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Boardwalk Empire: Erlkönig (2013)
Season 4, Episode 5
7 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
It's safe to say that I did not want this episode to end. The acting. The acting in this showcase is what some people would define as: remarkable. Everyone plays their part exceptionally in this episode, and it pays off, double time. The scenes with Nucky and his nephew are well played. The two characters have great chemistry, and Nucky shows off his great long arm of power to his "doting" nephew, Willie. Willie makes some major decisions in order to help his own case involving the death of his fellow classmate, even if it means turning in his own friend.

Van Alden is becoming a huge character, and one of my favorites of all time with this show. George, his alter ego, has become entangled with Al Capone and his Brother, Frank. They want workers to vote for their Republican Stool Pigeon so the Capone brothers can run Cicero, Illinois. Al demands that Van Alden show up with some men and rough up some voters so they vote for the right man. Drama ensues, several fights break through, and the climax is nothing short of heartbreaking. Based on real events, the writers took this scene into their own hands and made brilliance.

Eddie Kessler had been brought in by officials at the end of the last episode. This episode is named after an old tragic German fairy tale, Erlkonig, that touches close to Eddie. Eddie finds out that his sons have changed their names because they are ashamed of their "Thief" of a father. Knowing his weak spot, the agents hit even hard by making Eddie feel completely distressed with guilt and regret as he tells the agents exactly what he had been doing with Ralph Capone the night before. "I did what Nucky told me to do." Anthony Laciura (Eddie) hits it out of the park with his is true, and honest acting.

Eddies character had always been more of a comedic background for what was occurring in previous episodes, but with his eagerness to progress in the business, Eddie grew as a character for a short while with the audience along for poignant trip. The last 30 seconds of the episode is very heartrending; and even though it foreshadows the events that are about to take place, I was thrown off guard. Not since the death of Jimmy have I been stricken with such loss of a character. Eddie was subtle, loyal, and sincerely lovable, and will be missed.
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A great psychological thriller, add Jason
9 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I can understand all the negative reviews for this film, considering the "real" Jason does none of the killings, more on that later. However, that being said, I feel that it's one of the best in the series (2nd best in fact next to part III). It's a revenge/love/psychological movie. Set some time after the events of The Final Chapter, young Tommy Jarvis isn't young anymore, but very confused and mentally unstable. He ends up in a halfway house with people hornier than the kids from the last episodes. Tommy meets Reggie the Reckless, who is half Micheal Jackson and half Eddie Murphy. Reggie is a very bad ass little kid who learns that being afraid is only half the battle.

Tommy Jarvis, who throws more punches than words, deals with his own demons while a Jason impostor starts to kill off the unsuspecting patrons of the halfway house. The real Jason appears only three times throughout this slaughter-fest. Once in the opening dream sequence, another seen in the mirror by Tommy, and the last while Tommy looks out the window. I personally think that the last was not just a vision, but the real Jason sending a warning to Tommy Jarvis.

The redneck neighbor scenes are rather humorous because they portray the stereotypical idiotic family that lives way out in the sticks. Rednecks will be rednecks. But the main reason for me liking this film is because it's based more around Tommy Jarvis than Jason. It's more of a thriller than a slasher film. Don't get me wrong, it has it's fair share of blood and gore, but it deals more with mind, instead of the "Jason Factor." Plus it's great because the Violet Character does a great version of, "The Robot."

However, I can understand the bad reviews because of the main storyline. People don't like when you mess with a good story/character. I also understand that the writers planned on Tommy being the so called next Jason. In a way I'm very glad they didn't go with that route, but seriously...could you imagine if they had? Having watched this film recently though, it makes me miss the 80's, uproariously.
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Hey! The vans on fire!
9 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Friday the 13th Part III in my opinion is the best of the series. Not only does the infamous Jason retrieve his mask from the clutches of a dying doofus named Shelly, but also introduces some rather humorous characters. Shelly, the theater hound who is obsessed with special affects, was born in the wrong decade. If he had lived in today's society he would have been super fly. An 80's nerd is today's hipster. The 80's stereotypical motorcycle gang is pretty legit, as well as their super badass names including Fox, and Chili. A scene I personally like is when a motorcycle hound exits the gas station holding an Olympia beer. Since I've from that area I find that kinda cool.

Like all the other episodes in this slasher blood-fest, it centers on some kids who just want to get away and have some good old fashioned sex. Unfortunately for them, the masked murderer named Jason makes that impossible. It's a great addition to the collection and worth watching just for the "3D" affects. Give it a try, and find out why the van is on fire..
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Boardwalk Empire: The Pony (2012)
Season 3, Episode 8
A surprising episode filled with masculinity.
5 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It would seem Nucky and Margaret have found love, but not with each other. Owen and Margaret are becoming closer, which could possibly end badly for both of them, but especially Owen if Nucky finds out. Nucky, however, feeling a bit upset after being kicked out of a gentleman's club and rejected from a business deal, visits Billie unexpectedly and does not like the man who is in her presence. Nucky decides to show his anger on the "Sphinx," by sucker punching him and going for a rough and tumble on the floor. It is rather humorous to watch Steve Buscemi act out his brilliance by sitting on the couch after the fight is interrupted by Billie, just smiling with that smug grin as he is threatened to be sued. Nucky just smiles with a cigarette between his teeth, his bring it on attitude much like that of Mr. Pink from Reservoir Dogs.

Furthermore, Van Alden's character is becoming more complex. I must say, however, that every time he's not on screen I can't wait until he returns. He shows off his frustration at work in a rather gruesome way, but it was a long time coming and found myself cheering for his feat of masculinity.

I cannot say the same for Gillian. Every time she is on screen I can't wait until she is off again. Her psychological well being has been flushed down the metaphorical toilet long ago, and I sincerely cannot wait until her fate catches up with her. I can actually say that her character is so wretched, I would like to see her become a vegetable, and have to lay in bed for the rest of her miserable life so she can rot with her thoughts. Her little stunt may have fooled the Leander, but her trickery has not fooled the likes of Richard Harrow, who is extremely outspoken. I think Richard may be the one to introduce Gillian to her demise, or so I hope. Gillian tells Gyp where Nucky and Rothstein will be meeting for dinner, because Luciano can't seem to keep his mouth shut about anything. Gyps plan to retaliate against Nucky and Rothstein is one I sincerely did not see coming.

When Rothstein, Nucky and Billie are strolling towards dinner on the boardwalk they are interrupted by a rather annoying character, and Rothstein shows this by the disgust on his face. Little to his surprise though, it is this mans interruption that saves their lives. Nucky tells Billie to wait for them by the restaurant door and she gives him a loving look as she departs. It's hard not to catch the sense of worry in the atmosphere as Nucky and Billie lock eyes from afar, his smile suddenly turning into a frown. The viewer is expecting maybe the typical shoot out on the boardwalk, but much to Nuckys surprise he gets something a little more devastating. The restaurant, after being rigged with explosives, explodes taking Billie as a hostage of retaliation warfare.

This episode was deep and rather unexpected. I think all the Jimmy humpers need to get on with their lives and stop bringing the shows ratings down. Great episode.

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True Blood: Authority Always Wins (2012)
Season 5, Episode 2
"Long live the King."
17 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Boy to I love a flashback episode. Considering that this is not officially dubbed a "flashback" episode, I'm glad that the writers decided to finally write in the back story to one of True Blood's most complex and interesting characters, not to mention they set it in the 2nd most popular Vampire era, the early 1900's, the Civil war era being the first. From the looks of it, if Pam wasn't just a "Working girl," she was the main proprietor of a whore house. Admitting that she was used to seeing dead bodies (this of course after seeing Eric literally behead a local rapist) it solidifies her very strong personality. There were only a couple flashbacks, but they helped make the episode better, considering that the writers have only put in several flashbacks throughout the whole series (One being Bill in the 80's last season which was a treat). Meanwhile, we see Vampire Bill and Sheriff Northman being tortured by the authority. Bill is being interrogated by Dieter Braun, played by Christopher Heyerdahl, whom I find fascinating. Dieter has I.V.'S connected to Bills veins that have silver set and ready to be injected. It's here where we're introduced to the Vampire Bible, which was written before the actual Bible. Dieter explains that VAMPIRES were created after God's image, not humans, and he also tells Bill the "true" meaning for Adam and Eve. After Bill explains that he does not believe in the Vampire bible, he is injected with the silver. Meanwhile Eric is going through the same torture. To be honest, I'm glad that Alan Ball decided to write in the Vampire creationist storyline. I have not read any of the novels, so I cannot confirm or deny if this is ANYWHERE near the original plot line, but so far I'm enjoying what I'm seeing.

After denying the murder of Nan, both Eric and Bill are brought before what seems like the head council. They perform a Vampire communion, which is very intriguing. Once sentenced the true death, Bill speaks up and exchanges their lives for Russell Edgington, whom of course has been rescued from his cement graveyard. I am very curious to find out how this plot line turns out, considering that the last scene shows Edgington surrounded by mutilated bodies, finally growing stronger, with a reassuring grin on his face. In the mean time, it shows the comical Sookie and Lafayette scenes trying to take control of Tara, who has now officially been turned into a crazy, bloodthirsty vamp, who also confirms that she will never forgive her best friend or cousin for what they have done.

So far so good, I am very excited to see what comes next, let's keep it up!
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Game of Thrones: The Old Gods and the New (2012)
Season 2, Episode 6
Great acting for an even better episode.
7 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Perhaps some of the best acting from Peter Dinklage (Tyrian) yet. Your hatred for Joffery will reach maximum capacity in this gem, as his cruelty takes hold and completely loses his sight on humanity as terror takes over his persona. People are upset, and they want his "Royal Highness" to know about it. Tyrian stands strong as he decides to show true leadership, and courage, way above average for the actual "King."

Theon Greyjoy hits rock bottom, and he knows it despite his denial and supposed leadership. We lose a dear friend in Winterfell, A rather graphic but touching scene, "I will be joining your father soon.." Greyjoy has some waking up to do, and Robb Stark plans on giving him the rude awakening he deserves. Theon is just a confused, worthless wench, who clearly has daddy issues, and will never meet his fathers expectations no matter what "accomplishments" he makes.

Dany comes across new obstacles, and demands things that seem impossible to certain rulers, even though she failingly persuades them that her dreams do in fact come true. She is met with disappointment when she returns to her quarters, slaughtered men in her midst, important things riding on the backs of others.

All in all, great suspenseful episode making me yearn for more, and read the book much faster. Great job!
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The Walking Dead: Judge, Jury, Executioner (2012)
Season 2, Episode 11
You! You just made the naughty list.
8 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was quite the episode indeed. As Dale makes his rounds trying to convince people that killing the outsider is a in-humane mistake, Carl decides to go on a little road trip by himself. After explaining to Carol that heaven isn't real, the little "badass" roams through the woods feeling sorry for himself. Quick question though, (one that everyone thought I'm sure) where are his parents?! The fact that no one is watching their only child during a zombie apocalypse is astounding, i realize there is a lot going on, but keep the kid on a leash.

As he wanders he makes a discovery, but whats haunting is the fact that he decides to play with the walker stuck in the mud, instead of run for the hills. This kid is looking more like the spawn of Shane every min into this episode. Later on the group decides to "vote" for the outsiders fate, but results in a very upset Dale. I see where Dale is coming from, he wants everyone to keep their humanity in a world gone to hell, but in the long run smart money would be to kill the kid. In the beginning of the episode, the kid explains to Daryl that his group more or less raped young girls and left them there to die. He said he didn't have any part in it, but the look in Daryl's eyes says it all.

Once the decision is made, they transport the outsider to the barn for execution. Right before Rick pulls the trigger, Carl enters the scene, egging his father on to pull the trigger. Once again, where in the hell is Lori when this is all going down?! Worst mother of the year award goes to that lady. Feeling ashamed, Rick backs off. Now, the very ending is what saves this gem of a episode. Dale wandering off, collecting his thoughts approaches a slaughtered cow. Upon his horrible discovery he is attacked by a lone walker who tackles him down and stares him in the eye. What's most haunting is that the walker looked as though he knew Dale, like he wanted revenge. I know this cant be possible, but it looked very personal for the walker. Unfortunately, after the "puncture" of Dales torso, little Carl realizes its the same walker whom he toyed with earlier while stuck in the mud. Carl has officially made the naughty list.

Losing Dale will be devastating for the group IMO, and now that the only voice of reason has been slaughtered, it will be interesting to see what happens next. Keep it up. Only 2 episodes left.
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Great sci-fi for a guy who used to dream this up as a kid
5 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I was a kid I used to dream about this stuff, aliens attacking cowboys, taking their gold as their own, in a way I felt at home with this movie. And what better way then to get Han Solo, my childhood hero to play a character. Ford does what he does best, growling and flinching on screen as the boss, who has a dim whitted son who Paul Dano does a great job portraying. Daniel Craig plays the kick-ass cowboy that everyone wants to be, the rowdy, tough, bad-ass that doesn't take no for an answer. All in all, the movie has it all, gunfights, saloons, and half naked woman. It's a must see if your a big desperado and sci- fi fan.
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Dexter: This Is the Way the World Ends (2011)
Season 6, Episode 12
The episode of inevitability
27 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was good in the fact that some things were finally brought into light. Throughout the whole series there has always been that taboo relationship/sexual tension with Dex and Debra that was never really brought up, except maybe by Masuka. The sexual tension could have been natural chemistry between the two actors considering they were married off screen, and I find it ironic that after their divorce that Debra finally admits she "LOVES" Dexter. As a viewer, when watching a show thats run as long as Dexter, You know the writers and producers are going to throw this giant ball from left field that we all knew was inevitable in the first place.

The other big inevitability was Dexter killing Travis in front of Debra. After Debra tells Dex to do a final sweep of the old church, Dexter gets the wonderful idea of using it as his killing floor, never thinking for one second that Deb would come to check on him. Low and behold, as soon as Dexter plunges the knife into Travis, Debra stumbles upon the happening, both characters with shocked expressions as the scene ends. Im glad that the writers FINALLY allowed Debra to see Dexters BIG secret, which we all knew was going to happen one day as well as Debras secret love for her brother, I was just surprised that they pulled a double whammy in this single episode, either way, Dex has some explaining to do. Good job Producers, Cant wait till next season.
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