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Payday (1973)
Simply Amazing!
12 August 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this for the first time on "Encore" channel,ten years ago. A gritty,powerful film that days afterward,you're still thinking about.Rip Torn should at the very least been nominated for an Oscar,for his portrayal of a hard living C/W singer,Maury Dann.The film is riveting from start to shockingly abrupt finish.Touching performances from Cliff Emmich as Maurys put upon driver and Jeff Morris as one of the band members.Ahna Capri and Elayne Heilveil are terrific as the love interests.You feel Ahnas characters frustration and sadness as she's about to be replaced by a younger,prettier woman. Cara Dunn is excellent as Maurys drug addicted mother.The "road picture" structure and Alabama locations of this film give it a documentary feel and therefore it never drags or becomes tedious.The story mixes drama,humor,violence and depressing sadness,that give this film its power.This little known film is a must see!
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In the Heat of the Night (1988–1995)
As good as the original.
26 November 2004
ITHOTN is my second favorite hour long TV series( right behind the Rockford files 1974-80.) The first season,while well acted and produced isn't as good as season two and three. The episodes filmed in Hammond Louisiana recapture the atmosphere of the motion picture with its run down buildings and the racist behavior of " Bill Gillespie". The stories just don't measure up, with the exception of " Road Kill" One of the entire series best episodes!.The four Joe Don Baker episodes (while Carroll O' Connor was recuperating from heart surgery) are among my favorites. "15 forever " is unsettling in its depiction of teenagers killed by a drunk driver.( Spartas district attorney! ) " The pig woman of Sparta" is funny and atmospheric. "Lady bug,lady bug"is dark and brutal."Vengeance" and "Sparta Gold" are two of Alan Autrys best. Scott Brian Higgs is hilarious as the eccentric "Randy Calhoun", a recurring character on the show.Lois Nettleton is very good as Bill Gillespies love interest and her shady past is revealed in the excellent "Aka Kelly Kay". I was so impressed with the series that we traveled through Covington Georgia on our way to Florida a few years ago. We saw a lot of the filming locations and toured the ITHOTN/ Dukes of Hazzard museum. Carroll O' Connor was totally believable as "Bill Gillespie", Howard Rollins upstaged the entire cast, bringing more depth to the "Virgil Tibbs" character than Sidney Poitier did in the '67 film. Hugh O' Connor who obviously wasn't a trained actor,actually grew into his "Jameson" role and was good enough to carry several episodes by himself! The last season was wearing pretty thin but had a very good run with some truly memorable stories. RIP Carroll,Hugh and Howard.
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Good DVD
22 February 2004
Just received a DVD of this film and was pleasantly surprised. The image is restored and looks great. After years of watching grainy and scratched prints its nice to see it as it was in 1971. Theatrical trailer and two TV spots are included. Commentary by Richard C. Sarifian brings some insights into filming locations, the various actors, etc. (Gilda Texter was severely sunburned during her desert motorcycle ride and she was girl friend of actor Paul Koslo who also appears in film.) And a story of a prostitute befriended by the crew,who stole the last remaining challenger. (eight were used, only one survived.) She was caught sometime later. The real treat is actress

Charlotte Ramplings missing scene near the end of the film. While it really adds nothing to the story,its nice to finally see the missing footage after thirty years. There are also some striking images of the challenger at daybreak in that previously missing scene. The only thing lacking is commentary from the STAR of the film, Barry Newman,which would have made this a Great DVD.
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Sparta Illinois
22 February 2004
The DVD of ITHOTN is one of the best I've seen. The commentary by Norman Jewison,Rod Stieger and Lee Grant is very well done. The image and sound have been restored and look good as new. A grainy, scratched theatrical trailer is included for contrast. Rod Steiger is fascinating to watch and deserved the best actor Oscar.The supporting cast is excellent also. Filming began in southern Illinois in the summer and fall of 1966 in the towns of Sparta and Belleville. The Endicott plantation scenes were shot in Tennessee. The direction by Norman Jewison is taut and visually compelling. The chemistry between Rod Stieger and Sidney Poiter is evident during their scenes together. Great character actors include, William Schallert (who also appeared in an "in the heat of the night "TV series episode). Anthony James and Arthur Malet (who appeared as the gay hitchhikers in 1971's Vanishing point). Scott Wilson from Truman Capote's "In cold blood". Timothy Scott (also from Vanishing Point). and the late great Warren Oates.We recently spent two days in Sparta and stayed in a 1854 B&B that appears in the film.The downtown is virtually unchanged and the train depot has been restored.We saw many filming locations and found it to be a friendly town unlike the violent,racist burg portrayed in the movie.
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Lawrenceburgs claim to fame
20 February 2004
I first saw The Film Flam Man in the early 70's and it became my favorite film. George C. Scott plays light comedy effortlessly. As you watch him he really seems to be enjoying himself as" Mordecai Jones." Known for dramatic roles during his long career this character stands out from all of his others. Michael Sarrazin (in his film debut) gives a likable performance. Veteran character actors Woodrow Parfrey, Strother Martin,Harry Morgan, Alice Ghostley, Albert Salmi and Slim Pickens are all excellent in their supporting roles. 20th Century Fox started filming The Film Flam Man in September 1966. The town of "Clayton" North Carolina was actually Lawrenceburg Kentucky where many scenes were shot. We traveled through Lawrenceburg in 2000, and the downtown was virtually unchanged.The editor of the local newspaper was kind enough to point out some of the filming locations and gave us some FFM movie posters. The local newspaper covered the filming in '66 and I was able to access the articles on microfilm in the towns library. Legendary stunt driver Bill Hickman [ Bullitt, Seven ups, Vanishing Point] who drove the red Plymouth convertible in the chase sequence ,hit a street sign,shoving it through a window ,injuring a woman watching the action. The mishap is shown in the film. The Film Flam Man is a little known gem ,worthy of repeat viewings.
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Mr. Majestyk (1974)
Bronsons best!
16 February 2004
Who would of thought that Charles Bronson would give his best performance as a melon farmer! Mr. Majestyk is a '70s classic. Elmore Leonards screenplay elevates this above other 30 year old action fare. The late great Al Lettieri is hilarious as hit-man Frank "The Keeeeeeeys" Renda. Character actor extraordinaire Paul Koslo nearly steals the show as the irritating Bobby Kopas. Linda Cristal is quite good as Charlie's love interest. Beautifully photographed, with scene after scene of memorable dialogue Mr. Majestyk delivers. Especially an amazing truck chase ( that ford used in TV commercials years later.) Instead of endless DEATHWISH sequels that numbed the senses, Charlie should have done a sequel to this one.
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Open Season (1974)
Low budget 70s drive-in classic.
29 March 2003
I saw this strange film on late night cable way back in 1983 and found it oddly appealing.Obviously not filmed in the USA with dubbed dialog, weird atmosphere and the eventual appearance of William Holden as an added bonus. After searching on the internet recently I found an uncut version VHS tape for sale.* SPOILER *William Holdens character is arrested at the end which didn't occur in the edited version. The stark direction,unconventional editing techniques and haunting music make this one a seldom seen gem. I usually don't indulge in films of this type( like the repulsive, house by the lake ) but open season has enough

going for it to elevate it above other films of this genre. For Fonda/ Holden fans this film is highly recommended,others beware!
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