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Don't be misled by the negative reviews here for this movie
19 January 2018
Just came back from the one time only screening of this movie in Austin TX. I'm a bit confused by the super-negative reviews of this film. I guess people were expecting a film on par with past Studio Ghibli movies? Lets be real here, as sad as it is, the age of Studio Ghibli is over, unless Hayao Miyazaki decides to return to the directors seat and make another full-length feature film. Which at this point seems unlikely. The fact that we have a studio like Ponoc to carry on the torch of 2D animated projects in the style of Gibli should be celebrated I think.

I went into this movie not expecting it to be on par with any of Studio Ghibli's past works, yes it's no Howl's Moving Castle or Spirited Away. I did enjoy Mary and the Witch's Flower more so than Miyazaki's last two films, The Wind Rises and Ponyo. The only other Hiromasa Yonebayashi films I've seen was Arriety, never saw When Marine Was There. I do think this film is better than Arriety was.

Mary and the Witches Flower looks like a Studio Ghibli film, the character animation is really great, the backgrounds, while reminiscent of past Ghibli works are nice, but not on the same level of detail, which was fine to me. The characters and the story is good, again, not as solid as past Ghibli works, but I enjoyed it overall. The biggest thing lacking to be was a musical score from Joe Hisaishi, but he has never done music for a Hiromasa Yonebayashi film. The last film he composed music for was The Princess Kaguya, which was a big deal.

I'm getting off-track here, but the last I will say is that is if you are a fan of Studio Ghibli, and are yearning to see a full-length feature film in traditional 2D animation, go see this film if you are able to, just don't go in expecting it to be as good as one of the Studio Ghibli classics.
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Kedi (2016)
Perfect film for all cat lovers out there!
23 March 2017
if you love cats, and admire/respect people who love cats, you will love this film.

Kedi focuses on a half a dozen or so cats and their primary human caretakers. Each cat has their own very unique personality put on them by their caretakers. These individuals who take their of these people are very respectable, humble people. You will really admire how much these cats mean to them. They take on a very philosophical, down-to-earth, often religious approach to why they care for these stray cats. For most of these people, these cats have improved their lives and given them a better respect/appreciation towards life in general. It's very touching.

There are also many scenes of of the city, showing random stray cats going about their lives, the cinematography and camera-work showing of the city is really great. These are a few brief scenes where you don't see any cats at all, just the people of Istanbul going about their daily lives.

Does this film ever get depressing you may ask? Well, there is one sad scene in the film, but it is also one of those moments that you just have to accept as being a fact of life for these stray cats. There are also a couple scenes where you see swarms of cats waiting to be fed by their people, or scenes of litters of kittens living in dirty, clearly not ideal living conditions, and it makes you wish the city had some sort of TNR program to deal with the population of all these cats, but again, it's just one of those things you have to accept.

Kedi is a all around feel-good film. But it did make me wonder when it was all filmed, considering the political turmoil currently going on in Turkey. It made me wonder how the people shown in the film and their cats are doing, if their lives have been negatively affected by all the chaos. I would certainly hope that is not the case.

If you can still catch this film at your local theater that shows independent/art-house films, it is worth seeing for sure. Otherwise rent it or buy the DVD when it is released then.
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Inception (2010)
Amazing movie and IMAX experience!!
16 July 2010
First off, I saw this in IMAX and I think it was worth the price...with the cinematography and the sets in this movie, seeing everything on a huge screen is breathtaking.

The movie itself, Nolan pulls off again, I wouldn't say its better than the Dark Knight, since they are two completely different movies, but it is definitely on the same level of good acting, edgy suspenseful story, and stunning non-CGI overloaded visuals.

This movie is pretty complex though, if you don't pay attention to everything you might get confused and lost with the movie and then get bored by it. I'll at admit there were times when I became confused. Yet in the end, if you were paying enough attention like I was, you won't be totally thrown off..

now people having been saying that this movie is like The Matrix and James Bond combined, which is a fair comparison, but Nolan manages to add this special touch to it that separates it from your other run of the mill summer blockbuster films...

everything is balanced out nicely, between the frantic action scenes and the serious talking scenes, and even though there are scenes where several different scenes are going on at once somehow it works.

go out and see it!
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Mystery Team (2009)
if you are a derrick comedy fan you'll love this!!
14 June 2010
man, after the DVD came out the rating here went way down, I don't think many people who saw this movie knew anything about Derrick Comedy or just missed the point of it all together.

this isn't a family movie, the R rating should tell you that from the get go. It's a movie about 3 losers who have been solving mysteries since they were kids, but get thrown into reality when they decide to take on the ridiculous case of solving a murder. The three guys from Derrick Comedy are hysterical..every line they say is so silly and ridiculous..and the antics they get'll either be amused by it or totally hate it.

Also, this movie is very similar to what you see in Derrick Comedy's skits. That same humor and silliness in the skits is in this movie...

you'll either love it or hate it. as a fan of the guys of Derrick Comedy I thought it was hilarious and just enjoyed it for what it was; but I think some people might miss the boat on this one.
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Dreamworks hits it big this time!!
27 March 2010
Ever since I got the chance to visit Dreamworks Studios last summer, I've been dying to see this film, and it did not disappoint! with Dreamworks animated films, its usually hit or miss with them, but HTRYD is a big success. Visually it's awesome, if you are a fan of dragons like I am your or your children should definitely enjoy this, whether or not you read the book its based on dosen't really matter, this movie is a lot of fun and the way the dragons were depicted was great.

the movie follows a pretty simple formula.. awkward weak kid who isn't like everyone else, fails at everything, and dosen't get any respect from his friends and family but ends up proving himself in another way. But here it works for the story quite well. The story isn't perfect or too deep or whatever, but I think it was just fine for what it was.

and of course I think anyone watching this, adult or child will love the main dragon character Toothless..he is basically Stitch from Lilo and Stich in dragon form, after all the writers and directors of this film also created Lilo and Stitch, but even so the dragon has his own lovable personality.

as far as what format to go see this in, I saw it in 3D because the theater I went to only offered it in 3D..but the 3D was quite was more subtle and mostly just added more depth to everything which was nice..and in some scenes it really was great to look at, so I suggest seeing it in 3D, but I try seeing it earlier in the day, $9 for a early afternoon showing...yikes! SO if you are looking to be entertained go see this film, anyone should enjoy it!
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Avatar (2009)
It didn't suck!
18 December 2009
I was one of the people who thought this movie was gonna be a total failure, yet after seeing the good reviews it's been getting I went and saw it.

and it didn't suck. It was quite good actually. Is it the best movie I've seen this year? no. DO I think its the best movie to come out this year? no. It was good but it wasn't the best thing ever.

Cameron made a big gamble with this one.. this movie was 99% CGI and relied on that to make the movie. That's the way most big Hollywood movies are today, yet most of them end up being nothing but a visual funfest, but crappy in every other sense, like Transformers 2 and 2012...

HOWEVER, Avatar managed to succeed..its visual appearance and CGI glory is what makes this film what it is, yet Cameron did a good job writing the screenplay for it..and I dunno who he hired for his visual development team, but they are good, all the concept artists who came up with the look of everything..don't give Cameron all the credit! there's no way he came up with everything!! but yes, like everyone else is saying, the movie is visually stunning that totally draws you in...lots of pretty colorful stuff...if you are really into the fantasy genre..and like looking at nature, this movie is for you...those expecting to see a lot of fighting, has that, but the real action, epic battles between machine and nature dosen't happen until the end...this movie could bore people after a while. So yeah, it all looks very pretty, the attention to detail, the designs of the environment and the critters living in it is very appealing...

As for the rest of the is easy to be drawn in by this visual spectacular and not notice its faults....for the main storyline/plot..nothing new is brought to the table, we've seen this kind story a hundred times..everything that happens is totally predictable, right to the very end....the characters are pretty stereotyped, especially the main bad guy..he is so cartoonish and cliché it is almost laughable..and none of the actors really did Oscar-worthy appearances or anything, but nobody was lousy either..and the romance..cliché'd too, yet once it happens, it dosen't take over the entire story completely, there is more drama and angst between the couple instead of mushy lovey-dovey stuff....

Also, once other critique I had, that may not bother others, is some scenes are super short, and cut off abruptly leaving you like "whu? that's it?" some scenes could have used a little more time..and as far as character development and all that..yeah..there is a sufficient amount I guess I would say...

Then there is the environmental message this movie tries to give, I mean, its pretty damn obvious,the whole "nature good, humans-bad" could have been a lot stronger if Cameron wanted...there aren't scenes where one of the characters goes on a rant about how bad humans are, destroying pretty nature..visually its there, and when you see it you'll know what I mean, it gets pretty emotional at one point. I got sad. Like I said, Cameron could have pushed it a lot more if he wanted to..but I think enough is there for people not to think "this ain't nothing but a movie for tree-huggin' hippes yadda yadda ya" Personally, if this movie brings in enough cash, I think Cameron should donate some of it to nature/wildlife organizations..but since this movie cost him so much to make he's prolly gonna keep it all to himself. But for the environmental crisis we are going through right now, maybe this movie will open people's eyes a bit...

overall, this film is pretty good, not completely flawless or perfect, I think people are giving it too much credit...

so yeah, go be entertained, its a lot of fun to watch...I didn't fork over the extra money to see it in 3D..but I guess if you have extra money to spare see it in 3D and I'm sure it would be real fun to see on IMAX too.
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Not What You would expect
16 October 2009
Just saw the movie today..from the trailers I expected this film to a happy exciting adventure..and kind of was that.

Max runs off to the world of where the Wild Things are and tries to be king of the Wild Things yet things don't work out so perfectly.

If you are expecting to see a all around-happy movie you might be disappointed..overall I thought it was kind of does have the exciting fun moments in it, and you will laugh...

but it has a darker side to it..this is not your average children's movie..there are some parts that might scare younger children..and the message is sends to younger kids isn't exactly a very..happy one? in other words the movie isn't all sunshine and rainbows..some kids may not like it..although when I saw it there were young kids in it..none of them starting whining or crying.

yet overall, it was a pretty good film..there could have been things that could have made it better...and with the way the story is told it might make you expect there to be isn't a mystical and magical kind of movie epic adventure like other fantasy movies, but eh, I think for what it was, it was good enough.
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Zombieland (2009)
great fun entertainment
2 October 2009
I saw the midnight showing of this, and I have to say it was worth it because this movie was quite good..I wouldn't call it the best zombie movie ever, it is a comedy after all, not a serious zombie movie.

But it had everything a zombie killing, zombie gore fest should..I think it should satisfy any zombie movie fan like I said, this is a comedy, there are only a few serious parts, but even then they don't last long before the moment becomes funny again as for the story/plot...uh.. I didn't really care about that..the movie took no time to explain WHY the zombie apocalypse happened, it just did and I think that is just fine, especially for this type of zombie film..and as for the rest of the storyline/plot.. it was fine I guess. Everything flowed well, I didn't think there were any stupid, useless scenes in the movie or anything like that. Its a movie about zombie killing what more do you want? the acting? I think each actor played their character quite well, especially Woody Harrelson..he was the best.

So yeah, its a very entertaining film...I know its easy to compare to Shaun of the Dead, but to say which one is better? In my opinion they both stand on their own..I don't think its necessary to compare the two to one another too much.

So yeah, GO SEE IT!
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9 (I) (2009)
Pretty good..but was missing a lot.
10 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Going into this movie I didn't know what to expect..I never went to the movie's website or read up about what the movie was going to be like yadda yadda ya....

When I saw it...I had mixed feelings about it after seeing it....

the story was interesting, post apocalyptic world, destroyed by evil machines, and these little dolls are the only ones left....

however, the story was a little thin in some parts..especially with the never really learned WHY they wanted to survive, what was driving them to survive, what hope they was basically them hiding away from the evil robots..none of them really speak of their past..I only found myself caring for a few of them...its only until the main character comes into the story and changes everything....

I dunno...its hard to describe but it just seemed like it needed more...there is nothing wrong with leaving things open ended..leaving things open for people to use their imaginations..but if you don't do it right, it ends up just confusing people..and especially with the context of the movie where there are a lot of questions that come up because its in a post apocalyptic setting..the story should be a little stronger....

That aside, for what it was it was still good..the visuals were very nice, the character designs were appealing..animation was good its just the writing and the story of this film could have been a little stronger
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Ponyo (2008)
Another amazing Miyazaki film..but not his greatest
8 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I finally went out and saw the dubbed version of this on the big screen. For the dub, having seen the original version of it with subs, the dub is watchable. Little kids watching this aren't going to know the difference.

Onto the movie...

I was super excited about seeing this, and after I saw it...I kind of had mixed feelings about it.

One has to realize its target audience is obviously little its more of a light and fluffy story like Totoro, but even then, a movie can be made for children but still enjoyed by adults...this film didn't quite do that.

Don't get me wrong, the story was nice...little girl fish wants to become a human and falls in love with a little boy. It definitely has its magical moments but it is no way on the same level as Miyazaki's more recent work, Spirited Away or Howl's Flying Castle, nor is Ponyo's story as deep as those two. Not that it needed to be super deep, but, I dunno, the whole story just felt lacking in some parts. Also some of the characters were a tad...shallow.

Ponyo shows that she has magical powers and can do incredible things, but her character is just a silly cute little girl-fish obsessed with ham. Sosuke tries to be a mature, responsible little adult, which is put across pretty well. The mother was done well enough but in some part with her it was a bit "ehh..." halfway through the movie we learn that in order for the world to be saved Sosuke must prove his love to Ponyo, but besides trying to get her to safety after she starts losing her powers and then declaring his love for her to Ponyo's mother. Nothing else really special happens; there is no big finish. Although I suppose one could argue it wasn't necessary *shrug* As for the appearance/animation of the film...the animation was definitely not as good as what you see in some of the other films which was a little disappointing. It was kind of odd...all the aquatic stuff, everything in the ocean, all the ocean critters, the water, was all done beautifully. The opening scene was amazing and the scene where the tsunami starts and Ponyo is running on the giant fish made me tear up because it was such a gorgeous animation sequence, all the parts with the Goddess was fantastic, and the Goddess herself looked incredible, Fujimoto was done pretty well too yet the other character animation wasn't super-great...and in some scenes it was pretty bad. Plus many of the characters were super simplified. Like the old women. When you look at Howl's Flying Castle and see the Witch of the Waste when she is a old lady and then look at the old ladies in Ponyo you're just like "huh?" also, with the backgrounds, specially in the city there isn't as much attention to detail. Some backgrounds look like they were hastily colored. Maybe this was the design they wanted but I dunno...

Its would think with this being the most recent film all the animation and appearance of everything else would be more improved than the last film, but with this film its like it took a couple steps back..

So, in conclusion, the movie is pretty good but nowhere as good as some of Miyazaki's older work. I heard a rumor that Hayao Miyazaki's son directed the film yet its Hayao's name in the credits, so I dunno about that.

as a huge fan of Miyazaki's work I still enjoyed this very much. It's was a little disappointing in some aspects, but still a great film nevertheless.
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District 9 (2009)
15 August 2009
This comment might have a tiny bit of spoilers...

First off this movie is pretty incredible. It is a sci-fi movie, but at the same time its sort of a mockumentary with documentary parts to it, but most of the film is in normal present time...footage..

The movie is very fast paced and intense..there really aren't really any "slow" moments in the movie, there isn't a whole lot of character development I guess you could say, but for this film I don't think it was really necessary.

I'll tell you what this film isn't though, because I think the trailers were a little misleading...the movie isn't about a huge alien revolt where all the aliens fight back and rebel against the humans. The trailers also make you think that the humans are just evil people doing horrible things to the aliens and so forth which is kinda true but not completely true..The humans do have greedy and bad intentions for the aliens, wanting to harness their technology and weaponry and what not, but in the film there isn't a huge focus on the humans mistreating the aliens...its not like what you would see in a film about the Holocaust or something like that.

Since the film dosen't use any Hollywood big shots it feels very realistic..the CGI effects are fantastic and the aliens are very realistic and the interaction with them and the human characters is very convincing and well done..

This movie isn't for everybody though. Like I said it is pretty intense and there is a good amount of gore in and painful to watch imagery...

I wouldn't say the movie is absolutely PERFECT so I didn't give it a full 10 starts but it is pretty damn good.
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What do you expect from a Michael Bay Film?
29 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I find it very amusing reading all these horrible reviews for this movie..I should point out a few important things that should cover any critique for this film

1. It was Directed by Michael Bay 2. It is a Michael Bay sequel 3. It was co-produced by Steven Spielberg(please go watch the 4th Indiana Jones movie for more reference.)

so if you enjoy watching mind numbing, relentless action with tons of explosions, insane effects and CGI characters than this movie is quite entertaining...those looking for something more than that, look elsewhere cos you will be very disappointed.

people going to see this film expecting to see something great are complete morons. really. I went to see this film with low expectations expecting to see nothing but hardcore action, explosions every 5 minutes and insane Transformer battles and that is what I got so I can't say I was really too disappointed after seeing the movie...

sure the people who have given this movie poor reviews made good points about many things about this film but uh....need I bring up those 3 points I made at the beginning of this review?

bottom line is you ain't gonna get much from a Michael Bay film expect intense action and explosions with more explosions.

visually the movie was extremely entertaining...yeah in some of the battles so much action was happening up so close you couldn't tell what was going on..but otherwise all the scenes with the Transformers fighting each other and the Decepticons annihilating everything was pretty sweet..and the designs for the new Decepticons *hnnng* the Decepticon in the Shanghai scene, Soundwave, and Devastator were awesome as were the rest...

I guess my biggest critiques would revolve around the Transformers themselves which would be that, because so much story and action was crammed into this movie and time was wasted on scenes that didn't need to be so long..further character development for the Autobots was left out..the other Autobots seemed to be pushed away and didn't get much screen time at seemed like they were in car form more than anything else..also it needed moar Bumblebee..there really wasn't any more chara development for him, and he still couldn't talk..since he was plastered all over the movie posters one would think he'd get a big role in this movie but he didn't...I think the Autobots that got the most attention where the ghetto black gangster twin Autobots who just got really annoying after a while....and then when Optimus Prime was finally resurrected and got his upgrades from the Irish turned good Decepticon I expected to see a epic final battle but all this happened at the very end of the movie so the battle only lasted like 5 minutes with Megatron and Starscream quickly pussying out and then the Fallen getting pwned by Optimus Prime in 2 could have been a little longer..I mean the Fallen hardly got in on the action at all.. 95% of the movie he was incapacitated in Decepticon planet, and then he did his lil broadcast to the world and then at the very end of the movie came outta nowhere to try and launch his sun destroyer weapon and finally fight Optimus Prime..I think he deserved something more I mean his name is in the freaking title of the movie lol. I did enjoy the relationship between Megatron and Starscream tho.

so yeah i'll stop there...apparently there is going to be a third movie who knows what the hell Michael Bay will do with that one most likely triple the action and explosions..

I gave this movie 7/10 because of my fulfilled expectations for this movie..not based on some credible, expert critique/judgment that SHOULD be given to this movie as a whole or however you wanna put it.

don't get me wrong it would be great to see this series be as good as other films based on books/comics like the newest Batman movies or the LOTR series but with Michael Bay behind the wheel your not gonna get anything like that sorry to say. :/
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