
8 Reviews
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What a sweet film
25 December 2023
Totally stumbled onto this film by accident, but it is such a sweet little gem.

I'm in Canada, so I'm not sure what LGBTQ+ culture is like in South Africa. But I hope more people in and out of the community see Runs In The Family.

I absolutely adore the dedication that single father, Varun, had for River, his transgender son. He loves him no matter who River is and will ... and does do anything for him as the story progresses.

The film has a lot of heart on a lot of different levels, that many can relate to, even if they aren't part of the LGBTQ+ community.

Written by Gabe Gabriel, who also plays River, I can't wait to see what else they come up with down the road.
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True Story (III) (2021)
Binged in a Day
29 November 2021
Gawd, I haven't had this much anxiety watching something since Uncut Gems.

Kevin definitely needs to do more dramatic roles. I loved the Upside, and his work in True Story is just as top notch.

Also great to see Wesley Snipes back. He plays a fantastic, despicable brother to The Kid, even if they do highlight the twist within the first episode.

And Billy Zane is always cool af.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
Probably Sandler's Best
24 December 2019
This film gave me so much anxiety from start to finish! Between poor choices and the most horrible luck on the planet, the situations Sandler's character gets into had me on the edge of my seat, sick to my stomach and yelling at the screen.

He definitely needs to make more films like Uncut Gems. Brilliant performance from Sandler ... probably his best ... and unique and gritty storytelling from Josh and Benny Safdie.

Definitely check this one out!
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Child's Play (2019)
Decent modern version...
11 September 2019
While it looks like Chucky has had one too many trips to the Botox clinic, the remake of Child's Play was surprisingly decent. Updated well to fit the smartphone/digital age, it's a fresh take on "robots gone bad". Good kills and gore.
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Really wanted to love this ...
9 September 2019
I really wanted to love this film because there's so many great actors in here that I admire ... and ... it's zombies! But alas, it was slow going and not too much really happened. I think the only highlights for me were seeing Iggy Pop and Carol Kane as the undead. Maybe I'd like it better on a second watch. Apologies for the low rating.
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Suburbicon (2017)
Cohen Brothers, WTF?!
27 January 2018
Seriously, Cohen brothers ... Your early films were such innovators that made everyone talk! Within the first minute of the home invasion at the beginning of the film I said "I know exactly what happened", and I was totally correct. The entire film was so predictable. Such a shame because there's a lot of great actors and the 50's style was on point.
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End of the Line (II) (2007)
Pretty good for Canadian horror! Worth a watch!
26 July 2010
I just watched this movie and I immediately knew it was going to be awesome when it made me scream like a little school girl in the first 5 minutes of the film. OUT LOUD! I am a huge horror buff and not much even makes me yelp! It was a pleasant surprise, as most of the crap my brother brings over for me to watch usually doesn't make much sense or is just too out there to enjoy. But End of the Line is a great Canadian horror flick. Who needs zombies when you have religious fanatics trying to save non-believers with a razor sharp crucifix, sending them to the Almighty!? Sounds corny, but why not? How many hard core religious followers would kill in the name of their God if they were told the Apocylpse was coming? Not too far fetched to believe. And stuck in a subway during the whole thing!? The artwork on the DVD cover was right, "does what Jaws did for the ocean". I'll probably poop if I am ever caught down in a subway system after dark in a big city after seeing this. If you like horror movies, give End of the Line a shot. The acting at times is a small amount cheesy, but the story is great, so are the monsters and many of the unexpected awesome scares that a true horror fan will appreciate!
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Pretty decent!!
3 May 2010
I didn't know what to think before I went to see the movie. I have seen so many crappy remakes over the years, like Bay's Friday the 13th ... when he had Jason running, I was done! Jason ... does not run!

However,I really liked the new Freddy portrayed by Jackie Earle Haley. If you think about it, different people have played Jason, Michael Myers and Leatherface over the years, but it was always Robert England who killed kiddies in their dreams. So that is pretty big shoes to fill!

The new Freddy really looked like he had be burnt to death, giving him a more realistic and creepy look! However, Haley still stuck to the classic characteristic's, us N.O.E.S fans love, lurking in the shadows, chasing the prey and the occasional funny/sarcastic comments he was known for.

Sure, some of the teenagers looked like they were in their twenties, but if you look back to the originals, so did those teens. But the blood and gore was great, plus the dream sequences and the scare factor. Plus the back story on how Freddy got lynched was pretty good, something we are seeing more and more of in these remakes ... how our anti-heroes came to be.

I think if you're a true Freddy fan and you don't take it too seriously, you'll enjoy the film. A new look, it also stuck to the classic Freddy-isms we have come to know and fear about the monster in our dreams.
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