
16 Reviews
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Not For Simple Minded People Who Need Everything Spoon Fed To Them
13 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a great film!

I liked it a lot. Watched it absolutely enthralled the entire time.

I love it when directors respect my intelligence enough to give me just enough exposition to understand the overall plot, but not enough to prevent me from using my imagination to fill in the blanks.

I LOVE movies like that, films where not everything is spoon fed to me as if I'm some inept child that can't understand how imaginative narrative works.

And the ending was incredibly satisfying. I soooo wanted her to finish watching Friends LMAO Overall, a decent film. Mahershala Ali, Julia Roberts and Kevin Bacon bring the expected solid performances you'd expect from A-listers.

It was shot on anamorphic lenses (not entirely sure which ones, but they were very nice and rendered images really nicely), and cinematographer Tod Campbell (Stranger Things, Mr. Robot) executes some absolutely sick camera movements and places the actors in very intriguing positions within the frame. It echoes a lot of the stellar camera work he did on Mr. Robot, so if you liked the way that show looked, you'll love the way this looks.

Overall, a decent flick, and hopefully not prescient. Because what it suggests could absolutely happen at any moment in today's modern world.

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Slow start, but once it goes, it GOES
28 October 2023
I watched this by mistake. I saw the movie art and figured it was a comedy. It kinda is, but it soooooooo is not.

I love me some found footage horror films, and I also am fully aware that more of them suck than do not.

This one most certainly does not IMHO. Honestly, it's a crime that it's not on more people's Top 10 lists.

This film is basically Borat but if Borat was an insane, absolutely unhinged, bloodthirsty, cannibalistic serial killer.

This movie is excellent in terms of mixing both psychological scares with gore. There isn't too much gore, but there's enough of it coupled with the implications of what's going on (but smartly not shown) that make the wild things the main character does absolutely brutal. Homie does some absolutely insane things, stuff you would expect to see in a bottom of the horror movie iceberg offering. But the film doesn't actually show it, it just implies it. There's one scene with a bathroom mirror and a flickering light switch that expertly shows what I mean. It doesn't show everything, but just enough to make you go "WHAT THE HECK DID HE JUST DO"

Having typed all that, it could have cut a good 20 minutes of fat off in the first act. I get that we do need some character progression and exposition, and it works well-you are quickly endeared to this guy-but I felt that it was just 20 minutes or so too much.

But once things get rolling? JESUS F CHRIST

This movie is absolutely insane, and incredibly horrific in the third act.

I really enjoyed this. It really stuck with me after it ended. Had me thinking about how easily a string of really bad luck can change a person for the worse.

NGL, this is probably one of the most wild FF horror films I've seen in YEARS.

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Gorehounds Will LOVE This Movie
12 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is INSANE!

First off; gorehounds will LOVE this film. There are some really gross, messed up things that happen in this film. And it's not afraid to really mess kids up. YOUNG kids, like babies. Some things happen to a couple of kids in this film that I didn't think they'd show, let alone linger on. Reaaaaallllyyyy messed up stuff! There is a scene in the trailer that shows someone stumbling in the street...THAT part...that longer part...WHOA!

This film is BRUTAL!!!!!!

Secondly, it's GORGEOUS. Not shot with anamorphic lenses, but cinematographer Mariano Suárez really makes every frame sing. A couple of shots in this are some of the best I've seen in years from a spherical lens setup. Really pretty film, more so when you consider the absolute brutality of it.

Third, and the only negative I have is that the main character is an absolute idiot. I know that you have to have people make dumb decisions for most horror films to work, but this protagonist makes absolutely mind bogglingly stupid decisions the entire time. It's borderline aggravating how dumb he is. And the rules for dealing with demons is kinda vague, which makes the audience confused as to how to the characters in the story are actually supposed deal with demons.

Other than that, this movie is a GO! Definitely worth a watch.

Gives a new meaning to eating on the road LOLZ

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Stay (I) (2021)
Honestly Not Bad At All, A Decent Watch
4 September 2023
So on a whim I decided to watch this. It came up on my feed and I was taking a break from editing footage, so I watched it.

Not bad!

It's the story of a YouTuber fashion model influencer that moves into a nice apartment that harbors a pretty messed up secret....

I love how bright, cheery, and high key it starts out. Very positive and nice and all that. But then the last act is, while not all that scary, VERY dark in terms of both story narrative and look.

Speaking of looks, this looks low budget AF. Like, much more low budget than your average FF horror flick. In fact, I kinda hate how it looks, but that's probably the high-quality anamorphic lens loving cinema snob in me LMAO

This ain't winning any awards, but it is a fun watch. The lead actor is absolutely GORGEOUS, and she does a great job in the role.

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The Outwaters (2022)
What. The. F--kkkkkk?!?!?!
28 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers

This movie is absolutely bananas.

The last 40 minutes or so are an absolute assault on sanity.

I swear on everything I love that this is, BY FAR, the most messed up cosmic horror-based found footage movie I have EVER seen.

Not gonna lie, the first two acts are somewhat mediocre. Lots of decent hints as to what comes at the end, which is admittedly cool. IF you can catch them. Pretty standard fare, honestly.


When Ol Boy literally goes into what I'm assuming is Hell itself (not a spoiler)?!?!?!?


Absolute chaos, sheer madness, total Lovecraftian nonsense that I barely understood. You don't know what the hell is happening, but you do get just enough to get an idea of where he is when it's happening LMAO

I honestly feel like this is EXACTLY what it would be like if you ran into a Lovecraftian horror IRL. You would legit lose your mind with how insanely horrific these monsters are as written in the fiction. According to the lore, they are so incredibly evil and incomprehensibly monstrous that the mind breaks when you see them.

That's kind of EXACTLY what happens in the last act.

Robbie Banfitch, the director and star of this film, has done an INCREDIBLE job with a relative shoestring budget. He only lights up the last act with a flashlight. You only see a tiny bit of what's happening, and it's just enough to have you saying "what the eff was THAT" multiple times within that last 40 minutes or so.

HIGHLY recommended. It's playing at the Chattanooga Film Festival at the time of this writing, an online event. And it will be playing at other film festivals before (what damn well better be) the inevitable wide release.

I STRONGLY suggest you watch this film, and nowhere near children.

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18 March 2021

I honestly don't know why the suits at WB shelved this. While I actually liked the Josstice League version, plot holes and all, this one literally DESTROYS that prior one. The overall story is the same, but the way it's told now is completely different. Totally not the same movie at all. Not even close.

I thought all the hype from advance reviews was just that; hype.

Nah, Son.


Legit the best superhero movie ever made. Dethrones both Infinity War and Black Panther as my favorite superhero vehicles. Far and away.

Snyder's darker take on these heroes (Wonder Woman is a SAVAGE!), his push to present them as mythical legends, the absolutely PERFECT cinematography (YOOOOOOOOOOOO! This movie looks INCREDIBLE! The color grade is #CinematographyGoals), the expanded storyline, the universe building, and that goddamn cliffhanger ending all add up to what is, IMHO, the only perfect superhero movie in existence.

I've honestly never watched a 4 hour long ANYTHING that went by so quickly. Felt like half the runtime.



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Decent V/H/S Clone
20 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This is pretty much a third installment in the V/H/S series.

Which isn't a bad thing necessarily.

This anthology styled found footage horror film tells the story of a police officer who really, really, REALLY should have taken the day off.

A house, which had been completely demolished a year prior, suddenly reappears. Neighbors call the cops, and the one who shows up to the call finds a VHS tape in said house and proceeds to watch it. In between sequences on the tape (of which there are three), he explores the house.

After each sequence, things get crazier and crazier for this officer.

The bad:
  • people do incredibly stupid things in the face of clear, imminent danger
  • the sequences are somewhat predictable and don't break any new ground in this sub genre of horror
  • it's a V/H/S clone

The good:
  • the last 10 minutes are rather creepy (the house physically changing was effective)
  • special effects are decent
  • the creature designs, especially of the thing wearing the red dress, are good. Very weird looking and creepy
  • some genuinely scary things happen in the last act
  • it's a V/H/S clone

Outside of the unfathomably stupid things almost every character does (e.g. the officer reveals some scary monster with his flashlight, and instead of running away, he simply TURNS AROUND), I found this to be enjoyable and a decent watch.

For only $3 on Amazon, I think it's well worth a watch.
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Very Disturbing Film. The Last Twenty Minutes Are BRUTAL
13 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Megan Is Missing is the fictional account of two young girls who are seduced and kidnapped by a online predator.

As a fan of mockumentaries and found footage films, I'd have to say that this ranks up there with some of the best ones in the horror genre. Mainly because it's very, deeply, incredibly unsettling.

From a gore perspective, it's rather tame. There is not a single scene that shows someone actually being killed. It's mainly the aftermath that you see.

I found that the way this story was told was brilliant, to be honest. Its relatively minimalist approach to backstory exposition, particularly regarding Megan's abuse as a child, is incredibly effective in establishing the causes for some of her extremely questionable actions in this film. She does things that are arguably nonsensical, but when she explains how she was molested as a ten year old by her camp counselor (in EXCRUCIATINGLY harrowing detail), you kind of understand why she does those things.

Speaking of acting, I see reviews that chide the performances based mainly on decisions the girls and their friends make. They seem to forget that these are supposed to be relatively clueless teenage girls, and by default are SUPPOSED to make stupid decisions. Amber Perkins as Amy Herman is particularly good in her portrayal of an innocent 13-year old girl, convincing even as the horrible things that happen to her during the last act are happening. You really feel sorry for her as she pleads for her life, rather convincingly.

And that last act...sheesh.

Starting with the two photos of Megan that were found on the fake fetish website in the S & M contraption, broken, bruised, bloody, absolutely TERROR-STRICKEN...those all-too-brightly-lit pictures, coupled with what the film conveys about how evil the antagonist is, had me stunned. The stark, exposed, abject vulnerability in her eyes is something that sticks with me even as I type this.

Also, the way the antagonist breaks the spirit and will of Amy in the final act is positively soul crushing. The part when he rapes her is as deplorable as anything I've seen in Irreversible, I Spit On Your Grave or Blindness.

As a parent to a thirteen year old girl, this movie was really hard to watch.

I recommend it to anyone who is a fan of found footage horror. Very, very, very disturbing stuff.
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Crowsnest (2012)
Not That Good Of A Film
11 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I'm biased TOWARDS found footage films. I generally love them. I can forgive some of the more ridiculous things within them due to the fact that I'm a bit of a junkie for this sub genre of cinema.

This film?

Not so much.

It's terrible.

The characters do some INSANELY stupid things. I know, I know, virtually ALL horror movies have the main characters doing stupid things. This one takes the proverbial cake though.

So instead of heading DOWN a desolate mountain TOWARDS civilization, you decide to go up to its remote, isolated, hard-to-reach summit instead?

So you're being chased by a slow, ill-equipped-for-mountain-roads RV and you're in a 4-wheel drive vehicle made for the terrain you're currently lost in and you still let it catch you?

So you've just discovered your friend trapped in said RV literally surrounded by weapons with her foot cut off and you decide to kill one of the people involved in the death of your friends and possibly the mutilation of your friend and you run AWAY, weaponLESS from a prime vantage point of ambush?

This movie's characters are absolute idiots, even by lax horror film standards.

The gore (what little of it is on display) is decent, the setting is sufficiently creepy, particularly the town they stop in and that's about it. Almost nothing else is worth mentioning, let alone watching.

Do not pay to view this. It would be a total waste of money.
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Alien Outpost (2014)
Woefully Underrated
8 January 2016
Alien Outpost (AKA Outpost 37) tells the story of the last human military outpost on Earth left to fight off what's left of a hostile invading extraterrestrial force.

This was a really good piece IMHO. I thought that the sense of realism it gave off was excellent. I found it refreshing, to be honest. Full Disclosure Moment™: I'm a HUUUUUUGE fan of found footage/mockumentaries, so that gave this piece an extra boost in my eyes. LOL

I thought the acting was great, especially the commander @ the base. He really gave an impression of being someone that commands great respect.

The effects were about on par with what you might see in a SyFy Channel (WTF with that dumb ass name change! I HATE it LOL) original series. Nothing ILM quality, but totally passable. The effects simply get the job done.

I like how the film paralleled today's conflict in the Middle East with an alien invasion. Themes of xenophobia are explored here in decent detail.

For me, the draw was the overall feel of the thing. It felt like a real account of an actual incident that took place.

Overall, I thought this film was smart, well acted and very real feeling. A bit more cerebral than the usual fare in this genre. A welcome departure from the cookie cutter nonsense we usually get with found footage films.

Stick around after the end credits for a really nice post credits scene! Great setup for a possible sequel.
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The Den (2013)
Slightly Above Average Pseudo Found Footage Horror
5 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This film is very reminiscent of Unfriended, another horror film entirely shown from the view of a computer screen. This one mixes in regular cinematic footage with views from different cameras (cell phone, laptop, surveillance cams, etc.) to tell the story of a woman named Elizabeth who receives a large grant to study online webcam behavior.

Yeah, I can I be down? LOL

At any rate, Elizabeth logs on to a specific feed that shows a woman being brutally murdered.

Things go downhill for her and her friends fairly quickly from there...

All things considered, I found this film to be rather good! As with virtually all found footage horror films, people continue filming long past the point where that should stop, and as in virtually all horror movies in general, the main character doesn't make very smart decisions...also, there's a scene that seems to portray what has to be one of the least secure crime scenes ever...

One scene in particular towards the end seems like a great opportunity for Elizabeth to enact revenge but she doesn't take it. A bit later on, it's sort of revealed that her doing what I thought she should with a hammer RE: revenge wouldn't have made a difference anyway, which was kind of a nice surprise.

Speaking of surprises, the ending...

The movie takes us out of the found footage realm for this part of the film. In fact, it's the only part of the film that isn't from a cam.

And it's quite the doozy! It serves to reinforce the notion that you never know what sick fetishes folks indulge in behind the relative safety and anonymity of the internet. Very disturbing ending!

A really nice piece overall if you can forgive a few really stupid decisions made on the part of the main character and don't suffer too badly from motion sickness.
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Great Effects, Marginal Film, INSANE Ending
20 November 2015
There are reviews here that go into detail about the plot, what little of it there is. I won't go into that here.

The effects are actually quite good! The total destruction of these victims is precisely what the doctor ordered for gore hounds. These dudes do some really messed up things to their victims. Like, REALLY messed up.

Honestly, the only reason to watch this is for the gore, and by all accounts this film DEFINITELY delivers. A CLEAR example of why practical effects will ALWAYS be better than CGI.

Forget about an actual plot though. It's paper thin. It's made of aerogel or something. LOL

The ending was INSANELY disturbing as I think about what it hints @. It honestly bothered me. A lot.

Which I guess was the point.

Considering everything that happened in the film beforehand, the ending is EXTREMELY disturbing. Probably the most disturbing part of the whole film.

Recommended for die-hard gore hounds ONLY.
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Nice Homage To A Classic
21 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is essentially John Carpenter's The Thing set in a geographically different location and with less dread and ominous tension.

Which isn't a bad thing, not at all, actually, especially when you consider The Thing to be one of the best horror movies ever made...

The reason most people are checking this film out is because of the pedigree of the effects team behind this. I think they did an admirable job! Some of the effects, particularly the first one with the university official, were awesome. I can see how some might have a problem with the low lighting, but it didn't bother me personally.

A very by-the-numbers return to classic 80s horror. Could've used some better editing and maaaaaaybe more lighting, but I feel it largely accomplishes what it set out to do, namely show off the effects wizardry of the team behind the film. Practical effects are still alive and well.
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Decent Film. Not As Good As I Hoped, But Definitely Decent
19 October 2015
So I finally saw it...

Definitely shades of Cannibal Holocaust/Ferrox...more so Ferrox.

A couple of the main characters do some incredibly stupid sh*t in the film, way more stupid than you normally see in horror films.

But the gore is really good. As one would expect from Roth and Nicotero.

The story is decent and the actors are good. The lead actress has a smoking hot body...LOL

Overall, a decent film. Not as good as I hoped it would be though...the ending was interesting...

For me the most interesting aspect of the film was how the villagers were depicted. They weren't necessarily evil, much in the same way a tornado that tears through a town isn't evil. They were just protecting themselves from what they perceived as a threat.
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Evidence (III) (2012)
That Ending, Though....
21 March 2015
I was pleasantly surprised by this film.

I totally expected a fairly marginal piece.

Boy, was I surprised!

Not going to go into specifics...there are reviews above and below this one that go into specifics.

I wanna discuss that ending...

Jesus F. Christ!

I was totally thrown for a loop with this ending! Sooooooo out of left field! It honestly felt like the beginning of a sequel to itself, it was so batsh-t insane!

I'm the type of viewer that doesn't need every single thing explained to me, so I have no issue with the ambiguity inherent in the ending. In fact, I prefer such ambiguity, as my mind creates far worse imagery than what generally gets shown on screen.

I absolutely LOVED the ending. It literally was one of the craziest endings to a found footage horror film I've ever seen. Extremely different and unexpected.

HIGHLY recommended for die-hard fans of found footage horror films.
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The Single Most Disturbing Horror Movie I've EVER Seen
10 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
So @ the behest of a fellow jaded horror movie fan, I watched this film.

"So you've been desensitized by horror movies with seriously twisted and sick themes like Cannibal Holocaust and Feed and The Mist, huh?" she asked...

"So you think horror movies of late are lame and don't actually engender feelings of DREAD and HORROR like John Carpenter's The Thing, huh?" she asked...

"So you wanna see something that messes with your HEAD more so than your EYES, huh?" she asked...

"Well watch THIS," she said.


In no uncertain terms, this film is one of the most disturbing pieces of fiction I've EVER seen.

I won't go into spoilers. There are a gang of reviews that came before and will come after this one that do that.

Just suffice it to say that I have never felt this...YUCKY, for lack of a better word, after watching ANYTHING EVER. And I've seen two of the films in Lucifer Valentine's Vomit Dolls trilogy, all of the August Mordum stuff, Angel's Melancholy, Adam Chaplin, Salo, Sweet Movie, all that extreme, transgressive stuff. None of it affected me like this film did. Those aforementioned films are more disgusting than disturbing, IMHO. There's a marked difference.

Technically, this film is beautiful. The look of the thing is great. Good angles, great lighting, all that. A technically sound film. Damn near GORGEOUS in places.

From a gore perspective, it's honestly not all that gory. There are a bunch of films that one- up this one HANDILY from a pure gore perspective. That's not to say that it ISN'T is, particularly towards the end. But it's NOT as bloody as some of these other reviewers would have you believe.

From a plot perspective, this film DEFINITELY lives up to the definition of horror. The themes touched upon are EXTREMELY disturbing. Wretch-inducing, even.

And all this from a self-professed jaded horror fan.

And the ending!!!

"Start with the little one..."


Sweet 12lb Baby Jesus!!!!

I probably won't be having sex with My Wife™ for quite some time after watching this film.

Which means it ABSOLUTELY did its job.


I simply cannot recommend this film enough to true fans of horror films, particularly of so-called "shock cinema". If you fit into this category, even slightly, you MUST see this film.
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