
2 Reviews
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House M.D.: 5 to 9 (2010)
Season 6, Episode 13
One of the two episodes I liked this season!
18 February 2010
The bad ratings for this particular episode is totally unwarranted. First of all, medical mysteries are definitely a significant part of the thrill of watching house, but it is totally an exaggerated claim to say that House is only about those medical jargon, half of which we do not understand. In fact, if House was a genius nerd with no personality to speak of, this show wouldn't have lasted for a season. The real beauty of House, IMHO, is the interplay of Characters and the unique personality that each one of them brings to the show. And that way, dedicating an episode totally to Cuddy and that too in such a refreshing sense is worth appreciating and made an interesting watch. Way to go House! If you have the talent to continue producing such good episodes even after years in business, you are all set to go on for many years to come!
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Avatar (2009)
$1.6 Billion... **** on that!
17 January 2010
Warning: Spoilers
How can people always find something to complain about even for the best of the best, always amuses me.

What's wrong with the Storyline? Ya, it is something that we have seen before.. No.. I am not referring to the past movies with similar story lines.. I am talking about those Natives in America, Aborigines in Australia, the natives of Africa, the countries oppressed by Colonial England, the oppression of communist China.. The greed of corporates and governments that killed millions of people because they were the dominant ones at that point in History! Yes, where we have seen this story before is in our History as humans!

Well, when someone is making the most expensive film of the century and pours all his passion and imagination into it, I am proud of James Cameron that he chose this Storyline and not some silly Military story that glorifies war or a meaningless rambling about the significance of an old and irrelevant book! He knew his movie was going to be watched with passion the world over... What better message can he convey to the world with his movie than saying, men and women of the future! you better see this movie.. Remember all the sins your forefathers committed in this world.. Be compassionate and don't ever do it again!

I would say this to the haters who complain about the lack of originality or the lack of emotional strength. The movie does move you if you are prepared to be moved. The movie conveys a message if you want to listen to it! If you think there is no message or that you are not moved, then it is because you do not have the heart to understand. I am sure there are such people in this world. If everyone in this world was compassionate enough to understand this message, why were those sins against humanity committed in the first place!
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