
12 Reviews
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Brilliant Observation and Narrative
13 February 2024
I thought it was a fantastic movie, and facilitates a very important conversation on representation, tropes, stereotypes, and media manipulation. When I read some of the negative reviews, you can almost see the same biases that the movie is pointing out. I thought the 'point' of the movie was front and center, and holds together very well throughout. Despite some of the complaints, I don't see it being about the main character- nearly as much as it's about the shameless promotion of negative images and stereotypes in certain cultures; and the frustration that those who don't fit those stereotypes feel, when looking for more intelligent, more meaningful representation. The movie makes a GREAT point. The only reason to diminish this film, is if one is in disagreement with the point that it's presenting. In which case, those people are essentially contributors to the problems that the film highlights.
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Kevin Hart: Reality Check (2023 TV Special)
People need to relax. The show was pretty funny.
25 January 2024
I'm not even the biggest Kevin Hart fan. I'm happy for him, I support his projects, but he hasn't really been the funniest comedian in the world. Having said that- this was probably his best show so far. The timing of the jokes, the material was fun. I think people need to relax, and stop taking comedy so seriously lol. The only question that should be asked was, did I laugh. I laughed more consistently through this routine than I have at stuff in the past. I'm not gonna critique whether he was 'safe' or not. I don't have a checklist to determine if he covered all of the mandatory subject matter we expect. It was just a funny comedy special, and it was actually refreshing not to hear the same old tired material that everybody talks about. Religion, homosexuality, politics, and race. Dude talks about ugly people and Lebron's fake hair. I was happy not to have to listen to another comedian wade into cringy commentary on society. Just tell some jokes, brighten my day, and make me laugh for an hour or so. Mission accomplished. Thanks Kevin.
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Thought I was going to hate it...
14 November 2023
All my life I've heard the stories of Bass Reeves, and it automatically makes for a Hollywood drama. The man was a legend. But every account I've ever seen about his life, always did a disservice. The movie that came out a few years ago is no exception. The cartoonish mustache, the cliched shootouts, and the unrealistic dialogue made me want my 90 minutes back. I went into this expecting more of the same.

The first thing that caught my attention, however, was the cast. David Oyelowo has never played a bad character. But then I see Dennis Quaid, Donald Sutherland, Shea Whigham, and Barry Pepper, my first thought was sheesh. You almost CAN'T mess this movie up. Turned out I was right. The acting is subtle, even if the old school southern dialect is a little strained. The character development doesn't seem rushed. The cinematography is beautiful. It's a great show all around, and the end of each episode so far, makes you want to stay up past your bed time to watch the next. Hats off to a fantastic cast, and finally a storyline that does justice to this forgotten hero.
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Unprisoned (2023– )
I was skeptical, but it won me over.
8 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm a huge Delroy Lindo fan. Dude is a boss. Also respect Kerry. But I cringed most of the way through the first episode. Not only because of the swearing baby. But mainly because I feared they were making light of a tragic and all too frequent paradigm in the black community. Imprisoned fathers, the plethora of abandonment issues that result, and all of the complexities that fall between.

I felt going into it, that Washington and Lindo had possibly 'stooped' to low-brow jokes about this horrible, horrible reality- that's affected nearly every African American family, and not in a 'fun' and 'lighthearted' way. Think back to Eddie Murphy's PJ's, a claymation failure that poked fun at inner city black folk living below the poverty line. We don't need that type of stuff broadcasted for the entire world to see, point, and laugh at.

The first episode nearly confirmed my fears. The needlessly potty-mouthed 9 year old Jordyn McIntosh, the father's cavalier attitude toward the effects of his choices on his hyper-damaged daughter, the whimsical music being played behind situation after situation that, in reality- are brutal, for anyone who's lived through this stuff...

But they do well cleaning it up. My hope was that Lindo had a reason for doing it. And he usually does. Both Washington and Delroy Lindo seem conscious enough- to not let this thing go out like that. And by the end of the second episode, you can see where they're headed, and the points they're looking to make. By the end of the season, I could let out a sigh of relief (all except for that little girl cussing and talking about stuff she has no business knowing about). But that's the only reason is 7 stars and not 8.
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I thought it was fun...
7 March 2021
I honestly believe there are two issues with these reviews. One, you just have a lot of people who were not going to like it, no matter what. I saw comments like 'woke trash'. That means you just don't like 'the people' you see on the screen. Because it's not political at all. You're still just mad Trump lost.

The other group- are just those who are overthinking it. Of course it's not gonna live up to the original. The original was magic. But this movie was fun. I was glad to have two hours of mindless entertainment, that didn't take itself too seriously. The jokes were funny. The cameos were funny. Leslie Jones had me crying. So did Wesley Snipes. Again, the movie was just fun.

Instead of a broken imitation of the first, I found it to be more of a 30th anniversary 'TRIBUTE' to the first. Full of fantastic stand up comedians. Most of you need to chill out. I thought it was a wonderful 'welcome back' for comedic royalty.
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For Life (2020–2021)
The show is outstanding...
17 December 2020
I've noticed a messy trend in regard to reviews on IMDB. Anything with an all black leading cast tends to get these random attacks, and almost cookie cutter criticisms. But the reality is, the show is extremely well done. Apart from the British-born lead actor doing his best Denzel Washington impersonation, everything holds up well. Compelling storyline, intensity, and enough character building to allow you to connect with each person in the story.

The critiques about a weak storyline and bad acting are literally just people hating, probably for political purposes. But I think the show is strong enough where, three episodes in- you'll see that all of that hate is superficial and misplaced.

I've said this show is essentially the prison version of Quantum Leap. Protagonist 'leaping' from one soul to the next, setting them free while ultimately in search of his own freedom. I'm a fan, and I'm glad the network moved forward with this project. Kudos to Curtis Jackson for the vision.
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Antebellum (2020)
The movie is solid, disregard negative reviews...
16 November 2020
The movie is solid, original, with an entertaining and unexpected twist. The negative reviews are clearly political. The plot and ultimate storyline match the incredible cinematography, and any effort to diminish this movie's integrity is only born out of a dislike for the subject matter. Not the movie itself. It deals with slavery and racism, sure. But the story it's telling, at its core, is a great one. Shame on those who hate on this film as part of their crusade against progressive thinking. But kudos to the studio that produced it.

The movie holds up from beginning to end, but unfortunately won't get its due respect, as it is now simply a casualty of the division this country is experiencing, and a disdain for anything that challenges the status quo in America. Great job from the acting to the directing. It's very entertaining.
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Big Kill (2019)
It's a fun movie. Don't overthink it.
20 September 2019
People need to lighten up. If I had listened to the negative reviews about this movie, I would have missed out on a pretty fun flick. It's not mind blowing. No innovative plot twists or Oscar worthy performances. Everything you'll see in this movie- you've seen somewhere else. But so what. It's a 'man cave' movie, complete with a solid plot, some pretty cool villains, great shootouts, and enough shenanigans to keep you chuckling. Everything doesn't need to be deep and thoughtful. Sometimes a good spaghetti western is the best prescription for a stressful day. And this is just that. A good spaghetti western. In days past- nobody expected spaghetti westerns to win a ton of awards, or be full of great acting. You watched them because they were mindless entertainment, and pretty fun, even though the regurgitated the same story line over, and over, and over again. Thankfully, in 2018, the genre seems to be alive- if not alive and well.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
There were episodes of this show- that were better than this movie...
7 June 2019
I was pretty excited to see all of my old friends from Deadwood. But the reality is, apart from the satisfaction of getting a peek at a still-thriving Deadwood village ten years later, this movie offers very little. They tried to cram an entire season's worth of conflict and drama into a two hour whirlwind. And so it almost feels like you're being dragged along on this chaotic ride. A lot of moving parts, without enough time to develop the new storylines. In the end, it was nice to see everyone again. But this movie wasn't really necessary, and did nothing to enhance the franchise. Nothing 'new' happened. No big reveals that help us understand the original story any better. Just two more hours of Deadwood. Lots of F bombs, creatively and poetically inserted, and tons of the needless lofty shakespearian rhetoric. As much as I wanted more Deadwood- I realized after the movie, it's kinda like dinosaurs. They were really cool. Once. But we don't need more dinosaurs.
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In Time (2011)
Time really IS money...
17 February 2012
I found this movie to not only be engaging, but refreshing in its originality. In an era where remakes and comic book story lines have been exhausted, it's nice to sit and watch something original. I was surprised at the number of negative reviews on this movie. I feel as though everything this movie attempted to address, it nailed. From the lack of balance and equality among the haves and have-nots, to the credible depiction of an age-old comparison of time and money- they do a fantastic job of taking something we've all thought about, and making into an entertaining, action packed, thought provoking movie.

I also think Timberlake brought the intensity that the role deserved and required, and I can't think of any actor that would have served the role better. He left nothing to be desired when it comes to bringing his character to life. The notion that for a few to be immortal, many must die is the crux of the film, and it subtly addresses that reality in our society using an imaginative story line. Great movie, and kudos for originality.
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Rambo (2008)
Finally, a real action film...
23 December 2009
Rambo Rocks!! This movie gets eleven stars- out of five. Not a movie your wife is going to want to sit through and watch, nor should she; nor should you want her to. This is strictly for the eleven year old in you that got a thrill out of 80's brain-matter splatter, simply because it was brain-matter splatter. If you're an 80's kid, you'll like Rambo. If you were even remotely a fan of the original movie saga, then this is equal to the original movie saga- but on steroids, and heroine, and meth, and Twinkies, and barbiturates- after a good workout. It's the best Stallone action flick since 'Cobra'. Complete with crazy steroid muscles; close-ups of his classic Italian snarly lip; gritty, crackling, muffled one-liners; the pointless bandana tied around his head; a British guy; and a high powered, high caliber stationary turret gun that is able to chop Vietcong into itty-bitty pieces, right after they rape a few women at a rape party in the jungle. I watched this movie on my knees, on our shag carpet- in front of our floor model TV last night, eating fruit roll ups with a few He-Man action figures spread out on the floor for good measure- plucking at the asbestos/plastic feet in my GI-Joe pajamas. This movie was that good. I can't even tell you what it was about- because I don't know! I just know John Rambo mowed through about 650 Vietcong rebels with one gun, and had a sniper buddy exploding people's heads through the infra-red, night vision lens of a rifle that had to be about eleven feet long. AWESOME! And he saves some people. Eleven out of five stars. Woulda' been ten out of five stars, but HERE COMES THE FLAME THROWER!!! I haven't seen one of those since Lethal Weapon 3!! Does it get any more awesome than a flame thrower!!!? I thought they disproved the existence of such a weapon!! But nope!! There's a flame thrower in this movie!!! I need another Rambo movie, STAT!!!
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Entertaining enough, but 's been done before (not just in the remake)...
23 November 2009
This is arguably Denzel's first official typecast movie. He's spiraling into, or at least hanging around the fringes of, that realm that Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro have become all too familiar with: Movies that really aren't that deep, that thick, or even that good, that pretty much rely on star power and the main actors' ability to create drama via facial expressions and vocal inflections, rather than on depth of story line alone. It was a showcase for two popular actors, Travolta and Washington (see "Righteous Kill"). This movie is good only because these two are sharing the same screen. The plot isn't all that thick. Travolta steels a train. 2/3 of this flick is just phone dialogue between two really good actors (or one really good actor, and one who's kinda an honorary member of the Really Good Actor's Guild). Travolta puts on a clinic for anybody aspiring to play a narcissistic, semi-phsychotic criminal. Denzel takes you to school- if you want to play a convincing little guy who's having a really bad day. The supporting cast is surprisingly famous- James Gandolfini, John Tutura, John Guzman, etc. But this movie has been made a million times before, and Denzel starred in half a million of them. Gritty, bouncy, choppy camera angles. Dark, gloomy NYC imagery. Thick, New York cop mustaches. The F' bomb everywhere. Quick shots of smooth skinned, tough, hip-hoppish Puerto Ricans wearing headphones and bookbags walking through subway stations. Echoing rap music. It was Inside Man, Bone Collector, Fallen, Training Day, John Q, Out Of Time, Man On Fire, Déjà vu, The Siege, Heat, Righteous Kill, Swordfish, Sixteen Blocks all over again. Nothing happened in this movie that you haven't seen in a NYC movie a thousand times before. Yaaaaawn. But- it was still pretty good. That's how good these actors are. They took a basic plot that you and I could have written this afternoon- and made it a pretty good 90 minutes. Fair enough. Denzel gets off the hook with this one- but I expect a brilliant, challenging blockbuster next time out buster, or you're in big trouble.
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