
3 Reviews
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Well worth watching
14 October 2007
Low budget flick but satisfying for North American viewers who like/expect the bad guy to get it in the end. Slow moving off the top and obviously adapted from a stage play, which means viewers have to pay attention to the dialog, which may be difficult because of the main character's British accent and soft voice ... just turn on the subtitle option if you have a problem.

I enjoyed watching this character-driven drama on DVD ... I suspect it was intended to go direct to DVD distribution, and not attempt to be a big screen theatrical release. Subtle, psychological, reasonably believable, with adequate acting. Not a must see, more an unexpected treat for people who like this particular genre.
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Sinfully Underrated, this movie is a 10
9 October 2007
I loved this film. It reminded me of emotionally-stirring epics from past eras -- Dr. Zhivago, Gone With the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia. Perhaps that's why the cynical and heartless critics trashed it ... the romance is old fashioned, idealistic and pure; the characters are not addicted to alcohol, drugs or senseless shopping; there are no grunting sex scenes. The violence has a point. And yes, Angelina's character always looks too fashionably good and clean and gorgeous to be true to the horrific circumstances she finds herself in.

It's a weeper, for sure. An eye-opener for the ignorant, uninformed and uncaring consumers of modern capitalism. A call to arms. Definitely not a typically pointless 21st Century American movie. Thankfully, Oliver Stone didn't get to direct.

See it. Take out your handkerchiefs and your cheque books. This film might actually change your life.
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Demonlover (2002)
Total loser, don't bother
9 October 2007
Possibly the worst movie I've ever seen in 60 years, and I've seen thousands. Seemingly huge budget, way too much unnecessarily violent action, increasingly incoherent plot, totally (all) despicable characters. It starts out with possibilities, continues through increasing implausibilities, and ends with absurd non-sense. The actors did their jobs as well as they could given the immensely flawed script; the director and editor were obviously on serious drugs, or were trying far too desperately to make a film that was uncommon enough to stand out from any crowd.

But the real question is: why did anyone bother making this film? Why bother watching it? Don't bother. It's disgusting and grotesque, and ultimately confusing and boring. I hated it. Don't waste your time or money, unless you're a wannabee screenwriter studying the world's worst films, and wish to learn what not to do.
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