
4 Reviews
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There is NOTHING wrong with this movie.
16 May 2005
I enjoyed this movie OK. I really liked it, because it's so pointless and silly. Those kind of movies are the best. I'm reading a large majority of the comment's and people are negatively critiquing it as if it's supposed to be a real movie. It's not a real movie. It's not a great movie. It's not a thought provoking, groundbreaking masterpiece. It's a comedy people. It's a pointless, meaningless, ridiculously absurd comedy and I love it. It's not as if the director and the cast were actually aiming to win any award when making this film and don't tell me they were. Sure they wanted to make money, but all in all, it was just something that they had a really, really good time doing and you can see it. They are having lots of fun doing this film, and that rubs off on the viewer, making the comedy ten times sweeter. Since when have people became so freaking anal about movie comedy's??? "But it didn't make me laugh, it was boring, blah blah blah". OK, these are obviously people that have a very, very, UNBELIEVABLY DULL sense of humor. I actually feel very sorry for you. It must be because you either hate Will Ferrell, or you are old fashioned, and either way very dull and boring yourselves, so watching a comedy like this goes past your head. You just don't understand it and that's why you thought the movie was boring. Save your criticism for more meaningful films please!!!
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This movie really isn't blasphemous when you look at it!!!
14 November 2003
Warning: Spoilers
As you know, when Life Of Brian came out in 79, there was a big hell storm of controversy and such, from churches and religious groups, shunning the "anti-religious comedy". And it is still looked down upon by religious groups to this day. OK, so there is a big musical number at the end of the movie involving people hanging on a bunch of crosses singing, but you will notice that in no way it makes fun of Jesus Christ. Crucifixion existed before Jesus did, so it's not fair to say that showing that scene is disrespecting Jesus Christ. It's all nonsense. And as for everything else in the movie, it's not like it's trying to say these events never really happened. Like at the very beginning of the film, the three wise men travel to Jerusalem to bring gifts to the virgin Mary's son, only they choose the wrong manger, the one next door to the infant Christ. Hmmm, no sign of any anti-religious message here. Or how about the scene when Jesus is giving the sermon on the mound, and a fight breaks out between two couples in the very back not being able to hear the message. Ummm, what's so bad about this??? The point that I am trying to make here is that this movie does not try to say these events never happened!!!!! Thank you.
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Monty Python in German? Can't get any better than that!!!
11 March 2003
There are three things you must first bear in mind while watching Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus: 1) Its German 2) The sketches are British as well as the cast 3) Don't waste your time and energy trying to figure out if this show makes any sense because it doesn't and doing so can cause a sudden urge to mine for chickens (no pun intended).

Let me first say that I am a HUGE Monty Python fan. I own all the Monty Python Television Shows, Documentaries, Concerts, and Movies on Video and DVD, and let me tell you that watching Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus never gets old. There are some really great sketches that came out of that show that beat the Flying Circus Years, and there's even a version of the lumberjack song done in German that's pretty amusing.

The story of Monty Python's Fliegender Zirkus goes like this; Monty Python's Flying Circus had been a huge success in England and in 1972, Germany, being comically impaired, asked the Python Troupe (Cleese, Idle, Palin, Chapmin, Jones, and Gilliam) if they could make a comedy television show in German, and they agreed. Simple as that. They only made two episodes, one in complete German and one in English, and if your a big Python fan, it would be worth your while to check them out.
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This movie is HILARIOUS!!!
10 March 2003
Contrary to Spinal Tap, this movie, being Christopher Guests Mockumentary Directorial Debut, is by far one of my favorite comedies (Apart from my #1 being Monty Python's Life of Brian). Waiting for Guffman truly captures what doing a play in a small, rural town (like Blaine) is like. The Drama, the tension, the excitement, the lack of talent, its all here in this movie rolled up into one wacky ball of comical satire. You really almost believe that somebody really did take a camera to a small town named Blaine, Missouri and filmed this real production. I guess that's why I love Mockumentary's so much. The people and situations seem so real but at the same time its just so ridiculously hilarious. No wonder Mockumentary is so Genius!!!
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