
13 Reviews
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2 days before the day after tomorrow
29 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
South Park did write to make fun of this film, it is nothing more than a cheesy popcorn eating disaster movie, but under it all it's there to spread the lie of global warming. Oh, my God, we're all gonna die. Global warming is gonna cause us all to freeze to death, it is just that stupid. Anybody who actually believes in global warming? It's probably stupid enough to believe that this movie could be true. I, 41 like the south park version better at least they can laugh at the idea of man made global warming causing a new ice age. Anyway just take the movie as it it is a reason to sit in the dark and eat poocorn.
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Vietnam in HD (2011)
Ignore the whiny armchair generals
15 October 2022
I think this show did a very good job of showing the America and American troops doing the best of the best of a non idea situation losing the war was not because of the American soldier it was because their arms were tied behind their backs by the politicians politicians all away politicians will always lose the war but never have to suffer the consequences because of it I think we should think every single person who went over there for their service they did not want to go they went because it was their Duty they were told on ways to fight the war that was completely asinine and then when they when they come up with their objective they blamed fir the faukts if the politicians.
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woke strikes again
4 June 2022
Maybe in some other version of the multiverse this could be a good movie. I am ao tired of this latest tred marvel.has with the strong female lead and males are week and useless. Sace your money or just go see a better movie.
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ER: Alone in a Crowd (2005)
Season 11, Episode 15
please shut up
6 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This women was so annoying. She won't shup up I was actually hoping she would die so she wpuld be quiet. Herv oice was very annoying.. Maybe the stroke was a good thing.
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Stripes (1981)
light up francis
26 February 2022
To all the whinny prople saying this move has not sged well orbthst itbis sexist, racest or whatever. I say givenit a rest. I love this movie. It is back when you could be funny and peole had thicker skins. Today's cancel culture is ruining everthing.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
the book of meh...
12 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This series started off with such potential Boba was a bad-ass you got to see really cool things then they brought in the mandalorian it was like OK but then baby yoda again I'm so tired of baby yoda it's not called the book of baby yoda just give up on him and then that lady mechanic who is the most annoying creature I've ever seen in Star Wars short of jar jar binks tell her to shut up and move on.
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Blue Bloods: Guardian Angels (2021)
Season 11, Episode 11
woke garbage
14 November 2021
They made sure thus episode ticks all the boxes . Gay transgrnder check anti self defence check, what is it with Tv theses days. It is full of garbage. Why dies every shiw have to go woke.
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Shameless: Father Frank, Full of Grace (2021)
Season 11, Episode 12
A crappy end to a crappy season
12 April 2021
This show used to be good. It was funny. It was crazy. It was not political woke bs. Not is more of a mercy killing than a season or even a series final.
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Last Man Standing: Lost and Found (2021)
Season 9, Episode 8
leave the BS out
25 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Gee where would we be if Hollywood did not try and tell us how to think. I dont need woke ideas shoved in my face. lost and found you lost a viewer.
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Lost Gold of WW2 (2019–2020)
Boring waste of time
18 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Is the finding of Al Capone's empty tomb but they don't even get that far they blab and blab and blab and recap Enrique when we were finally they get to a tunnel then they say that's it the end these losers couldn't find gold in the middle of Fort Knox
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
A liberal wet dream
29 January 2019
Chock full of liberal talking points where conservatives are shown as idiots and war mongers
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The Grinch (2018)
Not the grinch
8 December 2018
Overly long and boring and turning the ginch song in some hip hop trash is inexcusable
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just eatch the first one again and skip this one
2 September 2018
Just watch the first Pacific Rim movie again and save yourself this
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