LAD. By the way William Devane was perfect, he might be the most realistic illustration of the US President in the show. All the casting additions, particularly Yvonne Strahovski and Michelle Fairley were excellent too. Also writing helped them "be" their characters. Their roles are written in a genuine and emotional manner, unlike before.

So, it was the best of 24. 12-episode format turned out to be really good for 24. I was on the side of the guys who think 24 should end permanently with LAD. But now, after seeing this touching story and reminiscing with Jack and Chloe, I hope it wouldn't end. I hope they manage to make it continue like they did with LAD. Not the way it was before, too ambitious or too pretentious or even chauvinist.
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The Wolverine (2013)
Could have been A LOT better
26 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't into X-Men Franchise until I saw First Class. (Not giving spoilers about that one, don't worry.) Yet it is nearly impossible not to like Wolverine and his storyline, even though Origins was bloated with unnecessary characters and subplots. Well, The Wolverine is better obviously but it is still not enough for such character.

In this movie, we see Logan form a friendship with a Japanese soldier in a hole during the bombing of Nagasaki. That is really a great base to write a good plot. But in the end, we see that Japanese soldier, Yashida got obsessed with immortality and attempting to take Logan's healing abilities by fighting him in a gigantic armor/robot. Really?? Is that the best you can do? There are other minor inconsistencies in the movie. But that one I mentioned completely ruined it.

If you cannot write a good plot, then make it more simple. If you cannot make it more emotional and personal as it started, then create a more traditional nemesis which MAKES SENSE. Yakuza could have been used in a more proper way. I'd definitely prefer a simple mob boss who uses some mutants (like Viper) to defend himself rather than a gigantic adamantium Samurai-like weird looking robot.

My expectations were not sky high obviously and I enjoyed it more than Origins. At least it didn't affect X-Men franchise as Origins did. We can see the Wolverine as a stand-alone movie. But this movie could and should have ended in a better way.
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Dexter: Remember the Monsters? (2013)
Season 8, Episode 12
Trying to Forget
24 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Final season was boring, meaningless, silly, horrible. I just felt sorry for Charlotte Rampling who was more than great. To see the past between Dr. Vogel and Dexter's father gave us a whole new perspective. And that is all about this season, I just pretend the rest didn't happen at all.

This episode was the finest of the final season. Yet it was so coherent with all this meaningless mess, there were so many plot holes which I will not bother to type them.

For me, this great show ended with 7th season finale. 7th season was awesome, breathtaking but 8th season was the weakest of the series, by far. For the sake of all spectacular things I have witnessed, I refuse to remember those last 12 episodes.
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Burn Notice: Reckoning (2013)
Season 7, Episode 13
A Perfect End for Michael Westen
14 September 2013
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I really can't remember when I started to watch Burn Notice. It looked like snacks to me, comparatively to "main course" (you name it, series that are watched more and drew more attention). But as I watched, the characters got to me. This is one thing that makes a production good: Believable character development. Burn Notice is one of the finest examples of that.

5th and 6th seasons were kind of drag, it didn't impress me that much that some psychologist came along and toy with Michael. But, last season hit me off guard. That James fellow, he should have come 2 seasons earlier. Yet it was a nice thing to see a "good" villain in the show. Previous bad guys were just some handlers, they were just some steps in a ladder. But James Kendrick was a lot more than that. Thanks to this fresh start, 7th season was one of the greatest things I have ever seen on TV. Torture scene, relationship between Michael and Sonya, Michael's eventual betrayal, and his final choice between Sonya and Fiona, were simply breathtaking. As Michael said, in the season all lines were blurred. Even I couldn't pick a side, it was like bad guys vs less bad guys, and Matt Nix and other writers managed this mess with near perfection.

And finally, Michael made the perfect choice. He didn't choose CIA or this mysterious network. He simply did choose Fiona. He did choose love over many many things, not to mention the known sacrifice to you all. I have to say that too: I have dreamed that when all of this is over, Michael and Fi got to some tropic island, and live the rest of their lives together. Well, Matt Nix chose a cabin in the woods.

Thanks to Matt Nix, all writers, all lead and supporting actors. I know this is not the best show ever, I know it had flaws. But, who cares? Who cares while a "spy show" makes you feel like that.
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Seinfeld: The Finale (1998)
Season 9, Episode 22
A weird way to end the series
6 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I watched the finale 15 minutes ago, so I was not hyped or filled with expectations. I just expected a more different episode and I got what I expected. But I can understand people's disappointment. It was weird. Actually to line up former one-timer characters is not that unusual, but put all lead characters in prison, well that's just weird.

Also, their reaction to hijacking was unusual. It was darker than their original self, particularly Kramer's. Everyone who watched this show knows Kramer wouldn't simply watch and mock like that. I know that Elaine, George and Jerry are not the most likable characters, but they were simply meaner than normal. That was weird too.

But who cares? This is not some drama with suspense. Personally I didn't bite my nails and say to myself "Oo, how it is going to end????". Could it be funnier? Definitely! But who cares? I am not going to remember this show with that specific episode.
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Veronica Mars (2004–2019)
23 September 2011
What is so incredible about Veronica Mars? Chemistry between characters, intelligently written script, never-ending sarcasm except a few moments. No.

Veronica Mars had been canceled after only 3 seasons and probably whoever canceled it did not let they shoot a proper finale, even season finale. If it is only about ratings and nobody cares about the quality, why are we watching TV? I can count more than ten series lasted more than Veronica Mars which their crappiness is completely verified. But for mysterious reasons, they kept going on and on and on.

I wonder who made the final decision on Veronica Mars. I guess he or she must have done something like that: He checked ratings and saw VM's ratings are low more than it should be. And he says to himself, why aren't we canceling this show? I bet he did watch only the pilot. Rest of it is not watched at all. There is no other explanation of canceling.

They watch Gossip Girl which people only watch because of hearing voice of Kristen Bell, they watch Desperate Housewives and if it goes on for another 100 seasons, they will keep watching too. They watch all crappy shows and if they don't watch a brilliant show like Veronica Mars, the stupid guys in charge decides to cancel it.

This show should have lasted at least three more seasons but it ended without a season finale.
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How I Met Your Mother: Bad News (2011)
Season 6, Episode 13
This show supposed to be funny!
7 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
HIMYM has ups and downs until this time. Sometimes writers could not produce as funny as before or they did some repetitive things. But also, they were doing a fine job about entertaining audience. I should confess this I hate all dramatic episodes of HIMYM, for example Ted-Stella thing has never worked out and she left him at the altar, that was dramatic and may be good for other shows, but this is a comedy! And finally, writers decided not to write funny things anymore. It was not already as funny as before, now they are trying to make us cry and they fail! Heart attack, is that the pure and original thing that you can find! I want to laugh when I watch HIMYM. Actually, I want to laugh until I fell off the couch. I want to laugh until neighbours get annoyed. I want to laugh until I said "Enough, I do not want to laugh anymore.". Because, I used to laugh just like that in previous seasons. But now, they are trying to make us sad. This is pathetic! Cancel this show or it is going to be sillier than ever.
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
Highly recommended for anyone
1 October 2010
I have begun to watch Northern Exposure two years ago and finally, I have watched all episodes. And at the end, I hoped there would be another season, and another and another. I wanted it not to end. But it ended.

Imagine that you are away from home, from your family, from ones you loved and imagine that also you watch Northern Exposure. I can assure you that you will feel at home. You will breath home, you will breath a place called Cicely in your lungs.

So, I watched this terrific show not so long ago, I might be "under influence" of it. But none of the shows I watched on TV or maybe silver screen was not even close to Northern Exposure. Because this show is not led by writers, it is led by its characters. In every episode, writers put something to the middle of the town, and we watch reaction of every character. Characters are built so realistically and humanly, you may think that they are not fictional at all. Actually, I think they are not fictional. They are us. They are so human. They react as ordinary people react, this is the feature that makes Northern Exposure the best thing on TV: There is nothing supernatural, there is nothing extraordinary, everything in this show is so human.

I want to tell more about Northern Exposure but it would spoil everything, so I shut my mouth or pull my hands from keyboard. I recommend to all of the people to watch Northern Exposure, especially when they feel lonely.
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Lost (2004–2010)
A General Review
17 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Actually I do not like to review season by season, I would like to evaluate it more generally but that would be too complicated. So, here it comes: 1st season: The best season of the series, no need for any debates. We get to know and witness characters' lives. They are so real and so imperfect, castaways are like us. And they crashed on a mysterious island without any hope of getting back. So they began to build their village or camp or whatever you call, some of them tries to leave the island. We are not aware of the others, black smoke or any other stuff. It is like a simple survival season, until Locke found the hatch.

2nd season: I guess we can call this season as "hatch season". Because it is like we live in hatch practically. Castaways find out things about Dharma guys and of course Desmond, and a button must be pressed in every 108 minutes without knowing the reason. These discussions, debates among Locke and Jack were amazing, it was not just about a button or something else, we see the ideas clashing.

3rd season: The first time I saw the barracks, I was breathless. Because none of us could not see that coming. Especially after seeing 2nd season finale, we thought the others were savages but they weren't. In this season, the others and castaways simply fight, with guns, with dynamites, with their fists. Finally, a hope of going back to the civilised world is emerged, Jack answered the call, he is happy, we are happy. But suddenly we get to three years later. What an episode was that! I remember that I was nailed to my chair for 30 minutes, I was not even shocked, I was more than that. What the hell was that? Why the hell Jack did want to get back to the island??

4th season: Nothing particular happens in this season. Widmore sent his men to the island to kill castaways, I still don't know why. We see Jack's depression bla bla bla...But ironically, the best episode of the series is in this season: 5th episode of 4th season is one of the classics. We saw love incarnate, Desmond and Penny's love. It was so sincere.

5th season: And this season is the season which our castaways becoming commandos. They use their guns without any hesitation, and they are very good shooters actually. Time traveling, leadership stuff occurs. In the season finale, supersmart Jack decides to detonate a hydrogen bomb so he can be with Kate, he can reverse the time, how sweet! No it was not sweet at all! It was silly! It was not like Lost.

6th season: Despite bad comments done, I liked this season. Especially MIB vs Locke thing and Richard's past was so so amazing, so real. It was going good actually, they were intended to kill Locke but no one know how to do so, at this point writers lose their minds, everything happens so spontaneously, Jack becomes new Jacob and kills MIB. And it turned out to be, flash sideaways were not real or pre-death experience or something like that which I DO NOT WANT TO THINK! Finally, this show is one of the classics, even they blew it at the end, it is a classic.
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Lost: The End: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 17
Not a waste of 6 seasons but not a good ending
24 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all I'd like to declare that I was not really into Lost's mysterious stuff. Black smoke, hatch, numbers, time-traveling, electromagnetism, all this stuff were just decoration in first three seasons. But, after 3rd season finale, village atmosphere of the series is gone, writers emphasized on mysterious secrets of the island I, personally didn't care that much.

Lost is one of the classics because it reached our hearts, it touched our hearts. When Hurley distributed all the food in the hatch, audience was happy. When Jin found his father and made a confession to him, we were fascinated, because we watched something real, something belongs to this world. But I didn't like Kate, Jack and Sawyer becoming commandos at the end of 5th season. I didn't like writers incapability of explaining what the hell is this Jacob vs MIB thing. I didn't like the end.

First three seasons were great, maybe the greatest of all time. But after that, it wasn't good as it used to be.
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Lost: Across the Sea (2010)
Season 6, Episode 15
Unexpectedly disappointing
12 May 2010
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Apparently writers did not consider "Ab Aeterno" as the best episode of 6th season and they decided to make some contributions which I could not understand.

In my comment of Ab Aeterno, I said that we haven't seen Jacob's past yet and I was looking forward to this. But after all these great episodes, adrenaline, action, drama, we got back where we started: Irritating puzzles.

There are only 2 episodes left and if writers would not reveal who was Jacob's mother and the secret of this "light", audience will not be only disappointed, also will be furious.

If this is the best effort of the writers, what did we watch until this day in the name of Lost? We all know they could have done better, we have seen this lots of times but now they decided to make the show as silly as they can.

There is a mountain to climb for writers.
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24: Day 8: 7:00 a.m.-8:00 a.m. (2010)
Season 8, Episode 16
8 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
8th season of 24 is going good. I openly criticized 6th and 7th seasons because they were horrible and after a point, you couldn't keep up with them. But 8th season is a comeback for this show.

Particularly this episode was one of the classics, till the end of it, I felt all intensity and anxiousness of Bauer, because writers did their job properly. And also, writers do not force us to show who is good or bad. They give you a choice, you can take side of General who tries to capture President Hassan and save Manhattan or you can take side of President Taylor who tries to keep peace negotiations continuing. This is something rare we see in this show.

But actually, I cannot understand that some people keep going harsh on 8th season, okay I admit it, I am bored of nuclear or radiological bombs too. But there is a consistency in this season, no need to mention of individual performances. There is no African terrorists who infiltrate White House. There is no any sign of discrimination towards Muslims or any other group. This season is good and we cannot criticize writers because of the previous seasons.
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Lost: Ab Aeterno (2010)
Season 6, Episode 9
24 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When I started to watch Lost and got into it, the first thing that I wonder was about the others. I always wondered that where they came from, why they believe in a guy which has never seen. Now like all of fans of Lost, I understood that. The island is there to give a second chance who suffered through their lives. I watched this episode twice and in the second time, I clearly understood the key sentence of this episode is "Their past doesn't matter." Jacob didn't care about their past and gave them a second chance to show the separation or conflict between good and bad. This is beyond great because it is not as genuine or unique as we expected. Actually I expected something mythological, something supernatural but it is just a simple demonstration of basic conflict of human souls.

But some questions still remain. We still don't know Jacob's and black smoke's past, we still don't know about Jacob's extraordinary "skills". I had doubts about the future of the show, I doubted that writers could not be able to answer our questions. But after this episodes, there is no doubt, sixth season is an answer to our questions and this quest, this puzzle will be completed and we can be sure of that Lost is one of the greatest TV shows of all times.
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Lost: Sundown (2010)
Season 6, Episode 6
Declaration of war
3 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So, finally we see something significant in 6th season and it is declaration of war of anti-Jacob(we don't know this guy's name, so I can call him anti-Jacob, I guess). Writers still keep us a little bit ignorant of historical events of island, but it's OK, it's fine. To see anti-Jacob recruiting the "templars" is definitely worth it. But Kate's future is still unpredictable, we don't know which side she will choose.

There is one another factor: We don't know who is good, who is bad. Anti-Jacob looks bad, Jacob looks good, but we don't know. This is consistent with Lost, because we are never forced to choose sides, there were always conflicts in earlier seasons: Locke vs Jack, Benjamin vs Jack, castaways vs the others, etc. Writers imply who is good but not mention. For example, Jack always seemed to be a part of good guys but in 5th season, he refused to treat a child. Sawyer seemed to be a little bit smartass and on his own, but he jumped off from the helicopter. So, characterization is still perfect.

I hope, all of my questions will be answered till season finale, because I guess, in the season finale, we are going to choose our sides just like castaways do.
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Lost: Lighthouse (2010)
Season 6, Episode 5
I missed the old days
26 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
In the previous seasons, there was a village atmosphere. Hurley distributes the food, Jack occasionally shouts "Bring some water here.", 48 castaways do not live like castaways, they live like neighbors, happy neighbors and they don't care about their future, well except Jack.

There were some mysteries too but it was not emphasized, we were not confused, we were just enjoying the show, but now, when I watch Lost, I feel myself like confronted by a very difficult puzzle. I admit it, I like these puzzles but I admit that too, I miss the village atmosphere. I miss Kate and Jack's weird relationship, I miss the days of ignorance. Let me take it a little bit forward: It was like Northern Exposure, except it was not snowy, but everything else looked alike. I do not intend to say that this show is inspired, it is not inspired from one thing, it is inspired from many things and this feature makes it special, but I simply request: Can't we just go back to good old times?
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Avatar (2009)
It is always easy to criticize
19 February 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Until I see Avatar, I was not a big fan of CGI in movies. Actually I always believed in war scenes without any computers, any digital effects, we can compare war scenes in Braveheart and Lord of the Rings trilogy, former was pure human, latter was pure fabrication, I am sure of Peter Jackson said "Come on guys, let the computers do the dirty work. Who is going to deal with this mess." But, Avatar and eventually James Cameron who does not have a lot of good movies, has just started a fresh method which involving both digital effects and human beings. This technology was never used like that. But I do not want to talk about Pandora's beauties, enhanced 3D stuff. I want to talk about the screenplay.

I heard lots of things about Avatar. Some of them were good, some of them were bad. Critics about this movie emphasized on lack of originality and human factors. They treat this movie like it was made by only computers. They treat like there is no any human factor involved. And after I see this movie, I understand that those critics are terribly wrong.

First, this is a Hollywood movie. So, you cannot expect a very original script, guys come on, this is a movie made by James Cameron, not Charlie Kaufman. Of course it is gonna be a little bit the same we see before. Second, you can see determination in Pandora's creation process. I have never seen such 3D things that close to reality. This cannot be just built through entering some numbers to a computer.

Third, let us keep examining screenplay. I expected only jumping fighting big blue guys, gunships, bombs, guns and lots of stuff like this and I did not care about the screenplay. But after I watched Avatar, you can see there are many harsh and righteous criticism about way we live. When you see Na'vi people who witnessed the destruction of their home, you say to yourself "Wait a second. I have seen this on the news. For a dozen of times maybe!!!". And of course, there are some environmentalist messages which we see more than rare recently. But I am not used to see such criticisms on American strategies about foreign countries in such a pure Hollywood movie.

Avatar is not just some guys fighting, jumping, flying on a planet which created by computers. James Cameron, surprisingly, gives a message to us, to politicians: Now can you see where we are going, where the world is going?
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Lost: LA X: Part 1 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 1
Where are the answers?
9 February 2010
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I am a huge fan of Lost and this show is one of the best in the history of television. But, after 3rd season finale, writers leave "the village atmosphere" of characters behind and emphasized on secrets of island. This was inevitable and I do not deny it, but 5th season raised too many questions and now, in 6th season, I want to be answered to these questions: Who are "the others", where did they come from, who is the guy who possessed Locke's body, etc...

But in this episode, I did not see anything like an answer. I saw more and more questions, puzzles, secrets. I saw something happening, but I don't know the reason of it.

Even though, it is good to see characters from first season...
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Gossip Girl (2007–2012)
Not Like The Other Teen Shows
3 January 2010
I think these teen shows are worse than all of the soap operas, because when you watched these soap operas, at least you can laugh. And Gossip Girl made me laugh, for a lot of times. Except Leighton Meester's performance, all of the individual performances is not even bad, one of the worst I have ever seen. But this show is just made for fun. Writers did not intend to give a message or write something makes sense. They just write it for fun. It is like their hobbies and this feature makes this show great.

By the way, dear writers, please kill Serena, I have never seen such a bad actress in my whole life, she is praised because she has a perfect body but nobody cares about her acting.
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Rome (2005–2007)
A Great Show with Some Flaws
23 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I have not watched a lot of historical documentaries or TV shows like Rome, except The Tudors and I don't know much about Roman Empire. And this amazing show led me to learn about Romans and their very interesting history. These two seasons were just like a history lesson, but surprisingly, it was really funny and amusing.

Writing and direction is close to perfect, but especially, I must underline individual performances. Particularly, Polly Walker, Ray Stevenson and Ciaran Hinds were flawless, amazing. I couldn't believe in my eyes towards such performances.

Despite all these great parts of the show, there were some inconsistencies. I mean, there were some unnecessary and disturbing details. I am not intended to name all but let me say the most unnecessary one: Servilia and Octavia's affair was totally rubbish, actually I did not understand why writers did something like that. After a few episodes, you get used to harshness and ruthlessness of series, I have seen a lot of things I never wished to see, nonetheless I tolerated them, because these images were necessary. And I can call Rome, one of the most erotic and violent shows I have ever seen and this feature maybe makes this show far better.

Finally, if you are 18 or older, you have to see this, it is purely historical and despite that fact, it is also purely amusing.
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Dexter: The Getaway (2009)
Season 4, Episode 12
I used to hate Rita...
14 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
From the beginning to the 4th season finale of the series, I always hoped that writers would kill Rita, or Dexter have a divorce. And after a long chase between Dexter and Arthur Mitchell, we came to the "shocking" end and actually it didn't shock me, it just made me sad, really sad.

As I said, I didn't like Rita but her end was not shocking, not surprising, it was just tragic and depressing. Especially, when I looked from the aspect of Dexter, I felt terrible for him.

Until 4th season, the winner was always Dexter. In this season, there is no winner.

I congratulate the writers for making this show better, maybe the best in time.
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House M.D.: Brave Heart (2009)
Season 6, Episode 5
One of the Best
23 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
We House MD fans are really used to "engage" to episodes through great plots, but this episode has the best plot i have ever seen in House. It was like a short movie which includes a lot of action and stimulates adrenaline.

After that, the writers imply that they are going to stick to their plan: House's mental recovery. Actually we thought that when he discharged from the Mayfield, he is OK. But writers didn't prefer to rush the recovery process and in this episode House gets a little bit better and i think writers are on this way for the whole season.

And there is a nostalgia ongoing, we are just like where we left the former subordinates of House, except Cameron and Chase's marriage. Foreman is still annoying, Chase is still not suitable for medicine, Cameron is still "Cameron".

I have seen Lost, Dexter, Heroes, Prison Break and some of these series' episodes really suck, but i cannot show one average episode of House, every single episode of House is really cool and sixth season is getting greater even more than 4th and 5th seasons...
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24: Day 7: 5:00 a.m.-6:00 a.m. (2009)
Season 7, Episode 22
Sick of plot twists!!!
13 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Recently, i have read a comment about plot twists of 24 on Actually in all seasons, we got used to this twists, because we knew that was necessary. But even in the 6th season(the worst season of the series), there is only one plot twist. Now, let's sort the plot twists of 7th season: 1-CIP Device and Dubaku, finished with capture of Dubaku. 2-Siege of the White House, finished with capture of Juma(let us all admit it, this is the silliest plot i have ever seen.) 3-Jonas Hodges and Starkwood, finished with capture of all canisters 4-Oh wait! Tony Almeida suddenly decided to betray and kept one of the canisters, and this plot finished with capture of Tony Almeida and neutralizing the last canister. 5-And the most annoying plot maybe, Tony's employer and "lover" Cara decides to hold Kim Bauer as a hostage. This has not finished yet but i hope in the season finale, they kill Kim Bauer, she is not so beautiful anymore but she became dumber, that's a fact.

And also, we, 24 fans, sick of these absurd plot twists. I can appreciate the producers, because Jon Voight joined 24 crew and gave a lift to the series, but the rest of the season except Dubaku, does not make sense. There were specific hostiles in other seasons and actually this was disturbing, especially for Muslims. But in this season, there is no a specific hostile group, everything happens spontaneously. There is no plan, there is no actual threat, there is nothing...

I hope 7th season will be the last or this show will become more annoying, more disturbing and of course, less attractive.
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