3 Reviews
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It's a guilty pleasure.
26 February 2010
I can't call this a bad movie, because I'm a sucker for anything with "Animaniacs" in the title. Somehow, the novelty of just seeing all the characters in one place is enjoyable enough for me. Unfortunately, the charm wears off really fast.

The plot holes are gigantic! I know it's Animaniacs, and I shouldn't be asking for logic, but usually things make just a little bit of sense. This movie tries to be a Disney flick, and it's just not working for it. I compaire this story to fanfiction. The characters are out of character, even for them, and for a movie called "Wakko's Wish", Wakko dosn't get a whole lot of screen time. That really makes me mad, because that's my favorite character!

I can't say the movie is terrible; it's decent Animation, the voice acting is pretty good, and even the plot, as cliché'd as it is, is very entertaining. I just fall in love with it every time I see it. It's so bad that it's good. As an Animaniacs fan, I love to pick apart everything that's wrong with it. For an non-Animanics watcher, I'd skip this movie. If you don't know the characters, it won't make much sense, and you'll turn it off before it reaches the ten minute mark.

For little kids, they'll love it. I know I used to. (I bought five copies of the original VHS version when it first came out. One was eaten by the VCR, I lost one, I have two in my video collection, and one is still unopened.) It's a very nice movie for kids, and it keeps them quiet for an hour. Then again, I guess kids love anything animated, so that's not much of an accomplishment.
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I'm more of a Nostalgia Critic person, but this is still hilarious!
6 February 2010
Alright, let me make this perfectly clear. I'm a Nostalgia Critic fan first. I think he's more talented, has better jokes, and has a style that's completely original. Does that mean I hate the nerd? Heck No! AVGN has a type of humor that is all his own. It's mostly centered around cussing and drinking, which is hysterical. You'll be amazed at how many cuss words you learn just by watching one episode of this show!

The special effects, for an online show, are very well done. You can tell that this guy cares about what people think about him, and it shows. He cares about what the audience want to see, and he makes each episode not only to entertain himself, but to entertain the people watching. I have to respect any person who goes out of his way to make people laugh. Even if it is his job, it's clear that he enjoys it, even if he is just acting.

This is worth a watch. I highly recommend this to anybody who loves video games, or just wants to see a funny show.
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Speed Racer (1967–1968)
It's OK
6 February 2010
I watched this show as a little kid. It's just alright, for me.

I'm not saying that the show isn't legendary, I just think it's pretty cheesy. It's not a bad show, it's certainly better than the crap kid's shows are today, but I'm missing something. Maybe it's supposed to have a deeper meaning that I'm just not picking up, but from what I'm getting, it's just a harmless cartoon.

The main character, Speed Racer (ingenious naming. Almost as creative as "Bob".) is incredibly bland. Seriously, what is up with this guy? He's just a good guy, but he's an annoying good guy. As a little kid, I couldn't stand him; I watched everybody else.

The supporting cast, thankfully, has a little bit of personality. Trixie, Speed's girlfriend, was always fun to watch. She's a stereotyped girl, but she knew how to stand up for herself, which is a great change of pace from shows today where all girls do is fix their hair and smile to the camera.

Sparky, Speed's mechanic, was hilarious when I was a kid, but now, he's just annoying. I don't mind this character, I just wish he didn't have as much screen time. (He's only in about 10 of the episodes, but even that's to many.)

Spritle and Chim Chim... good lord, I've always found them annoying. Unlike Sparky, however, they are in EVERY episode and take up at least 10% of the screen time.

And how could anybody forget Racer X? My God, this guy was cool! He was a bad guy and a good guy at the same time! He had (arguably) the best car in the show, and his voice... that voice. It's almost robotic, but it's just so awesome! Everything about this guy is bad-ass, to say the least. If anything else, watch this show to see him!

The rest of the cast is hit and miss. Pops is just hilarious, even to this day. I realize that he's supposed to be a minor character, but he's just so entertaining to watch that it's impossible to watch a scene with him and not laugh. Mom (who was in two episodes and had ten lines in the entire series run) was bland to. But Speed had to get it from somewhere.

The car races were painfully long to me. They never held my attention as a kid, and they don't hold my attention now. I fast forward through them to this day. The violence is just awesome! There's guns, there's explosions, there's car crashes, it's just cool! Kid's shows today couldn't think of getting away with having people shot or racing off cliffs, but not Speed Racer!

But by far, the most memorable thing about this show was the theme song. Who dosn't love the theme song? As a kid, that's what I would look forward to the most. I would dance to the theme song, and sleep through the episode. It's still catchy now, but I couldn't say that I would ever download it on my Ipod.

The show dosn't hold up as much now as it did then. But maybe that's how it's supposed to be. This show was made for people under the age of 12, and nobody else. Speed Racer has always been just another show to me, and nothing more. Racer X was cool, the explosions were awesome, and the theme song was one of the catchiest in history, but even with all that, it very rarely held my attention for the entire show.
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