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The missing resolution to the Thanos Problem
6 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers ahead!

I have two major criticisms about Avengers Endgame that I call the "Thanos Problem". These are:

1) In Infinity War, a very serious question was asked: what should be done about overpopulation and the increasing fight for limited resources? Thanos's answer was to wipe out half of all sentient life. It is very easy to see on how many different levels this answer is flawed. In this movie, Avengers Endgame, the heroes had their own opportunity, after acquiring all the infinity stones again to address this problem in a more constructive way. It was possible for them to literally do ANYTHING they wanted to make the world a better place. With just a snap of their fingers, they could have eradicated poverty and diseases, yet they did nothing with this power. Even if that is too much, they still could have started to change the world for the better, before for example the stones would power down, and show us how much good they did. It could have been so uplifting. But no, they need to bring the stones back right away where each of them belonged.

2) My other major criticism is about the character of Thanos. In Infinity War, we saw a unique villain, who had emotions and was a much more complex villain than what we usually get. In this film, Endgame, we don't see the emotional side of Thanos at all, he is reverted back to the usual one-dimensional villain. They could have explored the human side of his character a bit more for example his relationship with his daughter. If they really wanted to bring back a dead character, why not bring back Gamora, which would allow this rediscovery of Thanos's human side to evolve? She could have been teleported out before dying by the mysterious force that required a sacrifice for exchange of the Soul Stone. Then, linking up with the Avengers, they could have devised a plan to find Thanos, and convince him that what he did to the world was wrong. This could have been done by exploiting his love for his daughter, and making him see that he took away the daughters and sons of so many, who all suffer, just as he did when he lost Gamora. After realizing this, he would correct his thinking and restore everyone thus providing a substantial character development to him and give him the proper ending he deserved (as opposed to being beheaded by Thor while unarmed).

The humor and visual effects are excellent, but I was expecting more from the story and buildup of the previous film.
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Great story with a fictional mafia
16 June 2014
Despite the heavy cursing in this film I was captivated from the moment it started.

Although when I first saw that there is a "Hungarian mafia" in the film I was absolutely surprised. I've never heard in my entire life about a Hungarian mafia in America. I am Hungarian and what I know that in the entire history of my country we have been victims of horrible things, oppressors after oppressors, and I could go on. So my guess is that the screenwriter was bored with the usual story of Italian mafia and wanted to come up with some exotic language that these mafia people could use in his movie and which the viewer can't understand, which turned out to be Hungarian.

And the twist at the end is pretty cool but I have to admit that I knew the identity of Kaiser Soze right after the riddle has been given to the viewer to solve. To see my educated guess be confirmed at the end was very gratifying :)
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I feel like my spirit is elevated after having just finished the last episode.
8 October 2013
I've seen this show recommended by many sources. Finally I decided to watch it.

At first I was kinda disappointed. The first few episodes didn't make a huge impression on me. But as the story progressed and I got to know more and more fantastically written characters, the backstory started to unfold and alchemy expanded, it just got better and better.

At a point I suddenly found myself addicted to the show. When one episode finished, I immediately started playing the next.

The story deals with morally heavy themes. There is some seriously dark stuff in there. But there is also light. Once you experience terrible things in this show, it is truly cathartic to see some hearthwarmingly good things unfold as well.

This show will make you feel very deep feelings. I have to admit to be crying at some points. It is a true roller-coaster.

You will get so attached to the characters that after the series is over you will seriously miss them. That is a quality of a great show.

The scope of the story is bigger than anything I have ever seen before (no joking, the stakes are bigger than in any other fantasy / sci-fi).

You will find yourself truly rooting for the good guys, worrying about them, and cheering when they seem to succeed in combat against a foe.

If you want to be amazed, addicted, emotionally lifted, press the start button on this show.
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Emotionally moving
26 December 2012
Well this 2 hours and 40 minutes felt like too short :)

What I can add to the other reviews that this movie with its fantastic score and main theme, just had such an effect on my emotional state, especially when we saw a character in danger and than the other characters came to his rescue while the main theme was playing, well, that just filled me with pure joy.

It's a true Tolkien movie, very authentic, other reviewers already praised the acting and the visual effects.

When you walk out of this movie you gonna feel like you want the next one to be ready right now.

And I'm so happy that Sir Ian McKellen is back, really really love his acting. Damn.
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An honest movie: its all 'bout cowboys an' aliens :P
18 April 2012
First, please don't go watch this movie if you want to see something serious, historically correct or dramatic. This is a fun movie. It is an experiment to see what happens if you mix the two genres: western and sci-fi.

And boy, that mixing is FUN! First you have Daniel Craig acting as James Bond, than Harrison Ford, who just utterly enjoys his role and plays awesomely. And they both know that this movie i not serious, so why not act like it was? :D

If you start watching this movie, just relax, enjoy the cinematography, enjoy the characters, the (intended) clichés and the AWESOME action scenes with aliens and spaceships!

You will be satisfied, and entertained well for the duration of the movie :)

(it also helps if you drink a lil' of whiskey beforehand)
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Black Death (2010)
3 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Just didn't like this film.

Actually, the ending was the one I hated. I believed until the ending that the people of the village belong to some kind of nature loving religion, and that is why they are not touched by the plague.

As it turns out they are just people who don't believe in anything. You can't empathize with the Christian inquisitors, nor the pagans, kinda nobody.

This film did not move me emotionally on any level.

In your place if I was interested in medieval stories I would rather watch Kingdom of Heaven.

Just don't watch this film XS
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Match Point (2005)
The match point of this film is right it's half
13 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, first off the acting is brilliant, and the story is brilliant too up until the half of the film. I just loved the main character and how he seduced Scarlet, it was brilliant (super realistic, just like it would happen in real life).

I fell madly in love with this film and it's atmosphere and characters right until the half point, because what started as the intriguing story of an emotional love triangle movie ends in a totally different genre - a tragedy.

Woody broke my heart when my favorite main character became a double murderer even if it's a bloody Dostojevski reference. Second half of the film was exact torture for me. I wanted to give this film a 10 star, but I can only give 7 because of that treachery.

Woody, i love and hate you the same time XS
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Simply the best film ever made.
1 March 2012
Well as the other more than 2000 review say it, in my opinion this is the best movie created so far. It basically just how life is: you get punched in a face time to time, but you have to stand up, keep your hope and give value to your fellows, because in return life takes care about your reward. Oh yes, and if you face any evil that you can stop, do it. This is the message of the film, if we follow it, life may be as rewarding ultimately for us as for the hero. Other films that moved me like this: Forrest Gump, The curious case of Benjamin Button. IMDb says I have to write another line in order for them to post my review so here it is xD
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