
7 Reviews
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Cliché-free, simple but beautiful, well-acted film
8 August 2010
I really enjoyed this movie. It didn't disappoint me at all because I didn't expect much more than a beautiful love story, pretty scenery, very good acting, and thought-provoking ideas. I got exactly what I came for and maybe even a little more. The script is pretty dull, but the way the movie was filmed and acted made it absolutely amazing the way I saw it. Absolutely gorgeous scenery and cinematography, original ideas and scenes (I loved the graveyard scene when Tess and Charlie are chasing each other around with candle lights and pretty music, there was nothing at all about it that I'd seen before), very good acting, and a very beautiful story is what made this movie so great in my eyes.

Despite how gorgeous Zac Efron is, it is clear he is capable of above-mediocre acting. He had nearly nothing to work with but made this movie captivating because of how carefully he played his words and showed his emotion. Nothing felt forced. The script is so dull but because of his ability to portray what was meant to be said, it made the movie ten times better. He is much more than good looks even though and I know his blue eyes are distracting, but he has a lot of talent. I think some people don't want to believe that someone can have both great looks and great talent because they get envious. He has made astounding career choices and has worked his way to the top, unlike Miley Cyrus, he has pure talent and heart at what he does, and hasn't gone all bare-skinned and photo scandal-ish to draw attention away from his lack of talent. He is grateful for his career and his talent is shining through. I believe he has a very promising career ahead of him despite all this silly hatred he is getting. He is a precious gem in my eyes; both gorgeous and very talented and able to show emotion in such a real way. The lead actress Amanda Crew did an okay job, she wasn't terrible, wasn't great. His graveyard friend provided comic relief and I thought he was funny.

All in all, I give this movie 10/10 because I went in theaters to see it twice, I am thoroughly impressed with Zac and the career choices he has made, I loved how uniquely it was filmed and how original the story was, and I'm just a sappy hopeless romantic so I love films like this.
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A story of unrequited love,
22 June 2010
500 days of summer is one of my all-time favorite movies. I think the biggest reason why some people couldn't bring themselves to like this movie is because it is about young love, and many who are older and "wiser" (more or less) can't understand or appreciate that anymore. They think it is silly and juvenille and won't put themselves in the character's place. Weren't they that age once? And the other reasons are among the I-hate-everything-and- expect-an-Oscar-worthy-movie-every-time-i-turn-on-my-TV or they simply believe this is over rated and overthink it way too much, not to mention magnify or come up with flaws. Or, they found themselves hating the main characters just because they have different personality types and are unable to relate to them. Anyway, this movie is astoundingly original in the way it is written and the story itself, Zoeey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon Levitt are both talented actors/actresses and have great chemistry together, and it's a very relatable story that makes us soft-hearted personality types feel warm inside after watching. The music is also great. The thing I love most about this movie was how realistic it is; too many times you see a movie when in the end, the protagonist always ends up back with his long lost lover. They get together, break up, make up, happily ever after. 500 days of summer breaks this clichéd plot and tells a tragically real boy-meets-girl story of unrequited love. And, we are still left with an ending that makes us feel good.
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People need to grow up, stop the hatred, and let people believe what they want to believe,
12 June 2010
This is a beautiful, well-done movie and it's very very clear that the only reason it has a low rating is because a bunch of atheists/ anti-Christian extremists/ just plain a-holes decided to give it 1 star without even seeing the movie. Trust me, that's the only reason... and they are only making themselves look pathetic because there is only three pages of reviews, all but one of which are extremely good (in the 7-10 range), yet there is a 4 point something average. What does that tell us? That obviously all of the low ratings don't even have written reviews, they are simply votes. Therefore, no one has any logical support to back up there reason for a 1 star rating, probably because they haven't even SEEN the movie they just decide "hey, what I believe is right and I don't believe there is a God so I'm just going to lowly rate this in some attempt to demean or put down all who do believe in him." People are so stupid and you just can't trust what you see nowadays.

I'm not even a Christian and I thoroughly enjoyed this movie.

People need to stop being so narrow-minded and cold hearted and just let people believe what they want to believe. You can't prove to someone they're wrong. Most Christians don't try to prove anything to non-Christians, we let it go that a lot of the world doesn't believe in God. That's totally fine. So why can't you just let it go that a lot of other people in the world do believe in God? That's totally fine, too. You all need to open up your minds and stop being so utterly immature. Damn.
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Hounddog (2007)
I NEVER take the movie out of the DVD player in the middle of watching something.
12 June 2010
But with this, I had to. Once I start watching a movie I never, ever take it out no matter how bad it is. But this movie was so morally depraved, so disturbing, and such a sick-twisted film that I really honestly felt like I was going to throw up. The fact that anyone can see this without feeling the same way makes me even more weak to my stomach. What the h*ll is wrong with people?!!! Since when is something like that rape scene okay?!?!?!??! My stomach is still wrenching and knotted up, my hands are shaking slightly,, and my heart is racing and I didn't even finish the rape scene. As soon as she screamed I shut it off, yet I'm still trembling. What a terribly disturbing movie.

It literally disgusts me that anyone would make such a terrible, terrible film with such a horrible scene as that. How old was Lewellen? Nine maybe? What the f*ck is wrong with the writers, directors, and anyone who watched this movie and actually felt differently? How can you have such a cold stone heart to not even fathom the immensity of sickness you just experienced. I don't care if this sounds dramatic, because I honestly feel so sick to my stomach right now and there are some pretty messed up people in this world if you found that at all amusing or entertaining. You belong in a jail cell, or better to be executed.

What bothered me the most about this film was that there wasn't even an underlying message to it. All you're doing is sitting there watching really sick and disturbing events. I am not entertained, I am sickened. Not just by the movie itself, but by anyone and everyone who somehow found that worth making or watching. So unnecessary, so wrong, and just plain twisted garbage. Terrible script, too. And melodramatic acting.
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Dear John (I) (2010)
Decent acting, beautiful scenery, and an effort at being an endearing romance, but fell a little short.
14 February 2010
First off I'd like to say, I don't think this movie deserves the criticism it's getting. But then again, I am on, and I know there are a ton of people on here who bash the majority of movies out there.

I came into the movie of Dear John with somewhat high expectations, since it is, after all, #1 in the box office, and I came out thinking, "that was really sweet and almost had me in tears at one part of the movie. It wasn't as good as what I expected, a bit disappointing, but I'm glad I saw it." I really liked seeing these actors (Channing Tatum, Amanda Seyfriend) in a more serious drama, and I loved the father-son aspect. There were definitely some strong points to it, and the beaches and everything were beautiful. There were a couple of holes and unresolved things- like John's past and how he "caused trouble", but we do know he is a violent person after his encounter with that guy who also liked Savannah, plus the scar on his face, so he probably just got in a lot of fights, and I don't think his past was an extremely important part of the movie.

Over-all, the movie had it's flaws and strengths, and had the power to be amazing but fell a little short because of the mediocre acting in some parts and lazy directing/producing. The people who put everything together in the end barely did their part in some ways. For some scenes, it seemed like they only asked the actors to run through it once and then said "okay, this is good let's use it", when clearly it needed a little more work. The script wasn't great at parts, too. The beginning was slow-moving and a little awkward, but the movie got much better as it went on. And of course the idea/writing of the movie itself, being a Nicholas Sparks story, was beautiful. The music was also phenomenal.

My advice; don't go into the movie with high expectations, try to draw your own conclusions from certain things/read the book, and please don't listen to most people on here who are basing their whole review on the flaws. Give it a chance and recognize the good parts of the movie. For me, it was worth seeing one time.
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please don't waste your time.
31 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
this is my first and possibly last time ever writing a review on IMDb, but i felt i had to warn everyone how awful it is. if it weren't for the good-looking actors/actresses i honestly can't imagine this movie making it in any way shape or form. it is about a 17-year-old girl, molly hartley. her mother tries to kill her because she is crazy, so they lock her in an insane asylum and molly moves with her father to a new school. then, when her 18th birthday is near, molly starts to see/hear things and get really bad nosebleeds and headaches, which she thinks are signs of her going crazy just like her mother did. but then they find out it is a tumor in her brain which somehow is causing all these symptoms. then she still finds out she has these symptoms; and she keeps seeing her mother who continually keeps trying to kill her. the movie goes on like this for about the entire movie until maybe ten minutes before it ends, then we find out that molly was the one demon-possessed the entire time, not her mother, and that her mother was only trying to "save" her by killing her. not only this, but most of the people in her new school are in on it and want her to worship the devil, and the other half want her killed so she can be "saved." then all of a sudden she's standing on a podium at some kind of high school reunion thing. then the movie ends with happy music and the credits come up. ... yeah. i know.
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Seven Pounds (2008)
Worth seeing.
24 August 2009
Although I can understand the bad things someone has to say about this movie, I still found it to be absolutely amazing. It will touch you, and unless your a critic searching deep into the flaws and mishaps of every movie, or you just simply aren't touched by anything, it is worth seeing. Don't come into the movie expecting anything, just have a box of tissues and an open mind. It is beautiful and the acting is brilliant. I think Will Smith, despite that he's yet again playing another lonely depressed individual, is amazing. I believe a good actor is someone who can truly portray feelings and emotions we all have at our worst/best experiences in such a way that it reaches out to you and makes YOU feel something. And that's exactly what this movie does. Give it a chance.
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