
7 Reviews
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Great disappointment
21 February 2010
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As a hardcore Dragonbaal fan as soon as I heard that there would be a movie I was really excited as I expected something great and something really unique due to the potential that Dragonball had in being turned into a movie. However soon after my hopes started crashing as the actors were announced and the first videos were out. Common Justin Chatwick as Goku? WTF? As the movie didn't come out in cinemas were I am i bought the DVD and I still had a little faith that this potentially huge franchise could not be ruined, however unfortunately my hopes were demolished and my fears became true. The great saga of Dragonball instead of becoming one of the biggest blockbusters of all time as it worths, it was turned to a cheap boring failure. Those people if they had any respect to Dragonball they shouldn't dare ruining it in this way. The plot was horrible and was far far away from the actual series, the acting as well as the choice of actors was even worse. This movie was so disappointing and boring that I actually had to start it over 5 times in order to manage to watch it without sleeping midway. And you know what's the worst part? They are going to make another one, with the same crew!! WTF?? Show some respect people, why are they doing this? Why the hell do they want to destroy our childhood dreams even more? I wouldn't recommend this to anyone except if you are a true hardcore Dragonball fan and you are really curious to see how someone could possibly destroy the enchanting world of Dragonball.
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Farewell Solid Snake
21 February 2010
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The final chapter of Solid Snake but thankfully not the last for MGS. Guns of the patriots is Kojimas' ans PS3's finest hour. A true gaming masterpiece and the best game on PS3. Superb story, sharp and great graphics, kojima productions gave their heart and soul in this game and it resulted to pure perfection. This game by its self is one excellent reason for being proud you are a gamer, it provides you with some extreme moments of gaming joy. Solid Snake said farewell with an absolutely magnificent game as he truly deserved. However I am sure this is not the last great game that is offered to us by Kojima as even though many started complaining because of Raiden starring in MGS rising, you who complain just look back to Guns of the Patriots, Kojima offered us the greatest game on PS3 and I am sure he has a lot more to offer in gaming. Guns of the Patriots is a must play game as all the other MGS games are.
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21 February 2010
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By far one of the greatest ever war movies and one of the greatest movies of the decade. "The Hurt Locker" perfectly demonstrates the brutality of war but also highlights the sensitivity in soldiers, people who don't know each other coming closer in order to survive in the unbearable circumstances of war. This film makes people who have never experienced war to realize that is not just shooting whoever you find in front of you, it makes us see the importance of each soldier individually and to respect their contribution and their sacrifices in order to fight for their country, I am not americanized I talk for both sides and for any side that is at war, all those soldiers are humans and have families but due to their patriotism and because others sent them there they have to kill in order to survive. I am young and have never experienced war however this movie made me feel part of it, I sympathized with every single person in there, "The Hurt Locker" is much more than a movie, it's reality, good family men suffer, either us soldiers or us innocent victims, women die, children die and it is not just killing people of the other side, we see Becham, a young child that does nothing bad, he sells dvds and wants to kick a ball however he is used by his own people us a human bomb. This movie is not to be seen us just another long film but as a lesson of life. The acting is great as the actors in many cases spoil there image just to give a message. This movie will make you cry and definitely is worth every Oscar it is nominated for. A must see!
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May the force be with you!
20 February 2010
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When George Lucas was writing Star Wars he certainly had the force with him, a truly inspiring force that led to the greatest masterpiece of all times. For many this movie may be thought as another good vs evil sci fi movie, however this is not the case, Star Wars changed the course of film history,it gave a whole different meaning to the word sci-fi, enchanting visuals, great costumes, great plot and great acting. The actors were like they were born to play these roles, Marc Hamill as Luke Skywalker, the heroic kid that has never met his parents, loses his aunt and uncle yet with the help of Obi-Wan, played amazingly by Alec Guiness, he starts his journey to fight against the dark side, together with his friends, Harisson Ford who perfectly fits into the shoes of the arrogant captain Han Solo and Carrie Fisher who plays the beautiful and decisive princess Lea. I am 18 and it's really ashame because i listen to my friends etc talking about star wars and considering it a piece of crap, it's really ashame because those as many other people judge because of the new trilogy, however the original sw trilogy deserves everyones respect because we are talking about an epic, people say that the story is nothing new and they have seen a similar one many times, however think just think of how original this movie was back in 1977, it was a turning point in history. I believe that all true movie lovers should watch the original trilogy before daring to judge this cinematic colossus that has lived its mark in the history of movies. We all owe respect and appreciation to Lucas and all the people that helped for this movie to be made and for young people like myself and millions of others to be talking for it even three decades later.
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Up in the Air (I) (2009)
One of the best movies of the year
20 February 2010
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The makers of Juno give to us another great experience. Even though many told me that this is a boring film I watched it and trust me I was really glad I did. To begin with the acting was great, George Clooney totally fits into the role as in many aspects he is just himself, until the last parts of the movie were thanks to the newbie in the company Nataly he sees life from a different point of view, Vera Farmiga is excellent as Alex, makes many women sympathize with her and makes many of us men to think why the hell do we act like this towards women that adore us? This occurs for almost all the movie as we see a woman in love with Ryan, a woman that wants to have family and she is willing to give everything to her other half however in the end this image is surprisingly crashed as both viewers and Ryan find out who she really is. A brilliant movie that talks about the realities not only of love but of life in general, every person can link himself to one of the characters, to people getting fired by someone the have never seen because there boss doesn't have the courage to announce them that there life is ruined, people like Nataly who are ambitious however at the end they can't handle it as they see people getting hurt because of them. A must see movie and hopefully a definite Oscar winner.
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Kingdom Hearts (2002 Video Game)
A true masterpiece
19 February 2010
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I really miss those days, the good old days of playing kh on ps2. This game was an absolute joy and was a true masterpiece. When it was first announced this mix of the childish yet classic world of Disney with the enchanting world of final fantasy it made a lot of people wonder how the hell is this going to work, but also excited a lot of people as two great world of entertainment would combine having potential to create something magic. The people had high expectations out of this were not let down. Square enix provided as with a beautiful masterpiece, everything was amazing, the scenery, the characters and the plot. Sora with his keyblade together with Dolald, Gooffy and many other Disney and ff heroes gave me some great moments. Whotever played kh will know for what i am talking about, this game made you want to play all the time, it easily turned necessities like food and sleep to unnecessary luxuries as kh gamers didn't want to stop, not even for a minute, that keyblade and those brilliant worlds became part of the life of every true kh fan and now we are all waiting for the next installment of this magnificent saga. Gaming for many has changed, no game since then managed to offer to me the excitement of kingdom hearts, no game made me want to play all day non stop, being to school or outside home and waiting for the time to go back and hold the keyblade again! I thank Nomura and square enix and Disney for giving me this experience and providing to us hardcore gamers a real piece of art! "The heart may be weak, and sometimes it may even give in. But I've learned that deep down there's a light that never goes out. I know, without a doubt, Kingdom light!"
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scariest movie ever?
19 February 2010
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Scariest movie ever? common!! For a long time I've been reading and listening to people telling how frightening this movie is, a few days ago i even heard in the news about people going to hospitals due to panic attacks or even paralysis after watching this film. In Italy even politicians reacted because of the terror it is causing! OK lets be serious, this movie in one word SUCKS!! It can't even scare a ten year old! The only thing that really really frightened me was the acting! It was really terrible, the actors were like trying to sell carpets on TV! oh and concerning the really scary ending that was cut off from the theatrical version, it made me laugh to death. Paranormal activity is probably the most overrated movie of the last years. There are so many good films, it's a shame for a movie like this to be considered among those great films.
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