
9 Reviews
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Shredder (2001)
28 November 2004
I have never seen a worse movie in my life. The premise of this film: a group of teens go to a "haunted" ski resort and start getting killed, is sketchy enough, but the execution is downright unfortunate. The acting is worse than any I've ever seen in a "professional" movie. The dialogue is hackneyed and dull. The story is uninspired, predictable, and totally ridiculous. If "Out Cold", "Extreme Days", and both "Omega Codes" (just for increased hokiness) were thrown in a blender with buckets of fake blood, totally eviscerated, and put into a DVD box, it wouldn't fall to the lows that this movie exemplifies. This is a movie to end all movies, in that anyone who sees this movie will become so depressed about the state of American cinema that he or she will immediately quit all hopes and dreams of ever participating in an industry that could spawn such filth. Never see this movie, it will make you a cynic. It's that bad.
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Too much hype
10 February 2003
After hearing about this movie for months, I finally saw it at a dollar theater last week, and I was very disappointed. The movie was nothing near as funny as the reviews had told. While it was cleaner and more wholesome than most comedies of late, it's biggest virtue, it was also quite slow and boring, worth seeing once, but not again. If you are willing to compromise humor for cleanliness, this is your movie, but I would place my recommendations elsewhere.
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Not necessary
8 February 2003
If you're going to see the series and the End of Evangelion, you're wasting your time here. This DVD contains a short overview of the series, followed by the first bit of The End of Evangelion. If you don't want to sit through the series (shame on you), you'll want to see the first half of this before watching the End of Evangelion, but otherwise it's not really worth the money.
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The only one you need.
8 February 2003
The original series is the greatest thing ever in Anime, I am convinced. However, the first movie is a rehash of the series, followed by the first half of this film. If you want the full set, buy both movies, but if you just need the story, buy the series and this DVD.

Still, easily the best series I've ever seen.
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A classic redone
8 February 2003
This is not the Romeo and Juliet your parents saw. This movie is hip, stylized, and geared toward a younger generation. I saw this movie at 15, and have seen it several times since. Though my perspectives on it have changed in some ways, the overall outcome remains the same: this is a masterpiece. For overall excellence in cinematography, directing, and adaptation, as well as near flawless acting, I rate this a 10, it couldn't be better.
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Re-translate this, please!
8 February 2003
I love anime, and I've had experiences where bad translations have ruined the movie for me, like Akira's VHS dub. But just as Akira went from a 5 to a 10 with the new translation, so could Ghost in the Shell be boosted way up with a better translation. Still, it's a decent movie, 7 of 10.
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Great filmmaking, but still no love.
8 February 2003
This is one of the best movies I've seen as far as the filmmaking goes. Cinematography, acting, the technical and artistic aspects were among the best. The problem? Completely evil statement and plot. Wasted talent.
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Akira (1988)
Good or bad dub?
8 February 2003
The original English dub of this movie was terrible, but once they redid it for the DVD I rediscovered this movie to be the masterpiece it is, one of the best submissions Japan has sent to America. If you haven't seen this, rent it now.
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Highly misunderstood
8 February 2003
For those who have closed their minds to such bizzare films as an acid trip (which I in no way condane) can muster, this movie is a bunch of mindless inanity, with no redeeming value. As a young adult who grew up on the Yellow Submarine, I can consider it none less than a classic. The music alone should convince many of it's excellence, but as an overall story combining so many different songs into an eloquent (yes, it's eloquent, though many will naysay me), developed plot, this is an excellent piece of filmmaking and should be seen as such.
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