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The Owl House: A Lying Witch and a Warden (2020)
Season 1, Episode 1
A great start for the 2020s; Western Animation still going strong
21 January 2020
The first episode of The Owl House was interesting. To tell you the truth, I've always anticipated for this show more than Amphibia. It's because it has the Gravity Falls formula and shows with GF formula tend to impress me more than the Adventure Time / Steven Universe formula. I feel like I'm more interested in seeing shows with a mysterious storyline rather than emotional stories. So far, every aspects is great. I like every single characters in the show, especially King. The show's art style and background design are outstanding, and the story is going to be a fun one, just as long as they don't force me to cry. Sorry, I just feel burned out from these kind of shows, but as long as we have like Gravity Falls, Welcome to the Wayne, and the Owl House, then I'm okay with them. All in all, 2020 is off to a great start for animation.
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Bless the Harts: Hug N' Bugs (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
FOX's first new cartoon to get a second season, how does the show begin?
21 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
FOX's first cartoon in almost 4 years is here. It may be inspired by The Simpsons and Family Guy once more but there's a unique twist to the family formula: all the titular Family members are women and the show is actually created by a woman named Emily Spivey. Some of her previous works including an episode of King of the Hill (Torch Song Hillogy), Saturday Night Light, and The Last Man on Earth. You can tell the show is definitely inspired by King of the Hill more than Family Guy although the Simpsons roots are still there, which people are getting tired of.

As always with new shows when they start off, you expect lower than usually quality. And to my surprise, it was better that I expected. Many people thought it was going to be a trainwreck but instead it ended up being a rather harmless plot. Keep in mind that Hug n Cuddle is not the real first episode of the show but it's the actual third episode to be produced. And from the look of it, it's going to have a cold opening and a credits tag scene, something different from other FOX cartoon. I enjoyed the subplot more since apparently Wayne gets along with Violet more than I do with my stepfather (and especially Peter with Meg). It was rather wholesome to watch which prevented the episode from sucking. Meanwhile the main plot was just generic financial issues that you seen in some TV shows. And it was mostly just Jenny and her mother Betty arguing nonstop. Nothing else to talk about.

All in all, The Harts aren't my cup of tea yet, but who knows? They might grow on me, but they're not the best way to start off the Animation Domination renaissance. More on that when I talk about why you should give FOX's new/upcoming cartoons a chance on another journal. BTH got an okay idea, just rather overdone. Whenever they promoted this show, they bring up the voice cast the most. All of the main VAs does a great job, even if their Southern accents can be rather forced. Most of the cartoon community's beef with the show can come from the art style itself. While I am not a strong artist, I think it's unfair to judge something from its look. Even if it doesn't look appealing (no offense Jim Lijuan), it actually looks in motion. The animation isn't that painfully stiff and had its fluid movements. The only thing the show needs improvement are the plots and characters. So far, Wayne and Violet are my favorites. I'm not going to force you to watch this show if you can't get past the art style and cliched premise, but FOX just needs a new animated hit. 6/10 (This review was written in October)
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Rugrats (1991–2003)
A reviewer got to do what a reviewer have to do
24 June 2018
Rugrats was one of those cartoons I grew up watching as a kid. Before SpongeBob, Nickelodeon had this show which last for 14 years and it was successful. It was one of the original Nicktoons to be produced. The series follow a group of babies going on adventures by themselves without their parents knowing. As a show itself, its not perfect. I loved the earlier seasons the most especially before the 1998 movie. Come season 6, the quality did became lesser, but it was still good. Seasons 7-9, however, are really boring to watch, since there's recycled stories, and uninspiring writing. It can get repetitive in general, in which most of it have to involved the babies doing something, Angelica try to stop whatever they're doing, etc. Animation wise, it is trippy and art style is unique at the time that it was never on-model. Writing was at its peak during seasons 2-3. Early episodes have its bump, but still had its charm. Seasons 4-6 while weaker in writing still had its Rugrats feel for the most part., even if the latter does become to feel tired. Once you get to the post-Paris movie seasons, the writing fell apart and you'll be disinterested for 70% of the time. The characters are likable for the most part unless we're talking about Angelica and maybe her parents. Voice acting can be obnoxious at times, but they still pull it off during emotional moments. IMO, it's still one of Klasky Csupo's magnum opus. I only recommend seasons 1-6 though and the first movies are classic (avoid the crossover movie with The Wild Thornberrys).
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The Ren & Stimpy Show (1991–1996)
A very influential cartoon
24 June 2018
In light of the John K situation, I won't judge the show based on him or his incidents. Anyway, what can I say? Ren and Stimpy is a fun and creepy cartoon to watch. While it may not be for everyone, the whole show seem to follow the path that some future cartoons had done - grossout genre, and now there's a dozen storyboard driven cartoons as well. On its merit, the show's animation is one of the best aspects. It's so smooth that it managed to stay fluid throughout most of it run. Props mainly go to Carbunkle Cartoons and Rough Draft Studios for their work. Writing wise, during the first 3 seasons, it's nearly hit. Not too many lame moments and there's only a few misses. Afterwards, it still hits but there's moments that made you shake your head. As for characters, Ren is definitely my favorite character and I can relate to him at times. He's just constantly funny with his outbursts and stuff. Stimpy is a fun character as well and still had his moments, but he doesn't beat Ren. There's other good background characters but we don't see them that much. I like that the BGM basically uses Associated Production Music which is also best known for being used in SpongeBob. I loved both opening and ending themes as well. Voice acting is full of energy. I enjoyed both voices for Ren. Billy West does a fine job as Stimpy. So does the guest stars/recurring cast. Aside from the occasional duds, it's still an enjoyable show. If you don't easily get grossed out like I do, this show is for you. And yes, I still recommend the Games Animation era. Definitely one of the most influenced cartoons ever. Unfortunately, those inspired cartoons doesn't hold a candle to this as they're more gross. This is gross out humor done right.
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Doug (1991–1994)
Nick Version Review - Decent if not forgettable cartoon
24 June 2018
So this was the first Nickelodeon animated show they produced. And by the way this is for the 52 episode-run, not the Disney run. Anyway, it's about a boy named Doug going on realistic situations. As you can see, it is a slice of life show. Honestly, to tell you the truth, Doug Funnie isn't really the most relatable character ever, but there's a few times I did. Just not as much as Arnold Shortman. Animation wise, it's very sloppy in the beginning. But it got better as it went on. The writing can vary depending on the episode, but like animation, it got off to a very slow start. Characters aren't that memorable aside from Doug, Porkchop, Skeeter, roger, and a few others. Music is done in an unique way in that Fred Newman provided it and also does the sound. Voice acting can be wooden to most people and I don't really know who most of them are. That said, Newman and Billy West steal the show, performance wise. All in all, not the best way to start off the Nicktoon brand, but it's no near the worst 90s Nicktoon either.
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Bordertown (2016)
Not a great first cartoon of the year...okay but forgettable
27 August 2016
I hadn't seen to do reviews that much lately. So for my first review of the year I do the first cartoon that premiered this year: Bordertown.

This show is about two families living next to each other on a city in California while dealing with the city's laws. Honestly I thought I wasn't gonna like it. The first few episodes weren't the greatest thing ever (as well as Groundhog Dog which sucked as well). But later on, it becomes just an okay show for me to like especially since most jokes are kinda harmless. There's still some downsides, like unwanted fourth wall jokes (Family Guy had overdo it a lot in the later seasons we don't need to have that in here), racist jokes (what you except in a show like this), and a few others. The characters are a mixed bag. Some of them are unlikable or boring, but there's some characters I enjoyed like Ernesto, the coyote, and a couple more. The animation is really stiff as heck and I don't like that. But then again later FG episodes had lackluster animation so this doesn't matter much. Speaking of which, the writing can be a little too similar with Family Guy at times. Either way, in the end, I actually don't think it was a bad show, but it's just rather forgettable, even for Mark Hentemann's standards.
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Harvey Beaks (2015–2017)
It's a nice addition to Nickelodeon, but needs some work
27 December 2015
Well, originally, I gave this show a 9/10, but as it went on, it started getting less interesting. Don't get me wrong, this is a nice cartoon, but I think there's problems. But first, I wanna praise HB. It's such a refreshment from overly grossout cartoons (even if I give them chances). The characters are very likable (except probably Dade and Randl). The stories are a tad repetitive, but they are very good, like the nightclub one, the yampions episode, etc. The artstyle is cool even though it's another Regular Show-esque ripoff (the backgrounds are painted in watercolors like RS). The humor is decent, but needs some improvement besides shoehorning fart jokes. Now sometimes, this show can be formulaic for its own good, but I'm fine with it, because it will improve soon. All in all, while it's not the best thing on Nick right now (SpongeBob is getting better, post- movie haters, so you can your never ending whining), it's still a really good cartoon.
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Regular Show (2010–2017)
Best Modern Cartoon Network show right now
2 January 2015
I love Regular Show. The moment I saw it I knew it was gonna be a show full of awesomeness. The previews at first may sounded dumb, but they ended up being hilarious in a stupid way. You know what Mordecai and Rigby did throughout the Power episode. This is the best modern CN show. It is also the reason why my interest on Cartoon Network has been restored. If you know what I'm mean...Cartoon Network was in a former sharp decline when they decide to put live action stuffs that has nothing to do with the CN name. Then once 2010 came it was a banner year for them cause of AT and this show. My favorite characters are Skips, Pops, and Thomas. Season 3 is my favorite season and the previous (so far) is my least season. Overall, Regular Show had always been a perfect show in my opinion and it is the best modern CN shows right now. I prefer this to Adventure Time any day since the former is just "Random" making the Adventure title ironic like Muscle Man's nickname. Plus, it had never declined so that helps. SCORE: 10/10
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Adventure Time (2010–2018)
A great show on CN, but not their best
16 July 2014
Adventure Time is a great show, it was superb at first, but now it's pretty much decent. I found the first two season to be almost excellent. Now, after season 2, thanks to that two part finale, it became much of a serious show and comedy was reduced. Seasons 3 and 5 weren't my favorites because of this. Season 5 was a mixed bag, but it was a slight improvement. Season 6 so far had the best new season of the show and it certainly beat the last three seasons. Story: Mediocre nowadays because the show is using too much sequels (though I really loved James II) and I hope they don't go overboard on them. 5.5/10 Writing: Surprisingly, most episodes are just outlined by the same team of writers and I don't know it's does it. I get tired of seeing the same writers name to be honest and that's why writing is another major problem on the show. 6/10 Humor: It's very low now, but the writers do know how to find humor in these recent seasons. 7/10 Drama: Terribly used. I don't care for the drama category very much and that what ruins my opinion on the show. 1/10 Characters: They're not bad, but I think AT has too much characters. My favorites are Jake and the Ice King. Lemongrab was my former favorite character until he became a big fat jerk (literally). 8/10 Lasting appeal: I will not be shocked if the show does go on but the writers need to make fresh ideas and not reuse them. Overall, AT is shaping up right now, but it's still not my favorite modern CN show. Regular Show is.
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American Dad! (2005– )
An awesome show from Seth MacFarlane
30 July 2013
I can understand why American Dad is better than Family Guy (but I still enjoy it) due to the writers cutting back on the long gag and politics/religion baloney. However, this show started off very slow. Once season 3 came, I grew to love it. This peak of interest would continue until the seventh season. That season shows slight decline, but after that, it thankfully got better again. I liked all the characters in the show (unlike a character was otherwise annoying/mean), but Stan, Steve, Roger, and Klaus (all male main cast) are the funniest. The others had their moments but Francine is much funnier than Hayley. My favorite recurring characters are Avery Bullock (Patrick Stewart), Principal Lewis (yet I understand his attitude changed a lot), Steve's friends, etc. Everyone who think FG sucks now think that is a recommend show. At the same time, I'd agree on that (but not on FG). To be honest, 5 years ago, I stayed away from this show for the most part before eventually being a Regular Amination Domination watcher. But today everything is different.
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Family Guy (1999– )
One of the best adult show
30 July 2013
Family Guy had been one of the best adult shows I've ever watched. I'd been watching it since I was 11 (after elementary school was over for me) and still do 5 years later. The old episodes were very funny and enjoyable and there weren't any bad episodes, just several dull ones. Honestly, I admit, the revival series was slightly better than it years ago because it had more memorable moments. Yet, at the same time, it got more offensive, political, and violent as the show went on. Peter is the funniest Griffin (I don't even get why he is hated but he still is the funniest). Lois is OK, but nags Peter too much. Chris had its moments, I sometimes sympathize Meg , Brian had gotten meaner, and Stewie is still funny. My other favorite characters are Peter's friends (Quagmire is the best), Adam West (mayor named after him), Bruce, etc. Like SpongeBob, I defend the new episodes easily. No matter how bad an episode is, these episodes after season 3 are worth seeing over and over again.
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Still love the yellow sponge
30 July 2013
SpongeBob SquarePants is an excellent show and it's still is today. I don't really the hate the modern SpongeBob but that's your opinion. I may respect the fact that you don't like it as much as the old episodes, but just don't say anything rude like canceling it which is impossible. Sure I am sick of the show having 10 reruns per day, but it doesn't stop me from loving it. I been watching this show since I was in kinder and that is when SpongeBob SquarePants became my favorite cartoons and it's still is 10 years later. I love it because of its marine setting and unique characters. Kudos to Stephen Hillenburg (even thought it is a little pitiful that he isn't working on the show). The titular character and his BF Patrick Star are my favorite cartoon characters. Their neighbor, Squidward, is okay and usually make me make with his sarcastic remarks. Sandy is enjoyable, same goes to Plankton and the others. Mr. Krabs on the other side, had changed a lot and so does Mrs. Puff and Pearl. Season 3 was the best, but season 9 might be slowly becoming my new favorite season. This show is for everyone and I recommend it. But, if you still want to enjoy SB, avoid the bad episodes like the Splinter, Little Yellow Book, Face Freeze, etc.
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