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Star Trek: Discovery: Life, Itself (2024)
Season 5, Episode 10
Thank God, It's Over!
31 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Thank God, it's over! This finale is the worst finale of a Star Trek series so far. And that says something, considering the weaknesses of the Enterprise finale. But it fits the entire season, as the storyline is simply aimless and meaningless.

We have chaotic space battles, a stupid fistfight between Burnham and Moll that takes almost fifteen minutes, and in the end, both only have a few scratches. There's babble about love and trust ("I give you my word!" shortly after Burnham stabbed Moll in the back, and of course, Moll finds that good enough).

Kovic's true identity is little more than a name-drop, making the most sense to tie into the Short Trek Calypso. The technology ultimately isn't recovered because it's "far too dangerous" for anyone to possess... Well, they could have known that at the beginning of the season and simply destroyed the first clue, if not the second. No one would have ever found the technology. And if they did, no one would have had the hint about "the one in the many"...

And - of course - Burnham is disobeying orders again and gets a promotion in return... Again!

Remember: Kovic wanted the tech at all costs. Burnham finds it, gets it and decides to hide it again. One might assume that Kovic won't like that, but instead he's "Oh, you found it, but didn't bring it, instead you hid it again, because you know best what's best!? Okay, that's fine, too." What's the point of this season? What's the point of this entire show?

Oh well... 3/10 points from me. The first, because they finally realized that no one should possess the power the technology represents. The second, because they refrained from turning Space-Jesus Burnham into a Space-God (that's Sisko's job). And the third, because it's finally over!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Lagrange Point (2024)
Season 5, Episode 9
This could have been a fun episode...
23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This could have been a really fun episode, if those people wouldn't be so painfully stupid!

It's a critical situation, we do not have time to lose, because there's not only Moll with her Dreadnought after us, but a Primarch with her entire fleet... So let's take some time to talk about our feelings and how much we love each other.

And so great we have helmets with real-time universal translators that know when the crew talks to Breen and when to mute because they are talking with each other... And another big problem in this episode, which is a recurring problem since Discovery jumped into the future: the future tech. On the one hand, it can do almost anything in the blink of an eye. On the other hand, they suddenly cannot beam, cloak or whatever when the story needs them not to. In this for example: where's the personal cloak from earlier eoisodes? Why does a xenophobic species like the Breen *NOT* have a computer security that requires actual Breen DNA to use it?

Why, if Statfleet officers can replicate phasers right into their hands, does Reys or whatever his name is choose to start a fist fight with a Breen when he has a console for cover and a clear field of fire?

And finally we know why the Dreadnought is so terribly big... So that the Discovery can fly into it's shuttle bay...

2/10 stars.

God, I'm so glad it's over next week!

The only really good scene this week was Rayner telling Tilly to shut up. Finally! Two extra points alone for that, so 4/10!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Erigah (2024)
Season 5, Episode 7
Can one get court martialed for stupidity?
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
If so, N'aan and her security detail, as well as the security chief of the Discovery should be put on trial! How stupid can they be you ask? Let me tell: they put TWO resourceful criminals not into the brig, but into sickbay. They secure them with just one single forcefield, which they have to deactivate every few minutes for the Doc to treat Lak. A forcefield that is filled with icy gases. What about a second forcefield around that inner one? Like an airlock? How about - I don't know - locking the friggin sickbay doors, so noone can simply run out?

And when the find Mol, a ruthless murderer that threatens a crew member with a phaser, why the heck does Booker talk her down when N'aan has a clear field of fire?

Why doesn't the Federation know about Reyner's world being subjected by the Breen? Don't they do background checks on their CAPTAINS!?!?

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Star Trek: Discovery: Face the Strange (2024)
Season 5, Episode 4
This season could have been over last week
20 April 2024
On the pro side of this episode: the writer himself admits, that Michael's carreer is more than unlikely.

On the cons: I got remembered by season 1 Michael, why I started to dislike Michael in the first place. She's a no one, has nothing to say, yet decides what's best for all and the dump crew is simply following her.

Plus: this season arc could have been over last week. Discovery found the second clue before all others. Great. If that tech is so dangerous, destroy the damn clue! Riddle cannot be solved, tech remains lost. The end. But no! We must give our semi intelligent bad guys every friggin chance to get to the clues and the device. Urgh!
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Star Trek: Discovery: Under the Twin Moons (2024)
Season 5, Episode 2
Much ado about nothing
5 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It could be a nice episode. It has action, it's not too stupid, but... It has - once again - far too much talk about feelings, espeiin the absolutely wrong moments.

The scene on the burrial side could have been entertaining, but thanks to all the BS in previous seasons, I don't feel any tension when Michael and Saru are in grave danger, because - if we leave out the obvious, that they are two main characters & they didn't know it was their final season when this episode was written, I really don't care about any of those characters. I absolutely do not care, what happens to any of them. Pity.
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Station 19: For Whom the Bell Tolls (2019)
Season 2, Episode 16
Pleeeeaaaseeee, do some research on what EMTs do!
6 September 2019
This episode is a good one. But what I have to say is that, not only in this episode, but in most of the series, the EMS part is just terribly researched. The medical part is mostly correct, but the firefighters in this show are supposed to be EMTs only. They are trained for basic life support. They are there to transport mildly sick people to the hospital. For more complex things, there's the praramedics from Medic One. And even those do not operate (as in what a surgeon does in the OR) in the street. This is a terribly unrealistic thing which bothers me - being a paramedic - very much. But that's a general thing in the Grey's Anatomy shows, where surgeons perfom operations (as they should) and treat heart attacks (what they should not) and do actually everything.
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If you liked the first two, don't watch this one!
13 August 2006
So here it is. Finally. "I'll Always Know What You DiD Last Summer". A lot of people were eager to see this movie, BUT: It's not an "I Know..."-film.

Okay, it's got the fisherman. And that's it. it is in absolutely no context to the first two parts, except for the fisherman and the title. Well, actually, just the title.

I'm wondering if this is what was going on in the production-office: Producer 1: "Hey, how do we get people to watch our movie?" Producer 2: "I've got an idea. People liked the 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'-Movies. Let's make a third." Producer 1: "Hey, good idea. But we won't get Jennifer Love-Hewitt or Freddy Prince Jr. or anyone else from the first two parts." Producer 2: "Doesn't matter. We'll just take the title and let the fisherman kill some other kids, who are not from South Port and who didn't throw Ben Willis into the ocean." Producer 1: "But why would he do that?" Producer 2: "Doesn't matter, they'll have to watch the movie before they can realize that it's crap!" Producer 1: "Cool!"
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