2 Reviews
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Number one favorite movie
19 September 2013
I was only five when this movie first came out, so I didn't get the privilege of watching this and fully understanding it until just recently.

If you look at this movie at its surface level, this is what you have: A rebel, a nut mother, a dad going through mid life crisis, a teenage boy who isn't what people think, a sex crazed girl, and two parents that don't really have control.

If you REALLY watch the movie, you see so much more. It's movie about simply finding beauty in things. It's a very heavy movie, with a lot of "hard to swallow" material. Some people my find it hard to get past some of the strong sexual material, but honestly, this shouldn't stop you from seeing this wonderful movie.

Once of my favorite scenes is when the wife comes home to a new car. Her and Spacey start to rekindle some flames when she goes and comments about getting beer on the couch. Spacey then goes to tell her how she cares more about her materials than actually living. I think that describes a lot of us, especially in 2013.

I laughed, I cried, but most of all, a felt hope. My life was changed watching this movie. I will no longer look at life the same...ever again.

"Sometimes there is so much Beauty in the world, I can't even stand it, and it feels like my heart is going to burst"
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Don't pay it back, pay it forward
17 January 2013
"If somebody does something for you, don't pay it back, pay it forward". This is the quote that you can find on the front case. Trevor is a 7th grader who's teacher tells the class to come up with something that can change the world and then tells them to act on it.

Trevor, unlike all the other kids, takes this project serious. He calls his project Pay It Forward. In his plan you must simply help three people with something they can't do on there own. After that, each of those people have to go out and help three others, thus creating a multiplying chain.

This movie deals with many different emotions, and is not for the faint of heart. With a movie with a star class and a dark lesson on the faith on mankind, this movie will keep you up at night thinking. It'll hopefully motivate you to do something to try and change the world.
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