
6 Reviews
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Sense8 (2015–2018)
Gay agenda, slow pace, dramatic music some action thriller
6 June 2015
Classic bait and switch. I know what you're thinking a TV show about 8 people who share the same mind. First scene is an intense dramatic suicide. You're instantly hooked. However as the episodes progress (slowly) you realize the series is less about a mysterious organization and an assassin who hunts the 8 and instead the show is about lonely people who need love and were misunderstood by their parents. Then its all gay sex, tranny sex, gay sex and more tranny sex. Forget about moving the story forward and having the remaining 8 connect thru their mind. Its more gay sex or full nude male. What straight male or female wants to see an orgy with 4 men and 2 women? In what world is that hot? I'm at ep9. The Indian storyline while filled with good actors goes nowhere until ep8. It feels like a separate TV rom com. The Mexican actor is by far the most entertaining actor but the constant gay sex is distracting. The Asian women storyline is typical as can be but I like how she connects with the other main characters. African dude while typical has great heart (of course) and he too connects with the others. Include the Chicago cop into the group of likable characters. The Indian girl, the DJ and the tranny shouldve been better developed. By the time you get to ep9 it feels as though the main driving force of the series revolves around the tranny which makes since considering Lana Wochowski the creator of the show is one too.

We need less of the parent troubles, gay scenes, tranny emotional outbursts, Indian marriage problems and more sci fi and conspiracy. The sense8 should have more skills. If it wasn't for the Asian lady of course there wouldn't be any martial arts LOL. The cop, the hacker and the martial artists are the only three with any skills necessary to fight the mysterious organizations.

The TV series which has potential went from must watch for me to I'll finish some other time. If you decide to watch prepare for sappy gay and tranny love. Even with that stuff it seems odd that the love and being loved angle for majority of the characters would still be the focus of the series at ep.8. Thats around the time the organization starts to appear to more than one character.
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47 Ronin (2013)
Keanu's love story and his struggles, no Ronin
16 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I was surprised how awful this film is. To the point. The first hour there are two fights, all involving Keanu, all with no blood, all against mystique creatures. The dialogue in this film is surprisingly bad. Not just Keanu but the rest of the cast. It would've been better to have everyone speak the language at the time (with Eng subs) maybe have Keanu speak mostly English since he was an outsider. There was no tension whatsoever. The dramatic scenes felt forced. Also, for a film to be so long the first and second acts feel scattered with absolutely no development of the characters. You don't get to know any other Ronin except the guy who dislikes Keanu and the fat Ronin who coincidentally dies in the next scene after he is introduced to the audience.

The film is shot well with beautiful colors but I don't know they tried to make it so epic. If you going to make an epic adventure about a group of people going to battle we at least have some sense of who the group is. We know the seven dwarfs. We know all the Hobbits. In 47 Ronin, the only person we know is Keanu and he isn't even a Ronin.

The love story. Of course it is never explained why the princess is madly in love with Keanu. But what makes it odd is there isn't any competition for her love. Usually in those formulaic films you have the female torn between choosing one guy over another (ie Twilight). I kept thinking what does this love story have to do with 47 Ronin. Overall this film is a bunch of random shots thrown together with cliché dialogue, no blood and some unexplained romance.
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Hanna (2011)
It's really bad
2 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Spoiler: I usually don't write reviews but I had to for this one since the critic's were raving about it. My initial thought when first viewing the trailer was negative. Mainly because it's difficult to believe a 60lb girl can kill trained assassins 3 times her size. I didn't see this in the theater I was going to wait till DVD. As it got closer to release I kept seeing this film pop up in conversations and blogs about how good it is.

I'm here to say that my initial impression was spot on. Not only was the story bad but so was some of the technical camera stuff and fight scenes. I'm far from a movie snob that looks for technical issues while viewing a film but some of the things in this movie were so obvious the average viewer can't help but scratch their head at why the director left it as is. A lot of it had to do with editing. One example towards the end Eric Bana's character is running from a skinhead and he has to be at least several yards away. It's your typical chase scene. Then cut to Bana is behind a van waiting to attack the bad guy. It didn't make sense because one minute they're on the street the next they're in an abandoned playground that just happens to have a broken down van. There are quite a few other scenes like that throughout the movie eg fast cuts to random scenes.

The fight scenes should've been better. I was hoping for kick-ass / hitgirl type action. Instead it felt like Bourne Identity. The problem it's hard for the average viewer to suspend their imagination into believing a 13yr girl had go toe to toe / exchange body blows with adult men (who also wear armor). Also, the whole Eric Bana sensei thing doesn't work. If he can train Hanna he should be able to train other people too. Which I'm sure he did when he worked for the gov't. Yet those same trained people can't beat a young girl. Also Hanna goes from killing dozens of people via hand2hand then towards the end she struggles killing three people.

I could go on but I won't waste your time like this movie did mine. If you do decide to rent it, other things that were odd are: weird techno/pop music, Hanna's posture when walking, Hanna is emotionless yet at the end she's an emotional wreck, 13yr old lesbo kiss scene, Kate Blanchett as an army of one that kills everyone, Hanna's obvious stunt double, and the constant running in several directions but going nowhere.

Oh one more thing. Eric Bana taught Hanna how to hunt but he didn't teach her how to survive in the modern world. The majority of assassins in movies nowadays know how to travel the world via fake passports, a cellphone, fake disguises and thievery. For some reason Hanna seems like she was sent from the 1800's. Scared of lights and TV etc and yet in the next scene she is a master of a PC at an internet cafe.
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Claymore (2007)
Damn I'm hooked. It's that good
12 January 2011
I rarely give any movies an excellent rating but this one did it. One day I was bored and decided to give Claymore (English dubbed) a try via Netflix. Oddly enough the plot and poster art were average at best. Almost instantly your hooked into a world of demons and female warriors (aka Claymores). But its not your typical anime with female sword wielding half human warriors.

Gone and are the zany/kid type humor and instead you get adult story lines and characters. I was soo hooked I watched 12 episodes straight. My only complaint is that sometimes its hard to distinguish the different Claymores since they all look alike. Its been a long time since I've been shocked by a film (or TV series) with such good quality. Only after a day of watching I can confidently say this is my #2 anime show/series of all time which was formally held by Robotech. Claymore is right below Transfomers G1 1980's stuff(not that Bay crap). In an odd way I'm nervous about watching the remaining episodes because at this pace its possible that Claymore could become #1 for me. Which is an odd feeling considering I've only watched half the season in one day and TF G1 I watched my entire childhood.

Update. Finally finished the series. Suffice to say it stayed at #2 of my list of all time best anime. The final couple of episodes kind of got repetitive and the final scene / resolution could've been better.
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The Event (2010–2011)
Too clever and busy for its own good
21 September 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Five weeks later. 48 hours before. Two weeks after. 18 months ago. As someone mentioned previously trying to following the timeline in the first 10mins is impossible. Blair Underwood, POTUS, doesn't show up until the last 10mins of the show. That short few minutes could have been the pilot. That is the only place where some mystery and suspense takes hold. POTUS is mad because CIA is holding aliens captive secretly in a snowy wasteland. The pilot should have started at that point. The 1st 40mins of the pilot were worthless and actually could have been reduced to five mins. By the end you don't care about anyone and the nerdy guy and his girl felt like a different entirely different movie ala DiCaprio's The Beach.
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Toe to Toe (2009)
OK so I watched a chick flick and it wasn't bad
9 June 2010
Not sure how in the H double hockey sticks I found this chick flick on netflix but overall it wasn't bad. For the most part the film is what you would expect. However the subject matter is a bit stronger than your typical after school special. Sonequa Martin is a talented actress. I probably would have stopped the film at the beginning but way she kept me involved. A funny thing happened towards the end, I felt really bad for the Jesse character. I guess I started reflecting back on my school years when I knew girls back in high school and jr high who were the "loose women". I've always took pride in myself for not being that person who would take advantage (or made fun) of others. Every know I still wonder what happened to those people.
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