
17 Reviews
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Blue Lights (2023– )
chicken police? not for me
17 April 2024
Maybe the show makes sense for the locals. But I hardly suffered through the first episode.

It's just disgusting to see those.dumb and undertrained rookies who can't shut their mouths when superiors are talking to them. Who don't obey orders and cannot follow procedures.

I am not a fan of police and governments but it's feels sick to see police acting like cowards without authority when mob curses them and throws bricks at them. Why they even need their guns if they are acting like that and cannot resist another street jerk?

I am surprised by the high reviews. I am not liking any of the main characters. Maybe I need to watch more episodes to start liking the show? How many more?
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Prosper (2024– )
wow, the lengths the go attacking the Republican voters
30 January 2024
Anyone who has ever attended an Evangelical church, can see what a piece of BS the show is. They try to mimic services, worship, and preaching but it looks plain dumb. Because nobody has any idea what they are trying to recreate.

Of course, there are crooks in church and religion generally, just like in every other area of life, including business, politics, healthcare, etc. But it's literally impossible to build a mega church while being a crook.

I am not a Christian myself anymore and not even an American. But it's evident where the Soros' money go. Isn't it ridiculous that now they are trying to attack influential faith preachers collectively.

You will like this show only out of hate when you know nothing about Pentecostals and Charismatics. The fake comments by supposedly former Hillsong members are plain silly.
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Twisted Metal (2023– )
only for Americans because it's silly and unrealistic
23 December 2023
Unwatchable if you have any brain and/or lived outside Western countries. I understand it's fiction but every scene is so full of elements that make zero sense in the world they are trying to depict. So it's an abuse of common sense and rational minds. Only spoilt American teenagers can watch this and enjoy. Obviously the ratings and reviews have been jacked up.

Drivable roads in the apocalypse. Cars driving thousands of miles on single tank. Criminals scaping for food and essentials while shooting expensive missiles and ammo. Closed cities with fresh fruit. And man, I love the way Hollywood shoots beggars and poor people. It's even more unrealistic Vikings and so much worse.
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The Rookie: Enervo (2022)
Season 4, Episode 20
humiliating move to attract ratings from minorities
30 October 2022
Niecy Nash is lovely and adds a fine flavor to the episode. But the role they gave her reeks and is a cheap move to attract ratings from LGBT and BLM. The last one is especially humiliating when you run a show about police and then you want votes from those store looters?

I am genuinely sad that this amazing actress was put to play this ugly and demeaning role for the sake of political correctness. One did the did achieve is getting more emotionally involved with the episode than usually happens.

By the way, the bad guy was definitely not Russian. He could be from Russia but is definitely a different ethnicity.
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Foundation (2021– )
a comic in HD, not science fiction
8 November 2021
Scenes and graphics are beautiful. With background music doing more job than action and words.

The race card is heavily exploited with white villains and a black prodigy as main character and generally good ones.

Science talk is all either philosophy or nonsense gibberish.

Nothing to see for an intellectual or a geek. The high rating is fake.
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Elysium (I) (2013)
week script, cool effects and action
10 August 2021
I'd have to suffer through the first part filled with the leftist narrative about suffering masses in future who looked well nourished and wore clean clothes. Typical American phantasies about poverty and dictatorship. Also numerous silly details like a technician in a factory without basic sense of physics and mechanics.

But then the action started and inconsistencies mattered less. So if you can survive past the first half hour, it gets exciting. Effects and action were decent.
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robots were cool, acting was funny
30 January 2021
Robots in action were cool.

Otherwise, it was just a funny piece. Black native Ukrainians speaking American English to black American soldiers. I am not even going into all the mess with scenery and language. Those are understood.

The main character is completely out of sync with his role and supposed mentality. Army officers behave like teenage campers. Combat scenes so flawed that it's apparent even to a civilian like me.

So you can watch it if you got nothing else to do. With a bottle of beer or a glass of whiskey. Not a genuine cinematic experience. Don't expect too much.
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Tehran (2020– )
couldn't stop watching all at once
2 August 2020
I did not know what to expect. Fauda was great. I thought it would some something similar.

Well, it is not. Though here too, Israeli spies spoke fluent Pharsi with nearly perfect accents (according to the show) just like the guys in Fauda spoke Arabic. I speak neither so cannot be a judge of that. But unlike Fauda, the main character is a girl. Even a hacker, not a military operative although apparently with basic training in combat and arms.

I found myself worrying for the girl from the very first episode. And the suspence never subsided. Hardly anyone can tell if the details of the mission were realistic or not. But as we know operations like that do happen in Iran all the time. Of course, there would be contextual mistakes like in every production. But the plot is good and complex and you cannot predict what happens next while watching.

If you like action, spies, and Israel, this will be a great watch. Of course, I added an extra star to support the meshpakha.
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Close (I) (2019)
underrated, good drama
26 April 2020
I was first confused because of the low rating. It was 5.7 and I don't watch anything under 7 points. But I was bored and it was available on Netflix. The movie opened with an intense action. Fresh and unusual. So I was intrigued enough to keep watching.

So it was not a masterpiece but definitely not a bad one at all. My rating is solid 7 points. There is drama and action. An unusual main character. Not very deep or complicated. Plot is pretty simple. But 20 percent into the movie I was hooked up and watched till the end. I was even nervous at times which happens to me very seldom while watching shows or films.
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Strike Back: Vendetta: Part 3 (2020)
Season 8, Episode 3
producers know nothing about Israel
16 March 2020
The episode is completely out of touch with Israeli reality. Watchable enough otherwise.

Buildings and streets are nothing like Israel. Criminals and thugs are neither Arabs, nor Jewish. The policeman's behaviour is nothing like Israeli police where everyone served in the military. Ultra Orthodox men on the beach near to the ladies in bikinis?

By the way, no beach either. More like marina.

Others won't care but if you know Israel even a little, those inconsistencies keep screaming at you in every scene.
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Treadstone (2019)
good start then gets more and more boring
31 October 2019
Episode 5 so far so there is ground for an objective evaluation. It has started off great and felt almost like playing Return to the Castle Wolfenstein.

Then the scenes in North Korea got boring. The excitement was gone. The way they made North Korea look would seem like a paradise to the real North-Koreans. Did the producers know nothing about how it really looks and works down there? Or the realistic depiction would be tasteless to American views?

Things about Russia are confusing too. Culturually, too off. Bad accents, wrong words, inappropriate phrases and characters. I guess the dialogues in Korean must have been even worse.

In short, all places and times except America are just so off. That includes furniture, equipment, buildings, surroundings, infrastructure, behavior, culture, dialogues. Basically, everything is wrong.

Not going to wash the next episode 6. It would take an undereducated millenial to suffer through the cultural, linguistic, and scenery inconsistencies. Fastforwarding through boring and unrealistically irritating scenes outside America made every new episode shorter than the previous one.
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The Good Place (2016–2020)
an interesting play with the concepts
22 December 2018
I've done much religion in my life so it was an interesting play with those afterlife concepts. If you like the Lucifer series, you'll most probably enjoy this one too. It's a bit different style though. The evolution of the characters is great. There is little drama. It's a pure comedy which I swallowed in a day watching 2 seasons nonstop.

My only disappointment was the third season. I'd give it just 6 stars against 8 for the first and the second seasons.

It was intrigued by one of the characters that resembled Moss from The IT Crowd. At first I though it was the same actor a bit older by now. But I was wrong.
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Deep State (2018–2019)
rough and realistic
18 December 2018
I am not sure about the scenes of life in the Middle East but otherwise, a pretty realistic TV show. You've got to peek at the ugly workings in the intelligence and private military world. The difference from other similar series is a rougher British approach with little glorification of governments and nations. And everything happens here as a personal story of a black operative who thought he had left his dirty work.

A few stones thrown at Trump too which is become a must feature for television. Perhaps, just to add a fresh touch of the present day.
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S.W.A.T.: Never Again (2018)
Season 2, Episode 6
wickedly false representation of Israeli crime
2 November 2018
I really liked the show until this episode. It started off with the lesbian theme out of the mouth a little girl, supposedly okay and tolerant. Didn't bother me much.

Then we learn about merciless Israeli girls who served in the IDF and now kills Jews in America purely out of revenge and rebellion? Unimaginable! I am not even talking about the lack of understanding of the Jewish mentality both among the Orthodox and secular criminal Jewish men in the episode.

I will watch the next episode anyway. But I am really hoping this show is not now following in the steps of Quantico which started off really cool but pretty soon revealed solid and ugly truth-twisting antisemitism on the part of the authors.
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Rake: Greene v The World (2018)
Season 5, Episode 1
not a promising new season's premier
25 August 2018
What a disappointment. Of course, we love seeing all the characters and Cleaver in the parliament. His personal developments in previous episodes were lovely and intriguing. But here, not much really going on at all. Should a solid piece of anti-Trump mockery entertain us?

Honestly, the weakest episode ever. Hardly, any logic. Massive flashy events but barely any plot.

Naturally, I am curious about the second episode. But if this downgraded filming continues, I might give up on one of my favorite shows of all time.
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challenging, a little boring in the middle, and a few antisemitic bits in the beginning
17 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It looked like a fresh show with unorthodox idea that aliens can be peaceful. Awesome scenes, challenging ideas, especially towards the end. The middle episode (2nd) is very boring with barely any action. I fastforwarded the entire second episode and most of the last third.

What was sad though, the BS bits of antisemitic propaganda. Minute 10, they say there was a wall between Gaza and Israel but then it was gone. Okay, nothing provocative so far. Minute 11, a shocked journalists tells about an Israeli soldier helping an elderly Arab. That's when the show becomes instantly disgusting. Like Israel soldiers are the monsters, not the terrorists on the other side who stage victims and hide behind women and children when they fire rockets to Israeli cities.

Israeli soldiers help Arabs, Muslims and any other peaceful residents of Israel and across the border too. Every day! They supply water, help build infrastructure, care for the pregnant, and helping an elderly Arab person is pretty common. What other army telephones and casts printed warnings to the terrorist sites - hours before bombing in order to make sure no civilians are hurt?!!

Shame on the producers! I put 1 star for turning a show with a nice plot into another piece of BS anti-Israel propaganda.

It could have been a descent film if produced in two episodes and without propaganda.
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Quantico (2015–2018)
A promising show that turned out being antisemitic
19 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
A nice fresh plot with an insider look at FBI academy at Quantico. At first, it's just a bit unsettling that the only apparently Jewish guy pretends being gay. Then some BS about IDF committing crimes in Gaza but you still dismiss it due to possible ignorance on the part of the authors.

But then the story becomes an actual distorted propaganda as the same fake gay Jewish guy speaking fluent Hebrew connects to a religious Jewish friend who is also a bomb maker.

So we have apparent lies about IDF crimes in Gaza. Sounds familiar, ha? Then two Muslim girls, Quantico students, who are as innocent as kittens. Nothing wrong with that, as long as Jews are not the devil. Then the same only Jewish student at Quantico is revealed as a terrorist who killed 120 people in the heart of New York.

Another piece was a guy, who used to play Israelis in other shows, here becomes a sadistic torturer for the government.

It was disappointing to stop watching this show. I could not just go with this obvious anti-Israeli and antisemitic propaganda and continue enjoying the show.
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