
2 Reviews
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Bug (2006)
Another fine piece of Social Engineering from the Hollywood Druid Boys
2 March 2010
Bug (2006) Director-William Friedkin.

While all theatrical celluloid for the masses coming out of Hollywood are simply brainwashing Social Engineering delivery agents for the sheople cleverly disguised as "entertainment", this piece of garbage written by the latest NWO pimp, Tracy Letts, is not so cleverly disguised. I was so "bugged" after viewing this latest "friedkin" film that instead of taking the general approach of review and relaying to the reader a synopsis or the plot, I would rather reveal the "purpose" of this grossly blatant mass mind manipulating movie as there are plenty of critiques available in this forum regarding the films aesthetics, the actors and their acting, director and his directing, etc. As an aside Billy Boy's big head gets in his way anymore, as in Ego. I ask you, has their ever been anyone in Hollywood more full of himself? Probably.

The allegory tool used within the premise of the film is the paranoid schizophrenia that stems from chronic meth-amphetamine abuse mirroring the all too real life horror that millions of people day by day are becoming more and more aware of - the stark cold reality that we are rapidly descending into the Age Old Elitist's dream of a tyrannical One World Government and a new Dark Age of hellish despotism and slavery and the resulting natural state of paranoia that stems from our collective prospective future that is indeed so foreboding.

Here is a sample of dialogue from a scene that lies at the epicenter of the main thrust of this film which unabashedly reveals the films true propagandist theme and intent. While reading keep in mind these lines come from characters who are at the zenith of their schizophrenic state and are delivered with extreme hyper-active paranoid bug-eyed lunacy.

Peter: You want to know what's going on? All right, then you listen to me, you listen to what I'm going to tell you, because you don't know the… enormity of what we're dealing with here…

Agnes: I'm listening…

Peter: May the 29, 1954, a consortium of bankers, industrialists, corporate C.E.O.'s and politicians held a series of meetings over three days at the Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Holland. They drew up a plan for maintaining the status quo…

Agnes: What is that?

Peter: It's the way things are. It's the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer…

Agnes: All right.

Peter: They devised a plan to manipulate technology, economics, the media, population control, world religion, to keep things the way they are. They have continued to meet once a year, every year, since that original meeting. Look it up.

Agnes: O.K….

Peter: Under their orders, the C.I.A. had smuggled Nazi scientists into the States to work with the American military at Calspan, developing an inner-epidermal tracking microchip…

Agnes: Wait…

Peter: A surveillance tool, a computer chip implanted in the skin of every human being born on this planet since 1982..."

This scene continues and goes on to make reference to such "Mad Hatters" of pop culture as Jim Jones, Ted "Unabomber" Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh, making mention of the last two being micro-chipped mind control agents of some secretive government "program". Both Ashley Judd as "Agnes White" and Michael Shannon as "Peter Evans" deliver these lines in fine delusional paranoid schizophrenic "over-the-top" performances and "over-the-top" is just what the script and the plot call for and for nefarious purposes i must add. Just like Woody Harrelson's zany "Charlie Frost" character in the recent blockbuster 2012, who was a conspiracy theorist hermit portrayed to come across as a lone nut or kook, this movie was made to make people who know the truth about the New World Order agenda and all too real topics such as world government, population control and reduction through eugenics, R.F.I.D. chips look like psychopaths and to give those pause who would desperately want to go on a Paul Revere Midnight Ride to WAKE UP the townsfolk to talk about such things lest they be labeled a "kook". That was the Only objective of this piece of sh__ film. So if going into this film you think your going on a Cronenbergesque Horror-fest crawly Bug romp, think again, as it merely portrays through these desperate characters the fear-based state of mind the Globalist slave masters would love to see each and everyone of us in so that we may be more easily manipulated, controlled and ultimately bending of their will. If i could rate this film 1 out of 1000, i would give it a well deserved six-hundred and sixty-six.

So if being manipulated bothers you, don't watch this film or any other Hollywood entrainment "entertainment" for that matter. Boycott Hollywood all-together or at least be aware of what you are watching when being under the Mind Control indoctrination hypnosis of the Master Manipulators. Investigate where they came up with the name "HOLLYWOOD" and you will discover the true nature and intent of why HOLLYWOODLAND came to be. Hint: The origins of the name lie centuries ago with the Druids. Remember, your not paranoid if they are in reality, actually out to get you. And believe you me, they are out to get us.

Peace, Hope and Best of Luck to All as we direly slide into their "Brave New World."
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Senior Prom (1958)
Pleasantly surprised & Entertained; Nice little late 50s Musicfest
15 October 2009
When i tuned into this unfamiliar film on TCM today, i had not planned on sticking around long for at first glance it appeared to be your run-of-the-mill 50's boring Leave It To Beaveresque high school Love/Crush romp. And besides it only scored 2 out of 4 stars on the cable film guide but what i found is that i never wanted to change the channel.

I must say it was pretty cool seeing Tom Laughlin in an early role as i was a big Billy Jack fan when i was a kid (still am). He showed the same raw intensity in this film as Carter Breed the 3rd, steely eyes and gritting teeth, as he did in his 1971 landmark part Indian role as the karate sheriff/punk ass kicking Billy Jack.

The film is filled with entertaining and memorable cameo musical performances by entertainers of the era. Seeing Ed Sullivan in his small cameo presenting an award in a seemingly half scripted, half ad-libbed sort of way brought a smile.

I made my entrance expecting to mill about for a short time and quickly depart for more exciting filmdom adventure but found the atmosphere quite appealing and cozy so i stuck around longer than was expected to the happy end. All around good natured light hearted fare to pass a little time.
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