2 Reviews
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All in all
30 October 2009
All in all, Pacific Assault was one of the best Medal of Honor games I've ever played and perhaps, one of the most realistic of its time.

The game could allow you to use the M1 rifle with a bayonet (very deadly too!) and for historical accuracy, I have no complaints save for the fact that the ship the player was in at the first level was actually badly damaged during the Pearh Harbour attack.

PA also contrasts differently to its predecessors. You can order your squad mates to advance, provide cover fire, retreat and rally up. Good thing you don't die automatically too (since there's more wounded than dead in war). Though I admit, fighting in jungles most of the time was a bit of a drag despite being set in the Pacific Theatre.

The dialogue is also fairly alright, your character, Tom Colin with his squad mates nearly all the time (since boot camp actually)and they sure do stand out quite well. Unfortunately, they're the only marines you'd survive with usually.

All in all, PA is a recommended game to play though in the harder levels, you just can't finish it!
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Zombieland (2009)
One of the greatest movies ever
30 October 2009
Honestly, as soon as I heard Zombieland was a zombie horror with comedy, i actually dismissed as a typical B-rated movie with little to no effect on the audience and hardly any entertainment but when i downloaded it...boy i was wrong!!! Zombieland was one of the best zombie movies I may have ever watched and in my view, awesome enough to rival even Shaun of the Dead. The plot was fairly good, the characters had their own past lives revealed and show how their personalities conflict together when they first meet. Apparently the zombie outbreak is already in place when the movie starts and it actually does show some logic on what the first steps of the outbreak will be like (in a comedic fashion of course). Haha, for some reason, Columbus's character reminds of me.

I admit, running zombies was the largest disappointment for me (running head-shot-only zombies?!?!?! no fair!!) and the movie could have lasted longer as I felt just a little bit more could have made it a worthier watch.

All in all, a great movie to watch and fully recommended!!!!
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